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Days were rapidly turning colder, even in the south. Winter was approaching quickly and everyone knew it. They also knew that if war kept going through crueler weather, the chances of innocent people surviving would be slimmer. The supplies would be given to soldiers and warriors, rebels and deserters would steal what was left. It was stupid that war could leave the lords with no commoners to rule, but that had always been the case.

Dany wanted nothing more than to put an end to war as fast as they could. This was not only because they wanted to go back home and raise their child together, with Robb, or because she wanted a crown on her head. She generally disliked seeing innocent people dying over things that were not under their control; it pained her to see mothers losing children, to watch sons seeing their parents die right before their eyes.

She couldn't help but to think about her children; about the pain she had gone through when she lost one.

But at that moment she was smiling as Arya blew on the steaming hot soup in front of her. The girl was eagerly eating bread, just like her companions, and enjoying a proper meal among friends.

"This is so good," Arya mumbled around the food, a far image of what Sansa might have done even if starving.

Daenerys did not find it in her to scold her. She only laughed and nodded, watching as Gendry and Hot Pie bickered over a piece of jerky that apparently the younger boy had wrongly taken from his more muscular friend. Gendry slapped Hot Pie's hand away and that was it.

Meanwhile, Robb was once again discussing plans with his banners. Apparently that was all he did whenever he wasn't on the battlefield, and now that his leg was mostly healed, he refused to take more time off his duties.

"Do you wish to join me later for my training practice with Dacey?" Dany asked as she also ate, at a more appropriate pace if she was being honest.


"We are going to be joined by Ser Barristan this afternoon, since he has made abundantly clear we are in dire need of proper training."

Arya's eyes were full of mirth. She had become friends with Ser Barristan quite quickly, despite Robb's reservations after their encounter in the forest. Ser Barristan had also welcomed the questions of the young girl, and heard her stories about her unusual training. They both shared moments and the old man provided advice, training her in the arts of war both with a weapon and in a more tactical aspect.

"He's a good teacher." The corner of Arya's mouth was stained by the soup but she wiped it away with the back of her hand, receiving a reproving look from Dany, at which the girl only shrugged. "I like him."

"I like him too," Dany confessed. This was even if the man's eyes looked so sad at times; she wondered how hard his life had been.

"What about us?" Hot Pie asked, earning himself a punch in the arm from Arya, scolding him for talking with his mouth full; quite hypocritical of hers, actually.

Gendry lifted his gaze and Dany locked eyes with him for a moment before shaking her head.

There were stories around the Seven Kingdoms that said the Usurper had left behind dozens of bastards, that he was a frequent visitor of whore houses and loved them as much as his precious wine. She couldn't imagine what Cersei felt regarding that but Dany guessed it did not sit well with her. After all, there were some bastards that had been recognized by Robert Baratheon, just not boys who could threaten the place of Joffrey.

It was not Gendry Waters' fault to have been product of the seed of such man. To Danerys' knowledge, the boy did not even know who his father was, even if according to Robb he looked just like him during his young years.

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