Future Decisions

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Seeing her in bed, peacefully sleeping, hair fanned over the pillows and looking like a beautiful mirage, he knew this would be something he'd missed when he went back South. He would also miss the tiny boy he had cradled in his arms, but he would return to see him grow and become a man, to teach him how to use a bow, how to ride a horse, to hear his laughter.

It was hard to believe that only a year before he was being ordered around by his parents, that he still was a boy. Now he had a son of his own, one to protect and raise to be his heir.

In Dany's face bloomed a smile before she opened her eyes. Her eyes fell upon them, on her two men; her babe and her husband.

"I thought I had been dreaming," she murmured as he approached her to hand her Iagan. She promptly kissed the soft cheek of the baby, feeling him squirming in which could only be described as happiness when he recognized his mother. Robb knew boys always sought for their mothers, it happened to him even then.

He was glad that his mother was returning soon to Winterfell after receiving the news of the attack and the birth of her grandson. Catelyn had no longer need to stay in Renly's camp, since he had died and his army had disbanded. Most of those men from the Reach would follow Randyll Tarly and join Robb and his army.

About the lack of reply from the Tyrells, Robb didn't care much. His army was big enough as it was and he dreaded the moment in which he would need to deal with the power-hungry lords of Highgarden. It was known why Margaery had been married off to Renly – as it was known the younger of Robert's brothers had no interest in women. Now that he was dead, there were rumors about her wanting to find a new husband, one with rights to claim the throne.

Robb sat close to Dany on the bed, watching with strange fascination how his son drank greedily from his mother breast, his plump hand holding onto her to feel her warm and supple skin.

The look on Dany's face, the awe and the smile was perfect. She was as enamored with her son as Iagan was with her, and for that he felt like the Gods had blessed him even during the difficult times.

"You're thinking too hard," Dany commented softly, forcing Robb to meet her gaze.

"He's a very strong boy, healthy." Robb sighed noisily through his nose, as if he felt guilty for not saying what he was really thinking about. "I need to return south soon. Now that Renly has died, our army needs to be guided, needs me to lead them. No matter the good job my lord Uncle is making, you know it is not the same."

"I know," she replied ruefully. "I know you wouldn't have needed to come if it hadn't been for the attack-"

"Dany," he called, his hand reaching to cradle the side of her face, gently rubbing the pad of his thumb against the apple of her cheek. "I should have come anyway. For my son and for you. Everyone should realize that we are no longer two strangers, that our union is the power that'll bring our enemies down."

She squared her shoulders, covering her naked breast and holding Iagan so his head rested against her shoulder. "You're the King in the North, that's enough to make them know who they should fear. I don't want love and family to be our weakness."

"But you've lost your hunger for power over me? Over our son?"

He saw the pain traveling across her face for a fleeting moment.

"Perhaps the anger that drove me is not strong enough. Perhaps I should see the birth of our son as my reason to fight."

"I don't want to be the reason for the fire in you to extinguish."

She chuckled softly, leaning forward to press a firm kiss to his lips. "I'm your Queen. Your only queen. I know what is going to happen from now on, now that one of the Usurper's brothers died. He was married to Margaery Tyrell, and she wants to be queen. My brother died and he was… betrothed, you could say, to Arianne Martell who could've also been queen."

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