Small Heroes

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When the message arrived from the Westerlands, they were having supper. As soon as Maester Luwin told them the news, Dany witnessed how Catelyn felt conflicted. Everyone did, including her. They were unbelievably happy for Sansa's safe return but very scared for Arya, who was still missing.

"We will find her," Daenerys stated as she placed her hand over Catelyn's on the table in a feeble attempt to comfort her. "Robb will do whatever it takes to find her."

Nodding at her but with her mind elsewhere, Catelyn silently agreed with her. "Thank you. This wouldn't have happened without your help, even if my son doesn't know it."

"You're my family," was all Dany could say. She did not feel like her actions were part of a plan to earn their trust, like it could have been before she really knew them. Her plans to deceive them had crumbled long ago.

Since Robb's departure, and the punishment in which he had sentenced her, Dany had more than enough time to think about her life. Her fire had been a little flame those last months, and she really didn't blame Robb or his family. It was she the one who had sacrificed an essential part of herself in order to please them, to feel loved like she hadn't before. But as she saw Iagan grow, her spirit did so as well.

She no longer let Theon have power over her, to take decisions for her. She tricked him into making the decisions she wanted. If she wished to go to the Godswood, to train and see her dragons, then she told him that otherwise he would need to feed them – something he hated. She manipulated him because she was no prisoner when she was home.

After they had finished eating, Dany was led back to her chambers, leaving Catelyn and the boys to share a few more moments of joy for Sansa's return.

She despised Theon for not letting her stay with them but she did not want him to humiliate her in some way, even if she knew Dacey would defend her.

"Have you grown fond of Doreah?" she asked suddenly, wanting to cause him pain. This forced Theon to turn his head around sharply, eyes widening before he glared at her. Her expression was impassive. She was not scared of him. "I know she joins you most nights and, despite everything you've done, she seems to believe you're not as bad as we know you are."

"She's just a whore," he muttered with disdain, and at that Dany's blood seemed to boil with rage.

Grabbing him by one arm, she confronted him. "She's loyal, unlike you. Against all her believes, she followed me across the Narrow Sea. She's braver than you. Honestly, I hope she sees reason before you do something to her. If you hurt her, you'll pay. If you hurt any of my handmaidens, you'll regret it."

Theon smirked at her before he grabbed her roughly by the arms, shaking her forcefully. "You think Robb will come back to you? He'll be King and will do as he pleases. Why keep you? Why not leave you here to freeze your ass while he conquers the South?"

She showed no fear. Disgust and rage were the only feelings she had at the moment. "Let go of me!" she commanded, even if she was not as strong, even if she was smaller. Her voice held more power. "Robb will know what you've done to me!"

"You'll say nothing. Nothing," he hissed, as his face closed distance with hers. "Because if you do, I'll tell him you seduced me; that you invited me into your bed and I refused."

"He won't believe you," she spat with more fury. The idea of Robb hearing such things, of the possibility she cheated on him, was crazy. But she was sure he would trust her. "He knows my love for him is unquestionable. It will cost you your head to tell those lies about the Queen."

"Queen!" he snorted. His hand reached up, curling cold fingers around her neck. "A queen without a throne and soon without a king." His fingers tightened their hold and she made a sound between pain and anger.

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