
By _ilovetoread-

802K 78.4K 6.1K

[UNDER EDITING] BASED ON A HAUSA LIFESTYLE. --- "Too bad you're mine and you have no choice but to stick with... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Q & A
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
New story!!

Chapter 69

19.2K 1.2K 259
By _ilovetoread-

^I remember putting this song on the first chapter of this book, so for the last chapter

We'll listen to it again 😌


Hameeda Ya Umar is waiting in the parlor" Rumaisa told me as she poked her head through the door

I nodded and she left closing the door behind her

I picked up Aliya from beside me and she frowned in her sleep as her eyes opened, scrunching up her face ready to cry

"Shhhh" I said as I raised her up

She closed her eyes but the frown remained on her face

Oh ni Hameedatu, this guy has taught my daughter how to frown

I shook my head in amusement as I placed her on my shoulder, slowly patting her back as I walked out of my room going to baba's parlor

It's been a week since I gave birth

I was living in my father's house now, well because per tradition I have to spend 40 days at home before going back to my husband's house

Of course Umar had to argue, saying how he doesn't understand why I have to go home

But with tons of convincing from Nona, Aunty and even daddy

This guy allowed me come home

He came to see me at least thrice a day

Wait let me rephrase that, he comes to see his child at least thrice a day

He doesn't even care about me, mtchww

Today is the naming ceremony and the house was a bit filled already with my family members

I walked into the living room to see him looking down at his phone dressed in a white babban riga and a zanna bukar cap

I smirked


Su Baba Umar manya!

He looked up when he felt my presence and he kept his phone in his pocket before he smiled at me

I smiled back

"Ina kwana" I said as I sat down beside him and I handed him Aliya (Good Morning)

"Lafiya qalau" he said as he smiled down at Aliya

I watched as her eyes slowly opened

He brushed his thumb against her cheek slowly and a side of her lips raised up in a smile

Hm, this girl is definitely a daddy's girl

I have already given up on the thought of her liking me more

I am 100% sure she'll prefer her dad

She smiles a lot, but at the same time she frowns a lot

A perfect blend of I and Umar

After they finished their bonding and staring at each other he turned to me

It is now that he'll notice me

"Ya kike?" He asked (How are you?)

"Sai yanzu?" I asked (until now?)

He chuckled as he held my arm bringing me closer to him

"Lafiya qalau" I said as laid my head on his shoulder as he pulled me for a side hug

"Did you feed her?" He asked

I chuckled "yes I did"

Please how can I forget to feed my own child

Kai Umar

"When are you two coming back?" He asked

I laughed "Umar we spoke about this yesterday, In 30 days" I said as I adjusted Aliya's cap which was falling off

"That's a month, it's too much" he murmured

"It'll come before you notice" I said

"Immediately after these 30 days you aren't adding a single day"

I laughed at him as I looked up "Ok Alhaji, Baban Ali"

He smiled down at me before he leaned down and he placed a kiss on my lips

I closed my eyes and when I opened them he was still smiling at me

I chuckled "why are smiling so much today"

"I'm happy, it's my daughter's naming ceremony, why won't I smile"

I laughed "Tohh, masu daughter"

He laughed but he stopped midway when we heard a crash coming from outside the compound which startled Aliya

Umar held her up as he placed her on his shoulder as he tried to shush her

I was surprised on how he took care of Aliya like she was his 10th child or something

He knew how to take care of her

He even knows how to carry her better than me, to be honest

But I guess he learnt all that with his sister Aliya

She stopped crying and held her up before placing a gentle kiss on her tiny forehead

I could not explain how I was feeling at this moment, seeing them together makes me so freaking happy

I turned to the window to see where the sound came from

Umar's eyes followed mine

"I see they have started setting up the canopies" he said

"Yes" I replied

"Are you coming over later?" I asked as I turned to him

He scrunched his face up knowing very well that there will be a lot of people there

I laughed

"I don't think so"

I pouted "haba mana" (C'mon)

He smiled a little before he shook his head

"We were supposed to take pictures" I said

He looked at me for some time before he sighed "na ji, I'll come" (I've heard)

I grinned "yawwa Toh" (Good)

The door opened and I turned to look at Rumaisa coming in

"Mummy tacheh in kawo ta mata wanka" (Mummy said I should bring her so she can bathe her) she said

I nodded and Umar gave Aliya to Rumaisa

She collected her and she left closing the door behind her

He looked at his watch "I'm supposed to meet Daddy in 20 minutes, I have to leave now"

I nodded in understanding "ok Toh"

He stoop up dragging me up with him

I hugged him placing my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me

It felt weird hugging him without the bump existing between us

But I missed hugging him like this

"These are for you" he said

I looked up at him with a frown

I watched as he pointed to a bunch of boxes at the right side of the parlor that I didn't notice before

They seemed to be about 6 boxes or more I didn't even know

"For me?" I asked

"Mhm" he asked as I felt his gaze on me

"From who?" I asked as my gaze were still locked on the large boxes

"From me"

I looked up at him "why?"

He frowned "why not?"

I smiled before I hugged him again "Thank You so much Umar"

"You're welcome" he said

I didn't feel like releasing him as I kept on hugging him

I felt his chuckle vibrate through his chest "Toh ya isa, let me go" (Ok its ok)

I smiled with my eyes closed before I held him tight one more time before I released him

"Goodbye" he said

"Bye!" I said with a grin

I watched as he left the living room

I turned to look at the boxes before I smiled

If anyone told me a year and a half ago that in a few months I'll bump into one grumpy guy and I'll get married to him, fall in love with him and even have a child with him I would have laughed my butt off and run off thinking the person is mad

But Meeting Umar has been the best thing that has ever happened to me

I bless the day I met him, I bless Baba for forcing me to escort Rumaisa to that party, I bless Rumaisa for going to that party, I bless every single person that was in that party, see in fact I even bless the drink he spilled on me and the person who made it

If I had the chance in another life to choose a partner for myself it will be Umar over and over again

Through the good and hard times I will always choose to go through it with him no matter what

I love him with every fiber in my entire being and I pray and hope nothing ever changes that.

I let out a loud laugh as I watched him through the window glaring at one of the workers who dropped the canopy that Startled Aliya as he walked out the gate

This guy and glaring, some things never change..

Aunty's voice brought me out of my thoughts "Keh Hameeda!, zo ki dauki er ki, taqi tai shuru! (come and take your daughter, she's refusing to keep quiet!)

I laughed at her

"Toh Aunty" I said as I opened the door and I walked out of the living room,

Closing the door behind me.

•The End•



It has ended ooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂

Before i start saying anything I'll like to tell you to please check out this story by fav_saaderh

And I'll also like to thank you guys for 7ok reads 🥺🥺, Thank you sooooo muchhh🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

And we hit 121k  on the bond too 😁🥳🥳❤️.

Naaaaa, to say that I have enjoyed writing this story would be an understatement

I had a complete BLAST writing this book

Believe it or not but writing this book has taught me a lot of things

I feel so happy that I have landed this story safely 😂

But at the same time I feel so sad that this story has come to an end 🥺💔

I'm going to miss you guys soooooo freaking much 😭😭😭😂

Your votes, your support, your comments and kind words, and most especially your love

I would not have made it anywhere without you guys 🥺🥺

Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for reading this story and supporting me from the beginning, to the end, and also being a part of Umar and Hameeda's story 😌

I really really really appreciate it❣️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

If I am to tag everyone who showed me support through this story through their votes and comments the list will never end 😂😭

But I know you know yourselves, YES YOU! so let's have a big group hug 😪🤗🤗🤗

And I know the question y'all have been wanting to ask, Am I publishing another story anytime soon?

To be completely honest with you all, I have like 2-3 stories in my drafts that i have started working on but I've not gone far in any of them, and I'm not satisfied enough with any of them to publish it

But when I'm ready y'all will be the first to know

Until then

Happy New Year in advance and Always remember that Umar and Hameeda love you 😌😘

And Finally,

Goodbye 🥺🥺🥺

Signed, M❤️

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