Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu

By kwonbubs

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[Kim Mingyu] "Nobody deserves you like I do." Mingyu Trilogy 2/3 Book 1: Only For You Book 2: Truly Yours B... More

Book 3: It Ends with Us


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By kwonbubs

Wonwoo's POV:

We debate on what to watch after eating dinner. I say I want to watch a horror movie, she says she wants to watch sci-fi.

I ask her if she's afraid of ghosts. I want her to hold onto me when she's afraid, so I hope she says she fears ghost.

She says no.

She says her life journey is worth being notable on the pages of a horror novel. I don't agree. I tell Miyeon that her life journey is remarkable and beyond human imagination. She laughs it off.

I love her smile,
I love it since day one,
I love it when I'm the reason behind her smile.

If I had to describe her using a color, I would choose purple. She reminds me of lavender. She's pure, serene, devoted. She is graceful and elegant.

She shines sweetly through the gloom, like glimpses of eternal day beyond the tomb. She brings felicity wherever she goes. She has a strange ability to heal people with just her presence; she healed me.

She's just like a lavender.

We agree on sci-fi. I let her choose whatever she wants to watch. She picks star wars.

We start off energetically, but she ends up falling asleep on my arms.

I quietly watch her sleep for a few minutes. I think of falling asleep next to her, but I want her to sleep more comfortably. So I carefully move her head to the pillow and pull the blanket for her.

I want to kiss her forehead and pat it while she sleeps, but I'm afraid she'll wake up. So I move away from her.

I turn off the lights and lie down beside her. I won't be able to sleep anyway, so I roll onto my back and get a better view of her face.

Even in the mild city lights coming from outside the room, she gleams at all points like a constellation.

She is beautiful.

"Goodnight, my star."


A feeble sound of whimpering wakes me up. It's 3:35 am. I quickly glance at Miyeon.

Her pillow is soaking wet. She is curled up in a ball, she is shaking. Is she having a nightmare?

Tears are continuously staining her cheeks. Except for some occasional grimaces and deep breaths, she's doing nothing but crying. I'm calling her name but she isn't responding.

All she is doing is crying and crying.

I wonder how terrible the nightmare is.

Gingerly, I slide an arm under her neck. I pull her closer to my chest. I let her cry there.

She grips onto my shirt and buries her face deeper. I kiss her hair and constantly caress her head to ease her fright. I hope it's helping.

"I'm here. It's okay, don't cry."

"Please don't leave me. Don't leave me. Please."

"I'll never leave you Miyeon. Never."

"Please don't leave me. I love you Mingyu."


Miyeon's POV:

The clamour near my ears is getting louder by every second. I try to block it using my pillow over my head, but it's no use. It's too loud, beyond my capacity of blocking.


This is familar, I think I know- Oh no no no no no please no.


Jesus Christ.

"BOO SEUNGKWAN SHUT THE HELL UP OR ELSE I'LL RIP UP YOUR ASS FROM YOUR BODY!" I roar, twice louder than him. Exceptionally, he doesn't stop.

I'm going to end this man's whole career.

In a blink of an eye, both my pillow and blanket is furiously snatched off by a queerly brawny and gargantuan man. I squint my vision to get a better look him. Let me see who on earth is playing this stupid pillow blanket pulling game with me this early.

Hah. Of course it's Wonwoo. It's only the two of us here. But where the fuck did Boo Seungkwan's voice come from?

Wonwoo is in a black sleeveless tshirt. His hair is slightly messy, it's falling over his forehead. His biceps are- OH MY GOD- they are so masculine and big and well built and robust and shiny and glazy and gorgeous.

I legitimately can't find anymore sensible words from my -low quality but still works- dictionary to describe them.

I've never seen him like this.

This is a big mad shook for me in the early morning, including Seungkwan's traumatizing version of Son Dambi's queen.

He looks so...different.

From what I can recall, he was thin as a skeleton back in high school. He was shy. He was always anxious of the future, he didn't have a dream. It's been 6 years. Now he's grown up, huge, healthy, masculine, manly. He has finally found his dream, he found his passion. He is successful. I'm so proud of him.

Also I hate him for waking me up for absolutely no reason this early in the morning. Even the lights aren't fully out yet.

"Good afternoon Miss."


It's already afternoon?

I hurriedly glance at the wall clock. Reality snaps. I literally feel betrayed by my own guts. It's 4:40 pm in the afternoon, when I thought it was 4 am in the morning.

"I've no time for greetings unfortunately. I need to find Seungkwan and go back to sleep. Where's he? Where is Boo Seungkwan?" I look around the room but he's nowhere to be found. Wonwoo shakes his head, sighing.

Wait a minute.

I'm in America. He's in Korea. It's afternoon here. It's midnight there. He isn't supposed to be here.

There's no way he would fly all the way to New York for 30 seconds, just to sing that damn song and wake me up from my peaceful sleep. Will he?

Turns out it was coming from Wonwoo's phone. It was a 6 years old recording.

"I've been trying to wake you up for 2 hours now. For thirty minutes I was convinced that you were dead. I was going to call your brother and tell him that his sister is no more. Then I heard your snoring. I again tried waking you up but you didn't respond. I got so tired that I ended up calling the boys. They told me to play that recording. Thank god I had it in my phone, or else I would've passed out by now."

Oh. I expected that coming.

Repeatation of history,
Same old story.
Just different place,
Different person,
Different level of patience.
The saga continues,
Never gets old.

Damn. I might have a bright future as a poet rather than a model.

"I'm so sorry for your inconvenience but you've to do that for 2 more hours because I'm really really sleepy. I promise I'll be a good girl. Okay thank you in advance you're so nice bye bye love you goodnight."

"What? Hey hey hey no no open your eyes what the fuck. Don't dare to sleep again. Please have mercy, it took me 2 freaking tiring hours just to make your eyes see the light of the world. You can't fail me like this come on."

He starts shaking me by my shoulder. How do I make him understand that although I went to bed at 10pm, I feel like I just slept for 10 minutes? I need more sleep to at least satisfy my heart.

"Oh really? That's great. It takes Jeonghan 5 hours to do that. You made progress. Congratulations. Now leave me alone, goodnight."

"Now I know why Jeonghan hyung used to drink red bull before he went to wake you up." Okay that's new. "Cover your ears while you still can because now I'm going to do an asmr of the longest sigh of despair of the history right next to your ears." He says. I spit out a laughter, covering my mouth with my palm.

Although I'm sleepy on an unreasonable level, I can't help but admit the fact that Wonwoo isn't what I thought he is at all. I used to think he's always serious and no fun type of guy. It seems like I was wrong. Very very wrong.

He is fun. It's fun to be around him. Jeon. Wonwoo. Is. Fun.

"Fine I'll wake up." Scowling inconspicuously, I lift my head slowly. It's better to stay awake as he wishes, rather than hearing the asmr of the longest sigh of despair.

"Wise choice." He inclines in clarification. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. "Since I listened to you, you can not bother me for the rest of the day. If you do, I'm going to call Eunwoo and fly back to the underworld."

"Who is Eunwoo?" He asks sternly, causing me to turn stiff. It's as if my comment just offended him. This type of inflection is rare from him, it's so sudden. He always talks softly. Frankly speaking, it kind of intimidates me.

I soften my voice. "Eunwoo was my best friend in the underworld. He's an angel."

"An actual one?" Asks he, shifting back to his original tone. I nod.


Saying Eunwoo's name when he's not around made me realize that I miss him so much. I miss him everyday. He was one of the most important and magnificent chapters of my life.

I sigh.

I want to see you so badly Eunwoo. Are you doing well? I hope you're well. I hope you're missing me as much as I'm missing you. I hope you want to see me again just as much as I want to see you. It's a pity that it's not possible for us.

If you're hearing me, please remember our promise.

I don't know about you very well, you never told me anything about youself. In fact, I know nothing about you. You never told me why your wings are black or why you're stuck in the underworld.

It still amazes me how you seem to know everything about me, when I don't remember telling you myself. Perhaps you have some kind of extraordinary power to look into people's memories and their past.

See? You're so special.

Maybe there's a chance I'll see you again in heaven.

Maybe that time, you won't be an angel with cursed black wings anymore. Maybe that time, I won't be what I'm now. Maybe that time, both of our curse will be finally vanquished and we'll see the alluring light of paradise together.

You'll be a beautiful angel with graceful white wings again. I'll be an eternal soul, unshackled from all tribulation and curse of this world.

We'll both be free. You and I; forever.

《《 flashbacks 》》

As their time comes to a heart-wrenching halt, their desire of not wanting to leave each other grows stronger.

Eunwoo gives her a gentle head pat. "It's time to part ways."

The female sucks in a shaky breath. "Can't you say words that are less sadder?" She says, lightly kicking his knee. He brings a hand to his nape and rubs the spot. "Well then... never see you again freak?" She exhales with a chuckle. "That's better, freak." Both of them guffaw at the remark.

The joy soon fades away as the air around them starts getting overshadowed with dark clouds of misery. "Have a safe journey. Don't forget me once you go back to your family. You are more than a friend Yoon Miyeon. The best one." He says, forcing a smile.

"You're the best one too."


"Farewell, angel Eunwoo."

The male gets an overwhelming urge to turn around and walk away first, so that she doesn't have to see the tears he is shedding right now. However, he can't because she is gripping on to his forearm tightly.

"Let go. I can't see you leave." His voice cracks.

"Before I leave, let's make a promise."

He stares at her questionably, wondering if he's capable of keeping that promise. "What promise?"

"Let's meet each other again in our next life as stranger. I want to know you better that time. Until then, let's definitely remember each other and this promise. Can you do that?"

He nods silently.

She starts walking away.

He sees her smile for the last time.

He watches her crying, he watches her fade away in the air.

Once she's gone, he falls on his knees.

"Even in our next life, I would fall in love with you Miyeon. You were my flower from the very beginning, I wish you knew that. You'll be my flower till the very end. Forever."

《《 end of flashback》》


We're lying on the bed, flat on our back, hands on our stomach, facing the blank ceiling. Surprisingly, Wonwoo didn't bother me the entire time. He was indulged in his work, I was busy face timing Jeonghan.

By didn't bother I mean, he literally didn't bother me at all. Not even a single exchange of words. He took what I said way too seriously. I wonder if he's mad with me.

"Wonwoo?" He hums. "Are you mad with me?" I ask carefully.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"I mean you didn't talk to me the entire time. Did I say something that might've offended you?" He laughs. "Nope. Why would I be mad? You told me not to bother you. I just followed that."

"Yeah but that doesn't include you and me not talking to each other the rest of the day." I say, pressing my lips together. He chews the insides of his cheeks. "I was being too cautious I guess. I'll keep it in mind next time."

After a short period of silence, he rolls to my side, elbow supporting his body up and right hand holding his head in the air. "Say, what exactly happened between you and Mingyu that night?"

His name alarms me. What more alarms me is that he is asking me this unnerving question right now and I've got no way to avoid it.

He doesn't the actual story of that night. All he knows is that we had a huge fight. I'm not sure if I want him to know the ugly part of it.


"Did he say something mean to you? If he ever does anything bad to you, you've to tell me right away. Understand?" It's already bad as it is.

I give my head a small nod of affirmation. "Now tell me what happened." He asks. "Didn't Mingyu tell you anything?"

"He said he doesn't remember. You tell me." Doesn't remember... doesn't remember...I see.

Should I tell him what really happened between me and Mingyu? Won't it ruin their friendship? From what I've heard from Jeonghan, Mingyu has no one except Wonwoo in his life.

No matter he cruel is to me, I can never do the same to him.

He is already damaged.

On top of everything, Wonwoo treasures Mingyu.

Wonwoo cares about Mingyu and I care about Wonwoo. I can't turn him against his younger brother like friend. I can't hurt him like this. Not after everything he has done for me.

"We had a fight. He didn't say anything mean to me. I was too disappointed and angry seeing him like that. We... won't be together again. I don't think there's a chance for us anymore. The problem, the fight... it won't get fixed any time sooner. We won't be any better." A sharp frustrated sigh escapes from my throat. My lips quiver when I'm about to say this. "Probably never."

I shift my gaze to him in order to see his reaction. I can't decipher it. He's neither happy or sad. "Do you want to move on?" A spear of pain ricochetes off of the walls of my heart and reverberates straight down through my body.

I feel so confused, so defeated.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know."

He lies on his back again, still facing me. "You know, moving on isn't always about not loving someone and forgetting them. Sometimes the pain isn't just worth it. Life will not do you any good if you keep holding onto the past, when you have a beautiful future ahead." He breathes in. "Don't hold onto it. Try to let go, rather than forgetting that person. When you let go, you may not be a part of their life anymore, but that doesn't mean you can't love them. You can still love them. They may not know it, but your heart will always know." Says he.

His words create a strong impact on me. Certainly, it is a positive one. Each thing he said is relevant and worthwhile. With what little things I've told him, he observed the circumstances and looked at the bigger picture, which I failed to do.

He wants the best for Mingyu, for everyone. I know he doesn't want me to hate Mingyu or resent him. I admire him for that. However, I'm unable to do that. I'm sorry Wonwoo.

By now, both Mingyu and I know that we can't love each other the way used to ever again. The love and the us is gone. Even if it magically comes back by any means, I don't think I've the audacity to allow it back in my life again.

My heart can't go back to loving him, which leads to only one final conclusion.

This is the end for us.

I'm really sorry that I kept yall waiting for so long. I'm unable to update frequently like I used to because of my hectic schedule. I hope yall can forgive me for that.

Anyways, pardon me for the mistakes. I wish everyone a wonderful day ahead. Love you guys so much, goodnight!

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