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She wasn't completely content about Robb's decision. Not because she thought he was wrong or doing something inappropriate, but because she was a fighter and she had felt extremely well in the middle of the field, swinging her mace around.

From her point of view, she knew she wasn't the only one who was hesitant about leaving. Actually, she knew Daenerys was by far more upset than her about going back to Winterfell. With her round belly proudly showing, the Queen in the North was more stubborn than ever. It amused Dacey to no end seeing the woman of the white hair standing in front of the King as if they were equals, when other women would seek for his approval by being submissive.

It felt like intruding when she caught sight of the couple kissing goodbye. But Dacey also felt a twinge of jealousy at the sight of Daenerys hands firmly placed on Robb's face, pulling him forcefully to her while he tangled his fingers in her hair almost brutally. There was such passion in them, Dacey felt she might have wanted that for herself.

"Your Grace?" she called as they gently pulled away from the other.

Both smiled and chuckled at her excessive courtesy. She knew Robb long before he made young maidens sigh at sight of him and Daenerys refused to be treated like the other ladies because she was a survivor not a girl raised to be in exuberant parties.

"Lady Mormont," Daenerys called and when she was about to retort she hadn't need to call her that, Daenerys just cocked an eyebrow.

"Women all over the Seven Kingdoms are throwing themselves at men who claim the throne, for the small chance to be Queen. And you, the one who is, do not want to be called by your title?"

Robb folded his arms over his chest and watched his wife, as daring her, as if he enjoyed seeing her trapped under her own ropes.

"You're my friend. Robb's friend. I deem unnecessary to follow such formalities in private."

Dacey looked at Robb as his wife spoke. Many boys his age were just boys, hoping to become knights and live a life full of adventures; many boys were now becoming soldiers and learning that life wasn't as easy in the battlefield, much less when the enemy was bloodthirsty. And in just months, Robb had gone from a charming boy to a strong and handsome man, married, and soon to be father. Life had hit him hard but he had been lucky to be paired with another of his kind.

"Take care of her for me, Dacey," Robb said sternly. "Of my child as well. I'm trusting you with the most precious belonging I have."

"And who am I supposed to ask to take care of you for me?" Dany wondered aloud.

The jealousy and honest worry laced to her voice were justified. Dacey knew that before Daenerys arrival, some women had tried to scurry into Robb's tent, into his bed and see for themselves if the Young Wolf was as fiery and passionate in bed as he was as a warlord.

He smirked. "You needn't to worry about that."

"Just remember what I said," Daenerys said, cradling Robb's face in her pale hands. "Promise."

"I promise," he murmured.

Turning to Dacey, Daenerys nodded. "We can go now. Let's take our party to Winterfell."


The hooded cloak had become some sort of signature piece of clothing for Daenerys. And now as they traveled through the mostly deserted path, with Theon leading the way and also the Kingslayer's horse since the man's were tied together and therefore useless – and also because he was a prisoner – Daenerys wore it as she silently followed Irri.

Dacey was very aware of every sound she heard but she was also trapped in her head.

She had heard Irri, Daenerys' handmaid, mention a man named Jorah, a Westerosi. The bile rising up her throat burnt with fury. Her cousin had been the disgrace of the family. It didn't matter that he had committed his sins when he fell madly in love because he was supposed to be stronger.

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