A Wolf's New Fur

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The Red Keep seemed to be infested with things he disliked. Robb just wanted to get rid of everything that could be a reminder of the Lannisters ever living in that place. He also wanted to erase the signs of murder, betrayal and blood that were staining each room. It sickened him to believe his sisters had been kept prisoners, that those thick walls hid secrets that had finally cost his father's life, and especially that the same people who were begging for their lives and offering services to him were the ones who had conspired to kill him in the past.

"Your Grace, you need to do this as quickly as possible. Your advisors-"

"My advisors will be chosen by me!" Robb exclaimed, clearly agitated with the demands Lord Varys was making.

It had been Dany who had stopped him from kicking the eunuch out of the castle and stripping him from all his titles. He had been ready for their arrival. In fact, he had organized a small group of servants to prepare certain rooms. Robb had cleverly agreed with him staying, but all his servants being replaced – Dany assured him that wouldn't be enough to stop the Spider from snooping around, but at least they had narrowed down the chances.

In that moment, Robb found himself sat at the head of the table, while his banners sat around it. To those men were added Petyr Baelish and Varys. Most of the other lords had died or escaped, which Robb thought fortunate, considering how little sympathy he had for them.

"As you wish," Varys replied in a small voice, ducking his head.

Robb was about to speak again when the doors of the room opened. The guards looked thoroughly ashamed as they made room for Daenerys to walk inside, with Ser Barristan and Theon following.

"Have I not been invited?" she teased. She seemed to glide over the floor in her long and pale silver silk gown. "Or do I need permission from the King?"

Robb smirked. "You're free to go wherever you wish to go. I believe nothing can be worse than these men fighting over titles and who will take what." He glared at some, and then his gaze lingered on Roose Bolton, who had been terribly quiet.

"May I make some suggestions?" Dany asked while she moved closer to Robb. All men's gazes were on her when Greywind joined her side and let himself be petted on his massive head; they all had seen the direwolf yanking arms and legs off their enemies during battle, and now he was as docile as a puppy next to her.

"If it'll ease my burden."

"Lord Varys has done a very good job as Master of Whispers. I sincerely trust he cares for the interest of the Seven Kingdoms."

"As long as they agree with his," some lord mumbled.

Dany didn't bother to raise her eyes and search for the culprit. "That's right, but if so, he always prepared for when you arrived, Wolf." She smiled at Robb.

"Is that so?" Robb spat towards the Spider, who kept himself with a peaceful expression on his face.

"You hear things here and there. Little birds sing songs of praise too, Your Grace," he replied cryptically.

"All right, since at the moment I believe you, you'll stay. Just don't be too comfortable."

Varys bowed his head, his ever present smile on his lips unnerving Robb to some degree. There was something about people south of the neck that always made his hair stand on end. He would never trust them completely.

"Not at all," Dany remarked. Then she turned to Robb once more. "Should you inform them about your decision regarding Tyrion?"

In the room it could be heard the noise of chairs scratching the floor as the men shifted uncomfortably.

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