Moonless Night

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As the Lord of Winterfell, Robb felt completely lost. He had always known one day he would take that place, of course, but his father was still strong and he had never considered the option of him leaving them to take a place as the Hand.

And now, as he ambled through the Great Keep's corridors, taking care of his responsibilities with his people and family, he hoped he was making his father proud because he wasn't sure how to deal with his new found duties. He had barely known how to treat Tyrion Lannister when he arrived, and even less when he had offered help for his brother.

He was supposed to hate him, wasn't he? According to what he knew – which wasn't much – the Lannisters had been involved with his brother's accident. Could it be that the Imp felt guilty about it? Mayhap that was the reason why he had brought a present – or perhaps he was telling the truth and he did have a fascination for all things broken.

Grey Wind walked beside him as his best ally. He had been threatening the intruder with his brothers right in the middle of the hall, right where he could see the half-man trembling but disguising his fear with clever lines that only served to upset him more. He had no right to insult his manners - and warm welcomes were reserved for friends not for the likes of him and his kin.

If he had been a child, he would've taken place beside his father because he had wisdom and strength, something he felt he would never gain.

At least he had been able to keep hidden the biggest secret he had at the moment. Even if she was furious about it.

The night was colder than usual and he knew it was because summer was ending. Soon they would have to endure famine and ration the food but he couldn't see himself going through it. He, like his siblings, was a summer child – he had no memory of the last winter.

Reaching his chambers, he motioned to the guard outside to let him in. And like he suspected, inside his wife was pacing around as a caged animal, nervous and furious.

It was Grey Wind who made a noise that called her attention, maybe because just like him, he could smell in the air as if something had been burned.

Daenerys looked at him, full of rage but soon her eyes turned soft on him and he knew he didn't look like his usual self. "What happened?"

"Nothing," he answered curtly.

"You're in a foul mood," she said quietly. And it was evident. What did she expect?

"I thought you liked me better in a foul mood," he snapped back. But as soon as he did, he felt a pang of guilt. She wasn't at fault for what was happening to his family – she had been barely a baby. She had lost all her family and here he was sulking when he still had brothers and sisters, parents and friends.

She stood in front of him, all pale skin – Lady Snowdrop, the children had said around the castle and it fitted her, Robb thought. He wasn't sure she would've liked the name, though. She didn't seem to be fond of the nothmen after all.

His head sagged but his blue eyes searched for her.

Was what he felt when Tyrion Lannister put a foot in his home the same she felt for him? That hatred he couldn't explain, knowing that those like him had hurt his family. Maybe the man himself hadn't done a thing but through his veins ran the same blood.

"Not that much," she babbled.

A stubborn smile formed on his lips.

After a few seconds of silence, in which she found place in an old chair where his mother used to sit all through the night when he was sick, he finally dared to ask, "Do you hate me?"

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