[Rewriting) Keeping the fire...


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Zuk captures Soka and tries to train him as a warrior for the Fire Nation's soldiers. Еще

Fire invades the Water
Capturing the wrong boy
Not in the dungeon
New attire
First day Filled with Blood
Tightly bound
Chicken legs
Chicken Legs 2
Morning Hell
After Hell
Father-Son Time
Breakfast with Satan
No Rest
Time gone by
Tea Time
Warming Up
Washed Away
Mark of Friendship
Soaked Nights
Hair cuts
Change of Status
Soft Skin and Boomerangs
Loud Mouth
Dream State
Tea Time 1
Tea Time 2
Dream Talk
Ba Sing Se
Welcome Home Lee
Change of Perspective
Northern Brothers and Sisters
Two Sides of One Coin
Sweet Tea, Sweet Home
What Could've Been
Wish it was like this
Valentine's day special
New Traditions
Hello there
How long have you been here?
Family Reunion
Calm Talks
Going Home
Long Distance
Time apart
Catching Up
Prison Check Up
Devil's Tango
First Demands
Happy at last

First Date Jitters

2.1K 68 41

After eating breakfast together Iroh slowly stood up and collected he dirty and empty dishes "you two can have the day off" the younger boys looked up at their uncle, eyes slightly widened in surprise "Uncle, are you sure?" Zuko spoke up, his hair had grown out in that year and seven months, allowing him to cover said scar with his hair

The gentle old man smiled and nodded, taking the bowls and plates towards the kitchen, "of course, today is a special day for you two, and besides. I can handle the shop all on my own" the two teenager's looked at each other, then looked towards the kitchen "But are you sure Uncle? We really wouldn't mind staying behind to help you, we could take another day off or something" the young sixteen year old water boy stood up slowly, traversing towards the kitchen to try and talk Iroh into letting them stay.

This persistence only caused the gentleman to chuckle whilst he rinced the dishes out "it's fine, take the day off. You two have already done so much for me here, let me do something for you and let you have a free day" hearing those words made Sokka nod, "thank you uncle!" he hugged Iroh; something he was still getting used to, then went back out to his boyfriend of a year, he still couldn't believe that, a year.

"Come, let's go get dressed then go to the market!" The more enthusiastic, and air headed of the two grabbed the calmer one's hand, pulled him to his feet then booked it for their bedroom so they could get dressed in clean clothes and be presentable for the public. This was very surpisingly, their first date; their first ever.

Zuko raised his only eyebrow up in surprise, watching the slightly younger teen run up the stairs so enthusiastically was quite amusing; and equally confusing to him. He wished that Sokka got this excited to wake up and work in the morning instead of rolling over and pretending he couldn't hear the banished prince basically telling at him. "To each their own I suppose" the 17 year old shook his head faintly while letting a faint chuckle escape his mouth throat.

The young ex-fire prince looked towards his Uncle, "We'll be home before the moon comes up uncle, I'll drag him by the ear if I need to" to which the old man shook his hand and waved his hand in dismissal; "take your time, enjoy your day off. I'll be fine on my own, I'm not a weak old stuffed biscuit you know Nephew."

                   ~Time skip~

After the young and spry couple got dressed in clean Earth Nation clothes, tunic and pants each,  they left the Jasmine Dragon and looked around for a moment. They stood right outside the doors, watching customers starting to pile into their shop, seeing how they were dressed and treated each other; thinking that since it was the capital of Ba Sing Se everyone would be dripping with rich snobbiness. Nothing that Zuko wasn't used to, it was less if anything.

To young Sokka he thought it was a little much, earning respect just because you have money and a higher social status, you could be the worst person and you'd be high up on the scale all because of money; that was something he would never be able to wrap his head around. Whilst thinking about the social latter he felt a familiar warm hand grasping his own, this caused a faint smile to tug at the corner of his mouth.

"Why hello there Sir, how may I help you today?" He peered up at his slightly taller and paler boyfriend of one year, "You could start by giving me your undivided attention" Zuko took his free hand and placed the side of his pointer finger under Sokka's chin; as if to support it, drawing their faces a little closer when he bent down. The young couple lingered there for a moment, their eyes flickered from the other's down to their lips.

They couldn't decide what to focus on, as if they were debating if the two wished to kiss out in public, to which they did. Connecting their lips for a chaste kiss, their eyes opening whenever a small amount of space was present between them. They both cracked a delicate smile; a childish giggle following suit.

The younger and more energetic of the two dragged the taller one away from the shop, a wide smile plastered on his face; he was nervous, but so elated he couldn't handle it. "Where do you wanna go? Food? Food? Or food?" Sure Sokka had a big stomach, but now he did it just to tease the golden eyes teen; since one time whenever they having an intimate moment the blue eyed ex-warrior asked for some food because he was getting hungry. Even though he had just eaten, this made his boyfriend chuckle and shake his head sarcastically.

Thinking of this moment made the both of them smile; thus why they brought it up very frequently, the more they thought of it the more they remembered when they first met, yes it was only a year ago but to them it felt like they had known each other for much longer.

Memories aside for the moment, the two hormonal teens could feel the very small amount of existing sweat starting to mix together, the heat, their anxiousness, and even a slight bit of fear was causing them to perspirate faintly. This normally happened whenever they held hands, even whenever they were cuddling; but that was due to the warmth of their bodies mixing together, this was a whole new world and experience for them. They never thought that a date, just one day; one like any other, would make them so nervous.

They walked next to each other in silence, the familiar cloud of awkwardness looming over them once again; it seemed like they could never get rid of that pesky cloud, might as well add it to the relationship. "...what do couples do on dates?" Sokka glanced over towards Zuko, earning a shrug from his still angst filled lover. "I've been on a few in the past, but I've blocked those memories in all honesty, nothing exciting happened. Mai would complain about her parents and little brother. Our time together felt like a venting session"

This response gained a very exaggerated groan from the blue eyes teen "I don't wanna hear about her, I just want you to think of only me" he removed his hand from Zuko's, in turn he wrapped both arms around the pale arm closest to him. Zuko snickered a little bit, raising his arm up towards his chest, as if he was escorting his lover to a very formal event, "why is it fair that you get to think of food and I have to think of only you? What if I get hungry while making out?"

"You can kiss our make out sessions goodbye if you keep using those lips of yours in an emotionally harmful way" the 16 year old pouted playfully, pointing a finger sternly at Zuko's cheek. They both stopped in their tracks near a small shop that had a copse in the same vicinity. The two stood their for a moment, playfully scowling at each other as if they were about to have a bending duel, if bending wasnt punishable by arrest. After an initial moment of make believe annoyance, they broke out into a fit of laughter, smiling widely; if anything this didn't feel like a date, it felt like a normal day together, talking shit about each other in a loving manner whilst sounding very annoyed and aggrivated, then experience a moment full of gut busting laughter that made their stomachs hurt and eyes water.

Sokka calmed down first, his eyes slightly red and watery due to his fit of joy then started to speak, "Hey darling," calling each other by any sort of almagamation of sound that wasn't their name was still extremely difficult, it made them feel slightly childish. "Could we get some food and go sit the field? That's what couples do right? They eat together in different places? But what do they talk about? Sex? Food? Kissing? Family?" He was basically thinking out loud now, being so invested in trying to plan their first date as if he had just studied for a test, read the question and started to list every option in his mind on what the criteria for the answer could possibly be.

The mention of fornication made the two realize how long they had been together, how stereotypical relationships were viewed. "Uh..well.." the young banished prince cleared his throat, trying to conjure up an answer to avoid the recognition of how anxious and curious he was about the subject of lustful activities. "How about we eat, then we can talk about...that...more" even though Zuko was older, he felt too embarrassed to say any word that could be used as a replacement for sex.

The promise of food made baby blue orbs light up "Yeah! I'm getting kind of hungry" Golden orbs rolled in their sockets sarcastically whilst a small smirk pulled the corner of his lips upwards "when aren't you thinking about food? You'll probably think about even when we do that thing" he released a chuckle to express what he thought about his ridiculous statement.

"I will not! That's like...the one time food is not gonna be on my mind!" The younger and shorter one argued, standing on his toes and furrowing his brows to accentuate how serious he was about food vacating his mind when they finally had coitus. The soon to be legal adult chuckled a little once more at his fancy man'a expression, thinking that every face he made was adorable; wishing he had something to capture the moment in physical form.

After they each grabbed some food, getting only one serving of gaifan, a considerable amount of rice, their choice of chicken and chopped green onions on a separate plate, they had to pay extra for that. At another cozy shop they grabbed a medium sized portion of malatang; they knew they wouldn't be able to eat everything they bought, but they'd be able to take what wasn't touched back to their uncle and share it with him.

They sat in a copse of variant colors of greens; spring. Something that Sokka had never witnessed before, and he enjoyed the sights of it so much. He now knew that this was what the scenery of Ba Sing Se looked like all of the time, and it was making up for the 15 years of never seeing a single leaf in his life.

Instead of sitting in front of each other like they were used to at the shop for meals, they sat next to each other; their backs glued to a thick tree that was surely uncomfortable due to the texture of the bark. Their meal sprawled out in front of them on the glass and clay plates they had received from the small tents in the restaurant like portion of the market district.

The lovers sat in silence for a moment, listening to the soft rustle of leaves whenever a faint, almost non-existent wind blew, cooling down the bender's food slightly. After what seemed like an hour of nothingness, Zuko spoke up "the wind feels nice, doesn't it?" He slowly snaked an arm around his companion's hip, pecking his cheek. The newly formed Earth Nation citizen smiled and peaked an eye open, aiming it towards his fellow Earth Nation citizen, "it doesn't feel like my dick is gonna fall off when it blows, so yeah"

"I almost forgot how cold the tribe used to be, you know? Trees, leaves. I've never seen them before, but it feels like I've been seeing them all my life" Sokka opened both eyes and looking at the scenery of trees; glimpsing at the bird's flying from one tree to another, listening to their chirping. "A year feels like a really long time." Zuko said quietly, putting his free arm around the front of his swain; due to this shift in position the more muscular of the two teens leaned up against the more frail one, the middle of his back touching Zuko's knee, Sokka's shoulders against his inamorato's chest. They looked at each other, faint smiles across both of their faces as their eyes locked onto each other as if they were targets; not saying a word for who knows how long. Finally their heart rates had calmed down, they weren't sweating from nervousness anymore, they were calm. Enjoying each other's presence, the warmth and softness of each other's skin...nothing could ruin this moment for them.

Another couple of minutes passed before they partook in small, chaste kisses. Nothing sexual, no desire; pure love and admiration for each other. Soon that wasn't enough anymore, they understood that they were in public, and people could walk by; be disgusted and tell them to stop but they were basically in the middle of nowhere. As if they were in their own little world, slowly deepening the kisses as they smiled slightly; Sokka took advantage of the small breathers between kisses to sit up on his knees, holding both sides of Zuko's neck.

His hands slowly creeped to the back of the black head of hair, gripping small fist fulls gently whilst the skinnier of the pair kept his arms around his muscular partner's hips, standing on his knees to barely tower over his shorter swain. In response to this Sokka slowly lowered his back to the ground, taking a break from canoodling to catch more breath, the boys placing their foreheads together, the longer one laying ontop of the shorter one.

They slowly opened their eyes halfway and looked to each other, feeling the familiarity of bulges from one another. Usually whenever this happened they would separate and take care of their needs separatetly; but this time they didn't want to. They wanted to solve the problem together, but they didn't want to move; figuring that there was enough cover from bushes and trees that they could hidden and their secret could be kept.

They came across a single problem, they didn't know how two men could fornicate like a man and a woman could, they barely understood how heterosexual coitus worked, so the homosexual version would be even more confusing. "...Zuk...uh.." Sokka cleared his throat, multiple times in fact; but there was a lump that wouldn't disappear no matter how hard he tried.

"I-i know.." the more calm of the teens was troubled, he didn't want to hurt his significant other, and he didn't want to make him unhappy. That very much unwelcomed their wheel named awkwardness appeared once again as they stared at each other, trying to calculate how they would handle the situation. They wanted to go all the way, they have given each other hand jobs before; but that only once, and not to mention months ago.

As each second of silence ticked by the two young men stripped an article of clothing from their bodies, this wasn't a new sight, there wasn't a single square inch undiscovered by the other, but it all seemed so new; a new situation and state of mind viewed how they looked at each other.

Once they were down to bare skin they saw what they had done to each other, seeing how worked up and erect the other was caused them to react even more; if that was even possible. "....." Zuko had opened his mouth to say how attractive his swain was, how seeing him completely exposed, his muscular legs slightly spread to fit the exiled heir between them; feeling how soft his hips were compared to the noticable firmness of Sokka's abs and arms.

Shivering at the feeling of Zuko's fingers roaming around his body, the 16 year old's erect cock twitched, needing friction, wanting to be an attention hog. He rolled his hips upwards softly, wanting to convey nonverbally that he demanded to be touched.

The young heir chuckled a little and trailed his hand down Sokka's chest to the base of his cock, slowly tracing a finger up the stiff shaft to the tip, forcing a deep breath out of his year younger lover. "I forgot how you sounded.." he regretted to admit, leaning down to place small pecks along the jugular of Sokka, the ex-warrior placing his hands on the smooth back of his dominant partner, leaning his head back whilst his eyes closed.

"Zu....baby..don't tease me so much.." the young blue eyed boy whispered, in response his boyfriend smirked softly and traced small circles along the head of his cock, once again forcing heavy breaths; and now small moans out of the throat he had been previously kissing "come on...I haven't touched you in months Sokka..."

The ex-prince sounded sad, wanting to express how he had been longing for an excuse to touch his once imprisoned boyfriend, grasping his own dick gently, stroking slowly and softly; wanting to make sure his erection didn't disappear. It wouldn't be difficult to attain it once more, but he wanted to enjoy the moment as long as he could.

"Maybe if you asked we'd have lost our virginity already" Sokka chuckled to cope with the anxiety he was dealing with at the moment, his heart rate was picking up once more; soft moans emanating from his throat whenever Zuko sped up the pumps of his hand, gently tightening his grip on the fully erect cock underneath him. The younger male twitched a little out of giant pleasure, he back barely arching; "....I love you Sokka..."

The two acknowledged their mutual love, it was a phrase exchanged everyday; but it meant something new in this moment..they didn't know a simple sentence could change meaning in a different situation
"...I love you too.." Sokka forced out between subtle moans, his hips bucking gently on their own into his lover's hand, this redundant action caused a small and deep chuckle to emerge from Zuko's throat.

"Let's try this" the older male lifted his head up and looked to his beta, cupping his cheek softly while smiling "do you trust me enough?" The you get seemed to look offended "want do you mean do I trust you?? Of course I do!" He raised his voice, the alpha in the relationship displayed concern on his face in the form of panic, clapping a hand over Sokka's mouth "do you want us to get caught incase someone's near by?" He whisper yelled; this reaction made his lover look away from him in embarrassment, shaking his head.

Zuko released Sokak's mouth from his hand, capturing it with his lips instead, removing a hand from the newly turned Earth Nation citizen's erect dick and rubbed his inner thigh gently before trailing it down to the rim of what could be considered a male's vaginal cavity, slowly pushing his index finger inside; feeling how tight it was, feeling it get tighter due to the male below him tensing up "breathe Sokka..it's alright" he placed his free hand on his lover's hip, kissing his collar bones.

"It'll be..alright.." Sokka repeated for himself and nodded, trying to relax his body as much as he could, it was really weird feeling something enter him, gently digging his nails into his boyfriend's shoulder blades, breathing in and out slowly "there we go, that's it..." The fire bender smiled a little and spoke lowly, continuing to litter kisses along the non-bender's collar bones, inserting in a second finger when he thought it would be ok

"You're buying me dumplings after this" Sokka grunted a little, back arching a little more so that his hips, shoulders and head were on the ground. "I told you food would be on your mind" the older teen chuckled a little and slowly thrusted his fingers in and out, preparing the younger one for future thrusts.

Small vibrations of the non-bender's vocal folds created soft huffs and moans, his fingernails digging deeper into the pale and unscarred shoulder blades; forcing out a soft grunt "careful with those nails Mr..." Zuko nipped at the beta male's neck, thrusting his fingers faster and deeper, slowly separating them to get the other familiar with something thick in his anus.

"Fu~.." the force of the thrusts made the younger teen turn his head to the side, his toes curling tightly; he wasn't one to curse, but this was one of those moments where it almost happened. "You never swear, what's making you do it this time?" The skinnier boy sat up, glancing down at the muscular one who removed a hand from his shoulder blade to cover his mouth and muffle his moans

"Sh..shut it...j-just hurry..." Zuko nodded at Sokka's request and slowly pulled his fingers out, "uh..so we..uhm.." he brought his hand up to his closed mouth, sucked in a couple times, then let the saliva drip from said mouth onto his hand before lathering his cock in spit; it was a little hard for him to slip his fingers in, so he wanted this to be easier.

"Alright...tell me whenever you need a breathing break" golden orbs shifted to glance up at slightly open blue ones, staring back at them. The two teens nodded as a nonverbal signal that they were both ready; in this moment of silence and mutual agreement both teens prepared for a single second. Then Zuko gripped his darling's hip with one hand, holding the tip of his cock against his swain's rim, slowly pushing in.

"Yeah, that's easier..." Sokka mumbled under his breath and smiled faintly, a soft and slow grunt escaped his mouth after his sentence, his eyes closing once more. Zuko nodded in agreement once again, going even slower the more his penis was consumed by his lover's anus, "..fuck this is great" they both chuckled a little, opening their eyes to look at one another.

Soft smiles pulled at their mouths, "I love you Sokka" once his cock was fully sheathed in the non-bender's ass; he rubbed the muscular teen's hips with both hands, as if to congratulate him for doing a good job "alright, are we good?" "I'd be good if I had some dumplings" the blue eyed teen joked "if you go on about those damn dumplings I will leave you here and take your clothes" Zuko chuckled and gently patted Sokka's hips before starting to pull out; waiting til he was half of the way out to thrust back in just as slowly as when he introduced the younger teen to his length and girth.

The slow thrusts, soft grunts and moans continued for a moment, but soon it wasn't enough anymore; they both wanted and needed more. This was displayed to the dominant of the two by Sokka wrapping his arms around his neck, pulling him down and whispering in his ear that he needed more.

And not wanting to disappoint, Zuko delivered. The speed of his thrusts picked up, placing his face in Sokka neck, placing soft kisses and nips along said body part, feeling the vibrations of louder moans emerging from it. Both of the boys were enjoying themselves, soft noises of pleasure slowly increased in volume from the submissive's end, the subtle sound of skin slapping together was increasing, sounding more forceful and demanding.

Sokka's eyes started to roll into the back of his head from the amount of pleasure he was receiving, feeling the head of Zuko's cock slamming against his prostate was delivering heaven to him; he wished they had done this sooner so they could do it more often, wanting to feel this pleasure and ecstasy every chance he got.

Zuko could hear his name escaping his lover's mouth, it wasn't small peeps anymore like the begining, now it was Sokka's normal volume, his name being called over and over gave him the energy and purpose to deliver the best performance he could give as an amateur, and it seemed to be doing wonders for his boyfriend. Him too.

He felt a knot in his stomach forming, he bit his bottom lip and grunted a little louder, digging his nails into the muscular man's hips; the knot tightening more and more with each thrust. It was a familiar knot, the same feeling whenever he would pleasure himself, but this felt so much better. The tightness and the warmth of the man underneath him made him come closer to his climax much faster than if he were to use his hand; "..sh-shit.." he cursed, resting his forehead on Sokka's shoulder, wanting to release already he thrusted faster; maybe a little two fast.

The two boys clung to each other tighter, the knots in their stomach tightening; but Sokka's wasn't ready yet, he reached a hand down and gripped his dick, pumping it as fast as he could whilst flinging his head back in pure ecstasy, redundantly letting the words 'fuck' and 'i love you' escape before he eventually came, feeling Zuko push into him one last time.

The two males came, Sokka's was visible, white liquid shot on his rapidly wavering chest and abdomen, some of it sticking to Zuko's heaving chest; meanwhile the fire bender's genetic material was spilled inside of the anus that was even tighter than before, "...fuck..." The two lover's panted and lifted their heads to look at each other, chuckling a little because they thought the other looked tired as all hell; "you look like shit" Sokka giggled tiredly, giving his boyfriend a chaste kiss on the lips, then pulled back from it.

"You look the exact same" the taller one sat up slowly, his back hurting a little from being hunched over for almost twenty minutes; "I think you owe me a back massage" the dominant male slowly pulled out of his submissive, rubbing his inner thigh once more, letting out and exaggerated sigh while a smile tugged at his lips "you're so gorgeous Sokka," he spoke softly, looking into his lover's blue eyes, he used to not really like blue because it reminded him of the avatar, but now he loved it because he saw them every morning.

The browned haired male smiled tiredly once more, folding one arm under his head "thank you, you're not so bad yourself" he joked a little, Zuko rolled his eyes a little and leaned down, giving Sokka one last peck on the lips "come on, let's get dressed and go back home"

((I wanted this one to be longer cause I think you guys deserved something longer than what I normally do, so you don't have to wait for another update and a continuation. Have a good day you guys, platonic hearts 🖤🖤🖤
I also had to look up a lot of words, like copse because I remembered reading it once in second grade, it means a group of trees, I just forgot how to spell it 😂😂 fancy man is an amazing way to address someone's  boyfriend my whanos it's beautiful. Swain might be better though 😂

It's currently 10:09 pm. I've been working on this since 4:00 pm. I hope you guys appreciate this, love you all platonically. 10:22, the end.

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