Farewell to You (Deku x Reade...

By IzumiiHoshii

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ఌYou take a vacation to Musutafu for the summer. Where just happens to live a smol broccoli. You explore the... More

Chapter 1~The Milk
Chapter 2~The Jacket
Chapter 3~The talk
Chapter 4~Moonlight
Chapter 5~ Beach Day
Chapter 6~Be Careful!!
Chapter 7~The Accident
Chapter 8~Goodbyes
Chapter 9~Part one
Halloween Chapter Thing??
Chapter 10~Bakugo
Chapter 11~'Your on TV!?'
Chapter 12~Clouds
Chapter 13~Wet Cheeks
Chapter 14~The phone call
Chapter 15~Home Again
Chapter 16~Yakeru
Chapter 17~Uh, who are you again?
💚❤️💚Christmas Special❤️💚❤️
Chapter 18~So we meet again
Chapter 19~Just a another day
Chapter 20~Hotaru Ukiiyo
Chapter 21~Teeny Tiny Y/N
Chpater 22~Problem solved?
Chapter 23~Mochi Date
Chapter 24~keep chasing
Chapter 25~♥︎♥︎♥︎
Chapter 26~ Heaven's Eye
Chapter 27~Resolution
Chapter 28~Return
Chapter 29~Quirks
Chapter 30~Farewells

Chapter 9~Part two

445 15 7
By IzumiiHoshii

As you open the car door you and Motoki's cousin make eye contact. Your shocked to do who it is. It's the guy who attacked you and Izuku! Your eyes widen and you point a finger at him. Right before you were gonna say what your were going to say he interprets you.

"Hey, what hell are you doing here!?" He shouts with annoyed look on his face.

"I should be the one who's asking that question!" You snap back. Motoki stands there confused.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" He says.

"Pchh, yea she's the dork who hangs around with that damn nerd." You frown your eyebrows and cross your arms.

"I am not a dork" you say angrily with your cheeks puffed out.

"Yea whatever," he says.

"Oh! Well, anyways, Y/N this is Bakugo" Motoki says.

"Mhm" you say trying not to make contact with Bakugo.

Motoki puts your stuff in the car, he then sits in the drivers seat. Out if all the people why did it have to be him. You think to yourself. You like the back seat car door and sit down. You pull out your phone.

"Katsuki, why don't you sit in the back with Y/N?" Motoki says. Oh god no,

"No way am I sitting with that dork! I'm just fine siting up here" Bakugo says stubbornly. You sigh in relief. Motoki gives Bakugo a look. Bakugo scowls.

"Damnit, fine..." he says angrily while opening the car door and sitting next to you. You avoid eye contact. Motoki plugs in his earbuds and starts driving.

"We'll be there in about 15 minutes" he says.

You pull out your phone and go on it for a bit. You slightly look over at Bakugo ,who is literally sitting right next to you, and he's looking the other way blushing a bit with an annoyed look on his face.

"Don't tell me your texting that damn nerd!?" He says while looking over at your phone. You blush.

"What no! I-I was just checking in case if he texted me." you say.


You find the courage to ask.

"Why do you pick on him..?" You say softly. He looks at you.

"Because he's weak" he says angrily.

"So? Doesn't mean you have to bully him! Izuku told me you acted like this since you were kids! I know he's not the strongest...but still."

"A-and the other day, at the store, you really hurt him. You burned a bit of his arm, luckily it was able to heal...
B-but you can't go around hurting people like that!" You say, he laughs.

"You think I care? It's his own stupid fault for not standing up for himself and actually throwing a punch of some kind. But that's what you get from someone who's quirk less, their weak, they don't belong in this world." You couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. Is this what Izuku had to live with his whole life!? No wonder why he has no confidence in himself. You frown your eyebrows and look away. You couldn't stand this guy. He was just so mean, and how he acted towards Izuku. And the worst part was you had to see him for a week! But you were sure there was some sort of real reason why he bullied Izuku, and you were determined to figure it out.
The rest of the car trip was silent, you and Bakugo both gave opposite directions staring at the window.

~El Time Skip~

As the car stoped since it reached its destination, you unbuckled your seat belt and opens the car door. You stepped out of the car and looked around. You could see the silhouettes of the trees that lead to a house that was lit up by a path of little lanterns.
It's been a while since I was last here. I wonder how grandma and grandpa are doing.

"Catch dork!" Bakugo says and snaps you out of your thought. He throws your backpack and it hits you right in the head. Ow! What the hell!?

"Hey!?-Why you!-" you say angrily but Motoki interrupts you.

"Cut it out you two! Now let's get moving, or we'll catch a cold." He says

"Pch! It's the end of spring, no way we're gonna catch a cold you idiot!" Bakugo shouts. Motoki responds with an eye roll but then he starts walking. You pick up your backpack pissed at Bakugo for throwing it at you. He carries some of your stuff along with Motoki carrying the rest. You catch up with Motoki and leave Bakugo behind since he's looking at something on his phone. You walk beside Motoki. And glance at him. He's got dirty blonde hair with bright blue eyes. God he's so cute. And good looking. You blush and look ahead. He laughs a bit.

"Sorry about him, he's usually always like this so don't take it too personal." He says.

"Oh, I-it's fine. I'm sure we'll get along." You say lying.

You arrive at the front porch and Motoki knocks on the door. It opens and you see your grandma. She looks so happy and she brings you into a tight hug.

"Y/N! Look at how much you've grown. Your such a beautiful girl!!" She says. You laugh.

"Thanks grandma. It's good to see you." You say cheerfully. She relaxes you put puts her hands one your shoulders.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I just want you to know that we're here for you, and we love you." She says.

You then remember about your mom. You've been trying to avoid thinking about it but every know and then it would come across your mind. You start to wonder if she's getting better. You then feel a bit of tears on your eyes. Your grandma holds you tight which comforts you a lot. It's good to feel comforted with someone of your family. You wipe away some of your tears. Your grandma let's you guys into the house and each of your sit on the couch. You also eat dinner. Your grandpa comes in and talks to you a bit but then goes to bed since it's really late and he was at work all day.

"Ok, well it looks like we should be heading in too!" Motoki says with a laugh. Him and Bakugo get up.

"See you tomorrow Y/N, and Mrs. Takahashi!"
He says while waving while exiting the door, Bakugo follows him but when he gets to the door he pauses and slightly looks back.

"Later dork." He says. You avoid eye contact with him but respond, just to be polite.

"Bye!" You say. Your grandma gets up.

"Ok dear let's get you to bed, you've had a tough day and you need to your rest!" She says while leading you to a room.

"Here's your room. I fixed it all up for you. In fact this use to be your mothers room when she was little" she says. You look around the room and smile. You run to your grandma and hug her.

"Thank you so much grandma! For everything!" You say gratefully.

"Oh no worries dear, now I'll see you in you morning." She says while exiting the room and turning off the rest of the house lights.

(Picture of the room btw:)

You brush your teeth then change into your sleep wear and look at your phone. You decide to text Izuku about all that's happened since he sent a text saying how was the trip going. You start texting:

Hi Izuku

You then remember the dream you had and what the guy who looked like Izuku told you.

"Why don't your call him midoriya? I find that much more polite." His voice echoed through your head.


You backspace the text.

Hi Midoriya, it's a bit late right now for me. Today was a bit crazy. But you don't have to worry I'm fine. I'll call you tomorrow! Gn!

. You put your phone down and turn off the lights. You lay in bed and it doesn't take you long to fall asleep.

~time skip~

You wake up to the sound of birds chirping. You open your eyes and hold out your hand over the bed so it hangs. Your half asleep, and suddenly you see a light coming from under the bed. You ignore it and go back to sleep for about a second but then it gets brighter and you open your eyes.
What's going on?? What's that light comi-
As your turn over and look under the bed you see a white flame on the ground. Aaah! FIRE! Crap! Crap! Crap! You panic and quickly fall out of bed. You then realize it's your quirk. When you go into the bathroom that attached to your room you pour the faucet water into a cup but then a flame appears in the palm of your hand! Aaah! What the!? How do i get it off!? You think hard to yourself trying to concentrate but at the same time panicking.
Release! Go away! Stop, pleaseeee!!! The flames get brighter and you close your eyes tightly with some tears forming in your eyes of fear and frustration.


Then it stops. You open your eyes to see the flame gone. You run to check under the bed and the flames gone too! What the heck just happened? Is something wrong with my qui-
You then remember what the doctor told you.
"Y/N, try to avoid using your quirk until we fully understand the situation."
Crap! I'm not supposed to use my quirk!!
You look down at your hand and make a fist.
I-it's like my quirk did it on its own....
I need to learn how to control this new power. If only I could-

"Y/N! Are you awake? Breakfast is on the table!"
Your interrupted by your grandmas voice. She shouts from the kitchen.
You remember how your mom would always shout stuff like that. Like mother like daughter I guess.
"Yes grandma, I'm up! Just give me like 3 minutes!" You say.

"Ok dear, take your time!" She says back.

Your phone goes off meaning you got a notification. You walk over to the nightstand and check it. You see a picture of your mom and you when you were little. Your mom hugging you. There's a side note
that pops up. It reads:

Remember Y/N, I love you. ~Mom

You realize that your mom made this reminder on your phone to go off every week. You stare at the picture for a while and tears start to form in your eyes. Oh mom, I love you too. I miss you so much...
You wipe the tears away and put your phone down, you walk out the room and close the door.



After you finish eating you shower and get dressed. You watch TV for a bit to take your mind off things then you hear your ringtone go off, someone's calling you.
Who could that be? Ack! It's probably Izuku!

"Is that my phone?" Your grandma says looking around.

"Oh, no, i-it's my phone. I think my friend might be calling me." You say getting up from the couch.

"Oh" she says while laughing a bit
"Heh, I always get confused with those phones"
You laugh a bit too. You run to your room and look at who's calling you. It's Izuku. You pick up the phone nervously and clear your throat. You answer the call. Right before you could say hello Izuku immediately speaks.

[Quick code btw]
•=Izuku talking
~=You talking

•Y/N are you ok!? Please tell me your not hurt! I heard what happened on the bus! It was on the internet news page! Your safe right!?

~oh, y-yea I'm fine. There was just a little accident on the bus. I-it's really no big deal

•No big deal!? You could of been seriously injured!! When I read the news this morning I started to worry! You should of told me Y/N!
Man, he's really overthinking this. You roll your eyes with a smile. Typical Izuku

You laugh a bit.

~Midoriya.. I-I told you, I'm fine. It was just a little accident. Really, I'm fine.

There was a pause for a bit. You stood there in complete awkwardness.

~B-but anyways...how's it going for you? It must be nice not having Bakugo at school.

•Huh? How'd you know about that?

You pause for a bit. Shoot I shouldn't of said that...


~Oh yea, w-well you see... Um he's kind of here...

•K-kacchan!? What's he doing over there!?

~Uh well, his cousin Motoki, w-who's also here. Is working for my grandpa, you know helping him out. And Bakugo's staying with him. J-just for the week though!

•Huh! M-Motoki's there too!? Wasn't he the guy at the

You interrupt him.


It's quiet.

~v-why don't I tell you everything that's happened...

You tell Izuku about everything. About the bus. The villain, what the doctor told you. Your new abilities. Everything.

•A quirk that got added onto it!? W-wait so lemme get this straight, the villain who attacked you on the bus, he added onto your quirk!? But how is that even possible. Well unless he can add onto people quirks, as a quirk. But still what kinda power is that?

He mutters for a bit. You giggle. He stops talking.


~Oh, I-it's nothing. It's just kinda cute when you can't stop muttering.

Izuku's POV

My face turn red as I realize I was muttering out loud. Eek! She called me cute

•Oh! Uh s-sorry, sometimes I don't realize when I'm thinking aloud.

She giggles cutely.

~Heh, I don't mind.

•Uh so Motoki's gonna be there the whole time your there..?

I ask nervously. Please don't tell me he's gonna be there the whole time...

~U-uh, well just for 1 week..so not the whole time.

•Oh, uh huh.

~Hey, um Midoriya...

"Izuku! You should be getting to school!" I hear my mom say.

"Ok." I say.

•Uh Y/N,-

~ I heard Inko.

She says while giggling softly

~You better go or you be late for school!

I slightly smile

•Yea, ok. Just promise me this. Be careful with your quirk. A-and please, b-be safe Y/N...

~Yea, I promise!

~o-ok, well I'll talk to your later!

•Mhm. B-bye Y/N..

She hangs up the phone.

"Izuku!" I hear my mom shout.

"Y-yea, im coming!"

I sigh. I just hope nothing else bad happens to Y/N. I mean she's already been through a lot and I haven't really been comforting her or anything. But there's just one thing I don't undertsand...
Why all of a sudden is she calling me by Midoriya. She's always called my Izuku...
Does she not see me as a close friend anymore..?
I shake my head to get these thought out. I head out the door and start walking to school.
Y/N, I hope your ok.

~Your POV~

You hang up the phone. You hear someone knock on the door. You walk into the kitchen and see grandma making pie, she's busy right now.

"Oh dear" she says with her hands covered in flour from making the curst.

"I-I'll get it grandma!" You say walking towards the door. As you open it you see Motoki and Bakugo at the door. Motoki's in his work clothes.

"Hey Y/N. Uh is your grandma home?" He asks in a rush.

"Oh uh yea. She's in the kitchen." You open the door wider so the can come in.

"Sorry for late notice Mrs. Takahashi, but could I leave Katsuki here? I have to go to work and I don't want him home alone." He says. You look at Bakugo who's staring at Motoki angrily. He then looks at you annoyed. You try not to giggle. He can't even stay home by himself. And he's supposed to be some bad boy. You cover your mouth resisting yourself to laugh. Bakugos gets madder as he sees you doing this. Your grandma says yes allowing Bakugo to stay.

"Damn it! I can't take care of myself! I don't need some old hag and dork watching after me! I'm fine on my own!!" Motoki pats Bakugos head.

"Yea sure katsuki, now you be good" he says, Bakugo scowls at him pissed. He looks at you. Your still trying not to laugh.

"What the hell are you looking at!?" He says.

He catches you off guard.

"Huh! Oh uh nothing!" You say nervously.

"Tch!" He says looking the other way.

"I-I'll be back by 6 p.m.!" Motoki says while running out the door.

It's quiet, and awkward...

"Y/N, why don't you and Bakugo go out into the town for a bit. After all your gonna need to get used to it." Your grandma suggests.

"W-what! No way am I hanging with-" You say. Your grandma gives you a look telling you to be nice.


"Mmmm, fine" you say crossing your arms.

sorry this ones a bit late :P
But anyways......
lol it means a lot to me ^^

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