The Last War : Floukru Hainof...

By Dystopian_fanfics

37K 1.1K 398

A sea mechanic fanfic and re write of the 100. Includes *Clexa mentions. The last war. A final battle for th... More

Abbys choice
Nightblood part 2
Hurt me?
What is done is done
Time standing still
The end
The future
Long time
A new threat
My love
Continue or not?
Trust me
Seperate ways
reunions and regrets
from the ashes they rise
The anomaly
War has begun
The queen of the ashes
The sacred place
A reunion to remember
It was fate

The protector

270 7 12
By Dystopian_fanfics

The past

"Wait " Athena said grabbing Becca by the arm. "Where are you going?"

Becca took her bags and started packing her things.
"I told you" she said in a hurry "it's..its not safe anymore...I'm not safe there are people looking for me "

Athena let go of Becca's arm and stood helpless. 
"...but ..what am i meant to do without a teacher? We had a mission? We had a ...." Athena started.

Becca stopped packing a looked at Athena in the eyes. It was a cold expression, a sincere look.
"You know what to do" Becca spoke " i have prepared you for this"

Athena couldn't believe what she was hearing. It seemed this had come around too soon. It couldn't be now.

"You can't just leave everyone behind Becca ! ...what about your daughter ? Your husband? ..what about me? " Athena spoke.

Becca sighed. Athena could tell she was hurting.
"...i can't risk them getting hurt because of what i know...i need to get as far as i can from here and continue my work..but you must protect them at all costs"

Athena knew what Becca wanted her to do. Becca had practically taken her under her wing at a young age and taught her things. Athena felt as if she had a family and now that was being taken from her.

"But...but what if i don't want to go? ...." Athena asked. " where the closest thing i had to a family..."

Becca continued packing and shoving things into her bags.
"You still have that family in Cassie and my husband." Becca zipped up her bags and stood straight. "Now ... board the eligious 3 mission and make sure my family are safe"

"Why can't they stay here?" Athena asked.

"There are things at work , bad things that you don't understand. We all have to do what's right and I'm sacrificing my happiness to keep my work safe.. away from people"  she paused. "At no  circumstance you give away any details...don't trust anyone"


"Don't trust anyone , that was the last words she said to me before leaving" Athena looked up to Raven and Madi.

"And now i am the reason we are in this mess" Athena rubbed her eyes.

Raven sat there in shock. She didn't know what to say to comfort Athena. All Raven could think about was how it seemed she had left Luna behind in fear of her getting hurt to then have everyone she loved being threatened. It seemed she understood Becca more than she wanted to.  Sacrifice for love.

Madi broke the pause. "She's right, Athena" Madi said. " right you still have family left here to protect"

Raven thought to herself. Madi was correct. Cassie was still here and yet it was somewhat of a bad thing. If Marcus had found Cassie's true identity and used her to open up the Tomb in the bunker, he wouldn't be getting the anomaly but whatever else was buried with her to the grave.

"Cassie..." Raven trailed on "She's in danger, they all are"

The three of them were still circled around the anomaly. 
"Do we use the anomaly?" Madi asks.

Athena and Raven look at each other and shake there heads.
It was too dangerous , neither one of them seemed eager to explore something so unexplained.

"...I don't think its a good idea to just go through..without knowing what we are really getting ourselves into" Athena said. Raven agreed. The next step was to get everyone together and take Marcus down. It was to wake the sleeping army.

Suddenly a high pitched sound was heard like a horn of some kind.

"What...what's.." Raven asks startled.  Athena and Madi look concerned.

"Its like one of those horns" Madi suggested.
Athena looked towards the ground.
"It's the sound of war, its the horn they signal for people to fight...." Athena said quickly getting up.

Raven rose to her feet. What had caused this? Was Luna okay?
Had her little adventure resulted in pain for the others?

"We need to go now ! " Raven shouted. "Madi ...Madi you stay here with Ryan ...we will come back for you-"  Raven added.

"NO" Madi said. "I don't want to keep hiding ..."

"It's for your safety" Raven added. "Clarke needs you alive and Ryan needs you to look after him"

Madi looked displeased. "But i can fight"

Suddenly an eerie sound filled the cave. The anomaly began to shake.
"What did you press?" Raven asked.
Neither Athena or Madi spoke.
The anomaly began flashing with green swirls in front of their very eyes.

"Go... run" Athena spoke. "Quickly"

Madi froze and stood there holding Ryan. She didn't move.

"Madi" Raven shouted. Athena signalled for Raven to leave.

"I've got her" Athena spoke " come on Madi , we need to go"

Sparks started flying from the Anomaly causing the ground to shake beneath.

"...they need me to go through" Madi spoke. "The Commanders..." Madi stepped closer to the Anomaly.

"Madi ..please..." Raven pleaded. "Jusy step away"

Through the green mist , a figure wearing a strange armored suit came to light.

Athena seemed to recognise it. Her eyes opened wide and she ran towards Madi.

"Raven... Run .. get help and bring that army of yours to destroy Marcus" she grabbed hold of Madi just as the figure did. " The book Raven...follow the book"

The anomaly flashed once more and Both Madi and Ryan and Athena where pulled into it by the strange figure.

Raven didn't know what to believe. She sank to the floor in sadness. She had failed to look after Madi and Ryan. Tears began to stream down her face as she felt closer to losing everyone she loved.

She needed Luna. She missed Luna comforting her. She missed the simple times before all of this.

"I need your help" Raven pleaded under her breath though she knew Luna would not hear her cries.

Raven got off the floor slowly. The last words Athena told her still played in her mind.
Get help and bring that army to destroy Marcus.

What army?
Raven stood their confused. The sound of thunder was heard above and rain started frantically pouring down. Raven pushed the wet strands of her face and walked through the mud.

If Athena was right and a war had broke out it had only meant that Octavia had found a way out of the bunker. Luna could be hurt. Her friends could be hurt and now she had to worry about the fact that Madi , Ryan and Athena had been taken.

She had to get to the others. The sound of the horn was heard again, much louder. It had reminded her of the time when the conclave occured and she had saved Luna from a unfortunate death.
Raven knew if she didn't go off with Luna that more damage could of been done and it seemed that those events where meant to turn out how they did.

Luna healed and So did Raven.
Today was the day Raven stopped playing around and got back what she loved.

Octavia watched as the earth shattered around her. A figure was being dropped into the top of the bunker on a rope.

People in the bunker began to grow frustrated and so Octavia signalled them to remain as they where for now.

Who was this? Was it Clarke? Was it Echo? Or maybe her brother had finally come to save her.

It became apparent that the figure was a girl, dark hair and it seemed Octavia didn't recognise her.
She looked badly injured and as she dropped to the floor slowly, heards of people remained eager to see who it was.

"Heda, do we ..." Indra began. Octavis shook her head and raises her hand.

"I will speak" She said. She made her way over to the girl and lifted her head up. The girl looked tired,bruised and hurt.

Octavia couldn't help feel some sympathy for her but pushed away the feeling. She was in charge. Enemy or not they needed to know who she was.

"And...who have they sent down here to us" She said alarmed as she waited for a response from the girl.

The girl slowly opened her mouth, her eyes still shut and her body tired.

"Cass..cassie" She said . "Please... i dont-"

Octavia let go of her head and let her slump down.
"That is enough! " She shouted "you have come into territory of Wonkru and now you speak as if we would spare your life.."

Indra went to say something but was quiet instead.

"You will give us the answers we have been waiting for and then i shall decide if you are worth keeping alive"  Octavia said as the rest of Wonkru rattled in agreement, shouting and making noise in the back.

Clarke had set off with Echo and Bellamy who had been silent so far.

"So, "Clarke began to start conversation. " are we going to act as thought there is nothing to talk about?"

Neither Bellamy or Echo had spoken. They looked away and continued to walk.

"Hey" Clarke grew frustrated as she stopped. She grabbed their arms and attempted to pull them back to gain there attention. "You can't just silence me out because i haven't seen you in years ! "

Bellamy pulled her arm away in frustration.

"Don't for one second complain that you have been through more than us you even know who you are messing with here Clarke?" He asked frustrated.  "Because..somehow we always end up in this mess , so tell me now Clarke how are we already on the brink of another war?"

Clarke didn't respond for a moment. She too had wondered how she had ended up in the middle of this mess again yet she believed Bellamy had no right to blame her again.
Clarke had tried to save everyone and she was tired of always doing it.

"They wanted Madi... and Raven ...and i couldn't  .... i needed" Clarke stuttered.

"What do you think we wanted when we were found and taken aboard and forced to work for them ? ...what do you think we went through realising that they had all that control over us and you... you just happily stayed here...we thought you died.. Clarke and somehow you end up with it easier"  Bellamy shouted.

Echo looked concerned.
"Bellamy maybe we need to stop... we need to just focus on finding Ra-"
Clarke stopped Echo. Bellamy was wrong. No one had it easier. Clarke didn't have an easier day after she lost Lexa. She had lost the person she loved the most and in a moment it was gone. Now she had lost Madi and it seemed now she had lost a friend.

Raven was without Luna, Murphy without his son and so Bellamy was not the only one left to suffer the consequences.

"Easier??... Bellamy i sacrificed myself so that you guys could be safe. I don't have it easier... i have to be the one who makes the tough decisions and yet i am being blamed?. Do you think i wanted to sacrifice Raven? I had no choice!! ...we .. we can still fix this"
Clarke pleaded.

Bellamy sighed under his breath.
"Did Raven get a say in this? Did Luna get a say in this?" He asked.

Clarke knew Bellamy was right on this. She knew how guilty she felt for sacrificing Raven. What could she do?
She had no choice? What choice did she have left? She had hoped somehow she could help Raven..but first she needed to do as Marcus asked.
Raven may hate her and Luna too but she was doing what it takes to survive for her people. After all she was a mother now , she needed Madi to be safe.

"There is always another way" Echo said. She looked at Bellamy nodding and Clarke couldn't help but realise that Echo had other ideas.

"Echo-...i " Clarke began.

"Save it for later Clarke " Echo said "we have Raven to get before we get any-

The sound of an alarm made all three of them stop.

"A horn?" Bellamy asked.

Clarke was brought back to sound of war when she was with Lexa . If only she could go back to those days when she had Lexa Alive and well. If only she could see her once more and tell her she truly did love her.

"It's the others" Echo said. "That horn is the sound of war!" She spoke

"But ... we "Bellamy began but paused in horror. "Octavia?"

Clarke also was confused."Marcus said he wasn't going to let the bunker people ou-"

Echo looked around frantic. "One thing about Marcus is that he never keeps his word"

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