Game of Thrones: Frozen Fire

By ShemarStewart8

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Eddard Stark offered her a deal. Safe return to the Seven Kingdoms but in exchange she would need to marry hi... More

Moonless Night
The Uprising
Mother of Dragons
Ice Dragon
Interlude I, King's Landing
The Caged Lion
Back Home
Wolf or Man
Mended Oaths
Battleborn Wolf
A Bear and A Kraken
Interlude II
Future Decisions
Maternal Instinct
No Reprieve
The Distance
Little Birds
Small Heroes
The North is Strong
War Damsels
Yesterday & Tomorrow
Brothers Beyond Blood
Black Wedding, Pt. 1
Black Wedding, Pt. 2
What Was Promised
Children of the Bear
Interlude III
Where Loyalties Lay
Claw The Way Back
Fly Into The Night
The Red Eye
Wail of the Dragon
A Wolf's New Fur
Longing for Things to Come
Winter Princess
Land Of Dragons and Wolves

Children of Kings

133 4 0
By ShemarStewart8

Samwell looked at him anxiously. Robb could feel it as he kept his eyes trained on the message that had arrived from Bear Island. He probably wondered if it held any truth, and what the consequences would be for the War if it was real.

Thankfully, the man had kept his mouth shut. It would not do any good if he happened to tell anything about the contents of that letter before he could speak to the Kingslayer first.

"Bring the Kingslayer to me," Robb told Theon, who was standing in front of him, waiting for orders. He looked confused and a little angry since he had not been informed of what was happening. It probably affected him that he had not been present during the dinner Robb had shared with Jon and Stannis a couple of days before.

Of said dinner, of the words spoken and the gestures made, Robb preferred to think later, when he had a clearer head and was alone. Meanwhile, as a king, he would address the current problems he faced.

When Jaime entered the room, Robb imagined what Dacey would say, how she would tell him. Surely, the heir of Bear Island would be blunt and speak the truth after she had made up her mind; she had that in common with Dany.

"Sit down."

Jaime glanced over his shoulder at Theon and they both looked at each other with disdain. There was tension there, mainly because Theon believed the Young Lion had occupied his place when they had left for the South, after Iagan's birth and the invasion of the ironborn. It was what had hurt him the most, probably.

"I'd rather stand over here and watch my back," Jaime replied, making abundantly clear he did not trust Theon.

"Your King has given you an order," Theon interrupted.

Jaime snorted a laugh. As if he did not have a care in the world, he said, "When you speak of such king, I wonder if he is the same as yours."

Theon clenched his jaw and was about to take a step further, closer to Jaime as his hand fell upon the handle of his sword.

"Out," Robb muttered curtly and coolly, with a tone no one would have dared to challenge. By then, he had mastered the icy features his father had been known for. For Robb, it had always been a mystery why men seemed to fear more of a man who could keep his voice unwavering even during the most complicated times than a man who showed his true emotions. "You too," he muttered more gently when he noticed the almost trembling Samwell standing next to a corner of the room.

Begrudgingly, Theon moved to leave while Samwell seemed he could not move fast enough. Jon had warned him about the jittery young man, but also told him to place more trust in him than what Sam's looks could earn him.

After they were left alone, Robb sighed and leaned over the sturdy and dark-colored desk in front of him. He handed Jaime the message, and since the once white knight did not take it, he shook it. "Take it. Read it."

"What is this about?" Jaime murmured with unusual distrust as he snatched the piece of paper from Robb's hands. "My lord father is threatening you again for my freedom or exchanging me for something golden and shiny?" he quipped, but there was not confidence or a humorous tone to back it up.

Robb leaned back on his chair and said nothing. He only stared at the older man as he took in the news of fatherhood.

The King of the North did not think this was the first time he learned that his seed had been perpetuated. Even if he had never admitted it, Jaime had not denied it either. Cersei had not given birth to Robert's heirs, but to the ones of her own brother. Robb could only imagine what the lioness would do once she found out that her lover had found another woman, one deemed as the enemy.

"It's impossible," Jaime sentenced, slamming the message against the desk and covering it with his hand. "She's lying!" he bellowed with more fury as he stood up.

Robb studied him for a moment and narrowed his clear blue gaze.

"Is she? You are telling me that one of the most fearsome and loyal lady warriors in the Seven Kingdoms is lying to me and everyone about who fathered her child." Robb calmly got on his feet and stared at Jaime. "Tell me again she is lying and I swear on the Old Gods, I'll send your head right to your father because I do not need cowards here."

The Young Lion's nostrils flared as he groaned. "You are a child! A boy! Do you not understand what will happen when my father finds out? When Cersei finds out? They will kill her! And the babe!"

"Your daughter," Robb reminded.

"She's not my-"

"Berit. Mormont or Lannister, I do not know. But know that if you give her your name, I'll allow it. She will inherit the Westerlands. In fact, she is probably the only one I could recognize as heir. But she'll face a hard life inheriting your family history."

He ignored the man on purpose. Robb would have hated to write back to Dany only to tell her that Jaime had not accepted his child. Of course, he could also admit he had no idea what Jaime was up against, since the only woman he had conceived a child with was his wife and neither of them would ever deny it.

Jaime leaned closer to Robb and through gritted teeth he spoke, "They will kill her."

"They might try. The question is, will you allow it? Will you stand back and watch as the woman who fought at your side, who kept you alive and defended you, the one who against better judgment accepted you, die out of your fear?" Robb watched as Jaime took a few steps back, dragging a hand down his face. "Know this is the only child you will be able to call yours. Cersei might be your sister and lover," he spat with distaste. "But she'll never admit those are your children."

"You think I care," Jaime replied with fake laughter, trying to make clear he did not care about the babe born in Bear Island, about the daughter of two of the most skilled and brave warriors the Seven Kingdoms had seen in recent time.

"Mayhap I'm mistaken. But their blood will be in your hands. I will not hesitate to take your life for theirs."

"We are not all built to be fathers, Young Wolf. I gave up on that the day I became a knight." Jaime walked towards the door and attempted to leave, but before he could he added, "Don't think I don't realize she's a piece in this game, a new weapon to win a bloody crown."

"Will you let me sacrifice her? Blood of your blood running all over the Seven Kingdoms."

"Consider my debts to you and your wife paid. I no longer serve to you."

"It is a shame, really. But you're free to go. A horse will be given to you." Robb turned to see Grey Wind growling lowly at Jaime, as if he knew he was betraying them. Robb soothed him and forbid him to attack. "I thought you had changed, Kingslayer."

"People don't change. We can pretend and play a part, but we are still the same." Jaime looked at Robb in the eyes and then laughed as his gaze traveled down to look at the sword with the head of a wolf engraved in its handle. "You just worry about that deal Stannis offered, because I would not trust a man who is bewitched by that fire whore."

Jaime left without another word.

Robb knew perfectly well they would see each other again. It was impossible that their lives would not cross again. He just dreaded the message he would have to send back to Bear Island, but he had to warn them about a possible attempt to end with the lives of Berit and Dacey.

Meanwhile, Robb would need to think about Stannis's offer of peace, an unlikely truce that he had all reason to doubt. When the older man had kindly – or as kindly as a man like Stannis Baratheon could – told him that he wished to join forces and to let him rule the Seven Kingdoms, Robb had to fight against his surprise and keep a mask of indifference.

He knew quite well there had to be a plan behind Stannis words. There was no chance he had given up or even thought about that. All of this was confirmed when he pronounced the words that made Robb all more suspicious.

"Of course, we'd like to make things official. For that, I must demand to meet the woman who will be our Queen, and of course our young prince."

Those did not sound like the words of the only living brother of Robert Baratheon. They sounded cunning and poisonous like the words of a witch, and Robb had no doubt that people were right; Stannis was being manipulated by the Red Priestess.

Things kept confusing him as Stannis spoke about accompanying him to Winterfell and perhaps seeing the dragons.

Dany had told him about the worshippers of R'hllor and fire. He believed, as did Dany, that upon seeing the dragons she would want them for herself, and perhaps even believe that they would obey her without doubt.

With all that on account, Robb knew there was simply no possibility that Stannis's proposal was honest and therefore had to refuse it. Problem was he could not simply say no without waking the rage of an army and they were not quite as ready to fight, much less in a place that had been almost destroyed by a battle only days before.

Jon would have a hard time rebuilding what were practically ashes, and he was in no place to offer help. He needed to finish things North and go back South, join his uncle, Randyll Tarly and Oberyn Martell, the man leading Dorne's army. They were thirsty of war, of revenge, and Robb had to sate them and keep them on his side.

It was not easy for him if he wanted to become king, but this was a war he could not leave unfinished, even if his first goals had been achieved. Now he had more people to protect, kingdoms to keep from falling and a throne to take.


He knew it was a dream. He could feel it, yet he could not wake up even as sweat ran across his brow. Robb had to watch as the images developed in front of him in those unsettling dreams.

Flames were all around him, he could feel the heat and how the air seemed to get thinner. And even so, in the middle of that hell, Dany stood naked and unaffected, her pale body licked by the flames that seemed to caress her soft skin. Right in front of her, the Red Priestess stood, screaming as Daenerys ordered her dragons to burn her, to consume her without any remorse.

"I am the true daughter of Fire. The Unburnt. You have no right to take what is mine by birth."

As the screams became louder before extinguishing, Dany walked to him, outstretching a hand for him to take. She was as cold as always. Her skin was that flawless map he had learned by heart, only scarred in that spot that made his heart clench with guilt.

"Inside me grows the Fire Wolf and she'll be feared by all men, here and across the Narrow Sea. When she howls, the world trembles."

Robb jumped and sat on his bed, and soon Grey Wind was at his side as he panted.

Outside, the wind seemed to have picked up, growing stronger as if it were a beast on its own right. And while Robb tried to control his breathing, he heard as the wind carried away a scream, one that got Grey Wind on a frenetic run towards the door, scratching at it and begging to be let out.

Robb slipped a shirt on and opened the door to investigate. The cold air hit him hard and provoked a shiver down his spine, just like the sight of Ghost did. Both brothers stood together as if they had a plan already in motion. Soon Jon was standing there as well, and after crossing only one look with Robb they knew something was happening, and it could not be good.

"Jon!" They heard a voice calling from the yard. In the darkness they see Samwell Tarly, next to a gangly young woman, his voice trembling as he spoke only a couple of words, which apparently was enough for Jon to put him in alert. "The baby!"

His half-brother turned to face him after muttering a curse under his breath. "The Red Woman. She needed the babe of a king. Mance Ryder's child."

Robb clenched his jaw and motioned for Grey Wind to go with Ghost. "What about a child of a true king? Blood of the dragon. Son of the First Men and the Andals."

Jon stared at him in silence as their direwolves ran out. His dark eyes seemed to understand what Robb was implying as he hurriedly dressed.

"Your son. Stannis knows how powerful he could be. He wants you to bring your wife and son to… to do whatever that woman is planning to do with them."

Robb looked at him and in with a cold head and blood made his decision. "I'm going to kill her. Now or as soon as I can, I'll take her head. Forgive me if I have to take this war near your domains, Lord Commander, but I won't let her or Stannis win."

"You know I cannot fight with you." Jon was solemn and brooding, like he usually was. "But it is my duty to protect the realm."

Robb smirked as he headed for the door. "Not fighting on my side does not mean you cannot fight against him."

"That's right," Jon muttered as he followed his steps, both preparing for battle.

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