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Under her feet she could feel the merciless cold of the snow. From the sky, snowflakes fell as soft a feathers but as sharp as daggers. Around her, everything was white like a canvas waiting for an artist to make something out of it. In front of her she could see a forest, with tall and ancient trees that had probably witnessed more than men could remember.

At the distance, she heard the cry of a wolf, howling with grief. It was enough to have her running towards the sound – before she would've been afraid of the beasts but living among them for so long, they were her family.

Only when she grabbed her skirts to run faster, she realized she was wearing very thin clothes; like the dresses she used to wear in Pentos. But she kept on running until she was lost in the forest, guided only by the wolf's cries.

In a clearing, she saw Robb covered in his furs standing in the middle, smiling at her with a baby in his arms.

She grinned at the sight of a healthy baby boy with a head covered by a faint layer of hair as white as the snow and eyes as blue as blue winter roses. The Ice Dragon, heir of the Seven Kingdoms and the North, Dany thought.

"My Wolf," she called, smiling as she approached Robb.

He only laughed with that deep and rich laugh of his that made her heart stutter with happiness. Robb was looking at their son, gurgling with joy as Robb's gloved hand tickled his neck.

But that beautiful scene was interrupted by the whimpering of a wolf.

Dany turned her head to the side in time to see Theon Greyjoy – Robb's most trusted man – tying Grey Wind's legs, leaving him defenseless on the snow before drawing his bow and shooting two arrows; one at the direwolf's right eye and the other to the side, close to his heart.

"No!" Dany screamed and as she did, Robb's laughter died. He fell onto his knees, holding their boy close to his chest.

From the shadows of the forest, a man emerged. He was carrying a dagger and making his way to Grey Wind silently, from behind the defenseless wolf. In the blink of an eye, the man pulled Grey Wind's head back and slit his throat.

"No!" she shouted again; her throat felt raw and tears ran down her cheeks but she couldn't move. "Stop it!"

In front of her, Theon fell on his knees, head first on the snow as he sobbed like child, begging for forgiveness to his brother.

And at the other side, she heard the piercing cry of a baby; her baby. She turned and saw Robb lying on the snow, gasping for air as blood gushed from a gash across his neck, flowing and tainting the white snow with a scarlet red.

Dany ran to him, falling on her knees next to him, crying and whimpering.

"Robb, my Wolf," she whispered behind her tears, while her hand brushed his soft, curly reddish brown hair. His blue eyes soft and full of love and apologies bore into hers. "My love," she pled.

Meanwhile, their baby was sobbing, curled against Robb's chest while his little and pudgy hands were bathed by his father's blood. With one arm, Dany cradled their child against her chest. Her hair was dirtied by the blood on the baby's hands.

"Iagan," Robb breathed out before his heart stopped. And as it did, hatred and fury obscured Daenerys' heart.

Suddenly large shadows fell upon her and her child. Behind her stood three dragons – her dragons – as tall as the trees behind them, menacing and powerful.

Theon was almost choked on his tears, his body freezing against the snow, punishing himself for his crimes.

But the pale man, the one with the strange eyes and the impassive face, stood there, enjoying the suffering of both Robb and Grey Wind. She could never forget how the man looked, what he had done to her and her family.

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