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The woman was undeniably beautiful – much more than Queen Cersei who was allegedly one of the most beautiful women in the Seven Kingdoms. Her eyes were haunting and her white hair reminded him of snow under the sun. Her skin was as pale as milk.

Robb wasn't complaining about her beauty. He couldn't. He also knew that as the son of a noble man, rightful heir of Winterfell, he would have little to say about who he would marry. But he had never expected for his father to marry him to the only living child of the Mad King.

His father believed that as children, the Targaryen couldn't be at fault of their father's decision – nor their brother's. But everyone thought that as in their true nature, Targaryens would fight to sit once again in the Iron Throne.

The Lord of Winterfell didn't think Daenerys was weak by any means. On the contrary, he believed she needed to be watched and that's why he gave that task to the only man he could absolutely trust: his son.

Robb was proud that his father had chosen him for such task but also very saddened at the prospect of his future. He had always wanted a family like the one he had been born into but it would be very difficult considering how much hatred his current wife must have felt for him.

Against all odd, he didn't hate her. He couldn't.

At least riding through the woods gave him time to think about what he'd do when they reached their destination.

Looking back, Daenerys was with her head high, looking as the Queen she couldn't be. Behind her, her handmaidens murmured in their native tongue and struggled with the dresses they had been given – since their old outfits would have been frowned upon. Robb snorted a laugh at the sight and when Daenerys noticed this, she also looked back and soon a small smile made it on her lips.

Couldn't she smile more often? Smiles like that could warm a frozen heart.


They were purposefully avoiding the Kingsroad, in case anyone could recognize the characteristic features Daenerys possessed. They were legendary now, the blood of the dragon. And knowing how much many wanted the eradicate them, Robb feared he would have to wield his sword against an unarmed man.

He had to admit she was a brave woman who hadn't complained once about the hours they had spent on their horses – but maybe she was used to as the queen of a khalasar.

It bothered him endlessly that he couldn't forget what had happened that morning. It was affecting his mind and judgment to remember how her body and lips felt against his. She was soft curves and warm flesh. She smelt like wild flowers and tasted like some sugary treat.

These thoughts were filling his mind but he was quick to realize about the young couple coming down the lonely road. If they didn't do something, they would surely be seen and from a very short distance – enough to give a very detailed description of them.

Grumbling under his breath, cursing on his luck, Robb dismounted the horse and forced Daenerys to do the same.

"What is this?" she said angrily, as if he were her lackey and was insulting her.

He glared at her fiercely. "People on the road. We need to hide." He led the horses off the road and tugged her arm so she would follow quickly.

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