I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min...

By Sk8ergurl98

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It's been months since you went missing and the boys will stop at nothing to find the person responsible. The... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 {TRIGGER:18+}
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 7

158 5 0
By Sk8ergurl98

The weekend went by slow. People were in and out of your room all weekend. 

After hearing Jimin, of all people, say that you and Yoongi are meant to be, Mr. Jeon started to trust Yoongi more. Hearing the stories about him, he can tell Yoongi is nothing like his father.

The one thing your father feared more than anything with Yoongi around, was that he was just like his dad. That in the end he was going to betray you just like his dad betrayed yours. 

Your father obviously keeps a close eye on Yoongi though.

The boys alternate through the days with you now. 

With you breathing on your own, there's hope that you'll wake up and recover, so they feel more comfortable with leaving but none stay away for too long... Afraid it could all turn any minute.


Yoongi and Jungkook are currently sitting with you while your father comes and goes. 

He can't stay in your room for too long. Seeing you like this just breaks him. He feels responsible for not being there, for not preventing this all from happening. He blames only himself.

Your vitals are still not improving and the doctors are working effortlessly to find out why. Your vitals should be getting stronger. 

Your body's healing and your swelling is pretty much gone. There's no signs of bleeding anywhere anymore either. But you're still in a coma.

The doctors did warn the boys that even if you were breathing on your own, it's possible you may never wake up due to the trauma... 

...The boys don't want to accept that though... They went too long without you and they just want you to be by their side again.

The doctors have tried talking to your father about giving it another week or so but if there is no improvement to consider, with holding anymore treatments and let you slip away peacefully. 

Your father still has hope though and refuses to listen.


Jimin and Taehyung walk into your room just as your father is exiting. "Oh, hello boys. I'm headed to the cafeteria to get them food, would you like anything?" 

They both bow. "No thank you sir. We ate before coming back." 

He nods then walks away.

The two boys walk in, one sitting next to Jungkook and the other next to Yoongi. 

"Any change?" 

"Not at all." 

"Her eyes still move under her eyelids though. That means her brain's still functioning though. She's still dreaming. She just has to be in there somewhere. Trapped."

The four all look back at you, shaking their heads. 

They still don't really understand what's going on with you. Why haven't you actually woken up yet? Jimin recovered when he was in the same position, so why can't it be the same way for you?

While they are lost in their trail of thoughts, trying to understand your condition, the heart monitor starts to go off. 

The boys look at it concerned as the nurses rush in. 



One of the residents runs in and starts to examine you while another nurse rushes to get your doctor. 

The boys have backed away from your bed to allow them full access to you. They watch as they rush to slow your heart but nothing works. What happened? Is this the end?

The boys are practically in tears by the time the doctor runs in. 




The doctor starts to examine you more thoroughly than his resident did. "PAGE NEURO!" 



The nurse does as she is told and books it out of the room.

Your father returns and walks over to the boys, panic all over his face. "What happened?" 

"No idea." 

"Her heart started to race and they said it's really elevated. I'm assuming it means her heart rate is too high." 

"Yes son. That's what it means."

Jungkook looks at your father through his tears with a sincere voice. "Dad? Is this it? Is this-"

"I don't know Jungkook. It might be though. We need to keep positive though son. She's a fighter, she's not done here yet." 

They nod and look back at the group working on you.

A nurse notices the 5 of them and walks over. "I need you to step out in the hall or the waiting room. You shouldn't see this." 

"Is she dying?" 

"I don't know, Jimin. We are going to do everything to keep that from happening though. I promise."

He nods and Taehyung looks at her. "Can we please wait here? We will stay back here, out of the way. I swear." 

She hesitates. "Fine but if it starts to get messier, I need you to leave then." 

"We promise. Thank you." 

She nods before returning to your side.

Two more doctors come flying in. 

The boys recognize them as every once in a while they come in to check on you. 

The Neurologist examines your eyes and brain activity while the Cardiologist checks your cardiac rhythm.

"I need a head CT. Something's going on with her brain and I can't figure it out this way." 

The cardiologist nods in agreement. "Make it a full work up. I think whatever is happening with her brain is causing her heart to elevate. We need to ease the stress on her body."

"She's asleep already. In a coma, what do you want us to do? There's nothing else." 

"Yes there is. Give her a sedative. Try Propafenone please." 

"Why didn't we think of that?" 

A nurse distributes the drug into your system and shortly after your heart slows down. The nurses and doctors sigh in relief. 

"It's not over yet. Let's get her that CT and find out what's going on." 

They nod and roll you out of the room. 

"Mr. Jeon, sorry you had to see that. We need to run some tests before we have any answers for you."

Mr. Jeon nods. "Do you have any idea why that happened?" 

"Unfortunately no. Sometimes our body can react in ways we don't understand. We think the cardiac issue there was from something going on in her brain, but we aren't sure yet. I will update you soon."

They all nod and the doctor leaves, following in the same direction they wheeled your body. 

"She's going to be ok." 

"She has to be." 

"Maybe it wasn't the end. Maybe it was just the beginning." 

"A sign she's getting better, right?" 

Mr. Jeon sighs before sitting down. The four boys look at him and follow his lead. 

"Boys, I know you care for her so much. You have been there for her when I should have been. I can't thank you enough. But I don't want you to get your hopes up anymore. We need to accept what's happening already."

They shake their heads. "This isn't the end. She's going to make it. She got this far, she has to." 

"I want her back just as much as the next guy but maybe it's time we let her go." 

"Dad! How can you say that!? She's going to be fine!" Jungkook stands, storming out of the room.

Mr. Jeon sighs. "I hope you're right son. I really do." 

Yoongi looks at Mr. Jeon as Jimin and Taehyung chase after Jungkook. "Sir? I hate to ask now but is there any news on who did this? I need to know if-"

Mr. Jeon looks at him. "We don't know if it was your father yet Yoongi. I know you fear it was him and yes his name and Tae's was mentioned in her notes but there are parts missing. So far we know BLACK6IX and this Mr. Chang guy are involved. Let's start there, ok?"

Yoongi nods. 

Why is it so hard for them to figure it all out? They have the answers. Why can't they see what you saw? Why can't they put it together, like you did that night? They have all the information you did, but why are they struggling? What else did you know?

Yoongi stands and looks at your father. "If my dad was involved, like I believe he was, I promise to get justice. I promise, I will make him pay. He'll regret this. He-" Yoongi stops and looks off into the distance while something comes flashing back to him.

Mr. Jeon looks at him concerned. "Yoongi?" 

Yoongi snaps his head. "The dance studio. When we were in class, my father showed up. When he learned that Y/n was my girlfriend his face changed and he tried to tell me something but we pushed him away."

Mr. Jeon stands. "Maybe it was nothing. Maybe he didn't know that you knew who she was. Jimin told me what happened that day. He was there questioning Y/n's relationship to Jungkook. He figured it out though. Maybe he wanted to warn you about who they are."

Yoongi looks at him, shaking his head. "But he is the one who assigned them to watch me. He knows who they are." 

"Yoongi, everyone knew that Jungkook had a night errand's girl working for him, they didn't know that girl was his sister though."

"I know that sir. They hid who she was because they wanted her to live a normal day life." 

"Not only that, but after that night... After Y/n witnessed that event. We feared for her, so we told people she was gone. Never specified what that meant. Dead or moved away."

"So people just thought Jungkook's little sister disappeared completely?" 

"Yes. Some believed she left with me to go to Japan. But I left alone. Jimin and Hoseok worked to change Y/n's name from Jeon to Song. Her grandmother's maiden name."

"You changed her name so people wouldn't realize it was actually her." 

"No one questioned it because Jungkook limited his interactions with her in public. If they went out together, she wore a mask for the longest time. The boys would only see her in dance."

"Because if they saw her interact with them too much, it might give her cover away." 

"Exactly. If people realized that Y/n was the Y/n, they might have come sooner for her. We did what we needed. Now that people were catching on, they decided not to hide her anymore."

Yoongi sighs as he learns the full story behind hiding your relationship to Jungkook. 

He honestly thought it was because you wanted to be seen as you and not Jungkook's little sister. But now that he knows it was a cover to protect you, he feels worse for being so rude to you.

Mr. Jeon sighs and rests a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "I can't know for sure what your father was going to say, but he could have been nothing. He wanted you to know who they really were to each other. Together they are more dangerous than people think."

Yoongi nods and smiles. "I know. I saw some of her old files. Together they are like a dream dream. All 7 of them actually are. I didn't even realize how dangerous they were before I originally got involved." 

"Well you are one of them now. Your father can't touch you anymore."

Yoongi looks down as he thinks about his father's involvement again. 

"If your father was involved, we would have a sign by now. Your father can be sloppy with his work. He always leaves a mark behind but we didn't find it this time. Relax for now." 

Yoongi nods again. The two sit back down as the other's walk back in. 

They were in the hall right outside the door. They heard everything that was said. One still feels just as responsible as Yoongi does. Nothing will change how he feels.

Jimin looks at Taehyung and nudges him before whispering to him. "Tae, she's going to be fine. Head up." 

Taehyung shakes his head. 

"Tae, what is it?" 

Taehyung looks Jimin in the eyes. "My mother sent me a warning from my father before...

...I could have stopped this."

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