Children of the Bear

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The days of the travel had been exhausting, not only because of the distance, but thanks to the weather. The snow kept on falling as they rode to the coast and later, while they sailed to Bear Island, the sea had not been gentler.

What caused a big impression on Dany was the Wolfswood. She recognized it even if she had never been there. In her dreams about Robb and Iagan, she had seen those ancient trees and felt the cold and silence of a place that had survived for centuries, through winters and summers.

Overall Iagan behaved better than most babies would under those circumstances, but he constantly asked about his father. The two of them had already a bond stronger than iron. She was only able to soothe him with promises that he would be back soon, that it was only for a short time that they would be away. Some nights she wondered if those words served her instead of her son.

"My sweet boy," Dany cooed as she held Iagan in her arms, helping him to get some sleep. "My little dragon."

His soft breathing tickled her neck as she covered him in furs. Iagan was holding to her as if he knew he had to protect her, just like she did with him.

"Is he hungry?" Ser Barristan asked while approaching them.

Dany shook her head softly, not to disturb her son. "He's fine, and so am I. How much longer until we arrive?"

"From here, I'd say a few more hours. The sea is good for sailing to Bear Island."

Good? She looked around and saw the grey waves, the sea jumping to almost reach the sky. It was nothing like the Narrow Sea under the sun. In fact, she had not seen a ray of sunshine since they had gone north The Neck. But she guessed the gloom fit the North and its solemnity. It certainly matched her mood.

It was incredible because since she had gained her freedom from Viserys and then Drogo, she had not felt like she needed anyone. Yet, when she was away from Robb and Iagan, something felt amiss. She knew she could have been queen without them. She was strong enough to do so, but having Robb and his tenacity, his loyalty and secret tenderness only served to keep her stronger. Iagan had become both of their rock, a powerful reason to keep fighting.

Ser Barristan pulled a fur and covered them both, Dany and Iagan.

"We'll be there soon, Your Grace." The old knight smiled kindly at her, that sad and small smile that reminded her of a time when Ser Willem Darry took care of her. She barely remembered the man, but she had always longed to feel that again; like someone cared. Of course, Robb was looked at her with love, but it was different; she and Robb were one, and Iagan was proof. Ser Barristan's loyalty waited for nothing in return, like a father would.

Without noticing it, she dozed off while snuggling Iagan tight to her chest.

"Mama?" Iagan called, waking her from her restless slumber.

She opened her eyes in time to see the shape of the island. They were quite close now, and she finally felt her chest breathe with more ease. This was not home, but with Dacey it would be quite close to it.


Iagan walked by her side with little steps as they entered the castle, after being welcomed by Lyanna, a young girl who looked much like Dacey, her sister. During her introduction, Lyanna told them she was the youngest daughter of Maege Mormont, and quite proud of her and her sisters.

"She's been in a bad mood since her return," Lyanna muttered for Dany. "She has never been the one who has wanted children, that was why Mother took her with her. I guess the Bear thought otherwise."

Dany said nothing. She was unsure of what Dacey had told to her family about the child she was expecting, and she had no right to ruin things for her in case she had decided to keep it a secret.

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