His Arrogant Ways

By xomaggsxo

27.9K 1.1K 51

Aaliyah/ Liyah- She's fierce and sassy. Has all the confidence in the world. Biggest problem? Hates people. H... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29
Chapter: 30

Chapter: 13

888 32 1
By xomaggsxo

I woke up to a light breeze fan across my exposed ear. I groaned and shoved my face into the pillow more. "Wake up." Elijah laughed from beside of me.

I groaned again in response and he started to bounce on the bed. "Wake!" Jump. "Up!" Jump. 

"Stop jumping." I muffled out throw my pillow. I could hear his light chuckles echoing through my room. I smiled slightly and quickly stopped. No! I scolded myself.

"Come on, Liyah!" He started to poke my sides and I started to squirm. "No." I stated leaving no room to argue. 

"But I'm hungry!" He whined. I glanced up to see him pouting, sitting Indian style with his arms crossed, and eyebrows furrowed. 

I laughed lightly at him and glanced at the clock. 


I sighed and rolled out of bed, literally. I skillfully landed on my feet. And by that I mean, I landed on my feet nicely and then my knee decided to give out on me, resulting me in falling.

Elijah's laughter boomed throughout the room and I glared at him as I used the bed to help me stand. My glare didn't even affect him. He continued to laugh. I huffed and walked to the bathroom.

"Make your own damn breakfast then." I crossed my arms as I closed the bathroom door. Elijah's protests made me cackle.

Ah. I'm so evil.

But, God knows I'll still make everyone breakfast. I'm just that nice.

They better like cereal, cause that's all I know how to make.

I glanced at my reflection and laughed as I saw my makeup from the day before smeared. 

I turned on the tap and threw some water on my face fixing the mess- somewhat.

I grabbed a towel and wiped out the remaining underneath and the dripping water from my chin. I brushed my teeth.

I walked back out of my room and found Elijah roaming freely through my things.

I leaned against the bathroom doorframe. "What're you doing?" I raised an eyebrow as he turned around with a picture frame in his hand.

I looked down at the picture frame and my eyes turned cold. I should really get rid of that picture. 

"Is this your family?" He asked softly and I shrugged walking over to my closet. "Can't really call them that." He tilted his head to the side.

"Why not?" I turned around to look at him. "To actually be a family, my parents would actually have to be around." I could feel my temper rising as I thought about my parents leaving me alone for days on end with no legitimate reason.

"Doesn't mean they don't love you." He tried to assure me. "To love someone, you actually have to know them. They're never here. They barely know me." I whispered facing reality.

Elijah shook his head silently disagreeing with me. 

"Look around, Elijah, they haven't even been here for the two days we've been friends. They'll leave for weeks on end and I won't even get as much as an 'I love you' from them. It's usually something like, 'Staying longer than we thought. Money for food is in our room'.

Can you imagine what it's like being in this big ass house all alone without anyone? The only time I ever see my parents is when my sister comes home." I explained to him as I could feel tears brimming my eyes.

I was breathing heavily and starting to shake. I looked up at the celling, exhaling deeply to keep the tears in. 

"Don't you have two sisters, though?" Elijah questioned curiously. I met his soft eyes and nodded. "They take her with them." He turned his head slightly and I shrugged.

"Doesn't she have school?" I scoffed. "She dropped out, but my parents are too blind to realize it. My older sister doesn't even notice it." 

"How do you know, then?" He was now standing in front of me and I shrugged. "She's not exactly the smartest person, so when she dropped out, she forgot to change the mailing address. I got the letter and hid it from my parents."

"Why don't you just tell your parents then?" 

Honestly. That was a very good question. I honestly don't know why I didn't tell. 

"I think I'm scared to have them treating Sophie badly. She's always been my father's favorite. Even though when they say they don't have a favorite, it's clear Sophie's my dad's favorite. I'm just afraid how they'll react when they find out, so I guess I'm helping her out." 

I was in my own world when Elijah brought me back to reality.

"Come on, the rest are waiting for us." He softly said and I nodded; too numb to speak. 


"Finally!" "Were starving!" "Feed us!" Was what I was greeted with as soon as I walked down the stairs.

I laughed lightly and looked at them.

"Well, what do you want?" I raised an eyebrow at the anxious kids waiting for food.

"Food!" Eric growled out playfully and I narrowed my eyes on him. "No shit, what kind." I said slowly and he shrugged.

"I just want food." I laughed at his response a little and walked to the kitchen going through the pantry.

"Mac N' Cheese!" Jackson cried out pointing to the box in the pantry. I looked at him then everyone else and they all nodded in unison.

I laughed and grabbed the box of Mac N' Cheese, then another three boxes.

Hey, they're hungry teenage boys in this house. I'd rather have extra, then not enough.

I shooed them out of the kitchen so I had room to cook. I instructed them where the game room was and they gladly ran once I mentioned I had Call of Duty.


I pulled out all the needed ingredients and turned the stove on, placing the pot of water waiting for it to boil.

While I was waiting I turned on the stereo that was located in a secluded area in the dining room area thing. The speakers were hooked up throughout the room and the kitchen.

I realized I didn't have my phone and quickly ran up the stairs that were in the kitchen. They took you to the other end of the hallway upstairs.

Jogging down the hallway, I walked in my room, grabbed my phone. Ran back through my room. Stopped, and backed up, grabbing a Red Bull from the fridge and running back down the stairs to the kitchen.

The water still wasn't boiling. Ugh! Struggles of life!

I walked back over to the stereo and hooked up my phone to the AUX cord. 

Turning on my music, I let T-Pain's song 'Buy U A Drink' fill the room. I turned it up and started to sing obnoxiously loud to the lyrics. 

As I was dancing and spinning around my kitchen I fell into someone's chest. I looked up and laughed as his hands snaked around my waist.

"Hi." I breathed out through my laughs.

"Hi. He replied after his small chuckle. 

"What brings you into my kitchen on this fine evening?" I asked as my breath came back to me.

He let go of my waist and leaned against the fridge shrugging. "Eric and Jonah started to fight over the controlled to your PS4." He explained and I groaned.

"I swear to God if they break it, I'm breaking their faces." He laughed loudly. "I know you will, cuddles." He patted my head and I groaned whilst turning to the sound of the water boiling.

I walked over and ripped open the box and poured the noodles into the steaming water. I turned back around and faced Elijah.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I asked somewhat annoyed.

"Well, when you were stoned as hell yesterday, you called me snuggles and I thought it was only fair to call you something in return." He winked at me and I groaned. Again.

"It couldn't have been anything else? Like Liyah. What's wrong with Liyah?" I asked throwing my hands up in the air exasperated. 

"It's unoriginal. Like you, and nothing's wrong with Liyah. That nickname is for everyone else though. I deserve to call you something different; something better."

I raised an eyebrow at his theory. "Are you suggesting you're better than everyone else?" He smirked and shrugged. "Think what you want." 

I laughed at him and turned back to the food being cooked on the stove, but I couldn't help but wonder- how come he's never been seen with a girl before? It's like abnormal for him- why though?

Wait. You know what, I bet my theory was right; he has Aids! I shook my head and went back to cooking.


I finished making all the food as Elijah intently watched me the whole time. I shrugged him off though. As I put the last of the cheesed noodles into a big bowl. 

I got a bowl for Elijah, Alex, Toni and I. I grabbed forks for they four of us and handed Elijah a bowl as I jumped up on the counter.

"Kids. Lunch is ready!" I yelled up stairs. We heard loud thumps trampling through the hallways. 

Elijah and I watched in amusement as the boys ran down the stairs and to the food. 

Alex and Toni walked down and I called them over to me.

"Since, I knew boys are so ridiculous. -" I shot the boys a glare before continuing. "I thought ahead." I grabbed the two bowels that were next to me and handed them to the girls.

They smiled gratefully at me. "Thank you!" Toni rushed out and Alex already started to stuff her face. I nodded and laughed as I ate some myself. 

Toni and Alex jumped up on the counter next to me and I scooted closer to Elijah to make more room for the two.

He turned to me and smirked, causing me to roll my eyes. Idiot. 

We soon finished eating and all went to go play Call of Duty. Honestly. I have no idea how to play at all. My dad bought the game for himself and my cousin for when he occasionally came to stay with me as my mom and dad left with his parents.

That was more than frequent. 

"So this button shoots?" I asked and Jonah groaned. "No, that one aims." He reached over to show me. "This one shoots." He pushed the button and just like he said, my person's gun started going off.

"And this one jumps?" I questioned and he nodded. "Okay, I got this." He smirked. "Let the games begin, then." I narrowed my eyes at him and he pressed start allowing the game to begin.


I screamed as someone shot at me. I was running in circles, holding down the trigger button causing my machine gun to repeatedly send bullets out.

I was shot in the head five seconds later.. 

"This game sucks!" I cried out. The others laughed and Jonah shook his head 'no'. "You just suck." He added and I gasped.

"I do not!" And the others just gave me a look and I threw my hands up in defense. "I just need more practice! That's all!" 

"Yeah. A lot." Elijah mumbled and I smacked him lightly upside the head. "Hey!" He protested and I shrugged. I smiled in victory while the others just looked up me wide-eyed with their mouths hung open.

I sent Toni a curious glance and she shook her head symbolizing not right now. I nodded as I heard the front door open.

"Baby! We're home!" I stopped laughing and froze. My friends looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Who is that?" Elijah asked.

"My parents." I turned to give him a look and my friends looked fine like this is normal. Except for Elijah who gave me a look and I shook my head.

I'm so getting questions for this.

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