Game of Thrones: Frozen Fire

By ShemarStewart8

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Eddard Stark offered her a deal. Safe return to the Seven Kingdoms but in exchange she would need to marry hi... More

Moonless Night
The Uprising
Mother of Dragons
Ice Dragon
Interlude I, King's Landing
The Caged Lion
Back Home
Wolf or Man
Mended Oaths
Battleborn Wolf
A Bear and A Kraken
Interlude II
Future Decisions
Maternal Instinct
No Reprieve
The Distance
Little Birds
Small Heroes
The North is Strong
War Damsels
Yesterday & Tomorrow
Brothers Beyond Blood
Black Wedding, Pt. 1
Black Wedding, Pt. 2
What Was Promised
Children of the Bear
Children of Kings
Interlude III
Where Loyalties Lay
Claw The Way Back
Fly Into The Night
The Red Eye
A Wolf's New Fur
Longing for Things to Come
Winter Princess
Land Of Dragons and Wolves

Wail of the Dragon

131 5 0
By ShemarStewart8

Running her hand through Robb's hair, Dany wondered if this had been the same feeling he'd had when she was wounded at Edmure's wedding. Had he lost his appetite and the ability to sleep? She knew he had been at her side for as long as he could, and he had been the first thing she saw when she woke up. But she didn't know if she would be able to endure the feeling of uncertainty for much longer.

The maester had told her Robb was strong, but he had lost much blood. They thought it was a miracle of the Old Gods he had been able to survive the first night. Now he had been alive for almost five days and his heart seemed to grow stronger.

Grey Wind was faithfully watching his master from his place at the feet of the bed. Dany had allowed it despite the protests of many. She knew Robb would appreciate the gesture.

Robb was so pale. He had bled so much, she almost thought she would lose him, but she didn't give up. She knew their victory wouldn't have been complete if he died. Robb deserved to be crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms. He would need to be strong enough to ride his horse and walk into King's Landing with his head held high.

"Wake up, Robb," she whispered, feeling her mouth dry. "Wake up, my King." A feeble smile opened its way to her lips. He was the only man who didn't want the Iron Throne, and that reason made him a better suitor for the title.

She curled next to him, careful of not pressing any of his wounds. Dany felt Grey Wind's head falling heavy but softly over their feet, trying to soothe her. She just couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

Thinking about losing another husband seemed punishment. And this time, things were different. They had a family. Robb had become an equal in some aspects and he had understood parts of her no one else had. They needed each other; that much she knew.

There was knock on the door and soon a voice followed.

"It's me, Theon. I," he trailed off before clearing his throat. "May I come in?"

Grey Wind made a noise, looking at her. Dany didn't feel strong enough to speak loudly, but she stood begrudgingly and smoothed her dress.

"You may," she replied.

Theon seemed to tiptoe his way around her ever since the incident involving the ironborn and Winterfell, in which she had imprisoned him. She had never got along with him, but she knew he thought of Robb like a brother, and his forgiveness had meant the world for him. She knew he was probably one of the few who could understand how she felt right then.

"Has he woken up?" he wondered while looking at Robb from afar.

She shook her head, afraid that she could give away any of her fears. She was Queen of the Seven Kingdoms now, even if they hadn't reached the throne yet. The men hadn't even celebrated their victory yet, and she was scared for another war if Robb happened to…

She closed her eyes tightly and refused to let the idea into her mind. It had seemed almost impossible to keep the thought of Robb passing away out of her head when she refused letting anyone but her to clean the dirt and the blood off him after battle. There had been so much blood clinging to his body and hair.

It was then when she decided she would join him in his decision of not taking the famous Iron Throne. Daenerys had ordered to build a weirwood throne for her, one to join his ironwood one. They would not continue the tradition, for they were meant to be different and new.

"He will," Theon told her, bringing her back to the present situation. "I know he will. He's the best man I know, and even if the people don't deserve him, he should be able to rule. His Gods should save him."

Watching Theon, she realized he did love him like a brother, but just like it had happened to her, their love for Robb seemed to challenge their love for their roots. Everything they had been taught and how they were supposed to be led them to believe they should hate him. They did not.

"He's strong like the North," Dany murmured while looking at Robb. "And I need him to be at my side." She knew he was the only one she could trust, the one who would become a great warlord. He would be feared even across the Narrow Sea, while she managed politics and their people.

"If you need anything. Anything to help, you can count on me," Theon said, and for the first time she knew he was being honest with her. They didn't have much in common, but Robb was equally important for them, for very different reasons.

Dany just knew that Robb's charisma and attitude would soon earn him the love of their subjects. He might have been a Stark from Winterfell, raised to expect the worse, but his warm spirit and peaceful nature were enough to turn even the hardest heart.

"Thank you." She moved closer to Theon and looked at him in the eye. "What I'm about to ask must be done carefully, because I'm going to put in your hands the safety of one of the most precious things I have in life."

Theon smiled in that unnerving way of his, as if he already knew what she was about to say. "The little Prince?" She nodded affirmatively. "I'll bring him to his father, so he can give Robb more strength."


She spoke to him. Day and night, whenever she was with him, Dany spoke to Robb to tell him all about the news she heard.

King's Landing was guarded with the little that was left from the Lannister forces, since most houses had already turned their backs on them. It was because of this that lords and men were growing impatient, wondering when would be the time they would arrive to King's Landing to take what they had won or what they believed they deserved.

She also told him about how Lord Bolton had been dropping hints about the possible passing of their new King, and that she perhaps wouldn't be in the best condition to rule, for which he offered himself as Hand.

"I don't trust him, but we should discuss who will help us."

Robb didn't even stir.

Days had gone by since Theon had left with the promise of bringing Iagan back. Perhaps if Robb felt his son close, it would give him a reason to fight harder. At least his wounds were healing cleanly, without sign of infection.

"My Wolf? Do you hear me?" Dany asked in a small voice as she ran her fingers through his wild hair.

He sighed deeply, but his eyes remained close.

It hurt her to see him like that and it reminded her of Drogo. But she wouldn't let that happen again.

Dany kissed Robb softly on the lips. She murmured for him, "Return to me. Don't let the shadows take you. We need you. I need you."

His hand twitched, but he was still too weak to wake up.

Meanwhile, Daenerys had ordered the siege of King's Landing. She refused to claim the throne until Robb was at her side to do so, but she cared for the people and hoped that the measures of sending food and supplies for commoners would please their subjects.

"Khaleesi?" Irri asked as she carefully trimmed Robb's beard. "Do you wish some food to be brought to you?"

Dany shook her head.

"Please? You're losing weight. The Khal will not be happy if you don't take care of yourself and the baby."

Dany tried to smile, but couldn't. "Fine. Bring some wintercake and milk. And soup for Robb."

She ate begrudgingly. "Do you see what I do for you?" And she fed him the best she could, but at night she usually sobbed alone in silence, wondering why the Gods had given her such a hard life.

The day Theon returned with Iagan, she thought things would change for the better. The little boy was bigger now and his step was confident. Ser Barristan had come too, and for that she was thankful.

"Papa?" Iagan called with a bit of fear, but never stopping to walk towards Robb. He climbed up the bed and his pudgy hands touched his father's face. "I'm here," he babbled.

Theon, as Ser Barristan, ducked his head.

Any other time Robb would have smiled and laughed, taking his son in his arms and throwing him in the air just to hear him giggle. Now Iagan had to curl next to him and wait, just like she had done.


It was raining one night. Dany could listen to the thunder and ordered Irri to keep Iagan calm, making sure her boy didn't wake up startled. Irri assured her that he wouldn't, because Iagan was the Ice Dragon and if the weather was bad, it was because he had wished so.

"It's hard to believe he could be so powerful." She chuckled as she stuck her hand out the window, feeling the rain hitting her skin. "Just tales you will tell me, huh?" She approached him in bed and ran her wet hand over his forehead. "But he is a northman, like you."

The cold water dripped from her finger and onto his scalp.

The storm grew stronger, and only one lightning flash helped her see when Robb opened his eyes.


She gasped and threw her arms around his neck. She half-hoped he would ask about the outcome of the battle, about the kingdoms, but her heart knew he wouldn't.

"Are you all right? Where's Iagan? Is he here?"

She chuckled and then laughed. "We're all fine now. Every one of us is fine."

As she forced him to drink water and eat the little he could before the maester checked him, she told him some things, about battle and how long it had been. She promised he could see Iagan as soon as their son woke up.

"And the baby? How are you?" He asked, his lips were chapped, and he had trouble speaking loudly, but other than that he was awake and well. "My daughter," he muttered as he lifted a hand to place it on her belly.

"She's fine. Growing strong. But now you should only care to get your strength back, so we can finally end this."

He took a particularly large bite of wintercake and waited until he had swallowed to say, "In five days we'll ride to King's Landing."

"Robb, that's too soon-"

"Five days," he sentenced. "And we'll be over with this war."


It was like he said. Robb had worked hard to stand and be able to walk, all while Iagan spurred him on, demanding more and more from his father. Robb growled and cursed under his breath, but not once he complained about pain, even if his wounds were still fresh.

He used a cane the first three days, but at the fourth Dany was taken aback when she found him breaking the wooden stick in two and chucking them at Theon.

"I'm a King!" he bellowed in that resounding voice of his. "I will not be remembered like the weak northman who entered King's Landing half dead."

She said nothing, but noticed Theon's smirk as he picked half of the cane and threw it at Robb.

"Yeah, yeah. You say a lot like a king does. I don't see much yet."

Robb laughed, and Dany smiled at the sight.


The journey was long and very difficult for Robb, but he refused to give up. He took Iagan and sat him on his horse, father and son sharing this moment together.

King's Landing seemed to be in worse shape than Dany remembered from the little time she spent there when she arrived to Westeros. But the people were working and they welcomed them, thanking for the food and supplies. It would take long for the city to be shaped to what Dany hoped it could be, but she would achieve it.

When they reached the Red Keep, Dany noticed the castle was filthy and smelt like blood and death. She could still see the signs of fighting around them, but her face never showed her disgust.

"Where are the Lannisters?" Robb asked Smalljon Umber, who had been in charge of the siege.

"When we arrived, the Lannister bitch had poisoned the two boys. Only the girl survives. She begged for mercy with Margaery Tyrell. They are under custody."

"Are they well?" Dany interrupted.

"As you ordered, none of them was killed. The Imp is in the dungeons as the Brotherfucker," Smalljon spat while frowning.

Robb looked at her. "Did you have something in mind? A particular punishment or to make an example out of her?"

"I'm sure anything you choose will be sufficient, but as you know, she has done enough damage to our families and kingdoms. Since Joffrey is dead, and no revenge can take place, I propose we give her what she has always wanted."

"And what is that?" Robb asked, keeping a watchful eye on Iagan who stood in the middle of the Great Hall. The Iron Throne stood there menacing and looking like a death trap: whoever sat there seemed destined to die soon. The sharp edges and hard texture were something Dany had always known from the stories she had heard. No one could sit there and be comfortable

Dany looked at Smalljon. "I want the Iron Throne out of here."

Robb and everyone around her looked surprised.

"I want Cersei strapped to the throne for all she has left to live. I want her sat in that chair she wanted and see if she likes it so much when those swords break the skin and kill her slowly. A queen, just like a king, should never sit easy." She walked towards Iagan and said, "Let her rot with it. I don't want to see either of them again."

Iagan reached for her hand and smiled.

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