Chapter Twenty-Four.

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Chapter Twenty-Four. 

Sophia’s Point of View:


             The moment Jazzy and Jaxon tackled me to the floor with their hugs I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been happier. Their suitcases flung to the side and they were screaming things at me so quickly I couldn’t keep up with them. All I could do was attack them back with kisses and glance up at Pattie and Jeremy who were patiently waiting to say hello to me as well.

            “You guys got so big!” I exclaimed, ruffling Jaxon’s hair. “Who told you it was okay to grow up so fast?”

            “Sophia I brought Spiderman!” Jaxon announced, everyone in the room rolling their eyes except me.

            “Oh yeah? Well I will most certainly watch it with you Jax. I missed you.”

            Justin bent down to pry him off of me so I could stand up and began to tickle him relentlessly, the sound of his laughter echoing off of the hotel walls. I really missed his family.

            “What’s up with that dude?” Justin laughed, his fingers continuing to tickle him. “I don’t get a hello?”

            As him and Jaxon had some bonding time I took the opportunity and hugged Pattie with the biggest hug I could possibly come up with and almost felt like crying when she pulled me closer and didn’t say a word. It seemed to be a sigh of relief when she finally let one out and pulled away from me so I could hug Jeremy too.

            “It’s so good to see you Sophia. We’ve all missed you so much.”

            Then I was crying and I don’t even know why. I guess I was just so happy that finally we were all back together again and Pattie pulled me in for another hug, kissing the top of my head to try and get me to stop crying.

            “Oh honey, don’t cry.”

            “I-I’m sorry. I just missed you guys more than you know.”

            “Hey.” Justin whispered, pulling me back against his chest. “Baby it’s okay.”

            Pattie and Jeremy looked at the two of us in awe almost as he kissed my cheek and looked at me to make sure I stopped crying. I don’t think he’s like this with any other girl and I think that’s why his parents were giving us the look they were. They knew just as much as I did that we were meant to be together.

            “We should go get dinner.” I finally decided to say, trying to ignore my embarrassing moment.  “I’m sure everyone’s hungry.”


            By the time we got back Jaxon had fallen asleep in the car and Jazzy was a walking zombie, the both of them going straight into their bed so they could fall asleep. Pattie and Jeremy had invited us back to their room so we could talk some more and as Pattie carried in some cups of hot chocolate, I snuggled up to Justin as he continuously kept kissing the top of my head and whispered I love you about ten times in the last five minutes. He was ridiculous.

            “It’s so wonderful to see the two of you back Sophia. I can’t even begin to tell you.”

            Setting the cups of hot chocolate down onto the coffee table in front of us, she took a seat next to Jeremy and sent me another warm smile. I was so cozy snuggled up next to Justin in one of his sweatshirts and he could tell because he looked down at me on his lap and smiled, brushing some strands of hair away from my face.

One Hundred Shades of Forever.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant