War Damsels

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"Tywin Lannister," she said. Her decision was resolute. She had no doubt this was what it was needed, not only so she could be truly free, but so her brother had higher chances to end the war soon.

Arya had spent many weeks studying the seasoned warlord. Unlike many lords she had met in her brief time in King's Landing, Tywin was smart and cunning. He had the experience on his side, unlike Robb. But the man was also ruthless. His heart seemed to have frozen over the years.

Ironically, the conversations they had reminded her of her father, of the words he would share with her. But even if he taught her much about old wars and warriors, about stories, she was also reminded that he was partially guilty of her grief. Tywin was her enemy.

Jaqen H'ghar had an amused smile on his lips but looked confused.

Sometimes Arya felt compelled to demand him to stop speaking in riddles, but that had always been him. There was a mask she couldn't see through, and it hid a man who was not a soldier but an assassin; he could make the impossible be a reality if he tried, not leaving traces that led people to him. She wondered if that was how life in Essos was, and if one day she could go there and learn the more unorthodox styles of fighting.

Maybe her new sister by marriage would take her. If Daenerys had led a khalasar, she surely could return, even if for a short period of time.

"A girls gives a name…" he trailed off as the sound of horses galloping reached them.

Arya watched with dread as Tywin Lannister departed with a group of men, ready to make his way to regroup. He would find allies without doubt, since he could pay for it. He could pay for revenge now while Robb was pillaging his lands, he could hire assassins or find one weak and desperate man who would be willing to betray his brother for promises of richness, lands and titles.

She was not naïve enough to believe in honor after seeing her father being beheaded for being the best man he could.

"How long does it take you to kill him," she wondered, hoping there was a chance that could be done right at that moment, that she could stop her family's enemy from getting stronger or ruin what her brother had achieved.

"A minute. An hour. A month. Death is certain. The moment is not." Jaqen leaned his back against the solid wall of rock behind him.

"But I need it to be done now!" Demanding her wishes seemed not to please the man, and she realized. "He will kill my brother." One way or another, she knew that was the goal in Tywin's mind.

The Young Wolf had become a bigger enemy that anyone had believed. He was young but brave and a natural in the battlefield. He had managed to lead armies, while Tywin's grandchild sat in his throne throwing tantrums. The possibility of respecting Robb had disgusted Tywin.

Lions despised Wolves. And in return, Wolves despised Lions as well.

But Arya knew the Lion was a loner, while the Wolf worked in packs. The Lion was prideful and had no qualms about showing off his wins. The Wolf hid in the dark, waiting for the right time to attack, in the middle of the night to take everyone by surprise.

"A girls needs to give the Red God a name. Any name."

"Any name?" she asked, already weaving an idea in her young mind. "And you'll kill them."

"By the Seven Gods and the countless Old Gods, I swear it."

"All right," she muttered, smiling to herself as she approached him, almost whispering the next words, inflicting more damage with the secrecy. "Jaqen H'ghar."

"A girl gives a man his own name?" He seemed to grow angry, something she had not seen since she had met him when she was still under Yoren's protection. "Gods are not to be mocked. This is not joking thing."

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