Short Stories/One-shots

By OtakuAngel_1460

451 3 4

I do tend to write a lot though, so I guess they could be their own short stories, but that'd be tedious. The... More

Surprise (Smut)
Corridors from Nightmares (Horror)
In Trouble
New Found Love? (Yuri/Fluff)
Excitement (Smut)
[Fuck Me-] (Joke)
Saying Goodbye (Angst)
Intimacy (Yaoi/Smut)
[Tub]'s Orchestra One-Shot Rewritten (Smut)
New Emotion of Passion (Smut)
The White Flower (Horror)
Curiosity (Smut?)
High School AU (Conversation) (Fluff)
A Butterfly - Emily
Are You Happy? (Angst)
Christmas Special (Fluff)
[Tub]'s Orchestra One-Shot Pt 2 (Smut)
Perhaps it was a Dream... (Angst)
A Strange Request at a Piano Bar
Picking Up a Hitchhiker
Starting Over in a New Place
A Trip to Ecstasy (Smut)

10 Different Ways to... (Smut/Fluff/Angst)

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By OtakuAngel_1460

Writing Prompt #20:

Come up with 10 different ways to; Say hello, Order a pizza, Congratulate someone on a job well done, Apologize, Return to the store something that's broken.

Write a story involving at least one of these methods.

Damn, let's try this. Let's do, "I love you." Yes, there are ten in total, and a few fall into the same category, but its the thought that counts. Love you all! Hope you enjoy! 11/23/21

Words: 4,968

Zorin clasps her slender hand. Althalia glances up, turning to him. He could be so kind to her.

The wind whispering through her hair. The several layers overlapping each other as it waves. 

The mountain range in front of them is miraculous. He turns to her, embracing her. Althalia reaches her hands up to his chest, playing with his shirt.

She stares up into his warm eyes. They are really together, this is real. She gives him a small smile.

Her baggy shirt and sweat pants folding against his form as he holds her. His own comfy clothing loose on his form. 

She gazes up at him, now embarrassed. She inches her face closer to his lips. 

Zorin gently places his right hand on the back of her neck. He pulls her closer, locking their lips. 

Her hands wrap around his throat. Their lips sealed. Their passion desperate for one another. 

He quickly pulls himself away. His breathing hastening, "Can I say something real quick?" Zorin asks a little out of it. 

Althalia gasps, gulping down mouthfuls of air. She nods desperately.

He smiles down at her, "I love you." 

Time seems to slow around them.

The leaves and thin branches of the trees surrounding them, slow their swaying in the wind. Her breathing hitches, catching in her throat. 

She gulps down the lump in her throat. The sunrays casting over the mountain, and onto the right side of his figure.

She is a little shocked, looking up and searching his eyes now for the words' intent. Is this actually real? 

She gasps, smiling. She shakes her head, in disbelief. He really meant it, he admitted to the world and her, that he felt more for her than a best friend. 

Althalia jumps onto him, "I love you too!" Her happy tears falling from her eyes as she clings to him. 

He really meant everything; every passionate moment, every little flirty tease, every complement.

He hugs her back, both of them laughing with joy. 

He really does love her. And who was to stop her from finally opening up to emotions she's so long buried away from him?


"Kizo...?" Galaxy softly inquires. Her legs intertwine with his. Her right hand laying on his chest. 

Both of them laying naked, relaxing in each others warmth. 

"Yeah?" Kizo begins to run his hand through her hair. 

She pushes herself even closer to him, and looks up at him. "Thank you..." She embarrassingly says. 

He stares at her for a moment. He chuckles, "You're welcome."


Kathryn stares down at her robbed body, nervously wringing her hands. The white, soft and thick fabric adorning her body. 

The fabric showing just enough of her cleavage to keep a man in awe and yet covered her body. It hangs over her curved hips, and reaches over the majority of her thighs.

Is she really gonna do this? 

Is she really gonna try to be the top? Like Angy said?

"Sooo... Why'd you wanna talk?" Angy says, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she walks in front of Kathryn. The room in front of them open, and much larger than one of the regular classrooms at school. 

She swiftly turns around, smiling widely at her friend. Her hands clasped behind her back.

"I..." Kathryn bites her lip, nervous to ask Angy for such advice. "I-I... was wondering how to be more confident..." She fidgets with her hands. 

Angy tilts her head to the side. Her body leaning to her right, over her toes. She rocks back onto her heels. 

"What do you mean?" Angy's wonderous smile was replaced with quite a confused look. Her eyebrows arching to match her current emotion.

Kathryn sighs, "I want... some intimate advice..." She gestures her head to the entry of the room behind herself. 

Jaxon and their friends were the last people they were with before she asked to talk to Angy alone. 

"You've mentioned before he may definitely be a switch..." Kathryn starts slowly, almost awkward about such a subject with her best friend. "And... I want to learn to be more confident in the... bedroom..." She looks down at her feet, her face bright red. The last word so hard to get past her lips. 

Angy's eyes widen slightly. A small smile of great joy making its way onto her cheeks. "Of course!" She claps her hands, practically jumping up and down on her tippy toes. 

She quickly pops up right next to Kathryn, catching her attention. 

When it came to giving out advice, especially romantic advice, Angy was all for it. Helping her friends was just the added bonus. 

She steps back, giving a quick look up and down scan of Kathryn. She thoughtfully hums to herself. 

"How... about dressing like you mean it. Don't get nervous." She taps her chin lightly, staring into Kathryn's eyes. It felt like she was reading her soul. Analyzing her. She places her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "No, no. You'll definitely get nervous."

Kathryn sighs. It hurt to be told that, but she knew it was absolutely true.

"Alright then. Do this..." Angy begins.

Kathryn sighs, not minding the twinging pain in her heart and stomach as her nervousness continues to build up. 

"Sometimes, I just wish it didn't exist..." She whispers to herself. Couldn't the summersaults and butterflies quit throwing themselves around in her body at their own desire? She would quite like to be the one in control of her own emotions. 

Kathryn takes a deep breath in. Letting her mind focus on the oxygen flow into her mouth and creep down her throat. Exhaling, she feels the air rush out past her lips. Her chest rising and falling in sync with her purposeful breathing.

She knocks on the dark oak door. Awaiting an answer from Jaxon on the other side. 

A few seconds felt like an unbearable eternity waiting in the hallway. 

Jaxon opens the door much to her relief. His eyes widen, recognizing the woman in front of him. 

He quickly clears his throat, noticing he had his mouth open in awe. He hadn't even noticed her getup, just that the gorgeous woman he so loved was there in his presence. 

Jaxon takes a step back, welcoming her in. "Please, so sorry. Come on in." 

Kathryn takes a deep breath, and takes his invite. Was this really going to work? She steps in, trusting in her friend. She had no reason to doubt Angy then, and she has no reason to doubt her now.

"Thank you..." Kathryn starts. Her heart beating in her chest harder and harder. Could he hear her heart?

"Did you want to talk about something...?" Jaxon trails off, his eyes traveling down the back of her body. He felt a twinge of guilt in his heart as his groin grew tight in his pants. She is such an exciting young woman. It was a terrible and great idea to be shirtless at that moment.

"I..." She takes a deep breath, calming her nerves. Kathryn sharply turns to him, confidence glowing in her eyes. "I wanted to reward you." She unties the ribbon that has kept her body moderately clothed up until now. Her seductive voice dripping with eager passion, "Is there something wrong with that?" 

She steps closer, letting the robe fall over her shoulders and down her arms. Her breasts and dignity barely covered by the black clothing. The fabric crisscrossing over her womanhood, up across her waist to wrap around her lower back, and then crisscrossing again in the front, across her chest.

Jaxon's breath is caught in his throat. She is breathtaking. He could feel the desire bursting through his body to ravish her. To indulge in every carnal desire with her.

A sly smile dances on her lips as she approaches him, delicately tracing her fingers along his forearms. His back presses against the wall, and she slides her hands along his skin, letting them settle on his chest. 

"I want to," She kisses him, slowly, enchanting him. Her hands trail down his naked chest and to his sides. "Treat my sweet Corazon, to all of his desires."

She leans down his body, leaving open mouth kisses along his chest. He stifles a groan, clenching his fists against the wall. 

"Let me satisfy your desires." She chuckles to herself, his body reacting to her completely differently than a few nights earlier. "I will be yours entirely, for as long as you wish." 

"Oh.... Kathryn..." He groans.



I have... just found out, that my great grandmother has passed away, yesterday in her sleep. It was the way she wanted to go, and this is a little remembrance piece for her. She didn't want a celebration of life, but I will still write this, as a thank you to her for the memories. 

I'll write it like an 'instant replay' as one of my great teacher's would say, for writing something like this.

Remembering the Times


The hardest part about living life is losing someone. And, it's even harder to lose a loved one we're close to.

"When we lose someone we love, we must learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind." This is so important to me now, because this isn't the first time I've heard of someone passing away.

Several years ago, in middle school, my grandmother Meow Meow passed away. I loved running around in her pretty backyard, with the flowers, and her fancy home up in Denver. Sure, she was an adopted family member, but she was the first great grandmother that I actually got to bond with, to meet with, and remember. I don't remember her full name, but we knew her as "Grandmother Meow Meow," because my father couldn't pronounce her name correctly for the longest time, that's what we called her. She had cats too. There's a few good and sad stories about them that my dad will tell us here and there weekly.

I don't think any of my siblings remember hanging out at her house, and to be honest, it had been a few years since I had seen her before she passed away. She, too, had wished for no celebration of life. But, I remember that drive in the car, when my dad informed me that she had passed away. It was a Thursday, and it was the first time that I can vividly remember my dad crying. He had known her so much longer, and better than I ever had. But, we still cried together on the rest of the ride home, I was still too young though, to completely understand the loss of a loved one.

I was, and still am quite often, upset with myself, that I didn't cry much that day, or since for her sake. But, I have come to terms with myself a bit. Over the years, I have seen too many funerals that I almost didn't shed a tear for. It wasn't because I didn't care, or didn't feel bad for the ones that were crying. In fact, I still berate myself over it, because I couldn't shed a tear for the dead or at least, for the ones mourning for them. It was because I didn't know them well enough.

Last year, on the 12th of November, my great grandfather Leonard, on my mother's side, had a celebration of his life. He died on the 28th of October. I watched him slowly pass away in his living room. My family had spent the last few days checking up on him and great grandmother Wanda. She is in early 80s, and they had been married for a little over 60 years. It hurts her so much, and my great uncle Criag to live in their home alone now. She sold the trailer they lived in, and we've spent the last few months helping her on our Mondays off to organize her fabric and projects.

She's in so much pain, and still growing old, but she still tries living as well as possible for his sake. They dedicated their lives to each other and the Lord. They even had their own little church. There were several days that I can still remember that we had a large brunch or lunch feast after church service. We even celebrated one of their annivaries there, and grandmother Wanda's 80th birthday a few years ago. She too, sold the small church, and now she's trying to help another one with her love and kindness. Still making little gifts and decorations for every holiday.

She's even offered to help me learn and explore my talents with sewing. I just wish that there was something more I could do for her. They were the reason my mother got the happiness she deserved in her childhood.

On the 20th of November, my grandmother Janice passed away, in her sleep. It was the way she wanted to go. She was Christian too, a little too stuck to a few beliefs that a few of my close family members didn't exactly agree with. She's by the Lord's side now, so there is no reason to spit on her grave. Sure, they may have not gotten along on a few occasions, when it came to the same belief of the same religion, but they were a great family nonetheless.

I decided to write this little dedication to show some of the love I still experience from their memories in my heart, and to let the world know that the older generations are sometimes, so much better than us. And, to share their lives with the class that I trust. Grandmother Janice didn't want a funeral either, that's what really moved me to write this, even if it is an 'instant replay'.

There was a friend, who was dear to grandmother Janice, and had adopted her own granddaughter. I will not disclose her health issues that her mother caused but, we became good friends in just a few days. She felt like a younger sister, even though she was almost an entire year older than me. A few years ago, her grandmother got over protective, and sheltered her even more, so none of us have heard from either of them. Grandmother Janice's old friend had sheltered herself, and then turned to cradle and coddle my dear friend, to the point of mental suffocation. But, there is nothing I can do if she doesn't want me near her.

My grandmother, despite this, still thought of the good she had when they were friends, but respected her distance. They might have gotten into a fight over us two, but, no matter what, my friend was still welcome into her home.

If the owner's of her little retirement apartment home are happy that she's gone, they will have a fist through their jugular. She might've had a few bumpy roads with them, but some of the ways they treated her and the last few people they hired to help her, was not right at all. Even though they may all be gone, and no longer can speak to me on this plane, they will always be in my heart.

"Those we love, never truly leave us. There are things that death cannot touch." -by Jack Thorne. Thank you. 




Oh she had made a show tonight. 

Althalia's revealing outfit was the frosting on the cake for the audience. Zorin is pleased with his co-owner's last performance of the night.

She walks backstage, and makes her way to the bar. Her skimpy outfit covering the bare necessities. 

Her black lace dress tightly fitted against her pale skin, fabric roses designing most of the clothing. The long sleeves longer at the wrists than the upper arms. Her shoulders bare, and the clothing open-backed. It reaches down to the under curve of her butt, and her solid black underwear, leaving little to be imagined. The thin sides tied in bows on either side of her hips. Her black shirt underneath the lace, have strings attaching both sides across her cleavage, and gradually closing itself over her skin as it reaches her belly button. 

Her black stilettoes clicking with each step she takes closer to Zorin.

So many horny men and women eye her up and down as she makes her way past them. Each sighing in frustration as each of them had hoped to be the one to make passionate fornication with her. 

Having a one night stand with the famous Althalia, is bragging rights. 

She chuckles as she makes it to Zorin's side. He stands up from his bar stool, and sets his glass down. As soon as the ice clicks against the glass, the bartender nods, and sets it to the side. 

He growls lowly, hungry to ravage her gorgeous body. She wraps her arms around his neck. 

"Zorin dear..." She quietly teases him, pressing her boobs against his chest, making them look fuller. Her tongue flicking the outside of his left ear, "I have a special show for you tonight~." 

She laughs to herself, feeling his grip on her waist tighten. 

Most of the crowd groaned. 'Did she really have to chose him?' 'Did he just look at her like she is his to play with?'

Many were upset, either because Althalia isn't free for more than just tonight, or Zorin isn't. 

She brought her hands to the sides of his neck, kissing his jaw. 

"Darling..." He whispers to her. He gasps as he feels her leg rub his growing need. "I'd love to see it." His mostly buttoned up white shirt clinging to his chest. His bulging tent in between their bodies unknown to the crowd.

"You may even get to participate~ something new." Althalia quickly brings her hands to his chest, reaching underneath the lose fabric, kissing and sucking on his collarbone. "Take me, will you?" 

He bites her neck, and she gasps, surprised he is so riled up. He likes the tender skin, letting the mark be the first one tonight. 

Althalia pushes him down on her bed. He gazes up at her, slightly confused for a moment.

She begins touching herself, sensually. His eyes widen for a second, and then excitement quickly replaces the realization. 

She is his personal performer. "Oh, my sweet succubus~." Zorin groans at he sight of his woman.


'Shit...!' Melody curses to herself. The chains around her wrists keeping her hands above her head, her naked body sprawled out for him to see.

She feels so embarrassed. It is the first time he has used actual bondage, but he was finding more of her excitements, others she would've ever imagined she had. 

Kuki leans down, snaking his hands gently along the sides of her body. 

She trembles beneath his touch, her body crawling with goosebumps. She knows she is a beet red now.

"Well... you look lovely." Kuki leans over her, moving his hands beneath her back, and kissing her neck. 

Melody tilts her neck for him, humming to him in light response. She presses her thighs together, trying to ease her embarrassment. 

He nips at her collarbone, and she gasps. 

"God, I love you." Kuki whispers to her, his hot breath brushing against her skin. 

She shudders, "I..." His right hand makes it's way to her thighs. He coax's them to open, and she slowly complies. "I love you too..." She mutters, feeling her legs get weak. 

"Tell me to stop, if you don't approve of anything." Kuki leaves a trail of butterfly kisses across her stomach. She nods. 

Her breath hitches in her throat. His hands holding onto her, and his tongue delving into her vagina, past her folds. Her body writhing with pleasure. 

With her wrists restricted and her waist held by his hands, she can only arch her back and curl her toes into the sheets of their bed. 

"Kuki!" She pants, her back lowering onto the bed with him easing on her womanhood. 

"Yes, Sunshine?" Kuki chuckles, sitting up to gaze at her. The taste of her on his tongue delightful.

Her face red and tears pooling up into the corners of her eyes. Her chest raising and falling, desperately trying to get proper amounts of air with the building excitement of her aroused body.

"Just..." Her breathing short and almost impatient. "Continue..." She murmurs.

Kuki grins, leaning back down to her wet dripping core, "Of course..."


"Kizo...?" Cissandra knocks on his door, of the guest room. 

She is so nervous right now. She usually has no problem with such emotions. 

She sighs, her shoulders slumping over her toes. 'I just want to talk to my little brother...' She tells her racing heart, 'Can't you calm down?'

She straightens herself up, huffing. She adjusts her light pink jacket, her hands burying themselves in it's pockets on either side of her body.

The unzipped jacket revealing a white tank top, and blue comfy shorts. 

She hears grunting and shuffling around on the other side of the door. She perks up, a happy relief filling her lungs and soul.

The door cracks open, and he rubs his eyes. Kizo leans on the door frame, "Yeah? What's up?" His eyes are droopy and his hair is in a ruffled mess. 

She leans over, so that he can better she her in the doorway. She notices that he's in a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. 

"I was wondering, could I talk to you?" Her long hair brushing along her back as she stands up straight again, her body unable to stand still for long. 

He runs his hand through his hair, messing it up a little more to make it look a more presentable. He nods, "Of course Cissandra." 

He opens the door wider, welcoming her in. She smiles as she takes his offer, trying to ease her anxiety. 

Kizo pats her head as she passes him, "What's brought my little sister to me, so early in the morning?" He chuckles as she gently turns her head to him to glare.  

"I am older than you." She pokes at him with her words, her hands never leaving her pockets. 

He grins, "Ah, but I am taller. Making you the 'little' one." He emphasizes the word little, using his hands as quotation marks. 

A moment of silence passes between them. She gazes at the bed, and after another moment takes a seat. 

She glances up at him, "Take a seat with me." A small smile struggling to make itself known. Her insides churning, she almost felt like she is going to be sick. 

He looks at her, inquiring to himself on why she was acting so strange. 

He sighs, sitting next to her, "Alright, what's on your mind?" He slumps on his hands, looking over her stature. 'Has she ever been nervous before?'

Her body becomes squirmy, and inconclusive on how to proceed. 'Such a question shouldn't be hard to ask...' 

Her inner voice, much clearer than her own voice speaks up, 'Oh, but it is.' 

Despite having such pure magic, her "inner critic" has always been so... crude. She's seen how her fiancée and her brother's girlfriend have suffered with the differences between light and dark. A war designed to tear them apart, to destroy the world and the dimensions of life itself. 

She's had her own turmoil with her magic, and heard some of Galaxy's research and mumblings of her mother in the library a few times. Galaxy had spent hours in Angel's library, and Cissandra knew she had probably spent months in her own several libraries doing research on her people. 

Cissandra looks up at her brother, "I..." She shakes her head, sighing. She pulls her hands out of her pockets, fidgeting with her digits. 

Kizo scooches closer to her, wrapping his left arm over her shoulders. "Hey, somethin's up. Wanna tell me about it?" 

She hums inaudibly, but leans into him nonetheless. "I wanted to ask you something actually." 

He looks up at the ceiling, thinking to himself. "Shoot." 

Cissandra glances up at him, then reverts her eyes, anxious. "Alright..." She sighs, "I... wanted to ask for your blessing."

To her relief, her nervousness seeps away, and she sinks into the bed. 'What if he doesn't approve?' She curses at the voice. 'He's known that I've liked Angel for awhile, and he's even helped me with advice for my relationship with her.' 

The voice audibly rolls its eyes, even though it has none. 

She sighs, concerned now, for his answer. 

Kizo laughs, patting her back. "Of course. I give you my blessing." She glances up at him, surprised. She stares at his face, a warm smile on his face.

She laughs too, glad he is so happy for her. Her right hand reaches up to cover her face, "Thank you." Tears begin to prick her eyes, a big smile spreading on her lips. 

He squeezes her arm reassuringly, "How about Galaxy?" 

She wipes her tears, "She was so excited. I barely had the chance to process her 'yes'. She even started offering to help set up my bride for the big day." 

They both break out laughing. 

"Well, that's is unsurprising, when coming from Galaxy." Kizo chuckles. He looks serious for a second, "How would she react, if I... proposed?" He is hesitant, and Cissandra notices.

She gazes at him, reading his eyes. "She'd love it." 

Kizo gasps, looking down at her, "Really?" Cissandra chuckles to herself, 'He is surprised.'

"Of course, she'll be ecstatic!" Cissandra stands up, practically dancing on her tippy toes. With her arms outstretched to emphasize the kind of excitement her friend would experience, she twirls around. She quickly tucks her arms behind her back, leaning over, so that she is head level with him. "I'll even help you, if you'd like!" 

She grins, her initial fear all gone.

Kizo looks up at her with a sheepish smile, "Thanks."


The Child of Purity stands right behind the lovely lady's right shoulder. Her long brownish blonde hair reaching to the seat of the wooden chair. Her light blue irises glinting in the light the child's presence made.

"Sapphira?" The light waves seeming to be its hair, falls to the side as it leans over to the side of Sapphira. "What are you researching now?"

Sapphira sets the book down on the dark mahogany desk. She softly smiles to the magical being, "I've seen a bad omen..." She gently closes the book, the hard maroon cover making a soft thump, looking to the one beside her. 

"Regarding who?" The child form pushes itself onto the desk, taking a seat. It's legs dangling over the side.

"My children..." Her voice breaks, and the Child of Purity gasps. Seeing someone they've grown so close to, in their thousands of years, that's usually full of happiness, is a shock. 

"Sapphira?" The white figure places its hand on her shoulder, feeling her pain. 

The woman stands up, letting her magic slide the book back into its designated self. The child slides off the desk, quickly following her. 

'Is she gonna sacrifice herself again?' The Child of Purity questions itself. It shakes it's ahead, 'I won't allow it. Not at that drastic measure again.'

"What will you do?" It questions her. 

Sapphira pauses. She slowly turns around, her eyes filled with tears, but a smile on her face. 

If the white figure had a clear face, she would see that it was shocked. 

"But-..." The Child of Purity reaches for her. But there is no changing her choice. 

It's memories ripple, '"The greatest sacrifice one can make, is a mother risking it all for her children."' The Child of Purity wavers, clenching its fist, and bringing it tight to it's side.

The figure begins to cry, but stands strong for her. "Then... let me help you, again." It bows, letting the woman out of its blurry sight. 

She gives a small, but pained laugh, if it could be called that. Sapphira pats it's head, "My dear," The small child gasps, quickly glancing up. She continues, "There will be no need."

The child nods, solemnly. "I... I understand."


Cyrene dances up and down. Her blue hair in its tight bun barely moving. 

"Oh! I'm so excited!" Cyrene dances across her hotel bed. 

Anika laughs at her friend's enthusiasm. "Calm down, they'll be back with the food any moment now." Anika's short pink hair is wet, slowly drying after her shower. 

Cyrene plops onto the bed, "It's not the food I'm excited about." She puffs her cheeks, and crosses her arms over her chest, refusing to look at Anika. "Can you believe it? Anika, Althalia and Zorin are finally together, together!" She squeals, falling backwards onto the bed. 

Anika rests her elbow on her knee, "I know, I know." Anika smiles, 'About time though.'

Cyrene bolts up, "They're coming!" She laughs, quickly dancing to the door. 

She opens it up, gasping with joy as her eyes see Althalia and Zorin with dinner. 

She jumps onto them, laughing. Zorin almost drops the boxes of pizza, and Althalia almost topples them all over. 

She hugs them, and they hug back to the best of their ability. 

"Thanks, Cyrene." Althalia chuckles. 

They all sit down on the floor, bringing out utensils, and variety of food and drinks. 

"To family?" Althalia asks with her bottle of Dr. Pepper in the air. 

They all smile, "To family!" Cyrene and Anika tap their own bottles of soda to hers. 

Zorin joins in, but kisses Althalia on the cheek before saying, "To family."

She goes bright red, and turns away from them, the others laugh. 

A great family bond they have.


An author loves their stories and characters much more than another would. But that, is what makes each author and artist of their own, so special. 

To pick up a book, or comic and see the story play out, is magical. But creating that same feeling as famous authors' do, is hard. Yet, many can do it, and not realize it. 

What matters is we, push ourselves to do better. Not for the sake of ourselves, but for the sake of someone else who may pick up our book. 


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Come and join the family of Kim. See how the Kim family spends the day, including the cool Dada Jin, strict Appa Joon, calm yoongi, overactive hobi...
128K 1.6K 51
𝐈𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 , 𝐀𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐧 𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡...