Battle Scars (Daughter of Aiz...


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Following in her parent's footsteps and one day becoming a hero herself has always been a dream of Tsuki's. L... Mais

Author's Note
Character Info/Bio
Chapter 1: Basic Training
Chapter 2: Loosen Up
Aizawa Residence
Chapter 3: I Have Snacks
Chapter 4: Have You Seen My Tie?
Chapter 5: Classmates
Chapter 6: A Rational Deception
Chapter 7: Enter Jienni Shikaumo
Chapter 8: Heroes vs Villains
Chapter 9: Breakfast For Dinner
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 1
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 2
Chapter 10: Mom?
Chapter 11: USJ Part 1
Chapter 12: USJ Part 2
Chapter 13: USJ Part 3
Chapter 15: Truth
Halloween Chapter
Chapter 16: New Abilities
Chapter 17: Nightshade
Chapter 18: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 19: King Explosion Murder
Chapter 20: Cinnamon Spice

Chapter 14: Be More Careful Dumbass

1K 33 16

I just found this picture on Google and I am cry😭ing😭. Credits to the artist.

Third Person POV

Both Aizawas and Thirteen were rushed promptly to the hospital while the rest of the class stayed behind to answer a few questions from a few heroes and officers. The older two heroes were immediately taken in to be treated and operated on as soon as they arrived, leaving the younger hero to be treated elsewhere. Tending to the young girl's injures doesn't take as long as the doctors initially expected due to her accelerated healing factor, making the wounds not as severe as they once were when they were first inflicted.

Now all that was left was to allow her overworked body to catch up with the unfamiliar stress that was bestowed upon itself. But, who knew how long that'd take. One...two....three days? A week maybe? Or even quite possibly...a month?

Luckily, it had only taken two days.

The raven haired feline stirs around as she finally begins to wake up, rubbing her tired and blurred eyes with yawn.

"Ughh...Where am I?" She groggily groans, attempting to sit herself up but wishing she hadn't immediately after. Her hand instinctively cradles her head as a heavy and painful throbbing can be felt marching rhythmically inside of her skull, earning a sharp hiss as a result.

She takes a moment to let the throbbing steady itself out while allowing her vision to clear up. When it finally does, she's left in a state of confusion, not recognizing the room she's in at all.

It isn't until the smell of chemicals finds its way into her nose and she looks down at herself in the bed that the realization of where and why finally hits her.

They were attacked by villains.

And now she's in the hospital.

But she doesn't remember getting here, let alone being in an ambulance. The last thing she can remember is trying to protect....

"Shit, dad. I have to find dad." Tsuki mumbles out loud in thought before being being broken away from her thoughts.

"Oh good, you're finally awake." A nurse says from the doorway in a surprised tone, walking in to check on the girl. "I just need to check a few things and then I'll go let the doctor-"

"Where is he?" The young hero cuts in, looking the nurse sternly in the eyes. "I have to see him. Where's my father?"

"Miss Aizawa, I assure you that you're father is doing fine. He's a few rooms down resting as we speak, as should you."

"Then I have to go and see for myself." She responds, removing the IV from her arm and moving her legs to the side of the bed to get ready herself to stand.

"Miss please, you're still not completely recovered. You may have lucked out by having very few injuries, but you're still suffering from a mild concussion, a bruised spine along with a few ribs, and are still fairly weak from overusing your quirks." The ginger haired nurse suggests, a look of worry now plastered across her features. "Moving around so quickly in such a state wouldn't be the wisest decision."

"I don't care. I won't be able to rest easy without knowing firsthand for myself that he's ok." Tsuki replies back in frustration as she stands to her feet, immediately feeling the stress from her spine shoot through her body, causing her to wince. "So please, if you'll excuse me-"

"Sit your ass back down idiot."

Tsuki turns her attention back to the door to see a familiar blond leaning against the frame, hands stuffed comfortably in his pockets with a slightly agitated, yet calm expression on his face.

"Katsuki? W-what are you doing here?" She stammers, a bit bewildered and surprised.

The male just casually removes himself from the doorway, walking to stand a few feet away from her.

"What the hell does it look like? I'm checking in on your dumbass. I thought you'd pull some shit like this when you finally decided to wake up."

"But why?"

"That...doesn't matter." He mumbles to himself before clearing his throat to speak up. "Just get your ass back on the damn bed and rest."

"No, not until I see my dad." She confirms unyieldingly. She goes to walk toward the door, only for her legs to give way under pressure, causing her to stumble forward after hardly making it a few feet.

"Hey watch it!" Katsuki growls, catching her before she can hit the ground. "You need to be more careful dumbass."

"..Sorry." The feline mumbles hesitantly in embarrassment.

"Damn right." He grumbles before standing and picking her up bridal style with little to no effort, unintentionally making her head rest comfortably against his chest.

This of course surprises the raven haired girl, causing her to be left in a state of shock. She's never been this close to him before. Or any guy for that matter.

The proximity is so close that she can now hear the steady thumps of his heartbeat and can't help but catch a whiff of his scent. Both instantly providing her a sense of comfort, causing her to relax and unintentionally nuzzle into his chest. Of course the blond takes notice to this, but to his own surprise, he can't bring himself to speak on it.

Despite his outward appearance and personality, Tsuki finds his scent to be sweet, almost sugary, reminding her of green caramel apples with a hint of vanilla and maybe even a bit of spice as well.

"Your old man is resting." Katsuki finally speaks, laying her back down on the hospital bed before shoving his hand back into his pockets. "They said he got out of his last surgery a few hours ago so it's better if he has some time to himself for a bit to heal."

"Okay...thanks" She says, having calmed down somewhat.

"Whatever." He replies, looking away with a scowl.

"How's the rest of the class?"

"Tch. Those extras? They're fine. Everyone but Deku managed to walk away with a few minor injuries. The stupid bastard somehow managed to break both of his damn legs and one of his arms."

"Well is he ok?"

"Yeah, he's fine. They sent him to recovery girl after everything went down."

"Oh o-okay....How long have I been out for?"

"Two days."

"Two days?!"

"You sound surprised. You overdid it out there idiot so of course you'd be fucking tired."

"Well I had to make sure my dad was ok. If I had gotten there any later, who knows what would've happened to him."

"Tch. more careful next time." He says, turning to walk away as his cheeks flush red. "Ok idiot?"

"Uh um...sure thing. Hey! Where are you going?"

"I'm not the only one here to see you dumbass."

"Huh?...Oh! Katsuki, wait!"

"What?" He barks, stopping abruptly and turning his head to the side.

"...Thank you."

"Yeah, whatever."

He turns back and walks out the room, leaving the nurse to look at Tsuki smiling as she goes back to fix her IV.

"Well aren't you two cute?! Your boyfriend seems to really care about you."

"O-oh, uhhh...he's not my boyfriend." Tsuki replies back nervously, scratching the back of her neck.

"Well whoever he is to you, you really must mean a lot to him."

"Pfft nahhh. No way. He's just one of my classmates and plus, we barely know each other. Though, I did knock him out once when we were kids..."

"Well that certainly is something, but whatever you say hon..." The nurse smiles, trailing off as she starts for the exit, stopping once she gets to doorway.

"You know, he's come by to visit every few hours for the past few days to check on you. That has to count for something." She says with a wink before disappearing down the hall.

"Not to mention, that he was also the one who carried you to the ambulance." Kyoka remarks knowingly as she enters the room after the nurse.

"So?" Tsuki shrugs.

"Anyone else could've done it but no, he insisted on doing it himself."

"Well that doesn't mean anything. Maybe he decided to be nice for a change."

".....I want you sit, and think...reaaal hard about what you just said." The purple haired girl sighs, massaging her temples and shaking her head in disappointment.

"Now is that really necessary?"

"Yes. It is." Kyoka asserts back stearnly, causing Tsuki to groan.

"Bakugo. Hot headed, angry ass, 'I'll fucking destroy your ass.' Bakugo. Just magically decided to be nice all of a sudden?"

"What? Anyone can have random moments of kindness every now and again."

"Nnnnope. I don't buy it."

"What's wrong with that? First the nurse and now you? I'm still not seeing how it's that big a deal."

"Damnit Ai! God. For someone so smart, I swear you can be so dense sometimes." Kyoka huffs in irritation.

"Oh hush up." Tsuki pouts.

"You may not be able to see it yet but it's pretty obvious that he has a soft spot for you."


"Alright, alright." The purple haired girl replies, throwing her hands up in surrender. "I'll leave you and boom boom boy alone....for now. Jeez, I wonder how you survive without me sometimes."

"Whatever." Tsuki giggles, rolling her eyes.

"So this 'gut' feeling you were trying to tell me about. And the glowing eyes and veins. What's the meaning behind all of that?"

"Oh there's sooo much." The raven haired girl drags, moving over in her bed before patting at an empty spot. "I'd go ahead and get comfortable if I were you."

"Well it's a good thing I bought this then, huh?" Smiles Kyoka, holding a bag up to eye level before pulling out one of the boxes.

"Pocky!?!?" The feline cheers in excitement.

"Am I the best or am I the best?" The earphone jack user smirks as she climbs onto the bed.

"Ehhh, you're alright."

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah I know. I'm terrible, now gimme."


Aizawa POV

"Heya bud, how're you feeling?" Hizashi asks concerned as he enters the room, sliding the door closed behind him.

"Awful." I respond back bluntly.

"Well I mean that's expected you did just-"

"I'm not talking about because of the attack, Zashi." I butt in sternly.

Sensing my serious tone, he goes to grab a chair and brings it to my bedside before taking a seat.

"You know, Tsuki and I had a little chat at breakfast the day of the attack." I begin, looking down at my lap. "She came downstairs later than usual saying that she overslept after having a dream about Riya. The same as before. She said it's been happening more frequently here lately and the same goes for the other dreams about...her. The only difference between the two though is that the ones about her is different each time."

I pause for a moment, letting out a heavy breath before looking up to meet his gaze.

"At first I didn't think much of it, but then she began explaining bits and pieces of the most recent one she had. It made me realize that these weren't just any random dreams that she's been having, they're memories."

"So you think she's starting to remember." He questions.

"I did. But when I asked if she remembered her name, nothing came to mind."

"That's strange."

"It was the only thing I could really think about during the whole attack. These past few days too. What if something had happened to Tsuki then? What if I ended up losing her that day and she never knew the truth?"


"I can't keep lying to her anymore, Zashi...I think it's time I tell her."

"Yeah, it'd be best if you do Sho. She has the right to know."

"I just hope she doesn't hate me after."

Word count: 1991


Hey loves!!!🥰 Don't forget to vote, and let me know if you enjoyed this chapter. The next one is gonna be pretty serious and a bit sad in some parts so be ready.

That's it though!! I love you all and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!

Carter xoxo

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