From The Dining Table [H.S]


266K 3.9K 4.7K

It's assumed euphoria follows me around the world as I tell unknown stories through songs, yet I'd never know... Еще

Last Night In Jamaica
Emerald Eyes
Who Are You?
Loving you's the Antidote
Dancing in the Moonlight
From The Dining Table
I Miss Her
Dear Primrose...
All the Best, -H x
Better Than Words
The One Where Primrose Cries
The Night We Met
She's Special
2 Bananas for a Pound
Unexpected Visitors
Comfortable Silence
Too Late
The Unconscoius Mind
Colour Me In
Walking On Sunshine
The Start Of Something New
6 More Days
For Your Eyes Only
Don't You Call Me Baby
The Man I Want Him To Be
Surprise, Surprise, Surpirse!
Busy Days And Getaways
London's Quite Big
Sleepy Girl
Beautiful Vulnerability
Chicken Salad
Peace and Prosperity
Beautiful Boy
Source of Happiness
Doesn't Feel Like Home
Breaking Point
Be Alright
May 12th
We're Live in 3... 2... 1...
May 12th pt.2
White Winged Dove
Lavendar and Crystal
Clear Lipgloss
My World
We'll Be Alright
Unintentional Harm
Love You Goodbye
Eddie and Froggy
My Moment
Granny Pam
The Stories Behind His Letters
London's Calling
Eventim Apollo
After Show
Two Bodies One Soul
Lost Without Him.
I Feel Loved
Lilac and Love
A Twisted Reality
New Years Eve
Hopeless Romantics
Wondering Hands
One Year
I Moved On
Through Eden We Will Walk

After Dinner

2.8K 37 58

A/N: Thankyou so much for 5k reads!! You all mean so much to me, and you have my endless love.

Also I really thought I did something with this chapter. I was writing it and was like "ooo this is a madness" then I read it back and realised it wasn't a madness.

Sorry x

Primrose's POV:

This evening, Harry and I were going out for dinner with his friend, Louis. I can't lie, I'm nervous. He clearly is very close with Louis, and I really want him to like me.  Harry's reassured me countless times over the day that Louis will love me, and that I should prepare myself for his 'forward personality'.

While Harry was in the shower, I rummaged through my bag to find something respectable to wear. At the bottom of my bag, was an item of clothing, folded neatly and tied up securely with string. I don't remember packing this. Pulling it out, a small tag hung from the string.

I saw this dress and almost died when I imagined how good you would look in it. Wear it on a night out with Harry. Pair it with your black denim jacket and your little heels! Call me after - I want details ;)
Angel xx

Shaking my head, I laughed to myself as I undid the string. When I stood up, I let the dress unfold itself. In front of me, was probably the most beautiful dress I've ever seen in my life.

It was a baby pink, satin mini dress covered in gold stars. Angel knows this is something I would never buy, and he also knows its something I would never wear. He always does this - buys me clothes - like that summer dress he bought me that I wore on mine and Harry's picnic date.

Dropping my towel, I put on my nicest lingerie, before slipping into the dress. I stood in front of the mirror for a few moments, flattening the material with my sweaty palms. I was nervous, and I wasn't hiding it very well. My damp curls hung on my shoulders, as I swivelled around; looking at my reflection intently. Talking myself into wearing this, is like a full fledged debate in my head. As insecure as I felt right now, it was nice to have a few moments not worrying about dinner.

I heard the bathroom door open, and a soaked Harry in his towel entered the bedroom. Watching his reflection as it walked up behind me, my eyes darted to meet the floor.

"That dress looks good on you, P." Harry compliments, slowly moving the hair from my shoulders to reveal my neck. As he lowers his head to rest on my shoulder, I feel his warm breath tingle against my skin. My eyes remain on the floor, tracing the patterns of the wood. Harrys arm snakes around my waist, pulling me the smallest bit closer to his body.

"Really good." He hums against my neck, planting a kiss against my skin. My whole stomach explodes with electricity, as I feel all my nerves simply melt away.

"Mmm, I don't really like it." I mumble, and Harry's grip of my waist tightens. "It's not very me."

"Look at yourself." Harry says quietly, yet his voice is stern and serious. "Prim, look at yourself in the mirror." He ushers my head up with his hand.
"Look how beautiful you are."

My eyes just stare at Harry, as I watch him nuzzle his head into my neck again.

"So beautiful, baby." He says to himself, dancing his lips down my neck, along my collar bone until he reaches my shoulder. Harrys hand moves up to fiddle with the strap of my dress - tucking his finger under it and running it up and down my skin.

"You doubt yourself too much." He whispers against my ear. "A girl as stunning as you shouldn't doubt themselves."

I place my hand over Harrys, moving it slowly off my waist. Turning his body to face mine, I flick my eyes between his wet curls flopped over his face, his glossy emeralds, and his mouth. Leaning forward, I pillow a long, meaningful kiss into his lips, pulling at the bottom one slightly as I pull away.

"Thank you." I whisper, resting my forehead on his. Harry moves both hands to my shoulders: stroking against my upper arm with his thumbs.

"I need to do my makeup." I smile, before removing my head from his and walking into the bathroom.

"You don't need it." He says, as he watches me pull different products from my bag.

A few minutes later, I was finished with my makeup. It was just a simple look with blush, eyelashes and a small bit of brown eyeliner. Harry walked me down the stairs, holding my heels and jacket in his free hand as his other held mine.

I sat at the bench by the door and put on my heels, fumbling to do the buckles. Looking up, I caught Harry admiring himself in the mirror. He looked gorgeously handsome in his suit. It was a simple black, with a white shirt. He ran his hands through his now dry curls, smiling at himself as he flattened out his jacket.

"You look handsome." I compliment, standing to put my jacket on.

"Thank you, love." Harry walked over to me and watched as I fumbled to find the other sleeve of my jacket. I spun round in small circles like a dog trying to catch its tail, as my hand desperately tried to slot into the armhole.

"Need some help?" Harry offered, struggling to hold back his laughter.

He reached over and took my hand in his, guiding it into the sleeve. My face flushed red with embarrassment, as I pulled my jacket up.
"Are you hungry?" He asks, opening the front door and gesturing for me to go before him.

"Yes, starving." I blurt out, before slamming my hand to my face. "I mean... I'm appropriately hungry for the amount of time it's been between my last meal and now."

An ungodly laugh erupted out of Harrys mouth, and I feel my embarrassment triple in size.

"Primrose..." he forces out, struggling to catch his breath. "Never change for the world, okay?" He wipes a tear from his eye, before leaning forward and giving my forehead a light peck.

The drive to the restaurant was very short. Harrys hand was securely on my thigh - a little higher up than usual. He was stroking up and down movements against my skin, each time his hand vanishing under my skirt before peeping back out again. My head was glued to the headrest, as I got lost in the sensation of his fingers tightening their grip each time they got to the top of my inner thigh.

This was the most comfortable I'd felt around Harry ever.

Harry noticed my breathing pick up, as a very small, relieved sigh escaped my mouth, causing me to reposition my posture. To his amusement, he continued to apply pressure - a large grin forming across his face. My head whips round to look at him, as he innocently drives down the road, smirking to himself. I just shoot him a look as if to say 'you-know-exactly-what-you're-doing.'

"Everything alright, love?" He coos, glancing over at me for a moment, flicking his eyes between his hand and my face before returning to the road. I just stare at him, my mouth hanging open in shock. Is he taking the piss?

Harry turns to me again, still grinning to himself, as his eyebrows dart up and down, giving me a look saying 'dont-look-at-me-like-that-we-both-know-you're-enjoying-this.'
I can't lie... I was.

Soon after, we pulled into the car park and entered the restaurant. It was very dimly lit: all the walls were painted a dark teal, the only light sources came from an array of gold lights  and candles littering the tables.

"Ah! Mr Styles, welcome back. It's nice to see you again." The reservations clerk said warmly. "Are you and this lovely lady dining together tonight?" The man smiled at me.

"It's nice to see you too, William. I believe we have a reservation under Styles, for 3. Has the third party member arrived yet?" Harry asks, and my breathing immediately hitches at the reminder of Louis.

Noticing this, Harry intertwines our fingers, and holds my hand close to his leg - reassuringly rubbing his thumb against my hand.

"No, not yet. I'll tell them you both are already here. Please, follow me to your table." The man guides us through the room, and I can't help but notice the sly looks everybody's giving me. They all look so rich, so powerful: their clothes are extravagant and fancy, and their food looks expensive. I can't blame them for looking at me like I'm scum. Compared to everyone in here... I am.

"Here we are, your regular table. I'll have your wine delivered as usual, and your waiter will be over to take your order soon. Let me know if you need anything." William said politely, before disappearing into the crowded room again.

Harry pulled out my chair and watched me sit down, before tucking my chair back in again. As he pulled out the seat opposite me, I noticed people still staring at me.

"Uh, Harry..." I whispered, trying not to be loud incase they hear me. "Why are they staring at me?" I ask, suddenly feeling very insecure in my own skin.

Harrys head darts round to look at all the judgemental eyes shooting daggers at me. "Can I help you?" He says flatly. Flustered, they all look away from me, whispering to one another probably about us.

Harry turns to face me again, clearing his throat. "Probably just admiring your beauty." He beams a smile at me, and I force a fake one back.

Our waiter approached the table: placing an ice bucket containing a bottle of wine on our table. Popping the cork, he pours us both a glass, and places a third, empty glass for Louis.

"Are you okay with wine? I know you don't drink a lot, that's all. Sorry, I should've told them not to bring a bottle." He says as if he's scolding himself.

"Harry, it's fine. I quite like wine to be honest." I lie, lifting the glass and taking the tiniest sip; my face scrunching up as I feel the bitterness crawl down my throat. "It's nice."

"P, you don't have to drink it, I can order yo-,"

"Oi oi!" A voice yells, and my eyes meet a small, shaggy haired man strolling up to the table. His hair is dark and hung slightly over his forehead, and his clothes are causal and baggy.

"Louis!" Harry's face lights up, as he stands from his seat and pulls Louis on for a 'bro-hug.'
"Nice to see you." He smiles.

"Been a while." Louis replies, pulling out the hug. Turning to face me, a small gasp rattles in his throat. "Is this the girl you've been talking about for the last 2 months?"

"Louis!" Harry shouts through his teeth, hitting Louis's arm.

"Don't fookin' hit me." Louis says flatly, before focusing on me again. "I'm Louis." He smiles, walking round the table to hug me. Fear bubbles in my stomach as I look him straight in the eye, shooting my hand out to shake his.

"I'm Primrose. Harry's told me so much about you." I ramble out, shaking his hand. Louis looks down at my handshake with a confused expression, before removing his hand from mine.

"Gimme a hug then!" He pulls me in, and I feel like I could vomit from embarrassment.

Sitting down, I flatten my dress and stare at the menu William placed in front of me. I could hear Louis and Harry talking to one another as I read. They spoke so comfortably around each other, it was a side of Harry I'd never seen before. He's always so nice to me, it's interesting to hear him teasing and mocking Louis.

Louis... he looks so familiar. I can't put my finger on what it is. He even sounds familiar. I've never met this man before, how the hell do I know him? It's almost as if-

"Oh my god!" I blurt out to myself, shooting my head up to look at Louis. "You were in One Direction!"

Harry and Louis look at each other, then back to me, then to one another again. "Harry, thought she knew who you were?" Louis said, confusion drowning in his voice.

"She does, Lou." Harry turns to me. "Yes, P. He was. I should've told you - it totally crossed my mind. Sorry." Harry reaches over and takes my hand in his as he apologises.

"Don't be silly, it's fine, Harry. I just pieced it together in my head." I laugh at myself to cover my humiliation.

"I'm going for a piss." Louis announces, before excusing himself from the table.

Harry shakes his head and laughs to himself. "I warned you about his personality."

"Harry... stop apologising. He's lovely." I assure him, moving my hands to cup his.

A few moments later, Louis returns and we all order our foods - not before Harry ordered me a different drink. We spent the next few minutes engaging in simple conversation about how all our days were, and I explained to Louis how long I was staying with Harry for.

"So, Primrose. Tell me about yourself. Wanna see what's got Harry so hooked on you." He winks, before laughing at his own comment.

"Well.. I'm 22, I've owned a bar and restaurant for 3 years, I live at the coast and I studied musical theatre." I say shortly, and Louis listens intently.

"Musical theatre! I loved musical theatre when I was a teen. Was the lead in my schools production of Grease, and I was gonna study to become a drama teacher until X factor." He says proudly.

"I love grease. I got an A at 6th form, and I was the lead for Matilda in my acting club." I take a quick sip of my water.

"Are you seeing the West End while you're in London?" Louis asks, reaching over the table to take my glass of wine I wasn't drinking. "Can I?"

"Yeah, you can have it. And no, I'm not." I say simply, glancing over to Harry who is looking at me with admiration.

"Tell me about yourself, Louis." I sit back in my chair, feeling a lot more comfortable with the environment.

"Well, I'm from Doncaster, I'm 25, I have a son called Freddie, and I'm currently working on some solo music." Louis leans forward onto the table as if he's excited to talk about himself.

"Do you miss One Direction?" I ask, unsure of what to say.

Louis' posture stiffens, as he takes a deep breath in. "Uhh..." he clears his throat, "Yes. I miss the boys, and I miss the fans. I don't miss the work schedule, or management."

Harrys eyes drift to the floor at the mention of management, and flashbacks of what Harry told me in Jamaica shoot into my mind:

"We met when I was 15, and worked together up until the end of 2015, so for 6 years. Our boss - the one I mentioned earlier - made us hide our relationship. It was hard on us... really hard."

"From what Harry's told me, they were awful to you both. I'm sorry you had to go through that, especially at such a young age. I can't even begin to imagine what it must've felt like, and I also... I also can't imagine what you feel like right now having an ass like me talking about it. I'm sorry, guys. I don't mean to overstep. I have a tendency to talk a lot when I get nervous, and then I ramble and ramble and ramble until someone stops me."

"Like now." Harry laughs.

"Don't worry about it darlin', you didn't mean any harm." Louis reassures.

Thankfully, we were interrupted by the delivery of our food. Harry ordered a vegetarian curry, Louis ordered a steak, and I ordered a grilled chicken burger. Thinking about it now, that wasn't a smart move - just another excuse for people to stare at me.

As we all began to eat, I couldn't help but feel bad for what happened earlier. Why do I always do this? I always say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and I know they said it was okay... but I still feel bad. Compared to them, I've had such a basic, boring life. They must think I'm a right ass.

I watch them both from behind the rim of my glass, waiting for a moment where they were both looking down to take a bite from my burger.

"Is your food okay?" Harry checks, looking up from his bowl.

"Lovely, Thankyou." I smile.

We all ate our food fairly quickly, engaging in short conversation in between mouthfuls. Harry and I finished much before Louis, which was a surprise to both of us considering the speed he was chewing his steak.

Harry looked over at me from the other side of the table, giving me a shameful once over and smirking to himself. Under the table, his foot intertwined with mine. Harry dragged his foot up and down my leg - each time bringing it further and further up my thigh. Feeling my cheeks blush, I looked down into my lap and moved my hair to cover my face. My heart began to beat quicker and quicker as my breathing picked up from the fireworks exploding in my stomach.

How does he do it? How the hell does Harry have this much control over me? I've never had my body be affected so easily by someone before. It's nice, but terrifying at the same time. I like to take things slow, and wait to do or say something until I'm extremely certain. However, Harry gives me these uncontrollable urges to do things I wouldn't usually do so quickly. I'm struggling to define if it's from excitement, or because I genuinely feel so comfortable around Harry that I'm ready for it, already.

"Get a room." Louis says with his mouth full, and Harry and I both reposition ourselves awkwardly.

"Sorry." Harry apologises, and I'm struggling to hold back my laughter.

We left the restaurant not long after Louis finished - we were all stuffed. The drive home was just as torturing as the one there. Harrys hand rested firmly on my thigh, and my head remained glued to the headrest.

Entering the house again, I kicked off my shoes and hung up my jacket, before walking up behind Harry and snaking my hands around his back, onto his torso.

"Thankyou for an amazing night." I hum, pulling him closer to me. Harry spins himself around to face me; cupping my face with both his hands. Bringing my face up to his, Harry looks into my eyes for a few moments, before placing a slow, meaningful kiss onto my lips.

My hands drifted up from his back into his hair, and my fingers were soon mixed with his curls. I tugged on it lightly, releasing a small gasp from Harrys mouth. The kiss deepened, as we both got lost in one another. Harry's hands were now lifting up the short skirt of my dress and cupping my ass. His tongue desperately tried to sneak it's way into my mouth, yet I wouldn't give it access.

Frustrated by this, Harry squeezed my ass tightly, causing a shocked yelp to rattle into the kiss - giving Harrys tongue a chance to sneak in. He danced around my mouth, exploring every inch of it like he'd never seen it before.

I felt his hands slide down to my thighs, gesturing them up. With one swift jump, my legs were tightly wrapped around Harry's waist, and my arms immediately darted round his neck to support myself.

His legs began to walk us up the stairs, as we continued to engage in a messy, heated kiss. Harry pulled his lips from mine, before latching them onto my neck without even a second to spare. My head fell back as I got lost in the sensation of his tongue lapping over my neck. He nipped at my skin as he moved his lips further up my neck, and I could feel the bruises forming already.

Harry kicked the bedroom door open, as his lips hovered on my ear. His breathing was heavy and warm, making all my hairs stand on end. My stomach was twisting with anticipation and adrenaline as he whispered lowly into my ear. "Looked so good in the car earlier, baby."

Those words alone had the power to end my life. I would happily and peacefully pass away after hearing them. The sound of his raw, husky voice mixed with the smell of tobacco and vanilla sent me into a frenzy as my chest heaved against his.

"I know you liked it - could see it in your eyes." He says menacingly.

Harry lay me down onto the bed; his body dominantly leaning over me as my legs remained tied on his waist. "You okay?" He whispered, pulling his head momentarily away from my ear. "Tell me if you want to stop." He said quietly - his tone now kind, and comforting.

"Okay." I force out in between my heavy breathing. Removing my hands from his neck, I place them both on is face and pull him down to me, forcing our lips to join in a fiery kiss. My hands trail down his chest until they reach the hem of his tshirt. Toying with it in my hands, I pull it over his head on one swift motion.

His eyes are now dark and hooded - those innocent, loving emeralds are nowhere to be found. Harry rolls onto his back, taking me in his grip and moving me to straddle over him as we continue to kiss; our tongues tangled with one another. He moves his fingers to my shoulders, fiddling with the straps on my dress.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" He mumbles into the kiss, partly pulling the straps down.



I- Chile anywaysssssss.
It's getting hot in here. So take off all your clothes!

You reading this when Primrose and Harry start getting frisky:

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