My Fair Maiden (Book 1)

By Fear-me-Mr-Holmes

131K 5.8K 1.3K


Something about claims.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 35

2.1K 116 21
By Fear-me-Mr-Holmes

Previously on, "My Fair Maiden":
What Destiny or Sherlock didn't know, is that the woman that Destiny bumped into, watched them until they couldn't be seen anymore. They also didn't know, that Destiny just bumped into Veronica Red.
*Destiny's POV*
The taxi pulled up to Buckingham Palace, and Sherlock paid the cabbie as I got out. Sherlock was walking quickly, and I easily caught up with him. His "fast" pace was our normal pace. We entered, and I heard Sherlock tell someone that he was here, and was about to say something when Mycroft appeared, and brought us to his office.
"So, what's brought you two to my office? I'm on a-" He was saying when I cut him off.
"I need a favor." I said, and Mycroft sent me a look of surprise.
"I understand that you are the British government, and you're the one who calls for favors. Sadly, right now, I need a favor." I explained and Mycroft smirked and grabbed a pen and paper.
"Alright, fine. Only if you agree that when I need a favor, you must complete the task. No questions asked." Mycroft said and I raised my right eyebrow.
"Done." I said, and I heard Sherlock sit down. He was on his phone, typing away.
"Ok, I need you to find the background of a person for me." I said and Mycroft sat down, and nodded.
"Her name is Veronica Red." I said, and Mycroft scribbled her name down.
"I need every single detail about her. Where she came from, and who she is." I said as I tapped Sherlock's shoulder. He stood up, and walked towards the door.
"Alright. You'll have this "Veronica Red" character in a couple of hours. I advise you to keep your phone by you, Ms Maiden." Mycroft said as I was walking towards the door.
"Will do. Goodbye, Mycroft." I said as Sherlock opened the door, and let me pass first. I walked into the corridor, and waited for Sherlock. He walked out a couple of minutes later, and joined me. We walked out the door, and onto the streets.
"That was easier than expected." I said as Sherlock hailed a cab.
"Well, when you're the one asking for favors, and he says to accept the favor he asks, no questions asked; usually means he has a favor to ask of you, and it's going to be a tricky one at that." Sherlock warned as we got into the cab.
"St. Bart's hospital." Sherlock said and I looked at him questioningly.
"Molly needs to talk to someone, and you're that someone." Sherlock said as my phone went off. I picked it up, and saw it was Molly.
"Hello?" I answered as I looked at Sherlock. "Destiny, are you busy?" She asked, sniffling.
"Not at all, Hun." I said and she sighed.
"Would you mind if we talked? I'm at St. Bart's." she asked and I nodded. 
"Of course. I'll be there in a few." I said.
"Ok, thank you so much, Destiny." She said and I chuckled.
"It's no problem." I said and Molly said goodbye, and hung up.
"You need to stop doing that. You scare a lot of people." I said, motioning to the driver.
"Do I scare you?" Sherlock asked and I shook my head no.
"Not in the slightest." I said as the cab pulled up to the hospital. I got out, and so did Sherlock. I paid the driver, and walked with Sherlock inside. Sherlock led the way, and soon, Molly was hugging me.
"Hey, Molly! What's wrong?" I asked and she looked at me with tear stained cheeks, and red eyes.
"Eve just called me, and sa-said," She was saying when she sobbed and I hugged her again.
"Hey, it's alright. She's just being stupid. Don't listen to what she has to say." I said and Molly backed out of my hug, and shook her head violently.
"It's not about me. How I wish it was about me. She wanted me to tell you, that she," Molly was saying, but had to take a deep breath.
"She was going to kill you.  Exactly how she killed that man." Molly said, and I felt my blood go cold. I heard Sherlock stop working, and I could feel his eyes on me. Molly looked like she was going to be sick, and I don't even wanna know what my expression really showed.
"I well..  I just... Um, huh." I said, lost for words. I felt faint, so I quickly grabbed a table, or counter, or desk. I  didn't even care. All I felt was the pain in my right hand, from me gripping the edge of whatever.
"Jesus Christ!" I sighed, and I leaned my back against the counter, and slid down it. I covered my face, trying to think.
"I'm sorry Destiny, I shouldn't have told you this. " Molly said and I shook my head.
"No, it's alright. I would like to know these things. It's not the first time I've been threatened, and it won't be the last." I said as I cleared my throat. I sighed and chuckled.
"Alright, well!  Molly, is your shift over?" I asked her, and she nodded.
"Alright, well. Let's get going." I said as I stood back up. Molly walked to her office, and grabbed her coat. She changed her lab coat, and hung it up. She then pulled on her other coat.
"Are you alright?" Sherlock asked as Molly was putting on her coat, and grabbing a couple of things.
"I'm fine. I'm not dead yet." I said, looking around.
"That's a comforting thought Destiny. I especially love how you add the emphasis on yet." Sherlock stated and I shrugged.
"I know you're scared. I can see it on your face." Sherlock said and I glanced at him.
"And how would you know that?" I asked, and Sherlock chuckled.
"Being around you, I've picked up some tips about facial expressions." Sherlock said, and I nodded. Molly was walking back, and I chuckled.
"You got some of that right. The facial expression was fear, but not for me." I said, and I smiled at Molly.
"You ready, Freddie?" I joked and Molly laughed.
"Yes. Sorry it took a bit." She said and I shrugged.
"Sherlock takes longer." I said and Molly laughed. We walked out of St Bart's. I let Molly lead the way, and Sherlock walked behind with me.
"Sherlock, I'm fine. Go talk to Molly." I said, and he rolled his eyes, and pushed me next to Molly.
"He's such a dumby.  How do you stand him?" I asked dramatically and Molly chuckled.
"I always ask myself the same question." Molly said and I nodded. Molly and I laughed and got to know each other a little more. Once we arrived, Sherlock and I walked Molly inside, and I did a quick sweep of the apartment, and Sherlock did too. Making sure that I didn't miss anything.
"Alright, message me later, Molly." I said and she nodded.
"Of course." She said as she walked with us to the door.
"Bye Molly! Sherlock, say bye." I said, and nudged Sherlock.
"Goodbye, Molly." He said as we walked away.
"Bye guys!  Be careful!" She called to us, and I waved. Sherlock hailed a cab, well tried to. There was one, but a girl came, pushed me aside, and stole it. I stared at her, and did a "really?" look. It was the same girl that I bumped into. She looked at me, and shrugged, and smirked. She rode away in our stolen cab.
"Bitch." I said and Sherlock chuckled as he hailed another one. We made sure we got in, so nobody else could steal it.
"Goodness, I'm so tired." I sighed dramatically. I looked out the window, and looked at the buildings passing by. The sky was starting to darken, and starting to drizzle with rain. As we pulled up, it was night, and now it was pouring rain. Sherlock paid the cabbie, and he walked towards the door. I got out, and as I got on the side walk, and the cab pulled away, a car came by, and ran over  a puddle. The water splashed all up and down my back, and I screeched. Sherlock started to laugh, and I did too. I cupped some water with my hands, and walked up to Sherlock. When he looked at me, I splashed it in his face. I started to laugh, then run. He closed the door, and started to chase me. I didn't know where I was running, but I just let my feet take me wherever. I looked back, and Sherlock was a few feet behind me. I did a laugh/scream, and ran faster. I crossed the street, and to the park. Sherlock grabbed my coat, but I easily slipped out if it. My hair was now all soaked, and sticking to my scalp, and my really long bangs were sticking to the side of my face. My clothes, also soaked, now stuck to my body. I scooped up some mud, and quickly turned around. I threw it at Sherlock, and it hit his shirt. Sherlock was shocked, but did the same. He hit my back when I tried to turn and run. I laughed, and grabbed more mud, but when I turned, mud hit my cheeks, and I laughed. I threw my handfuls of mud at Sherlock, and it hit his leg, and got in his hair. I quickly went to run, but I slipped, and fell onto my stomach. I laughed even more, and I could hear Sherlock laughing just as much. I tried to get back up, and slipped. I just gave up, and rolled onto my back, laughing, and getting even dirtier. Suddenly, Sherlock was in front of me, and he held out his hand, and I grabbed it. But instead of helping my laughing form off the ground, he shoved more mud into my face, and I gasped. I looked up at Sherlock, and smirked. I gripped his hand tighter, and pulled him down, and into the mud with me. I grabbed a huge handful, and put it on Sherlock's head. The mud dripped down, and onto his face and clothes. I just realized he had placed our coats on a bench.
"I haven't laughed like this in so long." Sherlock sighed, after catching his breath. I wiped away some of the mud from my eyes, and mouth.
"Me either." I said as I grabbed one last handful of mud, and shoved it in his face.
"Payback, Babe." I chuckled and stood up. Sherlock wiped away some mud and laughed. I stood in front of Sherlock and held out my hands. He gripped them, and I pulled him up. We walked to the bench, walking past a fountain.
"Mrs Hudson is so going to kill us for bringing home mud." I chuckled, and so did Sherlock.
"Better wash off then." Sherlock said, and he pushed me into the fountain. I stumbled, and reached out to grab something, but I grabbed Sherlock, and brought him with me. We splashed into the water, and I sat up, gasping and laughing. I ran my fingers through my hair to get it out of my face. Sherlock did too, and I stood up, seeing most of the mud came off of us, and now were only smears.
"C'mon, Trouble Maker." I laughed as I stepped out of the fountain, Sherlock following.
"Whatever. You started it first." Sherlock retorted, and I chuckled as I handed Sherlock his coat. I just put mine over my shoulders.
"Technically, it was the guy or girl in that car that started it." I said and Sherlock nodded in agreement. We walked back to the apartment, side-by-side, not knowing someone had been watching us.
*Third POV*
As Sherlock and Destiny walked away, Mycroft Holmes stepped out from behind the tree, umbrella resting over his head, and on his shoulder, shielding him from the pouring rain. He loved seeing a real smile, and real laughter coming from his brother. Mycroft originally just wanted to tell them about Veronica Red, but decided to tell them later. Possibly tomorrow, as to not ruin their good mood. Mycroft smiled his own real smile, watching Destiny's and Sherlock's weird shenanigans. Destiny acting as if she was flying, and Sherlock as if he was gliding. Mycroft walked to his car, and got in. Wanting to go home, and tell his parents of Sherlock's new Lover.

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