Land Of Dragons and Wolves

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The mere idea of the celebrations had Daenerys on edge. She didn't believe appropriate to be celebrating when there was so much to rebuild. King's Landing was still chaotic, people were still suffering from hunger, and yet lords and ladies were hoping to dance and have banquets in their honor. They had done nothing compared to the sacrifices of the smallfolk. It bothered her terribly that Robb had allowed it. And he knew it.

She covered her breast after Rhyane was fed. The small princess was growing stronger each day. Gone were Dany's hopes that her daughter would possess the Targaryen's signature platinum hair. A reddish hue had started covering her head, much like Robb's, but now that her eyes had started to open to the world, the light purple color of her eyes was seeable. Rhyane would become a jewel, magnificent and priceless, but also fearsome – the little Fire Wolf, a flame in the darkest of nights.

"The light guiding me home," Daenerys whispered as she pressed a tender kiss to her daughter's cheek.

Meanwhile, Robb and Iagan were playing in the courtyard. Their son's proper education had started early, with small things much to their chagrin. The maester, as the council, had deemed necessary that the future King of Westeros would be educated as soon as possible. Of course, that didn't sit well with Robb particularly. He believed children should be left free as long as possible, so he took Iagan away from lessons as often as he could, which wasn't very frequently considering his new duties.

"It's time for her nap," Daenerys said as she handed the babe to Irri. As Dany's faithful handmaid moved to take Rhyane to her crib, Grey Wind followed. The direwolf had become the princess's guard – wherever Rhyane went, Grey Wind followed.

Daenerys walked through the Red Keep followed by guards. She had started to grow accustomed to them, though she still fought them whenever she wanted time alone with her children. Her trust wasn't to be given away so easily – she kept very few people close enough for them to learn her true intentions and desires.

"Mama!" Iagan shouted and ran to her as soon as he saw her. He was leaving behind the image of a baby to turn into a boy – in no time he would stop calling her mama and use the more formal mother.

"My little dragon," she replied as her hand fell upon Iagan's long light hair. His blue eyes looked up at her and it was as if he could see through her soul. His smile was adorable. "Were you playing with Papa?"

Iagan nodded eagerly as Robb approached them. The new King of Westeros picked his son up, making the boy giggle. "I'm sorry to interrupt. You should spend some time with your mother and sister." Iagan frowned in reply.

Daenerys didn't think anything of it, she knew the boy got bored of the babe because he couldn't really play with her. And she enjoyed whenever Iagan searched for comfort, cuddling with her.

"Don't mind me. Go play, my sweet boy," Dany cooed, reaching with her hand to caress the child's soft cheek. "Enjoy your time with Papa before he's too occupied."

Robb placed the boy back on his feet. Ser Barristan called for Iagan and the child quickly ran to the Kingsguard's commander. Those two had become close, and both Robb and Daenerys hoped their son could be taught by him when the time was right.

"Theon said Mother is to arrive in five days." Robb announced, standing next to his wife.

Daenerys knew she had kept her distance from him lately. It had taken time for her to understand why he was acting the way he was – she hadn't been affected by war the way he was. In a sense, she now realized why he kept sending her away during war – she wasn't sure she could have been a nurturing mother if she had to keep fighting day after day for years. For Robb, his family was solace. But fighting was his reason to function – he knew nothing better than to be a protector.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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