Children of Kings

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Samwell looked at him anxiously. Robb could feel it as he kept his eyes trained on the message that had arrived from Bear Island. He probably wondered if it held any truth, and what the consequences would be for the War if it was real.

Thankfully, the man had kept his mouth shut. It would not do any good if he happened to tell anything about the contents of that letter before he could speak to the Kingslayer first.

"Bring the Kingslayer to me," Robb told Theon, who was standing in front of him, waiting for orders. He looked confused and a little angry since he had not been informed of what was happening. It probably affected him that he had not been present during the dinner Robb had shared with Jon and Stannis a couple of days before.

Of said dinner, of the words spoken and the gestures made, Robb preferred to think later, when he had a clearer head and was alone. Meanwhile, as a king, he would address the current problems he faced.

When Jaime entered the room, Robb imagined what Dacey would say, how she would tell him. Surely, the heir of Bear Island would be blunt and speak the truth after she had made up her mind; she had that in common with Dany.

"Sit down."

Jaime glanced over his shoulder at Theon and they both looked at each other with disdain. There was tension there, mainly because Theon believed the Young Lion had occupied his place when they had left for the South, after Iagan's birth and the invasion of the ironborn. It was what had hurt him the most, probably.

"I'd rather stand over here and watch my back," Jaime replied, making abundantly clear he did not trust Theon.

"Your King has given you an order," Theon interrupted.

Jaime snorted a laugh. As if he did not have a care in the world, he said, "When you speak of such king, I wonder if he is the same as yours."

Theon clenched his jaw and was about to take a step further, closer to Jaime as his hand fell upon the handle of his sword.

"Out," Robb muttered curtly and coolly, with a tone no one would have dared to challenge. By then, he had mastered the icy features his father had been known for. For Robb, it had always been a mystery why men seemed to fear more of a man who could keep his voice unwavering even during the most complicated times than a man who showed his true emotions. "You too," he muttered more gently when he noticed the almost trembling Samwell standing next to a corner of the room.

Begrudgingly, Theon moved to leave while Samwell seemed he could not move fast enough. Jon had warned him about the jittery young man, but also told him to place more trust in him than what Sam's looks could earn him.

After they were left alone, Robb sighed and leaned over the sturdy and dark-colored desk in front of him. He handed Jaime the message, and since the once white knight did not take it, he shook it. "Take it. Read it."

"What is this about?" Jaime murmured with unusual distrust as he snatched the piece of paper from Robb's hands. "My lord father is threatening you again for my freedom or exchanging me for something golden and shiny?" he quipped, but there was not confidence or a humorous tone to back it up.

Robb leaned back on his chair and said nothing. He only stared at the older man as he took in the news of fatherhood.

The King of the North did not think this was the first time he learned that his seed had been perpetuated. Even if he had never admitted it, Jaime had not denied it either. Cersei had not given birth to Robert's heirs, but to the ones of her own brother. Robb could only imagine what the lioness would do once she found out that her lover had found another woman, one deemed as the enemy.

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