From The Dining Table [H.S]

By beautifulharry_xo

259K 3.8K 4.7K

It's assumed euphoria follows me around the world as I tell unknown stories through songs, yet I'd never know... More

Last Night In Jamaica
Emerald Eyes
Who Are You?
Loving you's the Antidote
Dancing in the Moonlight
From The Dining Table
I Miss Her
Dear Primrose...
All the Best, -H x
Better Than Words
The One Where Primrose Cries
The Night We Met
She's Special
2 Bananas for a Pound
Unexpected Visitors
Comfortable Silence
Too Late
The Unconscoius Mind
Colour Me In
Walking On Sunshine
The Start Of Something New
6 More Days
For Your Eyes Only
Don't You Call Me Baby
The Man I Want Him To Be
Surprise, Surprise, Surpirse!
Busy Days And Getaways
London's Quite Big
Sleepy Girl
Beautiful Vulnerability
Chicken Salad
Peace and Prosperity
Beautiful Boy
After Dinner
Source of Happiness
Doesn't Feel Like Home
Breaking Point
Be Alright
May 12th
We're Live in 3... 2... 1...
May 12th pt.2
White Winged Dove
Lavendar and Crystal
Clear Lipgloss
My World
We'll Be Alright
Unintentional Harm
Love You Goodbye
Eddie and Froggy
My Moment
Granny Pam
The Stories Behind His Letters
London's Calling
Eventim Apollo
After Show
Two Bodies One Soul
Lost Without Him.
I Feel Loved
Lilac and Love
A Twisted Reality
New Years Eve
Hopeless Romantics
Wondering Hands
One Year
I Moved On
Through Eden We Will Walk


2.2K 37 15
By beautifulharry_xo

Primrose's POV:





That's the sound the clock made as time slowly ticked away, chipping away at the long, mundane shift I was working. Half term finished today, so all the families retreated with their beach chairs and flip flops back to wherever the fuck they came from.

No, I don't mean to sound rude about it, however, I just feel that people take the seaside for granted. They assume that every time they come to the coast, the bar will be open, the ice cream shops will be serving - it's a mockery. The business they bring is very much appreciated, yet, I just wish they wouldn't litter everywhere, and crowd our beautiful beach with wind breakers.

Maybe I'm just being petty... anyways, back to the clock.





This entire thought passed approximately 17 seconds. It's a violation to be completely honest.

Angel was sweeping the far corner of the bar, jamming to RuPaul's iconic Cover Girl in his airpods.

"Cover girl... put the bass in your walk." He sung to himself, swivelling his hips side to side as he swept.

"Head to toe... let your whole body talk." I sung unintentionally: recalling the lyrics from the hundreds of DragRace episodes I've watched with him. Walking round the bar, I stood in the middle of the room, and clapped loudly to get Angels attention. Confused, he turns around and takes one AirPod out.

"Was that you?" He asks, looking at me with a puzzled expression as I stood in with my hand on my hip.

Without saying a word, I began to walk up and down the wooden floor like it was a cat walk. One foot in front of the other, swaying the hips, letting my arms guide the way. Stopping infront of Angel, I gave him a sassy finger snap, before whipping my hair round and strutting down the room again.

"Okay, I see you." Angel said, pulling his phone from his pocket and disconnecting his air pods. Before I knew it, CoverGirl was blaring from the restaurant speakers, and Angel was preparing to walk our imaginary runway.

"Let me show you how the real queens do it." Angel announced, before closing his eyes and fanning his face as if he was composing himself.

Standing at the other end of the room, I watched as Angel powerfully stepped his way towards me: his arms secured on his waist, and his eyes focused on mine. When he reached me, he spun around quickly, before falling down into a slut drop, then slowly rising up again - keeping complete focus on me.

"That's, how you walk a runway." He says proudly, flicking his hair behind his shoulders. Angel walked with such confidence, such beauty - he could make an entire room of people drop to their knees as soon as he enters. I've always envied him for it. Whenever we go out - which is rarely - I walk in, and nobody looks, but Angel walks in and everyone is in awe. All the girls are whispering to one another, saying 'wow, look at him. We need to have a drink with him.', because they all love the gays, and all the men are saying 'wow, that's one good looking bloke.'

"Miss girl, don't look so sad. Not everyone can be as perfect as me. I'll teach you." He offers, putting his hand out for me to take.

"Teach me?" I ask, letting him guide me to the other side of the room.

"Yes. I'm going to stand here," he moves to the end of the room, "and you will walk towards me, like your life depends on it. Sissy. That. Walk." He tells me, snapping his finger on the last part.

For the next 10 minutes, I walked up and down that room around 70 times, striking poses, whipping hair, blowing kisses - basically acting like I'm a Victoria's Secret Angel.

"One more time!" Angel yells, going on his phone to restart the song.

"Okay, but this is the last time." I say sternly, but secretly enjoying how confident I felt.

As my feet began to strike the floor, I grabbed the scrunchie holding my hair up and pulled it out - letting my thick, brown curls fall to my shoulders. Running my hands up my body, I ruffled my hair, before flipping it over my shoulder like I was in a shampoo advert. When I reached Angel, I hit three, strong poses: left arm up and right arm on hip, both hands on hips, and blowing a kiss.

Angels jaw hung open, as he slowly clapped in disbelief. "What... in the fuck... did I just see?"

"I believe it's called a catwalk." A voice says presumptuously. Angel and I both shoot our eyes to the door, and my jaw too was now hanging open.

There, leant against the doorway, wearing a white tshirt and grey joggers, was the man I've missed more than words can explain. His curls hung loosely over his forehead, slightly shadowing those beautiful emeralds I love so much. His smirk was light and genuine, and a small corner of his blinding, pearly teeth peeked out the side of his mouth.

"Harry!" I yell, running over and throwing my arms around him - almost knocking him over from the force. His stunning scent of tobacco and vanilla comfortably invited itself back into my nose, as his large, dominant hands wrapped themselves firmly around my waist.

"Hey, baby." He whispers into my ear - his breath tingling against my neck. Pulling my head out of Harry's shoulder, I gazed into his eyes for a few moments, before smashing my lips into his. I'd missed this feeling - the fizzing of excitement I get in my stomach when we touch, the giddiness that simply overtakes me when I see him smile.

Our lips lapped over each-other as our tongues fought for dominance in one another's mouth. My hands sat tightly against his neck, as his hand trailed sneakily onto my bum. Harry pulled at my bottom lip, causing me to wince slightly at the small amount of pain, which was soon washed away with our fiery passion eating me alive.

"Girl... don't be touching her like that without consent." Angel scolds from the corner of the room, and Harry and I immediately stop kissing. Feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment, I peek up at Harry, who is also red in the face.

"Angel, it's fine. He can touch my bum." I laugh, removing my hands from Harry's neck and bringing them down his body; hovering them over his muscular chest for a few moments before dropping them to my side.

"Mmhm. Just looking out for you." He whispers behind his hand, giving Harry a melodramatic, sceptical look. Obviously hearing Angels jab, Harry turns around to face him, smiling widely. Angel quickly switches his expression to an extremely forced grin, earning a laugh from both me and Harry.

"Don't worry - he's just acting tough. Deep down, he's fangirling so hard." I say quietly to Harry. "Did you know, he used to be a massive One Direction fan?" I whisper, loud enough so Angel can hear. Harry flicks his eyes between Angel and I, as a grin grew rapidly over his face.

"Primrose!" Angel scolds, stamping his foot and clenching his fists like a 5 year old. "Why would you do that?" He wines, before storming away in a huff into the kitchen.

Harry turns to me, taking both my hands in his. "I missed you, baby." He coos, pecking my forehead lightly.

"Missed you too." I hum back. "It's a bit messy - it's been ridiculously busy recently." I say, looking round at the state of the place.

"P, it's fine. I don't care if it's messy. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." Harry smiles, pulling me to his chest for a hug.

A few moments later, Harry released me form his hold, bends down to get his bag, and trails behind me as I lead him upstairs. Entering the bedroom, I showed Harry the draw I emptied for him to put his stuff in, as well as where all his towels were. When he saw the basket full of shaving foam, razors, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, tweezers, and flannel I set up for him, he swooped me off my feet in the most intense hug ever.

"You're too cute." He said, spinning me round my bathroom.  


Harry sat on one of the barstools for the remaining 3 hours of my shift until 6 - I decided to close early today as it was so quiet. He watched intently as Angel and I went round cleaning all the tables, mopping the floor and loading the dishwashers. Every time he offered to help, I shut him down immediately.

"Harry, you're the guest. You didn't let me do anything when I stayed with you. It's my turn to be the host." I say assertively, but not to a point where I seemed bossy.

"I know, but I feel bad that you're both working so hard, and I'm just sat here." He explained, looking down and watching the ice in his glass of water.

"You work so hard, H. You're allowed to take a break." I remind him, pecking his cheek as I walk past.

"I'm not a One Direction fan, by the way." Angel chimes in.

"Okay, that's fine. Because I was going to say that if you were, I could've answered any of your questions." He says simply, taking a small sip of his drink and giving me a sly look over the rim, which I just shake my head to.

"WAIT!" Angel blurts out, dropping the mop and running over to Harry. "I'm a huge fan of OneD. My fav song: Wolves - criminally underrated. My fav album: four. My fav band moment: the entire interview with the leopard dress lady. One Direction is my life!" Angel rambles, leaning over Harry as he spoke.

Harry and I erupt into laughter, as Angel just stands, shocked, looking at us both. "What?" He says, with a confused expression, which soon vanishes after he realises what Harry did. "Wow. You know, I expect this from you, Prim. But not you, Harry." Angel huffs again, before storming back to the window and putting his airpods in.

"Angel, it's just a jo-," I go to say, but am interrupted by the sharp flipping off of a middle finger.

After finishing the shift and saying goodbye to Angel, I cooked Harry and I a simple pasta dinner, before we both retreated to my sofa to watch some Tv. My head lay in Harry's lap, as his fingers made ribbons in my hair. We were watching Geordie Shore, my favourite show. I don't think Harry much wanted to watch it, he was definitely just being polite.

"It's a beautiful evening." Harry says, looking up to my window which was letting golden hour beam in.

"Really is." I agree, nuzzling further into Harry's lap.

"Let's go on a drive!" Harry announces excitedly.

"Huh?" I sir up frantically, panicked by his sudden idea.

"Yeah, an evening drive. We can listen to some music." He says, standing up and pulling me up with him. Without so much as another word, Harry had grabbed both our shoes, put his on and practically forced mine on, before running us downstairs and outside onto the patio.

"Harry..." I begin, as I lead him round the corner to my car. "I have to warn you about my car. It's rather... old." I admit, feeling humiliated that I'm pre-warning multi millionaire Harry Styles about the state of my car.

"P, stop apologising. I don't expect you to have an amazing, £300,000 car. I don't expect you to have anything, to be honest. If you expect things, you neglect the humbling feeling of working hard for something, and earning something. If I expected you to have a 100% clean restaurant, and a brand new car, I'd loose the quality of life which reminds you that nothing is perfect." Harry explains, as we turn the corner to the car park.

"Well, here we are." I exhale, bracing for Harry's reaction to my battered mini. It was dented, muddy, one of the doors was broken, the back seats were missing from a spilt-milk scenario, and the window was broken open, so there were many bugs living inside it.

Harry looked at it for a few moments, as if he was taking in how bad it looked.

"Awful, isn't it?" I ask, unlocking the car and getting in. Harry follows, getting in the passengers side.

"No, it's fine." He smiles, reaching over his shoulder and putting on the seatbelt.

"I need a new car." I say, starting the engine and reversing out the spot. "Can't afford one though." I mumble.

Harry looks at me, his expression soft and sad, yet my eyes are trained on the road - refusing to meet his sympathetic gaze. His hand creeps over onto my thigh, before securing its grip on the highest point. At that very moment, all my humiliation disappeared.

Leaning forward, I turned on my CD player and began singing to the song that came on. The Beatles, Hey Jude.

Harry and I drove round the small, quaint backroads of Woolacombe, as I showed him all the neighbouring towns. There was a beautiful seaside front house for sale that we were both in awe of as we drove past it. I told Harry how I would kill to live there, and he said 'maybe, one day we will.' With a small smile.

As we drove through the hilly roads, my Beatles CD came to an end, leaving Harry and I in silence.

"P?" Harry asks quietly, tensing his hold on my thigh slightly like he's nervous for what he's about to ask.

"Hmm?" I hum back, giving him a reassuring smile.

"What is it that you like so much, about If I Could Fly?"

My breathing hitches as I realise now is the moment I'm going to have to explain why I love that song. It's still not clear to me, to be honest. But, I'll have to try. I can tell Harry's been curious about this since he heard me singing it, so it's only fair I tell him.

Taking a deep breath in, I begin to explain. "Well, after I found out you were famous, and ended the phone call, I went online to research you. I was trying to find something bad about you, so I had a different reason to hate you. But, I found nothing. I then looked at some websites, some images, and watched some interviews and things you did with OneD, and became more intrigued by your music. After shuffling a few songs, If I Could Fly came on, and something about the part you sing, connected with me. It connected to parts of my mind i didn't even know existed. And your voice, was so beautiful... I just became mesmerised. For the next few weeks, I had the line 'for your eyes only, I'll show you my heart.' Stuck in my head. It's all I would sing. And, I just love it."

"Pull over." Harry says.

"What, why?" I say, startled by how assertively he sounded, and confused as to how he just fully disregarded my previous statement.

"Because I want to kiss you. Can't kiss you when you're driving." He says restlessly, fidgeting like a little boy in his seat. Finding an area to park, I pull in. Before I can even put the car in park, Harry's grabbing my face and slamming his lips into mine. There's more urgency with this time. My stomach is erupting with fireworks as his tongue shoots into my mouth and pirouettes around it like he's showing off. His hands cup my face so gently it almost doesn't feel like anything is there.

It amazes me how passionate someone can be, but at the same time, so gentle and loving.

Unlatching his lips, Harry rests his forehead on mine, panting heavily. "What was that for?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"A thank you - for how sweet you are." Harry admits, kissing my nose like a feather.

"Harry Styles... how did I ever get so lucky, as to find a man as amazing as you?" I ask, moving my head to look into his eyes.

"Fate." Harry says simply.

"Fate?" I question.

"Fate bought us together. And I am forever in debt to the universe, for choosing me, to be the man you are destined to be with." Harry smiles, placing his hand back on my thigh again.

I look at him for a few moments, admiring the happiness radiating from his face. Putting the car in gear, I pull back into the road, and drive us back home - into the sunset.


Hey guys! Got a slightly faster update today. The next chapter is a GOOD ONE! I'm so excited to write it omg I've been waiting for months.

Hope you enjoyed x

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