One Hundred Shades of Forever.

By Believeeexoxo

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- This story will be completed on Wattpad but the full version of this book is available to purchase on lulu... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five.
Chapter Thirty Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.
Chapter Thirty-Nine.
Chapter Forty.
Chapter Forty One.
Chapter Forty Two.
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five.
Chapter Forty Six.
Chapter Forty Seven.
Chapter Forty Eight.
Chapter Forty Nine.
Chapter Fifty.

Chapter Thirty Three.

37.3K 1.1K 733
By Believeeexoxo

Chapter Thirty Three.

            I wanted to do something special with her for our last night in Canada before we left for Barcelona tomorrow morning. My parents knew where I was taking her for the night but she certainly didn’t and I couldn’t help but laugh when she was trying to figure out what to wear because she wouldn’t have to worry about that. Once we got there she’d completely understand.

            “I really don’t like surprises.” She said. “You know that.”

            “I know you don’t but this is a good surprise I promise. Did you pack your bag baby?”

            “Yeah it’s in the back of the truck, which I also don’t understand why we took your dad’s truck instead of my car. We haven’t driven it in forever.”

            “Well that’s because someone refused to keep it after… well, you know.”

            “Whatever. I’m just confused is all and this truck is flipping huge. I feel like you’re going to crash.”

            “Baby, would you calm down? You are going to love it. Just wait until we get there.”


            And when we got there she was still confused. I drove my dad’s truck up to a huge area of grass that overlooked the mountains. She didn’t know what to say because she probably didn’t piece it together yet but I couldn’t think of a better way to spend our last night in Canada together than this. I never got a chance to show her my favorite spot and this was it.

            “Wow.” She said as she remained in the car. “This is gorgeous.”

            “My parents and I used to come here when I was a kid to go camping. We’d pitch our own tent and everything but I don’t think you’ve ever been camping so I decided I’d take it easy on you for the first time. That’s why I brought my dad’s truck.”

            “So are we-“

            “Sleeping here? We don’t have to. That’s up to you but I was just thinking that we could have a relaxing night for once in our lives before the tour starts back up tomorrow.”

            “You are incredible Justin.”

            She said it so quickly I almost didn’t hear her because I was getting out of the truck but I paused and sent her a smile. I wanted to do this because I just wanted to get a night alone with her before we have to be around everything again. When we were around the fame and around a bunch of people it seemed like we always got into a fight but when we were alone we were the happiest we ever could be. I wanted to keep it that way because no way in hell would I ever lose her again.

            Opening up the backseat, I retrieved the comforter I had hidden underneath the seat along with a couple of pillows and tossed them into the bed of the truck so I could set everything up. She stood there with a smirk on her face as I fluffed a pillow and made sure the comforter would cover everything so she wouldn’t get dirty.

            “Oh, almost forgot.”

            Then I grabbed a picnic basket and jumped back up, instructing with my hands for her to join me, my arms coming around her waist so I could hoist her up. It was so damn beautiful out here with the sun setting and even though it was cold out I brought a bunch of things to keep us warm and she started to laugh when she put on some mittens and shook her head in disbelief almost.

            “What?” I asked. “Why are you laughing?”

            “Because I’m wondering if there’s strawberries in there. It’s like our first date all over again except I don’t think paparazzi will be finding us up here.”

            “Nope. I packed popcorn and I packed some graham crackers and stuff to make smores with but it’s a little too windy to build a fire.”

            I reached inside of the picnic basket and retrieved a beer for me, immediately relieving her of her fear and pulled out a water bottle with a crystal light packet because I know that’s her favorite.

            “I didn’t forget.” I smirked. “There’s a baby on the way.”

            She looked at me in utter appreciation and grabbed the water bottle and the packet, lying down onto her back so she could relax into the pillows. Sophia was beautiful when she focused on something and even though it was opening a water bottle her nose scrunched up when the cap was kind of hard to twist until she finally got it and then struggled to open the packet as well. I could stare at her and the little things she does for hours.

            I just can’t believe that we’ve come so far. She just brought up our first date and if I go back and I just think about where I was at with her then and there I never would have pictured we’d be here today. Before Sophia I was an asshole and I don’t know how she changed everything and I still don’t know to this day how it happened but I’m so glad it did. We were both way too young and we fell way too quickly but I’m glad I fell in love with her. I’m glad she was the one I chose because she loved me for me. For every flaw I had and for every insecurity. She was still here after the problems with the media and the rumors and the mistakes I’ve so stupidly made. Sophia’s still here and she’s one of the few people I can actually count on in this world. She truly is my best friend.

            “Why are you so quiet?” She asked. “You’re weirding me out.”

            “I just love you.” I sighed, lying down next to her. “Hopefully you like this date. I wasn’t really sure if you’d be into camping but I just thought it would be fun.”

            “See the thing is that I’m guaranteed to have fun if I’m with you.”

            Then she literally shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth and she was so comfortable around me that she didn’t even get embarrassed. She just went for another handful and I continued to stare at her.

            “That was attractive.” I noted, letting out a laugh. “Classy.”

            “Never trashy.” She said with popcorn in her mouth still.

            I let her eat and rested my head on her lap until she passed it over to me and started to trace her fingertips along my jawline and then through my hair, me just smiling because whenever she did that I couldn’t think of doing anything else.

            “I need to tell you something Justin.”

            I was alert now.

            “Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry if I-“

            “Justin I wanted to let you know that I forgive you.”

            When she said that I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I completely shut up and I just stared at her, praying to God that what I just heard was actually what she just said and that she wouldn’t change her mind.

            “You forgive me?”

            “Yes. I’ve been thinking a lot about it and I forgive you. I never thought I’d say that but ever since we’ve gotten back together you haven’t stopped trying and I see that and I appreciate it more than you know. I don’t know if me saying that I forgive is going to make you turn back into what you used to be and I really hope it doesn’t because I’ve enjoyed us getting along like this and being together. I’ve missed you so much Justin and I just want to thank you for all that you’re doing to prove to me that you’re here for the long run. Thank you for taking this seriously and thank you for not giving up on me. I love you more than words and this date is out of this world. It’s perfect so… thanks. Again.”

            I didn’t know what to say for the longest time and I could tell she was waiting for me to say something but I was so in shock that all I could do was just stare at her. I never thought in a million years she would ever say that and my horrible sin would be forgiven. How on earth did I get so lucky to have someone so understanding and who cared so much about me? I will never know but I am so grateful. So beyond grateful.

            “Sophia you are so perfect. I’m not going to change just because you said that. If anything it’s going to make me work even harder to keep you because I don’t want you to ever find someone to treat you better than I can. I’m going to treat you like a princess because that’s exactly what you are. Nothing less.”

            Crawling on top of her, I attached my lips to hers to let her know how thankful I was and that seemed to show her because she pulled me down more onto her body and wrapped her arms around my neck. It was too cold to have sex out here but damn I wish it wasn’t. After she just said that I wanted to give her the best sex she’s ever had.

            “Thank you.” I said breathlessly as I pulled away from the kiss. “I mean that and I promise I’m not going to let you down.”

            “And I know you won’t babe. I’m sorry to interrupt this romantic moment and everything but can you pass me the popcorn again? Sorry. I know I’m being a pig but I’m really hungry.”

            “You aren’t a pig. You’re eating for two now Soph. Eat all you want.”

            “You say that until I wind up like a balloon or something. Can you at least eat with me so I don’t feel like I’m some sumo wrestler?”

            I grabbed a handful of popcorn and crammed my mouth with it, erupting into laughter when she started to laugh and tried to chew it all up. One of the reasons I love her is that she can always make me laugh no matter how serious the situation is. Her sense of humor is one of the best traits about her.

            “This is extremely good. Whatever kind of popcorn it is I want more of it.”

            “That would be from the machine we have at home in my dad’s man cave. It’s an old fashioned one and I made some before we came here. We have tons and tons of kernels at home so if that’s what you want then I’ll buy one or something and we’ll have it every single night at the hotel.”

            She grabbed another handful of popcorn and rolled her eyes at me.

            “You know, the worst thing about that is that I know you aren’t joking and that you’re actually being serious about bringing a popcorn machine around the world with us. Some people would call that whipped.”

            “Well if you’re who I’m whipped for I’m pretty sure they’d understand. Anyone would be.”

            “Justin Drew Bieber you’ve officially lost it.”

            “Sophia Elena-“ And then I stopped myself because I was unsure of what to call her.

            “Sophia Elena Bieber is perfectly sane.” She replied, sending me a cheesy grin when I looked at her. “You wanna make out for a bit?”

            “I swear to god you’re me but the girl version. You’re perfect.”

            She laughed and then I laughed, re-attaching my lips with hers as she brought me to a complete different world that I would stay in forever if I could. This night is going exactly how I thought it would and nothing, not even the paparazzi showing up could ruin this moment between us as we were focused on nothing but each other in the bed of this truck in the middle of absolutely nowhere.



Probably one of my favorite chapters in the whole book. My favorite one hasn't been released yet but it will be later haha. 

Hopefully you guys liked it too. It's just crazy how far this story has come and how far they have come. I'm an emotional wreck that next book will be the last one and it's just so crazy. I have such an emotional connection to this book because these characters are the first one's i've ever created and it's going to be so sad to see them end. Kind of like in The Fault in Our Stars when Hazel had that connection to the book and wanted to know what happened to the other characters when the book ended. That's how I feel because it's like you're ending a life and I know that sounds stupid but writing is just so important to me and it's like these people are real ffs. omg. 

Anyways, please comment and let me know what you thought. Here are some update plans for my other books. 

A Journal of My Unspoken Thoughts- It was updated yesterday.

Just Friends: Going to be updated in like ten minutes.

Hidden Attraction: Probably like Monday i'll update it.

Recovery: Monday most likely lol

(^^^^ I can't believe I write this many books at once and when I type it i'm just like wtf am I doing. LMAO).

But also, I died when I saw my books in the top twenty of fan fiction. Like... four of my books took up the top twenty and that's some crazy shhhiii right there ahahaha.

Twitter: @ believeeexoxo

Instagram: @ drxwsdeanna (<--- If you really want to keep up with my boring ass life lmao) 

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