Battleborn Wolf

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The columns of smoke reached the sky as arms begging for help. The cloudy day was frowning at those who were trying to destroy Winterfell and the wind carried the cries through the air. It wasn't the scene Robb Stark was hoping for when he decided to listen to his wife's letters; he wished for her to be wrong but she had never been so far, which scared him more than it should have had.

Two hundred men followed him, most of them people from his kingdom who were as furious as him at the sight of the ironborn destroying their homes.

Jorah, at his side, just looked at him before he ordered to dive into battle. Grey Wind ran with ferocity as the small army decided to destroy those men who dared to put foot in their lands to pillage their homes.

He didn't know which one was the real reason behind the cruelty in which his men punished the invaders. It could have been because they were defending their homes, their families, or also because they were losing the feeling of sympathy after so many battles.

A man cried in agony as Grey Wind sunk his teeth in his throat, but he choked on his own blood as the direwolf tore it apart. At his side, Robb wielded his sword, stabbing another enemy and cutting his stomach open. The only thought in his head was making his way to his family, wife and brothers.

His eyes hurt with the smoke and blood splattered all over his face as he kept advancing towards the gates.

It was true. They weren't expecting an army to fight them. Balon Greyjoy had clearly sent his men hoping to have no resistance as they were still fighting in the South but he had not imagined that Daenerys would be there, ready to fight back and call him before anyone could even know about the plan of the Iron King.

He had no explanations as to how she had seen the future in her dreams but he was glad she had given him a chance of saving his kingdom and people.

The poor fighting techniques of the ironborn showed. They lacked the training and skills most of his men had; they were already growing used to the weapons in their hands thanks to the many battles they had already faced. Besides, as they spilled more blood, their thirst and hunger only grew more and more.

"King in the North!" the people shouted as they saw him riding his horse, opening his way through the field and into the castle without looking back, without sparing a life. He could taste the metallic flavor of blood in his tongue and smell the fire burning houses and flesh mixed with the humidity in the air.

As some tried to escape from the rage of the Young Wolf, Robb's eyes fell upon the woman swinging a mace and cracking a skull open. Dacey was leading the forces keeping the enemies out of the inner castle, which made him quite happy, since he had chosen the right woman for the job of defending his home. What surprised the King was the sight of no other than Jaime Lannister fighting with her, back to back as they ended life after life of those who dared to go near. But there was no time to dwell on that then, he still had to end the fight and show Balon Greyjoy that he was not going to give up, that he would fight him if he had to.

And as soon as the war was over, he would go to the Iron Islands, and just like his father did before him, he would defeat the ironborn and show them that this king had no mercy for those who didn't obey.


When Jaime Lannister smirked at him, wiping a drop of blood off the corner of his mouth, Robb wanted nothing more than to drive his fist through the man's face. It unnerved him that the Lion could stand there, looking as if his spirit hadn't been broken.

Clenching his jaw, Robb dismounted his horse.

"You should probably hurry, Your Grace," Jaime offered as he cleaned his sword, a piece of metal that had clearly seen better times but that had reached the glory again in the hand of the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. "She's giving birth to the pup as we speak."

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