Black Clover: A Knight & His...

By RayTheRipper

43.8K 999 749

This is the only Mimosa Vermillion x Male Reader on Wattpad & that honestly surprises me since Mimosa is best... More

Page 1: Magic Knights Entrance Exam
Page 2: Introductions
Page 3: Meeting The Other Recruit
Page 4: The Recruits First Mission
Page 5: Beasts
Page 6: Guardians
Page 7: Castle Town Adventure
Page 8: The Wizard King Saw
Page 9: Dungeon
Page 10: The Diamond Mage
Page 11: Friends
Page 12: Destroyer
Page 13: Memories of You
Page 14: Destruction & Salvation
Page 15: Assembly at the Royal Capital
Page 16: Capital Riot
Page 17: Wild Magic Dance
Page 18: The King of the Crimson Lions
Page 19: Blackout
Page 20: Adversity
Page 21: Wounded Beasts
Page 22: Light
Page 23: The One I've Set My Heart On
Page 24: Protector Meets The Protectee
Page 25: The Mirror Mage
Page 26: Pursuit Over the Snow
Page 27: Three-Leaf Sprouts
Page 28: To Help Somebody Someday
Page 29: Light Magic vs. Dark Magic
Page 30: The Light Of Judgement
Page 31: Three Eyes
Page 33: The Next Day
Page 34: A Black Beach Story
Page 35: The Underwater Temple
Page 36: Temple Battle Royale

Page 32: The One With No Magic And The Fool With A Hammer

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By RayTheRipper

Narrator: It seemed the Magic Knights had finally bested the Eye of the Midnight Sun's leader. Until the Third Eye appeared--the organization's three strongest members. Rhya the Disloyal. Vetto the Despair. And Fana the Hateful. The Black Bulls swiftly found themselves outmatched. But then, the captain of the Green Praying Mantises, Jack the Ripper, Blue Rose Knights captain Charlotte Roselei, and Silver Eagles captain Nozel Silva arrived, turning the tide of battle once again.


Vetto: Ooh, a second course. Yum.

Jack: Shame on you. Getting greedy. It's not polite to hog all the interesting battles for yourself, you know. I've got to wonder. How's it going to feel to tear them apart?

Yami: Probably not very satisfying. Kinda like rippin' up a sheet of paper.

(Y/N's thoughts): I find that satisfying...

Yami: I was just about to finish 'em off when you morons decided to show up.

Jack: [cackles] Yeah, I'm sure you were. Looking more ragged than usual over there.

Yami: Pft. Me? Please.

Jack: [cackles] How about...I work out some of my anger issues by cutting you into tiny pieces?

Yami: And there it is. You're nuts.

(Jack presses one of his blades against Yami's throat.)

Yami: My sincerest apologies. Forgive me.

(Jack takes his blade away from Yami's throat.)

Jack: [cackles] Sacred now? I wasn't really going to do it. I'd much rather wait until you're back in fighting shape. Before our next little skirmish. There isn't even any point of it's not a challenge.

Charlotte: Must we always come to get you out of trouble? You can't even stand up, you miserable man.

Yami: Hey, it's not like that. The ground just loves my ass so much it doesn't ever wanna let me go.

Charlotte: Don't be an idiot. The earth has no love for an unwashed miscreant like yourself.

Yami: Ooh, burn! That's some mouth you got on ya. Not gonna be easy to find yourself a husband, huh?

(Charlotte's vines surround Yami.)

Yami: Now she's angry.

Charlotte: I don't need any man to marry me. The battlefield is my partner.

Yami: I get that you're a warrior woman and all, but even for you, that's pretty sad.

Charlotte: [grunts]

Charlotte's thoughts: Does he have no regard for my feelings? Why? Why did I have to fall for him? It's like some kind of cruel joke. But as hard as I try, I can't keep him out of my head. Well, I certainly can't tell him anything now. But if I did tell him someday, what would my squad think?

Imagerinary Sol: You've got to be kidding me, Char! You know he's a man, right? A gross man!

Charlotte's thoughts: What am I doing? Now isn't isn't the time for this!

Nozel: So the Eye of the Midnight Sun, it's leader, and his top brass. The highest-ranking members of the organization that attacked our kingdom.

(Imagine Y/N next to Asta.)

Nozel: I won't waste this chance. I'll bury you with my own hands.

Yami: Ooh, Nozel, you are so cool!

Nozel: You just sit there and try to stay out of trouble, foreigner. And, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Huh?

Nozel: Care to explain to me why you're here right now instead by Noelle's side?

(Y/N): Act-

Yami: Your concern for my well-being is truly touching, O Great and Mighty Captain. Hey. How do you think he gets his hair to do that braid thing?

Asta: He's royal, so I figure he has a servant take care of it for him, dontcha think?

(Y/N): Hmm, I've never thought about that. I'll have to ask Noelle, maybe she knows.

Finral: Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he had his own personal hairstylist.

Yami: I think that would qualify as the worst job ever.

(Y/N): I think there are worse jobs than being a royal's hair stylist.

Asta: What? You think he takes the time to braid his own bangs?

Yami: Oh, yeah, he probably has lots of time on his hands.

Yami: Loser.

Nozel: No, on second thought, perhaps I ought to bury you before those other four.

Yami: You don't wanna waste your magic on some foreigner.

(Nozel turns toward the Third Eye.)

Nozel: Show no mercy.

Jack: [cackles]

(Asta pulls out his swords & Y/N takes his hammer off his back.)

Asta: Oh, yeah, let's do this, guys! I'm totally ready to go! We'll take these guys down, no problem!

(Y/N): I suppose I could help you out, Nozel.

Nozel: You two won't be joining this fight.

Asta & (Y/N): Huh?

Nozel: The captains have taken to the battlefield.

Nozel: Anybody who interferes now will only get in our way. Especially a pathetic, magicless, commoner and a dog with an oversized hammer like yourselves.

Vetto: Excellent! What better place to find true despair than at the end of an endless battle? And no despair is more delicious than that of the mighty when they face certain death.

Yami: The hell's he talkin' about?

Vetto: Looks like we've got some rat catching to do!

Rhya: Jeez, Vetto is way too excited about this fight. Sounds boring to me. [yawns]

(Rhya pulls out a dark katana.)

Rhya: Well, whatever. I guess I can put forth some effort for Licht's sake.

(Rhya leaps towards the captains.)

Rhya: And by the way, I'm calling dibs on this beautiful young lady! When I win, you and I are going out for a drink, gorgeous.

Charlotte: When you win? I'm afraid we're never going to be clinking glasses, then. Briar Creation Magic: Corpse-Hunting Briar Trees.

(Rhya slashes & dodges Charlotte's briars. Vetto faces off with Jack.)

Jack: Severing Magic: Death Scythe!

(Vetto dodges Jack's attack,)

Jack: Someone's eager for a fight. You're mine, beastie.

Vetto: Well, well. The Praying Mantis Squad. Then I'll just squash you like the insignificant bugs that you are.

Jack: You think so? Well, we'll see!

(Jack slashes at Vetto but he dodges.)

Vetto: You're confident for a bug. Fine.

(Vetto powers up.)

Vetto: Let's see how big you smile while I'm ripping you limb from limb. Go, Bear Claw!

Nozel: I've been waiting for this.

(Nozel looks at Licht.)

Nozel: Finally! Mercury Magic: Silver Spears!

(The spears are about to hit Licht until they're burned up.)

Fana: Yet another foolish person attempting to harm Licht. For that, you'll die.

Jack: [cackles] Looks like salamander girl's flames are melting your mercury. Wanna swap opponents, Silverboy?

(Y/N's thoughts): Nozel may need my help.

Nozel: I don't think so. Those flames are hardly enough to best me. You have no idea what I had to do to get where I am.

(The captains continue to fight the Third Eye.)

(Imagine Y/N is next to Asta.)

Finral: [yelps] All this magic flying around--it looks like some kinda natural disaster.

Gauche: I can't see anything through this dust.

(Y/N): Ah!! There's dust in my eyes! *rubs eyes*

Yami: Jeez, they're really fightin' hard out there. Better be careful, Jack. You talk a good game, but you cut it kinda close on that one, don't ya think? Looks like Charlotte's doin' pretty well with those briars of hers, and Nozel's bangs haven't budged at all.

Asta: You can see?

Yami: Remember? Ki? I can sense 'em.

Asta: Yeah.

Yami: Finral. You ready?

Finral: For what, sir?

Yami: You've been restin' up for a while now. You oughta have enough mana for a Spatial spell.

Finral: You mean we're leaving? Sure, I'm ready!

(Y/N): I don't think that's the case, Finral.

Finral: Let the other captains handle this, we can just--

Yami: [cackles]

(Cut to a healing Licht who's watching the Third Eye fight the Magic Knight captains.)

Licht's thoughts: The Magic Knight captains are as powerful as I expected them to be. However they are no match for the Third Eye. Our people are much loved by the mana of this world. And that is why there must be some mistake. How could an ordinary human, one who's magicless, clearly shunned by the mana, possess that grimoire? I must receive it from his unworthy hands at once.

(Yami drops out of a portal right above Licht with his sword arched back.)

Yami's thoughts: He's been weakened, but I'm gonna risk him getting away.

(Licht looks up at Yami.)

Licht's thoughts: Ah, yes. I expected this from you.

(Licht prepares to counter.)

Finral's thoughts: He's countering? Not good!

Finral: Look out, sir!

Rhya: Oh, dear. You misjudged our boss, I see.

Licht: I'll end you this time.

Fana: Finish him, Licht.

Yami's thoughts: You're goin' after the boss, too, aren't ya? All right. Bring it!

(Asta appears out of nowhere & is about to hit Licht with his sword.)

All: How did he get over there?

Nozel's thoughts: It shouldn't have been possible in all this confusion!

Yami's thoughts: That's the kinda thing you can do when you learn to read ki.

Licht: No one noticed. No one! None of us could sense this boy, because he has no magic!

Asta: We're gonna get you this time!

Yami: Thanks for trustin' that I was gonna take one last shot at you while I had the chance. As for me, I put my trust in our magicless freak, here.

Asta: My magic is never giving up!

Licht: [gasps]

Yami: [yells]

(Yami strikes Licht to the ground with a Dark Slash.)

Asta: [laughs] Gotcha. So, what'd you think about my magic-free smash attack?

(Yami lands on Asta.)

Yami: You trying to take all the credit, kid?

Asta: Sorry Captain!

Yami: Not bad. You really pushed past your limits that time.

Asta: Thank you!

(The captains continue to fight the Third Eye.)

Rhya: Where's Licht?

Vetto & Fana: Oh, no.

(Cut to Y/N next to Fana.)

(Y/N): "Oh, no" indeed.

Fana: When-

(Y/N hits Fana square in the chest with his hammer which sends her into a wall.)

Fana: [grunts]


Nozel: (Y/N)?!

(Y/N): You're welcome.

Nozel: Why did you interfere? I had that under-

(Y/N): Control? Sure ya did! You were going up against a person's magic that could melt your mercury.

Nozel: *glares*

(Y/N): I wanted to get that beast back but I know better than to interfere in a Jack The Ripper fight.

Nozel: And you thought interfering in my fight was better?!

(Y/N): Yup! Plus, Noelle would be sad if you died. So I had to step in.

Nozel: [scoffs]

Vetto: Fana!

Jack: Eyes forward, beastie!

(Jack slashes at Vetto but he dodges.)

Jack: Those little runts. They left us in the dust. [cackles] So much for getting all the glory.

Charlotte: We're Magic Knight captains, we can't fall behind! It's up to us to take care of the rest.

Finral: Captain Yami?

Yami: Wonder if any more of their friends are gonna show up. I guess we'll see.

Asta: That would be so cool!

Finral: Now's your chance to finish him while the other captains and (Y/N) keep the rest of them busy.

Yami: [grumbles]

(Licht begins to glow.)

Asta: He's glowing.

Gauche: What the--?

Vetto: No! When that brat hit Licht with his anti-magic attack, it broke the spell of Sealing that was cast on him.

Rhya: That's not good. That power had been set aside for a day still to come.

(Y/N): That's ominous.

(Licht floats up in the air & looks at Asta.)

Licht: This cannot be! Why do you have that grimoire? Why do you wield them? The demon-slayer sword and the demon-dweller sword.

Finral: What's he saying?

Licht: Those swords belong to the master!

Nozel's thoughts: The master? According to our intel, "the master" is the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. Does this mean he isn't the master?

Asta: You keep sayin' this crap. Well, I'm sick of it. It doesn't matter who this "master" guy is, okay?

(Holds up his grimoire.)

Asta: This grimoire and these swords are mine. I don't care if they're all beat up! Now quit with the accusations!

Licht: They're not yours. Give them back. That grimoire could never belong to you.

(Licht powers up.)

Licht: The master's grimoire could be yours, filthy human.

(Licht's power begins to destroy the ground.)

Asta: Oh, boy!

Gauche: What now, Captain?

Yami: Things aren't lookin' good, huh?

(Y/N): That's an understatement, Captain!

Jack: [cackles] Well, this should be fun! Death Scythe!

(Licht's magic absorbs Jack's.)

Jack: No way! It absorbed my Severing Magic like it was nothing.

Charlotte: That's an enormous mass of pure magic power. If he releases it, we're all dead. It'll destroy everything in the surrounding area.

Charlotte: But what do we do? Even we cannot stop this.

Finral: How much mana is he channeling? He's been holding back. He could've obliterated us anytime he wanted to. [screams] I should have come on this stupid mission! Actually, scratch that. I should never have joined this squad to begin with!

Yami: Stop runnin' your mouth. Nobody wants to hear it. Besides, this could be our chance. Just think of the limits we can push past. We'll be up against some real power!

Asta: [yells] Let's go!

Finral: No way! Seriously, have you people gone crazy here?

(Gauche grabs Finral & turns Finral to face him.)

Gauche: Shut up and pull it together, Finral!

Finral: [crying] I'm still your superior!

(Y/N): Then act like it!

Finral: [whimpering] (Y/N)...

Gauche's thoughts: My magic's not fully recovered yet. Can I reflect his strike with what I have?

Rhya: That's too bad. I'll need a raincheck on that drink.

Vetto: His body isn't going to hold out much longer. We need to hurry!

Rhya, Vetto, & Fana: Trinity Sealing Magic!

Nozel's thoughts: They mean to seal away that?

Charlotte: All that magic...

Finral: Incredible.

Rhya: You pushed yourself just a little too hard this time, Licht. We've got you. Now get some rest.

Fana: It will be alright.

Vetto: For now.

(Rhya appears in front of Valtos & picks him up.)

Rhya: It's time to go, Valty.

(The Eye of the Midnight Sun begins to leave through a giant portal.)

Rhya: Our boss is feeling a bit under the weather. So we're gonna have to call it a day.

Vetto: We may have lost to you people this time around. Just wait. I promise, when we meet again I won't leave until you've tasted true despair. We carnivores live to feast on bottom-feeding vermin like you.

(Y/N): [growls] I'm going to mount you on my wall.

Fana: The next time we meet, you'll draw your last breath.

Vetto: Remember, wherever you go, the Eye of the Midnight Sun is watching.

(The Eye of the Midnight Sun disappears into a portal.)

Charlotte's thoughts: That much magic power, and they were able to seal it with a single spell.

Charlotte: So, then, they were toying with us.

Jack's thoughts: The Third Eye. Not only do they have a tremendous amount of mana, they are singularly skilled at using it.

Jack: "Much loved by the mana" is right. [cackles] I'd like another chance to rip them apart.

Nozel's thoughts: We let them get away.

(Nozel thinks back on his & Fugoleon's last conversation.)

Nozel's thoughts: But it won't happen again. I will avenge you. I swear it.

Asta: So did we win?

(Y/N): I think we did?

Finral: It's less that we won, and more like the other guys ran off.

Yami: Huh. From where I'm standing, them runnin' off like that is as good as a win. Besides, Beast Boy said they lost.

Asta: Yeah! Finral, Gauche, (Y/N). You heard the captain! We won!

Finral: Yep! We totally did!

Gauche: You didn't do anything.

Finral: Dude, chill out.

(Y/N): [sighs] I'm just happy it's over.

Asta: We did it!

(Jack walks up to Yami.)

Jack: Yami, we're waiting. Is there something you'd like to say to us?

Yami: I'm hungry.

Jack: [cackles] I don't care about your stomach. I thought a "thank you" might be in order. What would you have done if the other captains and I hadn't shown up?

Yami: You can bet your Scythe I wouldn't let 'em get away. I would've taken 'em all down.

Jack: [cackles] You don't really that would've been possible?

Charlotte: You foolish man. Fighting enemies that strong alone would be nothing short of reckless.

Yami: Would it kill you to be nice for once, woman?

Charlotte's thoughts: Still. The idea that he would take on all of them by himself...I didn't fall in love with him for nothing.

Yami: You should try to control that tongue of yours.Otherwise, you're gonna die single.

Charlotte: I told you, I don't care! The battlefield is my husband! Worry about finding your own partner and leave me be!

Yami: [laughs] I'll make you a deal with you, Charlotte: if we're both still single when we're old and gray, we can look after each other.

Charlotte: What? You're joking! Who would want to be with someone like you?

Charlotte's thoughts: Why can't I be honest and tell him how I really feel?

Asta: [laughing]

(Asta falls backwards.)

Finral: Asta's down!

(Y/N pokes Asta with his hammer.)

(Y/N): You good?

Yami: Pushed past his limits and then some. All right. Get him healed up. Go on.

Finral: Who, me?

Yami: Yeah, make yourself useful.

Finral: Like I've been doing all day, you mean?

Yami: Tch.

Finral: Oh, shut up!

(Nozel looks at Asta.)

Nozel's thoughts: I'll have to remember this one. Asta, was it?

(Y/N): Hey, Nozel. Whatcha thinkin' about?

Nozel: That's none of your concern, dog.

(Y/N): *glares*

(Y/N's thoughts): Not even a thank you.

Nozel's thoughts: If (Y/N) hadn't stepped in...

(Cut to the Eye of the Midnight Sun in their hideout where Licht, Sally, & Valtos are being healed. The Third Eye discuss with Rades what's their next move.)

Rhya: Easy. Rades does have a point. It's too soon. We don't wanna put all of our cards on the table. Well, not yet, anyway. [yawns] 'Kay. Hm. What to do, what to do. I don't really want to go, but it doesn't appear that we don't have much choice.

Rhya: What a pain.

RayTheRipper here! I just want to say when I first published A Knight & His Hammer I had no idea it would blow up as it did. I'm just a guy who loves Black Clover & Mimosa Vermillion so I decided to write this story. I'd like to thank someone in particular for helping this story blow up even more & that is LosDeadlast. His support on this story means so much. You should definitely check him out. Until next time! ✌🏽

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