Black Wedding, Pt. 1

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After the victory over the Lannisters which left them with complete control over the West, the men were extremely content. Dany understood it was logical and did not fight it but it upset her when Edmure, Robb's uncle, announced the wedding with Roslin Frey, that would be held at The Twins as soon as it could.

Daenerys did not want to leave Dacey's side, even if her friend was already stable and better. The secret she had confided in her was too big and important, and the Queen of the North feared of what could happen if that information landed in the wrong hands. The only hope she had was that Robb would protect the heir of Bear Island, if not because Dacey had been loyal to him, then because she was Dany's closest friend.

As Irri carefully arranged her clothes and things, Dany sat on the bed preparing her cincher. Mikken had given her a few more of the small knives to replace the ones she lost in battle, and so she was doing exactly that.

"Will this be like your wedding, khaleesi?" Irri asked, provoking a smile in Dany's lips.

"No, it won't. My wedding with the Wolf was different because we were not supposed to be married. People fear us both, and even more together."

"Is it like dothraki weddings?"

"No. No one should die." Dany stood up and folded her cincher to put it away with the rest of her belongings. "But we should dance, eat and celebrate the union of the couple. Even so, I do not wish to go."

"Something wrong?" The worry in Irri's eyes was noticeable. Daenerys did not know how she would ever repay her hand maidens for everything they had done for her, for their dedication and service. They were the first and most loyal servants.

She could not admit that she felt something was not right. It was just a hunch.

"No." She shook her head. "Nothing. Mayhap I'm just tired."

And so Irri proceeded to prepare her a bath before bed, also a bath for Robb who hadn't had one properly readied for a very long time. After combing her hair and braiding it, Dany sat next to the tub, watching her husband soaking in water, relaxing his tired muscles and cleaning all those wounds he hid under his heavy clothes.

She twirled a finger on his reddish brown hair. In return, he sighed and let his head rolled backwards. His eyes fell closed and she smiled.

Robb Stark was no longer the boy she had met their wedding day. Not only his demeanor had changed but he also looked more like a man, a king and the warlord he had become. His hair had become wild and he had forgotten a proper shaving long ago.

Dany rubbed her palm against the coarse hair on his cheek and grinned when he sighed.

"Does it feel nice?" she asked softly.

"I missed this. A good and long bath."

Leaning forward, she pressed a teasing kiss to his nose, making him laugh. That deep and joyous rumble in his chest made her heart flutter. It made her think about days in which that laughter, mixed with the ones belonging to their children, would fill the empty rooms in a castle. She knew that day would come, but she still felt anyone could take it from her hands. The doubt, the fear of losing everything she had fought for found its roots in what she had already lost; this time she was the only one in control, though.

Her hands kneaded his shoulders and soon drifted down his chest, feeling the hard muscles that now clung to his bones. Gone were the remaining traces of boy, she was married to a king.

"Don't fall asleep," she murmured and he only smiled.

Indeed, he was exhausted. Dany knew he wasn't too keen of celebrating a wedding when so close to put an end to war. But they also knew the men needed reasons to celebrate and to lift their spirits, even if for that they would drink more wine than necessary.

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