The Weak RWBY X Malereader

By Wolfinator12

479K 7.1K 8.7K

The story of a boy, which people only know as the brother of one of the strongest Huntsman, finally making hi... More

Bio / Prologue
Chapter 1: New Friends, new Enemies, old Problems
Chapter 2: Initiation
Chapter 3: Determination
Chapter 4: The bully
Chapter 5: First steps
Chapter 6: Helping a friend
Chapter 7: Back in Beacon / Author problems
Chapter 8: An eventful day
Chapter 9: The Phantom strikes again
Chapter 10: Dance Dance Phantom
Chapter 11: First mission.
Chapter 12: Opposites
Chapter 13: Juniper vs Sobek
Chapter 14: the Breach
Chapter 15: Let the Games begin
Chapter 16: JNPR vs BRNZ
Chapter 17: Strange day
Chapter 18: The Phantoms new Arsenal
Chapter 19: Choices
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: First steps once again
Chapter 22: Training and new stuff
Chapter 23: An (un)familiar face
Chapter 24: Quoteth the Raven
Chapter 25: Back together.
Chapter 26: New secrets revealed.
Chapter 27: Cinder Falls
Chapter 28: Peace in war
Chapter 29: Date plans
Chapter 30: Date the second.
Chapter 31: Date with the Cat
Chapter 32: Cheering up the Phantom and dating the Dragon
Chapter 33: Achive Men and Hunters
Chapter 34: Y/n doesnt like trains
Chapter 35: Dead?
Chapter 36: Fighting the lack of interest
Chapter 37: Argus
Chapter 38: What?
Chapter 39: Slaying the Leviathan
Chapter 40: The flying city
Chapter 41: Official
Chapter 42: First big changes
Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 49

2.3K 47 63
By Wolfinator12

3 days. 3, whole, days of constant, all out, war.

The first day was the worst, no safe position had been secured yet. The only reason they managed to gain a foothold was the starting bombardment and the suddeness of their arrival. After the first wave of fighters landed they all began to secure a perimeter. Luckily the start of the war meant that everyone was at their full potential.

At dusk of the first day the legions of AKs and Paladins finally were able to be put into position. As the ships decended a combined sigh of relief swepped over the troops as they were finally able to relax a bit.

On the second and third day nothing much changed. The troops of the United Kingdoms of Remnant were able to secure more and more of the Realm of Darkness. The base camp had been set up.

Over these three days Y/n managed to get the support of the soldiers. His men were reluctant to accept with the young king but as they learned that he was there with them, fighting alongside them, eating and chatting with them in the messhall and sleeping in the same barracks as them, they began to like him. For them Y/n was doing exactly what a leader should do. He did not order them to fight, he did not sit around in a safe place while they fought. Instead they knew he was right there with them.

Today was a rather important day. One day prior a giant Grimm pool has been sighted and the leading officers have come to the conclusion that securing said pool would dramatically weaken Salems forces.

This war on the Queen of Grimm will not just result in the hopefully defeat of the biggest enemy of Remnants people, but it also brought insight into their ancient enemy. It has become clearer how Grimm ectually are 'born'. Their source is the Grimm pool. That much was already known from previous encounters with Grimm Dragons, which were able to produce the tar like substance that filled the pools. But over the past few days it has become clear that the size of a pool defines what Grimm are able to come out of them. Next important information they were able to gather was that the pools have a fixed spawning time, one that made everyone hopeful that the war will soon be over.

Coop: "Hey Kingy. Nice seeing that we got neighboring sectors again." The bald man said with a bright smile. The other three members of Coops team only watched the two leaders exchange.

Y/n: "Don't get too relaxed, I can't always save your ass." Y/n said teasingly as the bald man blushed. "Had you and your team been briefed already?" Y/n asked.

Coop: "Yep." Came the answer as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Any idea what could be between us at that damn puddle?"

Y/n: "The size could allow for everything to come crawling out of there. I fear a Titan but we have no idea." Y/n sighed as he looked around. It was 1 hour till the operation began. "I asked this every other leader of the partaking teams, but please make sure to keep your teammates alive. We already lost 10 Huntsmen after they got too relaxed." Coop, who Y/n knew as kind of jester, always filled with happiness and jokes, for once did not smile as he took a drag from his cigarette.

Coop: "Yeah, poor Vi and her friends." It was another thing Y/n decided would be important. Instead of not mentioning the ones that died he made sure that everyone was informed, each and every Huntsmen deserves to know that one of them died. Luckily thanks to having established a save supply line between the frontlines and the Kingdoms, they were able to fly back the bodies so the families could bury them. "May they reach the gods embrace."

Y/n: "We- I should have made sure they are safe." Y/n said sadly but his self-pitying was interrupted by Coop who slapped him over the back of his head.

Coop: "Listen boy, I knew Vi and her team from all the way back at Shade. We both spent day after day lementing about the possibility of a gruesome death we decided that once the day comes we will be ready to accept it while making sure we take the fucker that will kill us with us." Y/n nodded, he read the report of team VOLTs shocking demise. The team of female hunters was suprised by a Titan Ursa as they managed to secure a smaller pool. There was not much about their fight with the beast but it was clear that they were outmatched. The team did call for backup but at the time of their arrival all they could do was collect the remains and take over the guarding of the sector. They must have barely missed the end of the fight as the Ursa was still there, slowly turning to dust. They back-up team reported the Ursas entire back being ripped wide open by what must have been Onyxias doing, as her body was the only one that was nowhere to be found, except her left leg, resulting in the theory that she got swallowed by the Ursa before she blew herself up, ending her life, possibly as the last surviver of the encounter, and the life of the Ursa. "Vi, Ony, Lilly and Teal. These for ladies had more balls than most of the men I worked with, they were stronger than you could imagine. But as I am sure you already know, strength is useless against being suprised." He took one last drag from his cigarette and dropped the bud, crushing it under his foot. "I will be going now."

Y/n: "Yeah, see you later." Y/n said before Coop walked off.

Phyrra: "We can rest for a few minutes before the operation begins. Have you prepared your weapons?"

Y/n: "Yes dear." Y/n answered with a smile.

Ren: "You have been overworking yourself again." The calm boy pointed out. "We need you at your best, so please get some sleep after the mission."

Nora: "Yeah Cap, your eyebags are getting eyebags." Nora said while poking at mentioned eyebags.

Y/n: "I will try. I promise." Y/n said while gently pushing away Noras hand. Together they relaxed, checking their weapons once more. Soon the sirens signaling the begin of the mission. The teams gathered and without a word they went through the lines of AKs.

JNPRs first fight came fast. A group of Beowolves and Ursas. Phyrra, Ren and Nora rushed past Y/n, who kneeled down and took aim with his rifle.

Two swift cuts decapitated a Beowolf. As the wolf turned to dust a hammer crushed another wolfs head. Two Ursa came close to Ren and Nora but one got shot the other blocked by Phyrras shield. Nora nodded towards Phyrra who nodded back before the ginger rushed towards Phyrra who bend her knees and readied her shield. Nora jumped onto Phyrras shield. With great force Nora was flung into the air, she readied her weapon and smashed into the ground causing an explosion that killed a group of Grimm. Phyrra ran past Nora and killed more Ursa while Y/n killed the Beowolf that tried to attacked Phyrra from behind.

Y/n: "We are taking to long, Nora you are allowed to use granades." The girl giggled while Phyrra and Ren rushed to get to Y/n and away from Nora, who began blasting the remainding Grimm. As the dust settled no Grimm was left alive. They continued to move on, occasionally encountering a few, small groups of Grimm.

Ren: "It seems like the other teams are keeping up with schedule." Y/n nodded.

Y/n: "We should see the pool once up this hill."

Nora: "How will we even secure the pool?"

Y/n: "In 4 Hours two thousand plus, AKs will arrive at base camp. Until then we will have to hold out and kill every Grimm around the pool and that will come out. Once the AKs arrive they will take over guarding the pool." Y/n explained. "Have you noticed something?" He was met with headshakes. "The numbers of Grimm are getting smaller and smaller. One the first day we nearly drowned in the sea of darkness, the second day allowed for breaks between the fights, yesterday was nearly split in half, one half full of fights the other completely silent. And today? Today we are able to send out a decently sized group for this mission, while also still being able to fight back the attacks. Just take a moment and listen." His friends did and other than the sounds of fighting between a different team and some Grimm it was silent. "Salem is an idiot... she has been sending every single Grimm she got once she got them. She is throwing her forces into our gun fire, with no hesitation or plan behind it." Suddenly they heard a voice they knew all to well.

Mercury: "I would not say she had no plan." The grey haired boy said smugly, a smugness completely unwarranted seeing that he was now in the sight of a granade launcher, 4 pistols and a rifle, but one pair of pistols was not aiming at him but at something to his left.

Y/n: "I was wondering when you would act. Oh you can tell Emerald to stop giving herself a headache by making us see you standing there while you come running closer." One shot was send off breaking the illusion of Mercury, revealing the now confused boy at the place Y/n aimed at. "Nora send a warning shot."

Nora: "With a granade launcher?" She asked confused.

Y/n: "Ah, we are not really going for 'Bullet with your name on it' more like 'to whom it may concern'." Y/n said with a smile as he ran towards Mercury, who fell into a fighting stance. The grey haired boy tried kicking Y/n but hit a shield that came between his foot and the boys head. Next thing Mercury knew was that he found his world flipped upside down as Y/n hit him from behind. Without any hesitation Y/n began to charge up his Aura in his blades. "Good night." He heared a blood curdeling scream as his bladed pierced Mercurys chest, penetrating right through his aura. The fight was over before it could begin and now Phyrra turned to help contain Emerald who froze as she saw Mercury get killed, making her easy to catch for Nora and Ren. The two held the green haired girl down on her knees, a set of handcuffs closing around her wrists.

Emerald: "How can you call yourself the good guys when you do not hesitate killing someone?" Emerald asked angrily glaring at her captors. Y/n kneeled down in front of the girl and met her glare. The two stared at eachother. "Are you just going to stare or will you answer the god damn question?" She snarled.

Y/n: "You have been dealt one of the worst hands in life. The streets Vacous are not a nice place to grow up in." Emerald froze before looking even angrier.

Emerald: "What do you even know?!"

Y/n: "I know quite a lot, the Relic of Knowledge helps with that. Look. On your right is Nora, on your left Ren, Nora grew up as an orphan in a village in Mistral, while Ren grew up normaly in said village. Until eleven years ago a Nucklevee destroyed the village and killed everyone except the two of them. Since then till they joined Beacon they survived on the streets just like you, but unlike you they did not result to using their semblances to steal whatever they want. Instead they helped around in the villages, EARNING their food and the help they got. You on the otherside just kept on stealing. Cinder might have been the best thing that happened to you, but not because she helped you or anything, instead she gave you a reason to steal helping your concious." Y/n said.

Emerald: "So what?!"

Y/n: "You do not deserve the things you have been given. Instead you only deserve life in prison or death. Mercury did not even deserve said choice, he killed, at first out of necessary, his father deserved death after all the things he did, but later after joining you and Cinder, he did it without any hesitation, no mercy, with great fun even."

Emerald: "We just did what we were told to!"

Y/n: "You joined Cinder, knowing that she will mean trouble. You had no problem attacking Amber or helping in the planning of the Breach and the Fall. Sure you did that after having met Salem, who might be scary on first glance, but you never stoped, you never quit."

Emerald: "She would have killed us all." Emerald defended herself.

Y/n: "Salem is strong, but stupid as they come. She can only do so much with her Grimm. You could have searched for refuge at one of the Academies, you would have been safe there and all you had to do to earn the life you always wanted by simply telling Ozpin about Salems plans. I will not allow you to go free, you will join Cinder and Mercury."

Emerald: "I hope Salem will crush you with all her might." She spat out before her head was cut off.

Y/n: "Remember why I am the one killing them?" Y/n asked. Ren, Nora and Phyrra looked at him sadly but nodded.

Ren: "You want to keep our hands clean. Our conciousness unweighed by having commited murder." Ren repeated what Y/n once told them.

Phyrra: "I- I would be more than ready to do it, you do not have to bare it all on your own." Phyrra said.

Y/n: "I do not have to, I want to. After taking your first life you can not go back. But let us not think about that." Y/n took out his scroll, which works thanks to the transmitter that was build onto the Arena. "James, Mercury and Emerald have tried to attack us, they have been rather adept in their try and I killed them. Salem knew about the mission and where I would be."

James: "I will make sure to investigate everyone. Should we abort the mission?"

Y/n: "Nope, send more AKs. The west front has shown way less action so we can move some of them away."

James: "It will be done, good luck." The call ended and Y/n and his friend continued making their way towards the pool. They arrived just in time to see another Titan come out of the pool, making it shrink in size. That decrease in size chaught Y/ns attention and upon further investigation Y/n noticed that the hill he and his friend climbed up was not just a hill, it was the edge of a crater, a crater harboring the pool in its center. But Y/n had no time to think about the new information as the Titan fully revealed itself. It was a Hydra. A giant four legged snake like beast with a long neck. But Y/n knew that that single head only meant trouble. Each time the neck would be cut two new heads would regrow from the stump.

Y/n: "ALL UNITS ONTO THE EDGE!" Y/n bellowed out the order, which was quickly followed. "DO NOT CUT OFF THE HEAD! AIM FOR THE LIMBS!" The fire was quickly focused upon the receiving of the orders.

Ren: "We need to find a faster way to kill the Hydra." Y/n nodded.

Y/n: "IT HAS A BREATH ATTACK OF UNKNOWN ELEMENT. EVERYONE WITH A SHIELDING SEMBLANCE PREPARE A DOME! ALL GUNS AIM AT THE CHEST!" Y/n took out his rifle and helped with disabling the Grimms legs. "Nora, aim for the tail. Fire everything." The girl did so instantly.

Coop: "Why is this thing so damn tough?" Y/n could hear the bald man ask as held up a shield made out of Aura.

Y/n: "Hey Coop, how does your Semblance work?"

Coop: "I concentrate on an area around two meters in front of my hands and the barrier appears." Coop explains. Y/n continued firing as he thought about what to do. An idea formed in his mind.

Y/n: "Coop get ready to rush that thing and form a barrier inside of it." The man looked at his king as if he went crazy, which was fair if Y/n was honest. "I can keep its attention away from you. NOW GO!" Coop nodded and dropped the barrier protecting his and Y/ns team. With a deep breath Y/n stared at the Hydra as his eyes began to glow. The Hydra stopped attacking the Huntsmen as its head turned towards Y/n. It looked at Y/n and began to move but it could not get closer as the bullets fired by the other Huntsmen forced it to stop. But upon stopping something happened that Y/n did not know could happen.

The Hydra did not use its breath attack instead it began to coil its head around its own neck before crushing it itself, resulting in two new heads suddenly bursting out of the snapped neck. It quickly did so again. And again. And again. It was a horrifying sight as over the span of a few seconds thousands of heads had grown, all now staring at Y/n as they all opened their maw wide. In each one of the throats a light appeared.

Y/n: "Oh fuck... fuck, fuck,shit, fuck, shit, fuck." Y/n swore as he ran to get in cover. "EVERYONE TAKE COVER!" It was too late for everyone except the members of team JNPR and team CYAN, as the Hydra send out its devestating breaths. Fire, lightning, ice, water, steam, smoke, gas, poison, lava, sludge and even the Grimm spawning tar, all taking away the lives of 6 teams of Huntsmen, in an instant. "COOP?!"

Coop: "GOT IT!" Came the answer making Y/n sigh in relief knowing that his plan could still result in the Grimms death. "TAKE THIS YOU UGLY SNAKE REJECT!" Coop screamed followed by the sound of flesh being sliced and bones being crushed as the Hydra roared in pain. Then... silence. "Ok thing is dead... and I need a shower and a new pair of underwear!" Y/n could not help but chuckle, a chuckle that turned into crying. He just witnessed the death of twenty-four of his men, twenty-four people that he promised he would make sure they would come back. Another possible 24 families torn apart. Y/n sat there in the dirt crying, Ren, Nora and Phyrra did too while the three members of team CYAN only stared blankly at the crater that was littered with the remains of their fallen comrads. They won, but at what cost? Minutes later the sound of syncroniced marching was heard and the army of AKs began to take position along the edge of the crater. Y/n took his scroll, once more dialing James' number.

Y/n: "All teams except JNPR and CYAN have been wiped out, the crater has been secured." Was all Y/n said before ending the call.

That is it for this chapter. This is the second to last chapter of this book so stay tuned to not miss the finale. I will say so now, it has been a pleasure writting this book, even if it was bad at first, I hope I was able to improve over time and that at least a few of you actually consider this book as good. Unfortunately I can't promise you the best ending for a book you have ever seen, I am not certain how to actually end this but I can not and will not delay this any longer.

On a different note, the vote for the next book is still open so please head to the previous chapter and vote if you haven't done so yet.

You guys can now vote on more details for the book. There are two things I need your opinion on. These votes are important IF Midoriya does still get One for All.

First: What should the relationship between the Reader and him be? (no romance)

A) They do not know eachother prior to UA.

B) They do know eachother prior to UA.

C) They are best friends but Izuku did not tell the Reader about One for All.

D) They are best friends and Izuku tells the Reader about One for All.

Second: Who should the Reader replace in class 1-A?

A) Hagakure (Invisible Girl)

B) Ojiro (Tail dude)

C) Sato (Eat Sugar, get Stronk)

D) Koda (Speak to Animals)

E) Mineta (Ballsy Pervert)

Like all votes please comment on the one you want and please only vote once each.

Thank you in advanced and I will see you in the next chapter.

Stay healthy and have a nice week.

Wolfy out.

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