The Dragon Cub| Game Of Thron...

By Ikonic_Fantast

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Jaime realises Jon's true idenity when visiting Winterfell, remembering a promised made to Rhaegar, Jaime and... More



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By Ikonic_Fantast

House Redfort 297 AC (before the war began).


She had disappeared, just plain up and disappeared. One day she was just where she had always been and the next, Mya and her mother were gone. He found he couldn't concentrate, each day in training he'd be beaten easily and at his meals, he barely ate. So when the letter came from Myranda Royce of all people, Mychel gathered his things and rode quickly to the Gate's of the Moon, before making his way to the Eyrie.

Traveling through Stone, Snow, and Sky, the fact that Mya wasn't here only hit him even more deeply. No one could move across the treacherous paths as she could, he used to jape with her that she was more steady on her feet than any of the mules she led were. When he finally reached the Eyrie itself, Mychel felt almost scared of what he'd find. Had some harm come to her? Was she hurt? Worse? No, he'd not think like that, he couldn't. Mya, wherever she was, would be unharmed, please gods let her be unharmed he thought as he was welcomed into the keep.

Myranda was in her element, running the keep far better and with more grace than Lady Lysa ever had. Knowing the woman herself wasn't here was at least something he could be grateful for. The thoughts of seeing her feed her son from her teat, not something he wished to dwell on. He made his presence known to Lord Nestor and then waited for Myranda to have time to speak to him. Something which took far longer than he had expected.

"Mychel, come with me." she said after he'd been sitting watching as her father listened to petitions for some hours.

He followed her down the hall and into a small room, each step making him focus on her face to see if she seemed ready to give him upsetting news. That she appeared to be relaxed and her usual boisterous self brought him some hope that the news wasn't to be the very worst. Though why it was her that was bringing it to him still made him wonder, she and Mya had been friendly but never true friends.

"Take a seat Mychel, we've much to discuss." Myranda said and he did as she bid.

"Mya?" he asked worriedly.

"Is safe and well, but before we speak of her I must speak to you of Domeric." Myranda said.

"Domeric?" he asked wondering what his friend had to do with this.

"You know how Domeric and I feel about one another?" she asked and he nodded "And you know that me being a steward's daughter and he being his father's heir, as much as we wish it, it could never be?"

"Aye, I know." he said sympathetically.

"Yet you believe your father will allow you and Mya to marry?" she asked.

"I..I…love her." he said stumbling over his words.

"As I love Domeric and he loves me, as Mya loves you." Myranda said and despite the situation, Mychel found himself smiling briefly. They'd never said it to anyone but each other, so for Myranda to know meant that Mya had confided in her.

"I would go against my father for her." he said though not as firmly as he may have.

"As would Dom for me, Mychel, but saying it is not the same as doing it and in the end, both of you would do as your father's bid." she said a little sadly.

He was on the verge of protesting but found he could not, as much as he wished to believe he would do as he said, he knew deep down that in the end duty would win over love, it usually did. As he looked up to Myranda though he could see that she seemed happy as if she knew something that he did not.

"Domeric met someone who promised him that he and I would wed, someone who said that if he trusted in him then he'd see it done." Myranda said and Mychel looked to her.


"Jon Snow." Myranda said with a smile and Mychel looked at her as if she'd lost her mind, he was about to laugh when he saw her smile leave her face and how annoyed she was at him.

"How can a bastard make a lord's son marry who he wishes?" he asked.

"The question you should be asking is how can that very same bastard do so for you and Mya." Myranda said handing him a letter.

He took it and looked at the name written on it, the writing wasn't great as Mya didn't write too much. But he'd know her handwriting anywhere, almost tearing open the seal he eagerly read through the words on the paper, glad to see they too were in Mya's hand.

My love,

Worry not about my safety, my mother and I are both well and settled. I was offered a chance at the life I wished for more than anything in the world, all I needed to do was take a leap of faith. I've taken that leap, my love, I pray to the seven that you'll do the same. I've been told that the same man who contacted me, the same man who brought me to where I am now, will in time reach out to you. Listen to him, my love, please for me, for us, listen and I believe with all my heart if you do so then he'll see us together and married.

My heart is yours, Mychel, always,


His first instinct was to cry, knowing she was safe and well and that she loved him so. His second was worry about this man who had taken her and finally, his mind went to what Myranda had said. How the hell was Jon Snow involved in this?.

"Jon Snow?" he said "How does this relate to Jon Snow?"

"I'm not certain, Dom sent me a letter saying that Jon Snow had a plan to bring us together. Then another arrived from some man I'd never met telling me the very same thing, though it didn't mention Snow by name. The man who brought it was the same one who brought that." she said pointing to the letter he held in his hand.

"He's a bastard?" he said still not understanding how he could do anything to make his father allow him and Mya to marry.

"A very accomplished one, purely on gold alone he's perhaps the man responsible for creating more wealth than any other in Westeros. As a swordsman, even you've been heard tell he has no equal, other than the Bold or Jaime Lannister. He also has the king's favor, Mychel. I don't know how he can do what Dom says, but I believe in my love. Do you believe in yours?" she asked.

House Redfort 297 AC (when the Banners were called).


He received another couple of letters from Mya both being boons to his soul and then things began to unravel. Robert's Rage he'd heard it called and when he'd heard what the king had done and what it would inevitably entail, he knew they'd soon be called to war. Mychel found himself in complete despair, the letters had given him hope, he'd even found himself believing a bastard could perform miracles.

That Jon Snow could see him married to his love, rather than who his father was starting to suggest. Ysilla was a wonderful girl, she just wasn't Mya, he didn't find his heart-stirring when he thought of her. Now knowing the raven would no doubt be on its way from Lord Arryn and they'd soon be fighting against the West and Jon Snow, he knew any hope he had was lost.

"You look upset young man." a voice called out from the darkness and Mychel watched as a man stepped from the shadows, his hand automatically going to his blade as he looked at the man "You have no need of that, Mychel, I bring you a message from your love."

"Mya?" he said softly.

"Aye, a raven will come calling you to war, another giving you a way out. It's time to tell your father the truth of what Lord Arryn asked you to do all those years before, tell him the true nature of the lord and then of the man, the other raven speaks of." the man said moving back into the statues.

"And Mya?"

"I bring you a king's promise young Mychel, a king who believes in love and knows it's not the death of duty but the reason for it." the man said, and then he was gone.

Just as he had said the raven arrived from Lord Arryn calling them to arms and just as he had said another arrived almost as quickly as it did. This one bearing an all too different message, this one bearing a message from a king. Standing in his father's solar and with his brother Jasper sitting at the table, Mychel readied to tell his tale.

"Do you remember the tourney of King's Landing, father, the one where Jon...Jaehaerys Targaryen beat Me, Harry, Piper, and Vance? He asked.

"I remember, aye." his father said as he looked up at him, Jasper looking to him too.

"We were told to beat up Loras Tyrell, then to beat up Jaehaerys, we were paid to do so." he said shamefully.

"Paid by who?" Jasper asked.

"Lord Arryn." he said to shocked faces.

"Why would Lord Arryn wish a bastard beaten, or a damn rose?" his father asked.

"He told us he'd reached too high, spoken up to his betters and needed to be taught a painful lesson, I..didn't think it was wrong at the time, he was my liege lord. I thought I was doing the right thing." he said his head bowed.

"What does this have to do with anything Mychel, truly?" his father asked.

"I believe the words of Jaehaerys Targaryen more than I do Lord Arryn's, father, I think we need to wait, call the men by all means if you must but we shouldn't march just yet." Mychel said.

"You wish me to go against my liege lord?" his father said angrily, Mychel watching as Jasper stood up from his seat and laid his hand on his father's.

"I think Mychel has the right of it, for now at least father." Jasper said and Mychel could have hugged his brother when his father nodded his agreement.

Gates of the Moon. Now.

He read the letter from Mya once more, she had heard the news they'd not risen, had found out the truth about Jon Snow and her letter was full of love and hope, something his heart was equally full of. From the moment he'd spoken to his father more and more news had come through, the raven Lord Arryn sent shocked his father to his core. To speak that way of Lord Stark, to lie so blatantly and yet Mychel wondered if he'd not spoken to his father would he have thought it a lie.

Not that it mattered, he did, and then when they heard of King's Landing, of what Lord Arryn had done to Lady Lysa and her son, his father had found that unforgivable. Set the woman aside, call the boy out for being a bastard, yes, but to have them thrown into cells with no trial. It seemed Robert had picked more up from his foster father than anyone had imagined, he'd heard his father say to his brother.

He got up to break his fast and walked to the room, seeing Myranda and her father there already. Taking a seat beside her, Mychel caught her smile. It was strange, outside the Vale a war was taking place and people worried what it meant, yet for him and Myranda, it was a forgone conclusion. Jaehaerys Targaryen would win and both of them would celebrate it gratefully. Mychel swearing once it was done he'd pay back a debt he now owed to a king.

Myr 298 AC.


The city was on edge and more than one Magister had beseeched her and offered her as much wealth as she desired to use her dragons on the Dothraki camped outside. She almost laughed in their faces, when she and Viserys had been poor and destitute, some of these very same men had refused to meet them. While they had eaten what they could in the alleys and backstreets, these men had refused them an audience. Now she was a princess once more in their eyes, and not the beggars they had called her and her brother when they'd needed their help.

"A hundred thousand gold dragons, jewels, lace, carpets, spices, a ship, we'll give you a ship to take you home."

They had received no reply, not from her nor from Shiera when they tried to go around her once they saw her aunt rode on a dragon too. The men of the Company of the Rose had refused them also, Rodrik telling her they'd been offered the largest contract in their history to raise arms for the city. For Dany though it was the words that Torrhen had said to her which still played out in her head.

"For a bride."

Three simple words and yet she knew them to be true, he'd told her as much when they'd last met. Their son would be the Stallion that Mounts the World, Drogo had said, and she'd be a liar if she said the idea and the man himself didn't intrigue her. Dany had no real idea of love, none truly of lust either, but she did remember feeling something in her chest while looking at the large imposing Khal.

What it was she'd find out soon enough, having arranged to meet him on the morrow, for now though it was someone else she needed to meet. She, Grey Worm, Missy, Belwas and Sandor made their way through the town. Melisandre had received a vision and they had kin here, someone that Dany wasn't quite certain what she thought of. Not the girl herself, more who her father and uncle were, the Baratheon's among those most responsible for her family's fall.

When she reached the house she took a deep breath before entering, finding a worried-looking older man, some knights, a woman who seemed lost in conversation with Melisandre and a young girl laughing with her aunt. The girl turned when she noticed her presence, Dany almost gasping when she saw the scarred face. She had never seen someone recover from the Grey Death, no one had to her knowledge, and yet this girl clearly wasn't a stone man.

"Shireeen, may I present my niece, Princess Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen." Shiera said and Shireen looked at her nervously.

"Your grace." the girl said standing up to curtsy and Dany looked to see the older man now seemed even more nervous.

"Please cousin, call me Dany." she said and the smile the girl gave her was beaming, not even the scars taking away from how happy she looked.

Less than an hour later she found herself sitting at the table laughing along with Shireen and Shiera, her aunt seemed enraptured by the girl and Dany found her to be an absolute delight. Shireen told her more about Westeros's recent history, about her nephew, and about her family than almost anyone had. Tales of what her nephew did while pretending to be a bastard seeming almost wondrous in how the girl told them.

"Is it true you have dragons, cousin?" Shireen asked excitedly.

"It is, perhaps later I'll show them to you?" she asked and saw the girl nod eagerly.

She readied to leave a few hours later and as she walked from the house the girl hugged her tightly, the older man following her outside and looking to Sandor with some recognition in his eyes.

"Forgive me princess, but Lord Stannis asked me to ensure his wife and daughter's safety, may I ask your plans for them?" he asked worriedly.

"You may, Ser?"

"Davos your grace, Davos Seaworth." the man said.

"I believe my aunt told you that we intend to sail and meet with my nephew, from what I gather my nephew wishes our cousin to return with us. I am unaware why, however, I give you my word Ser Davos, no harm will come to Shireen. We are not Stags or Lions, we don't harm children." she said as she moved away.

"Forgive me your grace, but the king is allied with Lions." Ser Davos said.

"A different Lion, Ser. By all accounts Lord Jaime is anything but his father." she said and the man nodded.

She ate with the men of the Company of the Rose that night, Sandor and Belwas both trying to out-eat and out-drink each other. She, Missy, Jhiqu, and Irri sat together and her aunt and Melisandre arrived only when the meal was nearly done. Dany waited until her aunt had finished eating before asking to speak to her, the two of them walking outside to where the dragons were resting.

She couldn't help but smile looking at them curled up and sleeping. Others may see them as ferocious beasts or incredible things to marvel at, Dany saw them as her children. Even her aunt didn't know what that felt like and she hoped that perhaps her nephew may. Turning from the sleeping dragons to her aunt, she found Shiera seemed distracted and so instead of what she had come to speak to her about, that became the first question.

"Aunt, is something wrong?" she asked concernedly.

"What, no, not really. It's just that I've not set foot in Westeros for nearly a hundred years, to go back, to see places I'd never thought I'd see once more, oh I knew I was destined to go back one day don't get me wrong. But I don't know if I ever truly believed it would come to pass." Shiera said.

"Do you fear going back?" or not wish to?" Dany asked, the second question almost getting caught in her throat as the thoughts of having to go back without her, not one she had contemplated until now.

"No. Am I nervous, yes, but I'm excited too, Dany. I look forward to meeting our nephew, to finding out the truth about him." Shiera said with a smile.

"As do I." Dany said.

"But you didn't come to speak to me about me, what's on your mind niece?"

"Drogo, the things he said, I..I find they intrigue me, he intrigues me."

"You are attracted to him?" Shiera asked looking at her.

"I..I think so." she said softly.

"Enough to marry him and be his wife?"

"Were it not for what we must do, then maybe I'd think of it, but we must return and I worry he and his Khalasar may not take that news well."

"Then so be it, we are dragons Dany, more so now than ever before and A dragon is not a slave."

"No she is not." she said smiling.

Torrhen gave her a hundred men to ride out with them the next day, along with her unsullied, Missy, Jhiqui and Irri, Sandor, Belwas, they had a large accompaniment. Compared to the Khalasar though they were anything but. Drogo having managed to gather almost 100,000 by some estimates though not all were here. Dany rode the silver filly he had gifted her, seeing the large Khal smile when he saw her.

Drogo rode towards them with only his blood riders and when he reached them he got off his horse alone, Dany doing likewise. When Grey Worm helped Missy down, Dany held her hands up to the others to stay back. Drogo then walking over to them while looking at her all the while.

"I've searched the Great Grass Sea from Vaes Dothrak to Qarth, when I heard you had found your child, I and my Khalasar rode hard to find you, do you remember what I promised you?" Drogo asked and Missy interpreted.

"I do." She said and waited for Missy to relay her words before Drogo spoke again.

"I come to you a Khal seeking a bride, I ask once again silver hair, join with me, together we will see the Stallion that Mounts the World born, see a future that none could dare imagine."

"I cannot." she said softly and saw the anger on his face rise and then fall for a second "I will take a wooden horse and ride the poison water, for now at least my fate is not here, great Khal. One day I may return, should you ask it of me then, perhaps my answer would be different."

"You would leave?" he asked Missy looking worried at how much he raised his voice, Dany holding her hand up to stop Sandor or any of the others from jumping from their horses.

"I must leave. If you wish to see me return, then I ask you to ride from this place, leave it in peace, and one day if the Great Stallion wishes it so then perhaps our paths may cross once more." she said.

He said nothing and she saw his anger seemed to calm, what replaced it she wasn't sure, was it sadness or resignation, determination, or something else. He reached out for her hand and she allowed him to take it. Looking deep in her eyes, he smiled and leaned down to kiss her, Dany allowing him to brush his lips against hers. She felt her chest rising and her heart threatening to break free from it, it was thumping that hard.

When the kiss ended she was left breathless and he looked at her as if he was going to throw her over his shoulder and drag her away. A part of her wishing he would do just that, while another dared him to try.

"When the sun rises in the West and sets in the East. When the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves. Then you shall return and find me waiting for you." Drogo said and Dany watched as he turned and walked away.

The magister's credited her with the Khalasar leaving and once again offered her wealth and jewels. This time Shiera telling her to take their offer and to ask for a ship too, which they gave her without hesitation. They loaded it up with the gifts they gave her and that night she said her goodbyes to Torrhen and the company of the Rose. The man asking Rodrik and the others to accompany her on her journey and giving her a letter for her nephew.

The next morning she felt excited as they set sail, Melisandre having come to her to tell her where they should head and the idea of seeing the place of her birth almost bringing tears to her eyes. Sandor told her that Davos was a decent sailor and so she allowed the man to pick her crew. Shireen and his son would sail with them and she knew he'd see her safely home. The route they would go would keep them near land, the dragons may or may not be able to fly all the way but she'd take no risks.

As she stood on the deck watching Myr fade away she felt her fingers brushing her lips, Drogo's kiss still almost being felt by her when she closed her eyes. She heard her aunt and Missy walking up behind her, Sandor and Belwas soon joining them along with Grey Worm, Rodriik, Shireen, and Melisandre. Dany reached out and took her aunt's hand in hers, a smile soon appearing on both their faces.

"Home, we're going home." she said softly as the dragons flew overhead.

The Trident 298 AC.


Each night on the march and now here on the eve of the battle itself, Ned had found himself walking the camp with Lya by his side. His thoughts, worries, and doubts he shared only with the wolf. To each of his lords, he was resolute, unyielding, and unafraid, and yet with the wolf, he was as he truly was. Three times he'd rode to war and each of them had cost him something.

The first war he'd lost family, friends, and almost his honor too given what he had tried to do with his nephew. The second he'd lost time, time with his family, with his children, and it had done nothing, achieved nothing in the end. Truth be told neither of them had, the first was to see for justice and in the end to see a better king crowned, neither of which he got. The second was to see the Greyjoys put down hard so a generation at least would know peace and not suffer from Iron Born raids, again they'd failed.

This one was to crown a new king, a new hope for the realm, and though he knew that Jaehaerys was that, a part of him worried still. Would it really be the end of war in his lifetime or was it just another false dawn and one day he'd need to march once more. He was standing looking out over the camp, the flattened ground not really allowing for him to see anything but the torches that were lit.

"You seem troubled Ned?" he heard a voice and looked to see Lya was not worried in the least, though Howland was someone he was glad to speak to.

"I wonder if this will be the last of them, the end of wars in my lifetime." he said and Howland said nothing for a few moments.

"We've not truly known peace in our lives, Ned, that's not our role to play." Howland said.

"What is our role?" he asked.

"That when we leave this world, those that come after us will." Howland said as he walked away.

He headed back to his tent a little while later, the night was long ahead of him and while some men drank or others rested, Ned wasn't sure he would be able for either. Sitting in his tent he looked to the bird and chuckled, Jae had asked him to speak to it, talk to it, tell it his plans. He could not, true he knew some of what his nephew was capable of but the first time he'd tried it the Greatjon had walked in and thought him mad.

"Are you bloody talking to that bird, Ned?" the Greatjon had asked and Ned found after that he couldn't do so anymore.

He closed his eyes and lay down and had been asleep for barely a moment when he felt Lya grab his hand and then he heard the commotion outside. Jumping up he grabbed his sword and feared they were under attack, though he wondered why Lya hadn't warned him sooner. Rushing from the tent he found Ser Wylis moving towards him along with Lady Maege, neither of them looking concerned.

"Wylis, Maege?" he asked.

"It seems our friends from the west have caught up with us, Ned, Prince Tyrion, and his men are camped just a few miles down the road." Maege said.

"Tyrion is here?" he asked.

"Aye, he and his lords have arrived." Wylis said and they made their way to the edge of the camp where Tyrion, two Kingsguard, some lords and knights were riding in.

"My prince." Ned said with a small bow.

"Lord Stark, may I present Lord's Broom, Westerling, Serret and Lefford and Ser Lyle Crakehall. My Kingsguard Ser Richard Horpe and Ser Jors Whitewolf." Tyrion said, Ned, noticing the smiles at the mention of the last man's name.

"It's good to see you my prince, my lords, good Sers. Come I'm sure you'd welcome an ale and some refreshments." he said and Tyrion was quickly helped from the horse and walked beside him, the Kingsguard by either shoulder as Ser Wylis and Lady Maege walked with the lords.

They were taken to a tent where soon they were joined by more of his own Lords, all of them standing by the table looking down on the map of the lands they were on.

"My army is behind me Lord Stark, three thousand horse and 8,500 men ready for battle, Lygaron too will be ready on the morrow." he said to smiling faces.

"You intend to use your dragon?" the Greatjon asked.

"I intend us to win Lord Umber, I don't wish a field of fire, but my nephew wished the dragons to be the Hammer and the armies the Anvil on which to break our enemies against. The Vale lords rely most heavily on their Knights and lances, the North and even my own cavalry are dwarfed by their own, forgive the poor choice of words." Tyrion said to laughs.

"We have caltrops and large spears to dissuade and break a charge and my own men's Phalanx will repel any who make it through, my prince." Lord Domeric said.

"Better than a dragon?" Tyrion said to laughs "I've no doubt we'd hold them back Lord Bolton, but we'd lose many men in doing so and our king would rather the losses be theirs than ours."

Ned looked around the room to see the appreciative nods from the men around him, Maege smiling as she looked to him.

"We will use the dragon tactically, my lords, to it's greatest effect but not to its full power." Tyrion said.

"Our scouts say Riverrun has fallen my prince, Lord Edmure and his men are nowhere to be seen, can we expect support from your uncle's army?" Ser Wylis asked.

"Where Edmure is, Gerion will be close behind. I'd wager my uncle crossed here." Tyrion said pointing to the Ruby Ford "If I'm right then our friends from the Vale will soon have a Lion at their backs."

They spoke for a few more minutes, his lords leaving the tent even more confident than they had been when they'd spoken of their own battle plans earlier. Tyrion's arrival with extra forces gave them the edge, with a dragon the advantage. After the others had left, Tyrion motioned to Ser Richard and Ser Jors to leave them alone. The small man seeming to almost breathe out in relief once they were. Ned smiled warmly at him and laughed openly when Lya walked over and licked his face.

"I blame our nephew, ever since he arrived at the Rock, I've been licked by wolves far too often" Tyrion said with a chuckle "Apparently, I'm pack."

"Aye, that you are my prince. It's a good plan you came up with, the Hammer and the Anvil." he said.

"That's on our nephew, I just hope to carry it out right." Tyrion said.

"Any word from Jae?" he asked.

"No, I've no worries though Lord Stark, Lya would let you know, Lygaron me, our nephew is safe and well."

"We should get some rest, tomorrow we'll get none." Ned said and Tyrion nodded.

"Good fortune Ned." Tyrion said using his name for the first time.

"Aye, you too Tyrion, if the gods will it then we'll be victorious and see our nephew soon."

The Trident 298 AC.

Yohn Royce.

The words wouldn't leave his head, nephew, he had called him nephew, not son, not bastard, nephew. Yes, he had been angry, furious even, but was that a slip of the tongue or had he actually been so rattled that he'd spoken the truth. The letter he had sent, the things he had said about Ned Stark, when he really gave them thought they made no sense.

Yohn hadn't been as close to Ned as Lord Jon or Robert but he had seen how the northern lord had reacted to Robert's behavior. Friends they may have been but they were not kindred spirits. As for questioning his honor, on that, he was torn as he'd always considered Ned to be a paragon of it. So much so that he'd enjoyed the man's company the few times he'd met him since he'd gone back North. He'd even stopped off to visit him when Waymar took the black, finding him no lesser than he had thought of him before.

Now though it was clear he'd acted somewhat dishonorably, be it in hiding his nephew, though on that he couldn't place too much blame, or now going against his king. Yet there was honor in that too, family bonds, and given what Robert had turned into perhaps it made Ned's choices more honorable than his own. What Yohn couldn't get right though was the idea of the Ned Stark that Jon had portrayed. It didn't fit with the evidence and this slip of the tongue made the possibility of a lie being perpetrated on them all ever more likely.

The closer it drew to the battle the more this preyed on his mind, so much so that he walked from his tent to speak to Lord Jon about it. Finding the man restless and disturbed in his own tent. After he had asked to speak to him alone, Lord Jon sent his guards away, Yohn taking the offered seat.

"Lord Jon, I find myself most troubled." he said and Jon looked to him.

"About the battle? we'll win it Yohn. The King and Lord Stannis will arrive to join up with us, maybe during the battle itself, even if it's only later it'll matter not. We're the Knights of the Vale and no Northern army can withstand our charge."

"What Lord Stark said Jon?" he said.

"Lies, by the seven I swear they're lies. He's trying to rattle us, Yohn. We have the Stormlands, the Golden Company rides with Robert also, they are outmatched not us, so they try to divide us with lies." Jon said looking at him.

"So the boy is not a Targaryen, he's truly Stark's bastard?" he asked.

"Aye, for true, I covered it up Yohn, let him keep his honor, though it pains me to see what he's become."

"Yet you called him his nephew?" he asked.


"You called him his nephew, told Lord Stark that his nephew would lose his head." Yohn said and watched the small gulp that Jon Arryn took before speaking.

"A mistake, a slip of the tongue, I was so shocked that Ned would give forsake his honor so." Jon said.

"Of course, forgive me, my lord." he said and Jon smiled at him though he looked relieved too.

"Of course Yohn, it's a battle, we're all on edge."

He left the tent anything but, he wasn't on edge, though it was clear that Jon Arryn was. He'd lied to him, to his face. Yohn had seen it and as he walked to meet with some of the other lords he heard some cheers and instead found himself with Lord Jon and the rest looking on as the remainder of the Riverlands army arrived.

"Lord Jon, I bring my men to join with your own." Edmure Tully said as if he bringing them some grand prize, Yohn looking over and seeing who was missing more so than who he'd brought with him.

Good men and true, Lord Mallister, Bracken and Blackwood, Darry, men he may not always have agreed with but none he questioned the honor of. Looking at Edmure Tully and remembering how he'd behaved in King's Landing, he was not someone he could say the same about. That his bannermen had abandoned him was bad enough, that they'd joined a Targaryen was a sign of just how far the Tully's had fallen. He walked through the camp and made it to where Andar was sparring, calling his son to come to him.

"I wish you to speak to our men, tell them to ready to march, then ask Benedar, Gilwood and Ser Symond to come to my tent, do so quickly and quietly Andar."


"Do it now son."

As Andar ran off to do as he said, Yohn called Sam over to him and gave him his orders, his Master of Arms hurrying to do as he bid. He walked back to his tent and sat down and poured himself a glass of wine which he drank down quickly before pouring himself another. When Andar arrived with the lords he was on his third, though this one he sipped and he asked his son to stay and listen as he talked to them. Each of them looking on shocked as he told them what he believed and what his intentions were.

"You're asking us to abandon our liege lord, Yohn." Benedar said.

"Aye, this isn't honorable." Symond added.

"Honor left this place a long time ago, a king without honor and now a liege lord who lies as if it's second nature. I hold no love for the dragons, I was happy to see them fall. Aerys was mad and the realm needed him gone, but I knew then that there were plans to replace him and their family. After what happened with Kyle I welcomed it even more. I fear what the dragon will do shall he win, truly I do, but I'll accept my punishment like a man. I'll not doom my house for a lie." Yohn said looking at the others.

"You would leave us to fight alone?" Gilwood said.

Yohn looked at the lords, he held maybe a fifth of the Vale Knights, Lord Gilwood Hunter a little less than that, the same for Ser Symond Templeton and Lord Benedar Belmont. Between them, a little over a third of the army would ride if they joined him. The other lords who he didn't trust not to run to Lord Jon may do so also if he could bring these on board, maybe there'd be no need for a battle here today, a council and trials could suffice.

"I say we take our chances elsewhere my lords, I ride, I hope you join me." he said and looking at their faces he doubted they would.

As he rode out that night they cursed him, Lord Jon threatening his house and the other lords looking down on him, and yet he felt no shame or dishonor in what he was doing. It was midday the next day when he met the army which marched towards him, riding out to see almost 8,000 men on horses standing in his way. He looked and saw Lion banners, Blackwood, Bracken, houses of the West, and above them all the Three-Headed Dragon flying resplendently in the air.

"Lord Royce, are we to give battle today?" Gerion Lannister said as they rode out to parley.

"No, my lord, on that you have my oath. House Royce stands down and will play no part in this war. When your king takes his throne, I'll present myself for his judgment, it was my choice to ride, my fault and blame to bear." Yohn said.

"Did you spill blood my lord?" Gerion asked.


"Then you'll find his grace a far more forgiving king than you may imagine. Good fortune to you Lord Royce, when next we meet I'll stand for you." Gerion said and Yohn looked at him and nodded.

The two armies almost went out of their way not to slow each other's march and Yohn sighed when the last of them had made their way through.

"Should we not warn them, father?" Andar asked.

"The war is over Andar, we've picked our side." he said as he rode on, the crossroads and the road to the Eyrie soon coming into view.

The Battle of the Trident 298 AC.

The Greatjon.

God's nothing got his blood going as much as this, standing side by side with men from his house. Looking to see men and women from the North ready to do battle against southern twats. Maege and Jory stood with their maces ready and with the men of Bear Island, Jorah on a horse while his aunt and cousin just like him preferred to be in the thick of thing.

Oh he liked to ride into battle also, but there'd be no need for a horse out there today, they were the anvil and they'd see the Vale was broken on Northern steel. The Greatjon looked to see his son, the pride on his face as he watched him gee up the men was something only a father would recognize.

"We are Northmen and today we fight for our King, the first true Northern King since Torrhen Stark. The King from the North." the Smalljon shouted.

"The King from the North." the chants went up as they looked out on the open field.

He looked on as the Lords of the West's and the Northern cavalry's made it look as if they were waiting for the charge, and then he heard the thunder of the banging of weapons against shields. His own greatsword's hilt the loudest of them all as the Northern army began to scream and shout. They think them savages, well let them hear a savage call e thought as he bellowed Umber louder than any. As they began to quieten down he saw the charge as the Knights of the Vale came towards them.

The pikes and spears they had by their feet were lifted in case any made it through. The field going eerily quiet and then the howling came. Louder than two wolves had any right to, Lya and Grey Wind howled and the Greatjon felt himself shiver listening to the sound. Though the one which came next was even louder. Lygaron flew over their heads, the dragon roaring as he did so and as he looked out on the field he felt sorry for the men who'd have to face the fire. Though he cheered all the same when the dragon's flames came from its mouth.

"Ready yourselves." he shouted as he heard their own cavalry charge.

The horses which made their way to them were scattered and the charge itself had lost most of its momentum, some heading straight into the pikes they held while others abandoned their horses and came at them on foot.

"Where are we from?" he shouted.

"The North." the shouts went up around him.

"Show them." he shouted as they moved towards the men who had been unlucky enough to make it to them.

His sword swung and cut through the man as if he wasn't there, his shield crashed against another knocking him to the ground. Turning he found a horse racing at him, the lance in the man's hand aimed right at his head and he laughed, ready to take him on when a grey blur took the horse down.

"He was mine you fucking greedy wolf." he said when Lya raced by him, the growling of this wolf at least better than the silence of the white one.

He moved further into the field, ahead of him the flames were still falling down on unfortunate souls. Smalljon was fighting two men at once and he moved to help only to see his son take both of them down, turning back just in time to block a shot from a knight wielding a morning star. The slice of his sword which took the man's arm was instinctive and he stabbed down to end him only to hear a laugh from his side.

"You're lucky it wasn't me or one of my girls, Jon, otherwise you'd have been fucked." Maege said and he chuckled, shaking his head when she pointed to Smalljon and Jory fighting and beating two more knights.

"Who's next to face Goatsbane?" he heard his son shout.

"That boy is your fucking son alright." Maege said as she turned and moved to face a knight of her own.

Jon laughed loudly as he looked around for someone else to fight, around him Northmen were killing southerners and it was fucking glorious to see.


He waited at the back of the army, sitting on his dragon's back. Ser Richard and Ser Jors both annoyed they couldn't come with him, but Tyrion wasn't Jae, he wasn't comfortable with passengers just yet. It was strange for him, he'd not given much thought to someone riding on Lygaron with him and now he could only picture one person he'd like to have by his side.

Thinking of Arianne filled him with resolve he'd not had until now, the knowledge that once this war was done they'd be wed filling his heart with joy. He closed his eyes and saw her face and felt Lygaron's eagerness to fly beneath him.

"Sōvegon Lygaron." (Fly Lygaron) he said and the dragon took to the air.

Tyrion imagined what the dragon would look like to those below, the sun reflecting off its bronze scales and the tiny figure in black armor on its back. When the Northmen cheered Lygaron roared, a wolf's howl joining it as they flew towards their enemies. He could see the Knights of the Vale in the midst of their charge, to some it would look majestic, but soon he'd show them what true majesty looked like.

"Dracarys." he said and Lygaron's flames landed just in front of them.

The horses and riders did their best to pull up before they rode into them, some managing it better than others. He flew past and Lygaron turned around, flying over to the ones who were away from their first pass.

"Dracarys." he said and the dragon's flames did exactly the same, these riders seeming luckier than the others.

Four times he made passes, the flames getting ever closer each time, the charge finally broke and some men turned to retreat, readying themselves to fight another day.

"Konīr, lī, urnēptre zirȳ Lygaron." (There, those, show them Lygaron) he said and the dragon flew to the largest group.

"Dracarys." he said and Lygaron's flames fell, the arc he drew around them was beautiful he thought, a wall of flame and the Knights looked up, Tyrion watching as the one in the lead dismounted and knelt.

He was right to, he'd not be the last man today who'd find himself kneeling before a dragon. Tyrion flew over the Northern army, finding them engaged in running battles, but they had the numbers and the Vale crashed against the anvil everywhere he looked. It left only the reserves for him to deal with and so he took the dragon toward them, Lygaron was not tired and instead was eager for more.

The flames he laid down cut off a retreat, though it was soon clear some had already done so. Allowing the dragon one more pass he was happy to see the army boxed in. A loud roar as he flew over had some more men quickly ready to surrender. He looked out to the battlefield once more, a field of fire it wasn't and he felt proud of that, proud of his dragon as he flew now to find those who'd retreated.

"Thank you Lygaron." he said and the dragon roared its happiness at Tyrion's pride.

The battle he came upon was almost at the crossroads itself, Lygaron flying over to see the Lion and Dragon banners flying high. His uncle had made it and his cavalry was tearing into the retreating forces, Tyrion had Lygaron lay down some flames to let them know he was here too and watched as that fight soon came to an end. He couldn't see his uncle below and he thought about landing to find him but the arrows that flew towards Lygaron angered the dragon too much.

The group of men hid among some broken rocks as if that would save them and Tyrion could feel his dragon's anger that they'd try to kill him.

"Dracarys." he said and the flame which came from Lygaron was the warmest and brightest it had ever been.

Anyone below them was dead he knew and while he felt some guilt, he also knew that had they tried the same with soldiers or riders their fate would be no different. He turned to look at his uncle's forces once more, the battle was clearly over, and yet he couldn't see Gerion anywhere. For now, he could do nothing though and so he flew back to the Trident, though he was sure he wasn't really needed there either.

Jon Arryn.

Traitors, he had been surrounded by traitors. Though the other lords didn't follow Yohn from his camp, they hadn't told him of the lord's plans. So Jon had to look on in shame as a lord of his rode away from the battle rather than towards it. Edmure mumbled something about seeing him and the other lords pay once they had won and Jon paid lip service to the idea.

Though each moment it drew closer to the battle itself, he felt it less and less likely they'd take the day. Edmure's pitiful force was not a match for Yohn's and though he'd first thought it a boon, he was beginning to think it anything but that his Goodbrother had made his way here. When he had spoken about Lysa, Jon was forced to lie once again, talking to the man alone in his tent to keep him on his side.

That they'd pushed him to this was yet another reason he hated the bastard and his savage uncle and he swore he'd see one or both of them dead if he could. Looking to his men as they lined up and to the forces that were arrayed against him, even Yohn's loss didn't seem as bad as he feared and Jon began to feel hope once more. The North's cavalry had been joined by some Westermen but they were badly formed, the North's strength lay in its infantry and his knights would cut through them.

If he won here today and could join up with Robert, they could end this rebellion, see the dragon, wolf and lions fall, the roses too and the vengeance he'd lay down upon them would be terrible. The North would swear to the true gods and the gold of Casterly Rock the Reach would fill their coffers. Jon smiled as he rode down the line of his knights, his righteous fury ready to be unleashed.

"Our king has called and we've answered, like the Leal and honor-bound men we are. Out there are men with no honor, savages who worship heathen gods, who seek to replace our good and true king with a mummer's dragon. We've suffered under the yoke of a mad dragon once before, we'll not suffer a false one. For the King, For House Arryn, For the Vale." he shouted and watched as his knights charged.

"They have no cavalry." Edmure said riding with him, his own men ready to mop up those who didn't fall in a second charge. Though truth be told Jon didn't trust him not to fuck up his perfect cavalry charge.

"Aye, we'll see them….."

The roar was unlike anything he'd ever heard, his head almost spinning as he searched for the source of it. Edmure pointing to the sky and speaking nonsense to him.

"What do you mean a dragon?" he said panicked as he finally saw it.

It was almost beautiful, the sun reflecting off scales that looked like fire itself. Its wings barely moving as it covered the ground and then the true horror of the situation he was in revealed itself. The flames hit the ground and he could barely look, instead finding himself staring at the figure on it's back, a small childlike figure wearing black armor. That wasn't Jon Snow, Jaehaerys Targaryen, that wasn't him, and if not then who was it? If this person had a dragon did that also mean that Jaehaerys had one too?.

"He missed." he heard Edmure say and Jon looked to see the dragon lay down more flames.

"No he didn't." he said as he saw it clearly, the dragon doing its dastardly work and below it, his army crumbling as if it was nothing "Ride, take your men and ride, meet up with Robert, go, now, go." he shouted and Edmure didn't need a second order to retreat or put up any fight whatsoever.

Jon looked as the Dragon flew again and again, as it then headed towards them, his men behind him panicking as he almost sagged in his horse.

"What have I done." he thought as the dragon flew over him and he looked out to see the wolves heading his way "What have I done."

Jacelyn Waters.

He stabbed down with his sword and moved forward, the Northmen beside him making sure his back was clear. Ahead of him, fire rained down and the cavalry charge he had feared facing was soon broke up. Moving with the rest of the men he'd come to call friends, Jacelyn soon found himself in a far more serious fight. His sword was quick though and the armor he wore offered good protection.

When his mother had heard he wished to march for the king she had tried to get him to stay, begged, and pleaded with him. But their life, the life they now had they owed to Jon no Jaehaerys Targaryen and to Margaery Tyrell. He had sworn he'd pay them back somehow for all they did for him. They had their own home in Wintertown now, he had a future and soon he was to have a wife. For it wasn't only the idea of a better life in terms of food and shelter he'd found when they'd arrived in the North.

Being a bastard too was less a drawback than it had once been because of Jon Snow. Marla, and her father didn't care about his birth, only that he could one day take over the inn that he worked at. He felt the push beside him and looked at TomToo and Jacks.

"Stop bloody thinking about the girl, there's a fucking war to be won." TomToo said, his friend laughing as they fought their way through more men.

He heard it then the wolf's growl and he broke from the men to head towards the sound, finding the wolf standing guard over a fallen horse. The man was some distance from it but was clearly the worst for the fall. Moving slowly toward him, the large wolf growled at him some more and he began to speak as softly as he could.

"I'm a friend, here to help, I swear it on the old gods and the new." he said and the wolf snarled but seemed to let him pass.

He saw then who it was the wolf was guarding and he could see the dazed look in the young man's blue eyes.

"Lord Robb, Lord Robb, my name is Jacelyn, come lean on me and we'll get you out of here." he said and the Lord looked at him, barely seeing him before he seemed to focus and nodded.

"The cowards killed my fucking horse." Lord Robb said and Jacelyn heard the angry growl of the wolf, turning to see three men coming towards them.

He was sorry when Robb stumbled hard to the ground but he drew his sword and as the wolf took two men down, Jacelyn fought the other. Quickly finding out he was less skilled than the other man was. The wolf's growling gave him his chance and as the man looked behind to see where he was, he struck. The sword finding purchase and the man falling. The sound of more men running his way making him fear that today was to be his last, though he welcomed these men upon seeing their colors.

"Help me, Lord Robb is here." he said and they managed to get the lord from the field, Jacelyn looking around to see the battle was won.

"What's your name lad, your full name?" Lord Robb asked.

"Jacelyn Waters my lord."

"I owe you for what you did, ask it of me and if I can see it done, I will."

"Can you introduce me to your brother?" he said as they reached the camp.

"Bran?" Robb asked confused.

"The king."

"Why?" Robb asked suspiciously.

"I'd like to thank him for what he did for me." he said and Robb smiled.

"Aye, lad, I'll introduce you to Jon.".


The fight turned their way quickly, the dragon breaking the charge and for a brief moment, he felt that he'd get through this day without having to bloody his blade. Soon though it was clear he would not and the man facing him may have him beat. Ser Lyn Corbray was well known to him, he'd killed Prince Lewyn Martell on the Trident. Though in truth he'd really not, the Kingsguard was injured and mortally so before their duel began.

He had also grabbed the sword he now held in his hand from his injured father, ending up being given it for true on his father's death. Ned trying not to think too much on the last time he'd fought a man wielding an incredible blade and hoping he'd not need Howland's help this day.

"My lady's never tasted Wolf." Lyn said and Ned smirked.

"Nor will she today."

"Shall we Lord Stark?"

"Aye, we may as well." he said taking up his stance.

He heard Lya growl from behind him and he shook his head, sending the wolf to help others while this fight he'd take care of himself. The Valyrian Steel of Lady Forlorn clashed against his castle forged. Behind him on his horse Ice rested and he heard the footsteps of his guards and lords as they made their way to the fight. Waving off Ser Wylis and Lord Domeric and noticing Maege making her way to him also.

Secure in the knowledge that this man wasn't taking another sword that didn't truly belong to him, Ned began to move. While no true swordsman he could hold his own and he had one advantage over the cocky knight he faced. Ned had seen Corbray fight while he had never seen Ned fight. So he began to favor one side, show himself weak where he was actually strong, and just as he expected the man had seen blood and moved to it.

The sword's clashed and Ned moved back and back, his tiredness an act and his parries barely working as he huffed and breathed deeply. Lyn became ever cockier, Ned waiting until he moved in close before he hit him with his head as hard as he could. He felt the teeth give and the nose certainly broke and as the man stumbled away from him, Ned thrust his sword. The gurgling sound as it went through Corbray's throat one which he knew meant the end.

"The Ned." he heard a cheer and looked to see Donnel and Torghen Flint along with Hugo Wull leading he cheers.

"Come my lords, we have a war to win." he said picking up Lady Forlorn, another sword for him to give back to its house, though this man he was at least happy was dead and unlike the other, he'd stay so.

They moved through the field and the battle was clearly already won, Ned finding the loss of life not as great as he'd imagined.

"I thought there'd be more." he said and Maege laughed.

"Fucking Southern Knights, you'd swear they'd seen a dragon or something." she said and around him, the laughs grew louder.

When he reached the other side he found more Vale men dead though a lot it seemed had surrendered and he looked to see Jon Arryn was one of them. His former foster father looked tired and broken as Jory held him with her mace ready just in case. Moving closer to the lord he felt his anger rise and then she was beside him calming him down, his fingers resting in her fur as he looked at Jon Arryn and the other Lords of the Vale. Lyonel Corbray staring at the sword in his hand.

"I'll accept your surrender now." he said to cheers from the Northmen behind him.

"Fuck you Ned." Jon Arryn said and moving faster than he thought possible the lord was on his feet, the silver shine from the knife in his hand showing his intent.

But while Jon Arryn may have put all his speed in the move, he wasn't a wolf. Lya was a blur, and the scream from the man as he lost his hand was as loud as the growl Lya gave when he fell to the ground.

"See that's bandaged, that is the king's to deal with." he spat as he looked to the bloodied stump that had been his foster father's arm.

"I'm sorry Lord Stark, he surrendered, he begged mercy." Jory said apologetically.

"As high as fucking honor indeed." he said patting her on the back to let her know she shared no blame "Make sure he lives, I want to see my nephew take his head, see him die the old way."

"Aye, come, we've won a victory here today, it's time to get really fucking drunk." The Greatjon said.

"Who's willing to wager against Goatsbane?" he heard Smalljon say and he like the others laughed as they walked away.

Ned looking up to see the dragon flying over them and heading back to their camp, smiling and hoping he'd see his nephew soon.


They had ridden hard from Riverrun and though he had been silent and seemed relatively well, he could tell that Gerion was anything but. Seeing how he'd acted in the solar had shaken him, Cregan had never seen Gerion like that before. Not even in Highgarden over Joy had he seemed to lose it so much. Now as they camped, he found he could wait no longer, so once everyone else had gone to their tents, he went to Gerion's.

He found him sitting silently, a glass of wine in his hand. Gerion seemed to be staring at something in the distance, as if he was there but not there, and when Cregan coughed he didn't even seem to notice. Cregan calling for Dusk whose appearance at least broke whatever spell the older man had been under. The smile though which appeared on Gerion's face was as sad a one as he'd ever seen, Cregan seeing him look from the wolf to him.

"Sit down." Gerion said and he did as he was bid "I'll tell you a tale but it remains between us, you and me, Cregan, not your mother and never Joy, not even Jae you hear me?".

"I hear you, I swear I'll never speak a word of it." he said and watched as Gerion drained the wine glass.

"My brother was an evil man, oh he did some good things but at his heart, he was an evil man, I've no doubt of that now. Do you know the thing about evil men thought, the damnable truth about each and every one of them?" Gerion asked.


"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, think about that if you will. Every evil man you've ever heard of, Aerys, Robert, Jon Arryn, Tywin fucking Lannister all only thrived because good men stood by." Gerion spat.

"And you did nothing?" he asked.

"Ha." Gerion replied the laugh though was without humor "If only I could say that in my defense, no worse than that, my failing is I wasn't a good man, but aye I did nothing." Gerion said.

"What happened my lord?"

"I was a Lannister through and through, cocky, entitled, arrogant and gods did I love being so. I met a girl, a beautiful, sweet, caring girl, A girl who fell in love with me, and I, her, I suppose, though you'd never have guessed it from what I did. She became pregnant and then Joy was born. I figured gold and brief attention was enough, nothing too time-consuming, I had a life to live after all." Gerion said and looked off into the distance once more, for some time saying nothing.

"My lord?"

"My brother didn't like that I'd brought a bastard into this world, but that was forgivable. What he really hated was that I'd done so with Briony. She was a commoner you see, not noble and not worthy in my brother's eyes. So he made her an offer, one she had no choice but to accept and he made me one too, which I was glad of. Briony had to leave the West never to return and Joy would be raised at the Rock and given a better life."

"You accepted?" he asked.

"Aye, I could go on being a Lannister you see, caring about nothing or no one."

"Where did she go, my lord?"

"Back to her people, her village. She was from a small village in the Riverlands, Tully's lands. She went and I never gave her a second thought, at the time anyway. Not until I heard what happened to her that was."

"My lord?"

"Some bandits threatened the village, raided, raped, people couldn't go out in the streets for fear of worry they'd be next. Not Briony though, she held no fear, not for herself anyway." Gerion said looking to the ground "She went to the Tullys, spoke to the liege lord himself and begged for their assistance, asked them to do their duty, fucking fishes." Gerion said his expression angry and yet brief as he sighed and looked to him.

"They didn't?" he asked.

"Hoster sent Edmure, who rather than ride to the village and help his people, help her, spent his time in taverns and brothels. When the bandits came back, they came looking for her, they found her, they….they…" Gerion shook his head.

Cregan watched him and sat silently, he didn't have the words or know anything he could do to comfort the man, he wasn't sure anyone could.

"Eventually Hoster sent the right people and the bandits were rooted out, they covered it up, and was it not for me looking for her, well…." Gerion sighed.

"That's why you hate the Tully's?" Cregan asked.

"One day I'll have to sit down with Joy and tell her what happened to her mother, tell her what I did and accept she'll never look at me the same after that. On that day I'll finally pay for my part in it, before then I'll see the fucking Tullys play theirs." Gerion said.

Cregan got up and walked over and placed his hand on Gerion's shoulder, he still didn't have the words but he at least knew something to say.

"Tomorrow we'll go fishing my lord." he said and Gerion chuckled though not fully.

"Aye, go get some rest." Gerion said and he did as he was bid.


A dragon, an actual dragon, he couldn't believe what he was seeing, his mind not allowing him to believe it. Looking at the flames he knew they were done for, though briefly, he thought that maybe they couldn't control it when the flames didn't hit any of the soldiers. Though Lord Jon seemed to think that was part of the plan. When he told him to gather his forces and ride, Edmure needed no second order, he rode and rode hard.

Where he was riding to he had no idea, a dragon not something he could outrun and certainly not something they could beat. Still, he and his lords rode and soon were away from the battle, though it seemed they'd ridden into a different one. Looking ahead he saw the sigils and felt his anger rise. His lords, these were his lords, his bannermen, and instead of riding by his side, they were riding towards him.

"We need to surrender my lord." Marq said.

"Aye, a dragon behind us and lions ahead, the war is done." Karl added.

"I'll not surrender, I'll go down fighting." he launched a charge and it was only halfway there that he realized not all of the others had followed him.

It was too late to do anything else, so they rode into the much larger army, his sword thrashing out in every direction. He wasn't even sure he hit anything, he just kept riding until his horse went out from under him. Edmure rolled across the ground hard, the wind knocked out of him and when he managed to stagger to his feet he could see it was done.

He couldn't see any of his men near him and only that he couldn't an enemy close by either gave him comfort. Crawling along the ground he found a small rock and lay down behind it, looking back to see the fighting coming to an end, and then he felt the shadow as the dragon flew over him once more. Closing his eyes he opened them to find he'd not been covered in flames as he had expected.

Edmure stumbled to his feet and ran, the small stream leading him to the Ruby Ford and he couldn't see anyone chasing after him. He heard it then, the thumping on the ground and he ran as fast as he could away from it. Whoever was riding the horse wouldn't catch him, he'd not let them catch him, though as he stumbled and fell down the hill he found it wasn't a horse that was chasing him at all.

"Get away from me, get away from me." he shouted his voice near breaking such was his fear as stood up in the water he'd rolled into.

The wolf didn't listen and just walked after him, Edmure trying to run through the water but slipping over wet stones and falling under the water again and again. He heard the thumping once again and this time he was certain it was actually horses, as he looked to see the wolf just prowling the banks of the riverbank as if it was stalking some prey.

"Look, a fish in water." Gerion Lannister, said laughing as he jumped from his horse, Edmure looking to see some men and a young boy who looked familiar to him with the Lannister lord, though he was sure he'd not met the lad.

"I yield, I surrender." he said throwing his sword into the water.

"Did anyone hear anything?" he heard Gerion say.

"No my lord." the men said from behind him.

"I've yielded, I surrender." he said his voice panicking.

"No one here fucking cares, Tully." Gerion said walking into the water, the punch he threw at him knocking out a tooth and taking him to his knees "No one is listening."

He felt the next punch take the rest of the wind from him and as he tried to deeply breathe in some much-needed air, he felt his lungs fill with water. Looking up he saw Gerion Lannister hold him down, the man looked faded and blurry to him and it took him a moment to realize that was because he'd been looking at him from under the water itself. He was pulled back up and he began to cough and splutter.

"You tried to kill a boy, a boy who's worth a thousand of you fucking fishes, a boy who I love like mine own son."

Edmure felt himself pushed back down into the water and felt his breath go from his again before he was once again pulled back up coughing and spluttering.

"A boy who made me realize just how precious my daughter was. A boy who loved her like she was his own flesh and blood and you tried to take him from her."

The water filled his nose and mouth and once again he couldn't breathe, the world starting to spin.

"Just like you took her mother from her. Fuck you, Tully, fuck you and your entire fucking house. Family, Duty, Honor, that boy knows more of all of them than you ever did. For my daughter, for Jae and for Briony, damn you to the seven hells.".

The world started to go black as he felt his heart begin to slow, his life fading as he thought about what had brought him here. Jon Snow, Jaehaerys Targaryen, he'd tangled with a dragon and lost and now he was paying for his crimes. Briony though, who was Briony he thought as the last glimmer of light faded and he left the world behind.

The God's Eye

Richard Lonmouth.

He arrived to find that the Golden Company had been defeated and Robert was dead. Were they the only things that had happened then he'd have been overjoyed. Instead, though he found that Jae was in the middle of using the Glass Candles and the defeat of the army they'd face only told some of the story. So he quickly made his way to the king's tent to find Ser Walder and Brienne outside and inside Jaime, Arthur, Barristan, and Loras all looking as Jae concentrated on the candles in front of him.

It seemed to take an age for anything to come up on the candles and when it did, he was sure he wasn't the only one in the tent who gasped at what they saw. Doran Martell sitting face to face with Ser Gerold Dayne, telling him to kill Margaery and offering up his daughter as the prize. That he then confirmed he'd not actually let the man live to see his wedding night through was the only part that he'd have believed had he not seen it himself.

Richard like the others in the room stared at Jae, each of them worried he'd let his anger loose and yet the king sat watching it all with a look he couldn't place in his eye. When Jae blinked the image was gone and then they began to appear rapidly, almost like a set of them, stopping then starting over and over. Conversations Doran was having with people yet nothing was being added to what they already knew. He could see the king get frustrated as the images changed once more, this one much different than any and even further back in time.

"My brother is the true snake you should fear Rhaegar. Oberyn blows hot and cold, his anger is furious but true, and while he's a viper, a viper is easy to predict. He'll rant and rave and once he's been spoken to and claimed, he'll listen to reason. Doran, he'll smile and sit in his way and tell you to your face he bears you no ill will." Elia said.

"But it'll be a lie?" Rhaegar asked.

"He cares not for love, or for blood, Doran cares for ambition and to fuel his ambition he's willing to see anyone pay a price, anyone but himself." Elia said bitterly.

The images changed once more, Elia younger and healthier, laying in the arms of a young Dornish man, the two of them kissing and the princess looking far happier than he'd ever seen her.

"We should run away together." Elia said to the young man.

"Your brothers would kill me were I to run with you." the man replied.

"You would not die for me?" Elia asked with a smile.

"If you would but ask it of me, my love."

"I'd never do it, I'd not see you harmed Garrison, never, I wish things could be different." Elia said sadly.

"One day, perhaps." Garrison replied.

Again the images changed and this time it was Doran talking to the young man, though now he was a little older.

"You still love my sister?" Doran asked.

"I've always loved her and always will my prince, though I know it can never be." Garrison said.

"As long as you are aware of that, I have no quarrel with you Ser Garrison." Doran said and offered the man a drink which he took.

Richard and the others watched on as the man choked and spluttered, Jae's lips curled into a snarl as they saw the young man die.

Then just like that, the candle went out, Jae leaning back against the chair as if he was exhausted. Soon though he was standing to his feet and it was clear it was anger alone which had given him the energy to do so. Jae pacing up and down yet saying nothing and Richard trying to make sense of all he'd seen. Doran was against them, so much so that he'd tried to kill Margaery, though why Jae had seen fit to look at Elia's past was something he wasn't clear on.

He tried to think, to let his mind play out the events, and suddenly the whispers his lips had brought him began praying on his mind. Quentyn had gone to the Stormlands and the other half of the Dornish army hadn't marched. Why? What was Doran's plan? When was it to take place and how could they stop it? These were the thoughts that filled his mind as he saw Jae push past all the other's and head toward him at the front of the tent.

"My king."

"Out of my way." Jae said angrily, his voice tight as he seemed to be trying to hold himself back.

"My king."

"Out of my way." Jae said and though he wanted to, he knew he could not, they needed to speak and so he held up his hand to ask Jae to stay, he saw it then, the rage beneath the surface, and yet he did his best to stand his ground.

"Please my king, a moment."

"Out of my fucking way." Jae said and as he moved against him, Richard moved away only for Jae to fall to the ground.

They sat around the bed and waited for him to wake, Walder having come in and been the one to tell them he needed to rest. He spoke to Jaime and to the others finding out the young man they'd seen had been Ser Garrison Fowler, Lord Franklyn's younger brother, Arthur telling him the man had died before Harrenhal and the princess had taken it badly. When he heard about the mummery that Illyrio had tried to do he'd been stunned. Jae had told him about the mummer's dragon but they'd both assumed he was in Essos, the fat cheesemonger's game far more advanced than they'd thought.

It was when he began speaking to them of his whispers that Jae woke up, the rage still there in his eyes but he seemed more restrained. After giving him some water and watching as he got to his feet, Richard readied for some recriminations. While he'd not actually stopped him from leaving he'd almost done so, that there were only trusted men in the tent perhaps a saving grace.

"Forgive me, my king, I needed to speak to you most urgently." he said.

"You, I can forgive Ser Richard, others I cannot." Jae said and he didn't need to say anything more "Tell me what you're so worried about?"

He told him it all, even though they still hadn't seen the full extent of Doran's plans. Listening as Jae then told him what he knew of Oberyn and Quentyn. Richard looked on as Jae walked to the table and looked at the map, the king seeming to nod to himself as he saw what Richard and the others did not.

"Lord Jaime, take the army and march to King's Landing, Ser Richard, travel with him and reach out to find out how my uncles have fared against the Vale. Do you have your candle with you?" Jae asked.

"I do, can you use it still, I thought there was a cool down, your grace?"

"Only on the black candles that are used, mine own will be out of action for some time, yours and Margaery's will not." Jae said.

"Your grace, what are your plans?" Ser Barristan asked.

"Firstly I'm going to speak to my sister, then I intend to spear a snake, Ser Barristan." Jae said as he walked from the tent.

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