Game of Thrones: Frozen Fire

By ShemarStewart8

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Eddard Stark offered her a deal. Safe return to the Seven Kingdoms but in exchange she would need to marry hi... More

Moonless Night
Mother of Dragons
Ice Dragon
Interlude I, King's Landing
The Caged Lion
Back Home
Wolf or Man
Mended Oaths
Battleborn Wolf
A Bear and A Kraken
Interlude II
Future Decisions
Maternal Instinct
No Reprieve
The Distance
Little Birds
Small Heroes
The North is Strong
War Damsels
Yesterday & Tomorrow
Brothers Beyond Blood
Black Wedding, Pt. 1
Black Wedding, Pt. 2
What Was Promised
Children of the Bear
Children of Kings
Interlude III
Where Loyalties Lay
Claw The Way Back
Fly Into The Night
The Red Eye
Wail of the Dragon
A Wolf's New Fur
Longing for Things to Come
Winter Princess
Land Of Dragons and Wolves

The Uprising

278 10 1
By ShemarStewart8

For her, hearing about the Usurper's death was like her soul had been awakened. This was her chance to sit back in her rightful place, take the Iron Throne that was hers by blood. And so immersed she was in her own world, that she couldn't listen or pay attention to Robb's reaction.

The rightful king according to many was Robert Baratheon's son, Joffrey, but he was still too young for such title. Maester Luwin suggested that, if the King had been smart – which wasn't a trait he was known for – then he would have made Eddard Stark Regent and Protector of the Realm until Joffey reached his sixteenth nameday.

Good, Dany thought. That gave her plenty of time to prepare so she could make it to King's Landing. Meanwhile, she knew that if Eddard had raised a boy like Robb, he would be a good Regent. She only really cared about conceiving a plan and also gathering an army until she had to face the Lannisters and Baratheons, and all of their men.

"He should send a letter soon," Maester Luwin said to Robb. The young Lord just nodded. "Your father is a very measured and intelligent man, my Lord. He'll make sure we are aware of his plans."

After that, the old maester left their chambers as silently as he could.

Robb was sat on the bed, brows furrowed and confusion marred his handsome features. She smoothed a hand down his back, kneeling next to him.

"Does this mean I will be Lord of Winterfell?" he muttered to no one.

Just a few days before, he had killed three men defending Bran. The guilt he felt was so overpowering, she thought mercy was his only flaw. To be a true ruler, you needed to remember those who had been murdered by your sword and also the reasons behind it to see them as just kills.

Luckily for him, he understood fast. Though, he has still kept that woman of the Free Folk as a servant.

"This means the reign of the Usurper is over," she spoke in a soft voice while playing with his hair. "This means your father can give me back the Seven Kingdoms." She let herself smile at the thought. She was so close to put her hands in something her brother had longed for since childhood. Her happines lived shortly though.

Robb's glare fell upon her as if the weight of a hundred stones had fallen upon her shoulders. "Do you solely care about your plans? Have you even thought about what this means for my family? Have you thought of what other houses might do now that Robert Baratheon has died? They swore loyalty to him. Not my father or anyone else."

He got out of be as quick as he could, leaving her alone and astonished.

Surely she had proved him she was more than that. Had she not? The North and its people was a seed slowly taking roots inside her, just like dothrakis once had done. And more importantly, he was part of her life.


"I need to busy myself. There are many of my duties I've been disregarding lately," he explained in a cold voice as he dressed himself. The sound of the leather of his clothes cracked through the air.

It was strange because this, his words and his sudden cold demeanor, made her feel ashamed. She had never felt the need of covering her body but she did then, as if he had told her she repulsed him.

She didn't know what to say to make sure all the progress they had made hadn't been lost. Looking at him with wide eyes, hoping that as usual he could make a promise that his anger would fade. He would go back to her to hold her under the furs, to bury his nose in her hair and sip gently from her lips while they pleased each other.

He did nothing of those sorts.

And when he shut the door behind him, her heart clenched painfully and her stomach dropped. She didn't want to lose him over her lust for power because he represented family, the only thing she wanted as much as the throne – those things she hadn't had.


Irri had braided her hair while Jhiqui praised her new dresses, though she still believed they were too modest and hid her body. They also complained about their clothes and that it was too cold for their old outfits. Dany smiled at them.

At her feet, Grey Wind lay enjoying how Doreah brushed his fur. He was still a pup, ferocious and loyal, much like his owner, and like Robb, he enjoyed to be pampered in the privacy of their chambers.

For the rest of the morning, she wandered around the Great Keep, playing with Rickon for a while and sitting with Bran for another. She felt restless and as if Robb had been avoiding her. And if that was the case, she let him and asked for her food to be brought to their chambers.

She was making her way to the library, the only place she could find something better to do than sit and admire her dragons, as much as she loved them – Old Nan had a good laugh when she told her no one had taught her to sew or embroider, like most ladies did. But as she turned around one corner, she caught sight of Maester Luwin walking as fast as his collar allowed him and with vitality she hadn't seen before.

"What's happening?" she wondered and the man slowed down but kept on going.

"Lord Eddard has been taken prisoner. Joffrey is now King of the Seven Kingdoms."

"What?" she hissed with venom and the old man finally looked at her. "That cannot be."

"A raven arrived with a command from the new King, summoning the Lord of Winterfell to swear fealty to him." Maester Luwin sighed and looked at her with as much sweetness as he looked at the Stark children. "Robb has called the banners."

Her eyes widened and, inside her chest, her heart thumped wildly.

"He's declaring war?" she stated in an even voice that didn't seem to belong to her.

"They have Lord Eddard and his sisters. They accused him of treason."

"He's not ready." Daenerys shook her head, finally seeing things under the same light Robb saw them months back. "He's too young, too kind-hearted."

"No," the master said firmly. "He's a man who's acting as expected, as the true Lord of Winterfell. No one can tell us when the time for us to prove us will arrive, milady, but that time does arrive."

She stood rooted to the spot but Maester Luwin kept on walking.

"Wait," Dany called and followed him. "I need to speak with you."

"About your sudden interest in recent history, Lady Daenerys?" He asked with a knowing smile. "I'm afraid I have no time for such thing now."

"You know what I've been doing."

"An old man is… quiet, and people tend to ignore us."

"I need to know which houses are loyal to mine. And soon, so I can know who to call when Robb needs help." She clutched the book she was carrying to her chest.

"He won't like it," he advised in a fatherly tone.

She knew quite well Robb would disapprove but he gave her no choice. She wasn't about to let him march South without knowing for sure she would serve him as help. Besides, she had great interest on the outcome of this war. The only thing she hadn't expected was Robb declaring war before her.

"I'm not about to let him die on the hands of a Lannister. I won't lose anyone else to them and certainly not my husband." She couldn't imagine herself losing someone else, especially one who had taken care of her when he had no reason to. Robb could've kept her as a prisoner. He could have hated her. Instead he had treated her as his lawful wife and as a lady.

"As you wish. Follow me."

Soon ravens were flying in every direction across the northern skies. It would have been a beautiful sight had Daenerys not known what messages they carried.


Only for men, he claimed. A feast for his bannermen before they left for war, to talk about their plans and strategies.

And in the meantime, she held onto her seal, something Viserys had kept with him but that she now held as a precious item that could serve to prove her identity once she decided to send those ravens to her allies. Maester Luwin had helped her making a list of those houses that would join her cause.

Dorne would be by her side as always. Also the maester pointed out that she could make offers to lesser houses to join her cause – exchange of titles for men. It was well known that if a good offer was made to the Tyrells, they could join them to finally destroy the Lannisters.

Still, none of this put her heart at ease. There was a lot to do, to search for if she wanted to be absolutely sure no one would betray them, because in this game, anyone was a potential threat.

When he finally walked into their chambers, Dany saw a man and not the boy she had married. The weight of his family and kingdom rested on his shoulders.

She quickly got on her feet but then her gaze fell upon Grey Wind's bloody snout.

Her brow furrowed. "What happened?"

"A little quarrel, you could say," Robb replied but not hinting that he was preparing himself to go to bed.

"Is everything fine?" She approached him and tried to help him with his cloak but he stopped her. "Robb?"

"We're marching tonight," he said in a stern voice.

She felt her mouth going dry and her stomach in knots. "You cannot. You barely have a plan and-"

"And what? I have all I need. The banners are ready and I am ready to take my family back," he enunciated carefully, with enough wrath she could be aware that he was serious, that he would not return until he achieved his goal.

She had never seen it before but Robb Stark was just like her in that aspect. He was not going to bend the knee, no matter what. He was not going to swear loyalty to anyone who didn't deserve his respect. He would rather die and that scared her.

She didn't want him dead. She wasn't about to lose another husband.

"Robb," she whispered looking into his blue eyes. Her hands reached to cradle his head, her fingers curling around the edges of his ears so he couldn't look away from her. "Don't go yet."

"I have to."

"Then take me with you. I'll be ready very soon."

"Dany," he murmured gently, trying to push her off him by holding her upper arms.

"Don't!" she snapped. "I know about war. I rode with a khalasar and they are not gentle to women. I've seen people die. Don't tell me this is to protect me." She held onto him with more strength and he stopped fighting her.

"You must stay."

"This is my war too," she whispered and rose on tiptoes, beckoning him to get closer. He pressed his forehead against hers. "You are my husband but I won't stay here, waiting as a dutiful wife."

He snorted a sad chuckle. "No, you are not like most wives. You are stubborn and impulsive." He sighed. "But if you're not going to listen to reason then hear my heart." Her violet eyes widened when they met his closed ones. "I need you to stay and help Bran. Rickon will need someone who can show him he's not alone. You need to help me by staying in Winterfell until my return."

"I don't want to be locked inside here, not knowing what's happening with you in the battlefield." She shook her head, refusing to relent before his pleas. "I'm the rightful heir of that throne and the Seven Kingdoms need to know I'm back. Things will be different if they know."

"I'm not fighting for you. I do so for my family."

"I'm your family, as well. Fight for me so others join you, Young Wolf." She kissed him as sweetly as she could, praying for it not to be the last one. He was greedy and wild when kissing her back, as if he was making a fierce promise.

His fingers threaded in her hair as he drank from her mouth. Her hand made quick work of his trousers while he undressed her, kissing wherever he could reach.

It felt like a goodbye to her because no one had worshipped her like Robb Stark did that night. But he refused to say the words. He kept on running his hands over her body and watching her as if he were memorizing her for the time he would be away.

Boy kept calling him his banners. A summer boy but to her he was her king, the only one she'd take when she reached the Iron Throne.

She clung to him because maybe she could keep him mesmerized, in bed, and he would forget about facing a larger army, a more seasoned warlord. And she wouldn't fear for them.

He kissed her one last time and dropped a tender kiss on the back of her shoulder. "I'll return," he swore.

"You better," she menaced over her shoulder. "Or I'll go all through Westeros looking for you."

A small smile appeared on his face. "I know. No one takes things away from you and goes unharmed."

"Vengeance is something we know well, Wolf." She sat on the bed, memorizing his handsome face, his wild and fiery auburn hair, his bright blue eyes and the body she had grown to seek for at night in bed.

"I must go, my Queen," he teased, as he draped the cloak over his shoulders.

"Fight well, my King." She saw the surprise in his eyes but he only stared at her before nodding, leaving her naked in bed.

She turned on her side and looked through the window, the moon high on a cloudless night. She clenched her jaw and swallowed the bitter taste of his departure. She would no shed tears for a man she barely knew but she could because until then, she had never realized Robb had set roots deep inside her heart.

Ice was not as cold as they said. And the North was a very warm place to her.

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