From The Dining Table [H.S]

By beautifulharry_xo

259K 3.8K 4.7K

It's assumed euphoria follows me around the world as I tell unknown stories through songs, yet I'd never know... More

Last Night In Jamaica
Emerald Eyes
Who Are You?
Loving you's the Antidote
Dancing in the Moonlight
From The Dining Table
I Miss Her
Dear Primrose...
All the Best, -H x
Better Than Words
The One Where Primrose Cries
The Night We Met
She's Special
2 Bananas for a Pound
Unexpected Visitors
Comfortable Silence
Too Late
The Unconscoius Mind
Colour Me In
Walking On Sunshine
The Start Of Something New
6 More Days
For Your Eyes Only
Don't You Call Me Baby
The Man I Want Him To Be
Surprise, Surprise, Surpirse!
Busy Days And Getaways
London's Quite Big
Sleepy Girl
Beautiful Vulnerability
Chicken Salad
Peace and Prosperity
Beautiful Boy
After Dinner
Doesn't Feel Like Home
Breaking Point
Be Alright
May 12th
We're Live in 3... 2... 1...
May 12th pt.2
White Winged Dove
Lavendar and Crystal
Clear Lipgloss
My World
We'll Be Alright
Unintentional Harm
Love You Goodbye
Eddie and Froggy
My Moment
Granny Pam
The Stories Behind His Letters
London's Calling
Eventim Apollo
After Show
Two Bodies One Soul
Lost Without Him.
I Feel Loved
Lilac and Love
A Twisted Reality
New Years Eve
Hopeless Romantics
Wondering Hands
One Year
I Moved On
Through Eden We Will Walk

Source of Happiness

2.8K 41 82
By beautifulharry_xo

Primrose's POV:

Bliss: perfect happiness, great joy. Reaching a state of such joy that everything else becomes simply oblivious.

Waking up this morning with Harry was bliss. Total, utter bliss.

My eyes fluttered open to Harry's delicate lips pillowing small, butterfly-like kisses into my cheek and temple. His arms were wrapped protectively around my bare waist, holding me close to his body - so close that I could feel his heart beat. It was slow, rhythmic, relaxing. A constant reminder he was alive, and a reminder that I was alive as well: that everything I was experiencing was real.

"Morning, baby." Harry whispered quietly, his warm breath tingling against my neck.

"Mmm, morning." I hum back, looking up into his sleepy, hooded emeralds. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby." He laughs slightly, before falling silent for a few short moments as if he was reliving the night before. "You?"

"The best sleep I've had in a while." I smile, rolling over to face Harry. However, this small movement revealed the weak and frail state my body was in. I felt like jelly. Everything was limp and aching, and I could feel minor throbbing in specific areas over my thighs, arms and neck that were going to be extra bruised.

"Are you okay? Last night wasn't too much too soon for you, was it? You can tell me if it was, Prim, I'll understand. You know I'd understand. It's okay to not be okay." Harry rambled, and I couldn't help but laugh to myself about what he was saying. His tone was so caring and worried though, it made my heart want to explode from admiration. He's so compassionate towards me, it's nothing I've ever experienced before.

"Harry, I am absolutely, positively, 100%, no! 110%, okay. Last night wasn't too much for me. Last night was perfect." I lift my head and peck Harrys lips softly, before returning to my pillow again. Harry looked down on me with the biggest grin, before taking a childish peep under the covers. Not going to lie, I didn't expect that.

"You're... naked." He giggled to himself like a little girl.

My jaw hung open as I stared at him, completely shocked by what he just said. It didn't take long for a smile to take over though, whilst Harry just looked back at me with wide puppy eyes.

"Yes, Harry. And..." I took a swift look under the covers. " are you." I say back, rolling my eyes and laughing to myself.

Harry took another peek under the covers, before melodramatically putting his hand up to his mouth and flicking his eyes from me to the duvet. "I can see your boobies."

I swear to god this boy is a child. A literal child.

"It's not the first time you've seen them." I reply, shaking my head in disbelief.

"But, I was in the moment last night." Harry moans like a little boy, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"But you saw them before that? When you walked in and I was changing, or when I fainted in my towel and you changed me into a tshirt." I reason.

"It's not the same though. The first time, I didn't really see them because you zoomed out the room so fast. The second time was a serious situation, and I was more concerned about your wellbeing than looking at your... boobies." Harry laughs again.

"What are you getting at, Styles? Do you want to see them again, is that what it is? Because if you say boobies one more time I'm going downstairs." I scold teasingly, looking up to Harry.

"No, it's not that. It's just something new. It's a new step for us. I'm enjoying it, I feel a lot closer to you, a lot more connected with you." Harry says quietly against my cheek, before planting a small kiss.

"Oh. Harry, I'm sorry. I didn't realise you saw it like that. Come to think of it... this is a big step for us. And I'm happy to be here. Last night is something I will truly treasure foreve-,"

"And I just wanted to look at your boobies." Harry butts in.

Honest to god, I could've smacked the childish smirk off his face. I thought we were having a genuine, loving moment with one another. I know he's only joking, but it's a tiny bit frustrating.

"That's it." I say flatly, pulling myself from the bed and his arms easily unraveled from my body. "I'm going for breakfast." I say, walking over to my suitcase and pulling out a thong, some shorts and a jumper. "You can stay in here, being immature." I say, keeping my back to him as I quickly slip into my underwear. "And-,"

"Primrose! There's a spider!" Harry bellows.

"Where?!" I spin around rapidly, scanning the entire room for the small, black devil of a creature.

"Heheheheheh... I saw your boobies again." He smiles proudly, doing a little celebratory dance.

"I saw your boobies. I saw your boobies." He sung, as I angrily shoved my jumper on over my head.

"Harry!" I yell, rolling my eyes and storming out the room - my shorts still in my hand.

"Oh Prim, come on. It was just a joke!" Harry shouts, but his voice was soon non-existent as I made my way down the stairs.

Entering the kitchen, I hopped into my shorts, flipped the kettle on, and leant over the granite to look out the window. Not long after, Harry stumbled into the room; his messy curls blinding his vision.

"Primmmmmmm." He moans, walking over and snaking his hands round my waist from behind. "I'm sorry." He kisses my neck lightly.

"Harry, I'm not even mad." I laugh, spinning round to face him.

"But you seemed so upset." He says confused, watching me walk over and pour two cups of tea.

"I was frustrated, but I wasn't upset. Harry, I appreciate how much you care for me, and check up on me, but I'm not that easily offended. I'm anxious, not a baby." I walk over and lay a long, simple kiss into his lips.

"I just like to make sure you're okay." Harry says quietly, and I can tell he's sad.

"Harry, baby, I didn't mean to upset you. I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry." I coo, wrapping my arms around Harry's neck.

His eyes drift up to meet mine, before a small grin spreads across his face. "You were quite a fan of 'baby' last night." He teases.

My arms slam down to my thighs. "See, Harry. I thought we were having a moment, but then you go and-,"

Harrys finger places firmly over my lips. "Shhhhh." He hums. "I'm joking." He leans down and pecks my lips. I walk over to take both tea mugs, Harry trails behind. "Quite some bruises you've got forming there." He says, almost proudly whilst looking my body up and down

"Recognise them? You gave them to me!"

"Could never forget them." Harry smirks to himself. "Thank you, for last night." He mumbles.

"What do you mean?" I ask, placing the cups down.

"Last night... it meant something to me. It was special. It is special. It will always be special. I will never forget it. And thank you, for letting me share it with you." Harry fiddles with his fingers like he's nervous for my reaction.

I take two small steps to close the distance between us, and use my hand to move his face to look at mine. "Thank you for letting me share it with you, too. Thank you for making me feel so safe, and so secure, that I am able to come out of this thick shell of mine." I smile up at him, staring into his emeralds like it's the first time I've ever seen them.

"I like watching you come out, it's beautiful to watch. You're beautiful to watch, Prim." Harry pulls me in for a tight hug. "My beautiful girl." He hums, swaying me side to side.

"My beautiful boy." I hum back, resting my head in his chest.


The next few days with Harry flew by. We didn't do much: he made me dinner one night, it was a really nice tuna steak. During the day, we mainly stayed at home watching tv or singing and dancing round the kitchen, enjoying one another's company.

The morning I had to leave, Harry was in turmoil. His head didn't just fall off, it got sawed off, thrown in a paper shredder, flushed down the loo and repurposed as fertiliser for crops. He was sprinting round the room making sure I didn't forget anything, it took him 10 minutes to find his car keys which were in his hand, he stalled 6 time's from his house to the train station. Then, when we were in the station, he insisted to pay for my ticket, but not before he spent 5 minutes fumbling in every single pocket on him to find his credit card.

"What's got you so flustered?" I ask as we both sat on the bench, awaiting my train that we were 15 minutes early for, thanks to Harry telling us to leave an hour early because of 'traffic'.

"Nothing." He says shortly. My eyes wonder down to the twitching in his leg; watching it rapidly bounce up and down became quite mesmerising to be honest.

"Is it about me leaving?"

Harry takes a sharp breath in. "I just want you to get home safe. It's a long train ride, and when you get home it will be late. I know what creeps are in woolacombe. And, I don't like knowing I won't be there to look after you." He admits, and I watch his face relive like all the weight in the world was just taken off his shoulders.

"H, I'll be fine. I always text Angel on every journey I go on alone, and I have your number. I'll text you throughout the day to tell you I'm okay, then I'll call you when I'm home." I reassure, placing my hand over his thigh.

'The train to Barnstable station, is pulling into the station. Please stay behind the line until the train has stopped. Thankyou.'

"Well, this is me." I sigh, standing up. Harry follows me to the train, dragging my suitcase behind him.

"So, this is it." Harry takes my hands in his.

"Only for a few weeks, I'll see you before your album comes out." I smile, trying to remove the sadness painted over his face.

"I don't like that it's two weeks, thats too long to not see you." Harry sulks.

"Harry, I know. It's going to be really hard. But, you have such amazing things coming up, that will keep you so busy - you'll forget about me!" I explain.

Harrys expression sours. "Forget about you? Prim, I would never, could never, will never." He says, almost offended by my words.

"No, I know. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just trying to make this goodbye easier for you." I say calmly, rubbing Harrys hands with my thumbs.

"How aren't you more upset?" Harry asks quietly.

"This is killing me, Harry. But I can't let myself see that. If I show myself vulnerability, I will claw every last ounce of it out my body, until I'm a pool of tears on the floor, and you're dragging me into that train." I laugh slightly, hoping to lighten the mood.

"I'm going to miss you." Harry says, pulling me closer to him and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'll miss you too." I reply, before Harry slams his lips into mine, for one last, fiery kiss. My hands trail up Harrys chest, until they wrap firmly around his neck. His lips nip away at mine, and I feel them tingle from the sensation. Harry dances around my mouth like usual, looking round every inch like he's never seen it before.

"I need to get on the train." I mumble into the kiss.

Harry pulls his mouth away from mine, smirking slightly as he notices my heavy breathing. "That'll sit with you for a few hours."

Yes, it will.

Taking my suitcase, I walk over to the train doors. "Goodbye, Harry."

"Bye, P. I'll miss you." Harry looks so sad stood all on his own. I would give anything to stay in London with him forever. But, Angel would kill me.

"I'll miss you-," my speech is interrupted by the train doors slamming in front of me, separating me from my happiness. "Too." I exhale to myself, before taking my things to an empty seat.

The journey home was long. It felt much longer than before. Having the excitement of finally seeing Harry again made the entire trip worth something. Well, I am looking forward to seeing Angel. He's going to freak when I update him on everything. I told him I'd call him while I was there; but I didn't. I totally lost track of time.

Harry texted me every hour asking if I was okay. Every time, I replied with "yes, Harry. :)". However, he's not that good at conversations on phones. He doesn't even use emojis. The only one he uses is the red heart. Bless him, he's such an old man at heart.

Thankfully, I had Pete be my taxi driver again. It was nice to catch up with him - I hadn't seen him since I got back from Jamaica.

Pulling into the car park, I payed Pete for the trip, got my things from the boot and made my way to the barn. Walking up the familiar stairs, I pushed open the door and let the familiar smell of chips and beer hit my nostrils. As I dragged my suitcase up the stairs, I saw the door swing open.

"BITCHHHHHH!" Angel yelled, excitedly running down the stairs and hugging me. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"Can I get up the stairs, please?" I laugh, almost falling over from how hard he slammed into me. As I placed my bags down, Angel tediously waited next to me until he could hug me again.

"How was it? Tell me everything." He ushers me to sit on the sofa.

"Oh my god, are you gonna die. Guess who has a boyfriend?" I collapse down into my couch as I speak.

"I- nooooo. You have a boyfriend!? OH MY GOD!" Angel screams, throwing himself on me in an attempt to hug me. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thankyou, I'm so happy too."

I spent the next 30 minutes explaining everything Harry and I did together. When the harassment scene came up, Angel teared up and had to leave the room to compose himself. It was difficult for me to talk about, especially now Harry wasn't here - it was comforting knowing he'd seen what happened. Don't get me wrong, Angel would protect me at any cost, but he wasn't there. Harry was. It's hard for me to be calmed by someone who didn't experience the situation like I did.

When I very briefly skimmed over the sex part, Angel almost had a stoke.

"What did you just say? Sex? You had sex with him? You had sex with Harry Styles. Oh my god. I'm so jealous! My best friend, my best friend, is dating Harry styles. I'm going to be the really attractive part to this iconic trio!" Angel said, almost as if it were to himself.

"Trio?" I laughed.

"Well, we can work out the details later. Tell me about the sex; was it good?" He leans forward intently.

"I didn't expect myself to be okay with it so soon. A few days before, he flirted with me and touched my bum, and I fully had a breakdown. It's like... I don't know how to explain how I feel with him. Obviously, my anxiety is still very much present. However, he makes me feel so beyond safe, so much more than comforted. It's like when I'm with him, nothing else in the world exists. Time just stops. I'm always happy with him. He understands me on levels I didn't even know were possible. It's all a bit of a shock to me, especially after how Dan treated me. He's amazing."

Angel looks at me with glossy eyes, as he struggles to hold back a smile. "I think someone's in loveeee!" He sings, poking me on the nose.

"What? Love?" I blurt out. That thought hadn't even crossed my mind yet. "I'm not in love with him."

"Okay." He rolls his eyes.

"I'm not, Angel." I say sternly.

"And I said okay." He smiles. "Now, tell me about what his band is like."

Angel and I sat for hours, just talking. Angels always been that friend that will let me explain every last spec of my feelings. He supports me in ways nobody ever has. I genuinely believe he's my guardian angel. Without him, god knows where I'd be.

We moved into my bedroom, and continued to talk while I got ready for bed and unpacked my suitcase. Angel couldn't believe what I did when we danced in the road. He said it was the most beautiful thing he's ever heard me do.

As we were laughing about the boobies conversation, the old phone on my vanity began to ring.


"Hey, love. You never called - I got worried." Harry sighed in relief of hearing my voice.

My hand smacks across my face. "Shit! I'm so sorry. I got home fine, then Angel was here. We got carried away gossiping." I laugh.

"Gossiping? Not about me I hope. " He teases.

"Of course not." I lie, earning a judgemental look from Angel. I just shoot him the you-would-lie-too eyes, and he nods his head to agree.

"I'll leave you to it. Tell Angel I say hi. Goodnight, P. Sleep well." Harry says softly.

"Goodnight, Harry. Miss you."

"Miss you too." He hums, before ending the call.

"Harry said hi." I say, turning to face Angel and sit back on the bed.

"We are practically best friends." Angel whips his long hair over his shoulder, and I just roll my eyes at how hard he's fangirling.

"I'm not seeing him for another two weeks." I sigh, falling back to lie on my bed. Angel follows my action, lying next to me.

"Babe, you'll survive. You have me." He smiles.
Sitting up, I take the photo of Harry from Jamaica off my bedside table and hold it in my lap for a few short moments.

"I know. But I don't think he will."

"What makes you say that?" Angel stays lying down, fiddling with his hair in his fingers.

"He was a mess today. Honestly, a headless chicken. He really didn't want me to leave."
I explain briefly.

"Primmy, he just didn't want you to go. Harry's not going to die without you." Angel tried to reassure me.

"He was a mess after Jamaica, though." I reason.

"That's because he knew he fucked up." Angel reminds me, and I can't help but agree with him. "He's in the clear now, nothing bad has happened."

"That's true." I fall back to lie with Angel again, holding the photo of Harry out above me. "He's so pretty." I smile to myself, admiring the glimmer of happiness in his eyes.

"That's because you make him that happy." Angel says as I pull the photo to my chest and hug it. "And he makes you happy."

"Very happy." I hum, feeling my eyes get heavy and tired.

"Just don't channel all your happiness into him, P. I'm not saying he will hurt you, but if he leaves, or when he isn't around, you'll loose your source of happiness. I don't want you to be sad, Prim." Angel says, in a stern yet caring tone.

Placing the photo on my table again, I roll over to face him. "You're my source of happiness too, Angel. And I won't ever forget about you. Because you'll never leave me." I smile.

"Darn right." He laughs.

"I just don't want him to leave me." I say quietly, letting the thought fully sink in.

A girl can only pray that their man will never leave them. It's the unknowing of whether they will or won't that scares them. However, I know that Harrys going to leave me. He's going to tour for months, he's going to be away on big business opportunities all the time, and he lives hours away from me.

All I can do is support him, and hope that he will never leave me.

The day Harry leaves me, is the day a large part of my happiness leaves me too.


Hey lovelies! How beautiful was the golden music video?

Thankyou for reading and continuing to support me - you mean so so so much to me.

If you're from england like me, please stay safe during this next lockdown. Be sensible!

Also I stg if I see a "we were robbed" comment at the top of this chapter, I'm deleting this whole wattpad. Jokes I won't.

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