Devil Addicted

By 1i11ipi11i

755K 16.4K 7.5K

He wraps his muscular arms around me and I am lifted from my seat before he smashes me against the bookshelve... More

introduction <3
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51

chapter 19

15.1K 339 116
By 1i11ipi11i

don't forget to leave a comment please!


"I'm your dick" I say. As stupid as it sounds, it's true she has me wrapped around her finger. The look she gives me makes me realise she doesn't fully understand the lengths I would go for her. 

"Have you read Lord of the Flies?" she asks, looking down in her lap and fiddling with her fingers. She's too cute.

"Of course I have" I say taking my hand and lightly hitting her on the head. She looks up at me shocked by my touch and then says "Well the society is loose adaption of it" 

"I figured" I say smiling down at her. She smiles back at me and then snatches the remote out of my hand and presses play.

We watch the show and I can't help but to steal glances at my Aubrey next to me. I can't believe we are sitting together. Fuck I sound like a dumb wanker. But just the fact she isn't scared of me or mad at me but we are just enjoying each other's company is filling my heart with this foreign warmth that intoxicates me. She is my addiction and I'm loving every moment of it.

Watching her get excited or scared by the show is so adorable. She scrunches her nose cutely when she doesn't like something and she sits up straighter when her interest gets peaked. God. I just love spending time with her. She doesn't seem to be getting my flirting, so innocent I chuckle to myself. I don't want to rush her but at the same time I can't wait feel her soft lips against mine.

The episode finishes and we both agree to watch another one. I can tell halfway through the second episode she is getting tired as she starts to nestle further into me and rest her head on my chest. Which means I have a permanent smile plastered on my face.

"Are you tired angel?" I whisper leaning down so my lips are inches away from the top of her head.

"Hmmm" she hums nestling further into me, but still focusing on the TV. I give her a squeeze with my arm that is draped over her waist just completely basking in her presence. 

I chuckle in response, and just continue to enjoy watching this show with her.

When the second episode ends she mumbles "Imma go to bed now"

She starts to sit up slowly and I can't help but to pout at the loss of contact. When she sits up fully she rubs her eyes and says "You can stay up if you want, but I'll show you where you'll sleep tonight"

She stands up and then turns to look at me expectantly. "Come on, I'm tired" she says whining.

I chuckle and then stand up and grab her hand, I get excited when she doesn't pull away and instead leads me out of her living room and upstairs. She then leads me down the hallway and opens the door for me.

"Here you go! I hope it's ok- wait I'll be right back" she says at the last part rushing downstairs.

Once she is downstairs I hear a bang and then Aubrey mutter "FUDGE NUGGETS" I can't help but laugh at her censoring, but then I grow concerned that she may have hurt herself. I run down the stairs and yell "ANGEL, you ok???"

"Oh yep fine...fine fine fine" she says.

As soon as I make it downstairs I see my angel sitting on the floor, a towel next to her and her cradling foot in the foetal position. 

"Oh no no no, angel what did you do?" I say worried and crouching down so I am closer to her.

She leans back so she lies on the floor and says "Ahhhh I stubbed my forking pinky toe"

I feel myself instantly relax and my shoulders un-tense, and then I laugh at how dramatic she is being. 

She stops briefly from lying in pain and wallowing in her own self pity to give me a 'death glare', or her cute version of one. "I'll have you know stubbing your toe is one of the most painful things-"

"Never done it before" I say nonchalantly. 

"What?!" she says sitting up quickly, causing me to be concerned that she might get dizzy.

"Yeah I'm not as clumsy as you" I say chuckling.

"It's an essential human experience to stub your toe Ian! I can't believe..." she says trailing off and looking into the distance. "I've stubbed my toes so many times, my pinky tone is permanently fat and swollen and if you were to take an x-ray the bone would be all shattered and shit" she says returning her gaze to me.

"What the fuck!" I say, worried about her "You should be more careful" I say knocking her on the head lightly.

I move to look at her toe and she is correct, her little pinky toe is so fat and swollen. "You're right it's like a fat little piggy" I say laughing and moving my hand to touch the one she didn't stub.

"Oi!" she says tucking her legs to her chest and covering her toes with her hands. "Rude" she says with mock offence.

"The cutest ones though" I laugh.

"Bet yours look like little perfect twigs" she mutters. 

I laugh and say "You want to see?"

Her face contorts into one of disgust and says "Ewww no thank you!!"  I laugh in response. "At least ask me on a date first!" she says cutely, but then as soon as she realised what she said her cheeks darken to a deep shade of red.

I chuckle at her and say "Guess that will have to be arranged" looking her in the eyes. She gulps and offers me a small shy smile.

She turns to her side and grabs the towel and pushes it towards me. "This is for you to shower." she says, still blushing.

"Are you trying to tell me I smell?" I ask mock offended.

She giggles and says "Yep" pegging her nose with one of her hands and using the other to wave it in front of her face.

I scoff and try to hide my smile as I pick her up and carry her bridal style. "Peeewww weee" Aubrey says continuing to peg her nose and wave her hand as a I hold her. I roll my eyes in amusement and carry her upstairs. I decide I'm not ready to let her go just yet so I carry her into the guest room she is having me sleep.

"Wait Ian-" she starts but I cut her off by shushing her. Her response to me shushing her was priceless as she had complete shock and then anger wash over her face which just caused me to laugh. 

I set her down carefully on the bed. 

"Well I'm gonna go get dressed into my pjs and brush my teeth" she says getting up from the bed.

"Where's my hoodie?" I ask, wondering why she isn't wearing it and wanting her to be wearing it.

"Oh, it's in the laundry I'm going to wash it next. It should be ready tomorrow arvo for you to take back" she says smiling at me.

"No it's yours" I say, slightly angry she was going to give it back. "You should be wearing it now" I say looking at her intently.

"Oh well sorry" she says looking down.

"Don't be sorry angel" I say closing the distance between us. "I just don't want you to be cold" especially since I know at night it gets very cold.

She looks up at me with those big beautiful chocolate eyes and says "Thanks silver but you don't have to worry about me."

"Of course I do" I say. Wanting her to have something of mine and so my smell can become intertwined with hers further I say "Wait a second"


I begin to take off my hoodie and I see Aubrey step back slightly shocked. "Uhh- Ian?" she says getting flustered.

"Here" I say pushing the hoodie for her to take. I catch her staring at my torso but then she quickly composes herself and gulps saying "Wait wha?"

Knowing she is going to be stubborn I just put the hoodie over her head and pull it down her body, the jumper reaches just above her knees and she stands in my hoodie with her arms still trapped. "Woah what?" she says.

"Put your arms through the holes" I tell her.

"Yeah I know how a hoodie works Ian" she says sassily struggling to get her arms through the arm holes. Once she finally she does she says "What's this?"

"It's a hoodie baby" I say teasing her.

"Yeah duh" she says rolling her eyes and poking me in the stomach. Once she realised she touched my naked stomach she gulps and looks up in my eyes.  

"I just don't want you to be cold tonight" I say staring back into her chocolate eyes "Especially if you are making me sleep in here all by myself" I whine and pout.

She laughs and teases "Well you're a big boy aren't you?"

I continue pouting and she laughs. "Goodnight Ian" she says sweetly turning to leave. 

I grab her by her shoulders and pull her back to me turning her around. I lean down and give her a tender kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight angel" I then pull away and see her looking at me with widened eyes and blushed cheeks.

"Night!" she says hurriedly and scurries out of my room. I laugh at her awkwardness and then make my way to have a shower, I definitely need a cold shower. I can't wait to see her tomorrow morning. I'm going to make pancakes for her I decide while showering. 

I sit down on the bed after my shower and look online for pancake recipes. "Fuck why is this so confusing" I mutter to myself. Shouldn't it be simple? But all the pancakes look the same in the recipe picture but they have slightly different ingredients and how do I know which one is best. 

Getting flustered and increasingly angry I decide to send my best friend Chase a quick text and ask him which pancake recipe is best. He is a couple years older than me and he is also part of the gang. 

I send him photos of the 3 recipes I'm thinking. I swear to god if he doesn't respond within 5 minutes I will shoot his ass.

2minutes later Chase texts back

                        Chase: Dude why the fuck do you need a pancake recipe at 9:52pm? You know you                              shouldn't be staying up past your bedtime! 😱

God this guy is fucking annoying.

                         Me: Which. Fucking. Recipe.

                        Chase: Go with the one with chocolate chips, chicks dig that. 😏

                         Me: Ok

I've told Chase all about Aubrey, he is the only other person who knows how head over heels I am for her. I can't tell the rest of the gang as they will just see it as my weakness and if other gangs find out they will be able to destroy me. I trust him not to blab, as he is like a brother to me.

                         Chase: 'Thanks so much Chase! You're such a good friend!'

                          Me: 👍

I then shut off my phone and decide to fall asleep with only Aubrey and how I am meant to make these fucking pancakes, occupying my thoughts.


thank you so much for all the reads guys! you are all amazing and i appreciate all of you!!!!

hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did it would mean a lot if you could please vote!

stay healthy <3

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