Kingston Academy

By Ophelia_Rosen12

1M 55.9K 36.9K

Wrapped around his little finger, an intense desire to pursue, along with dashing good looks and a wealthy lo... More



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By Ophelia_Rosen12

   He went by the name of Grim. Niven learned that after gushing over the fact the Royal was a beastman.

A sheep, in fact. Which was a major shock to the blond.

Niven didn't see Grim as the sort of person who'd be violent, but he didn't forget about Levi's subtle warning about the Royal and kept that in mind. He shouldn't be too surprised anyways considering how powerful and arrogant his own pack mates were—excluding Agustine, of course.

But he felt Grim was a different case. Although his large and floppy ears gave away the fact he was a sheep, he somehow felt a little more anxious than normal around the male since he had scars and red stitches littered across his face. Of course, even if Niven thought he seemed fine, others would be ghastly appalled by Grim's appearance.

But of course, Niven didn't dwell too much about the scars and happily ran his thumbs over the soft ears since Grim was kind enough to let the boy touch them. It was obvious how delighted Niven was to see him take his mask off, and the blond could hardly sit still without glancing over at the floppy ears.

Niven would've love to spend more time with Grim, but the boy received a call from Simeon, urging him to hurry up and come back to the dorms. Of course, Niven thought about ignoring it and planned to stay with Grim, but the beastman vanished as soon as Niven returned from his call.

He guessed the male was too timid to continue on their one-sided conversation.

And as much as Niven would've liked to look for Grim, he spent several weeks trying his best to keep up with the copious amount of assignments piling up in his bag, along with working by his alpha and having to endure his overbearing brothers. Niven was simply exhausted by that point, especially with Silas amping up their training sessions since the blond was currently stuck.

Although his magic improved a little, that didn't mean his skill did. In fact, Niven figured it might've regressed a little. He simply couldn't get a grip on his ability no matter how much he tried to focus. Silas could immediately tell, noticing the boy struggle to control several cracks of magic bursting out of his hand. Niven was able to stop it in a matter of seconds, but Silas knew it would happen again. He just needed to find a way to help the blond... of course he didn't know how exactly since this was his first time putting effort into training someone.

Niven appreciated Silas helping him considering Ludos was coming in just a few days. He shouldn't need to worry about it since he knew he'll be just fine, but Niven was mainly worried about his brothers acting out and crippling someone. The blond simply wouldn't be able to stand it and beat the Kingston Brothers up himself.

But while Niven's stress slightly grew from day to day, Gabriel and King provided some sort of comfort for the boy. Even Mirren came by Niven's dorm once in a while, always ready to be groomed and kept a small bag full of brushes and combs just for Niven. The student had found a relaxing way to get rid of his anxiety, and that was mostly because of spending his time incessantly grooming Mirren's hair and tail. The brunet never seemed to mind and even encouraged Niven to play with his brown locks.

Mirren already knew just how exhausted Niven was, having to cope with his brothers while working along with Arien. Of course after that small incident in the alpha's office, he grew to hate the wolf beastman even more before eventually settling himself down. He knew Arien all too well and doubted their alpha lasted a day before wallowing up in guilt and possibly some regret. No one else would be able to notice since Arien hardly ever expressed any emotion, but Mirren wasn't as stupid and spent more than enough time with the male.

Mirren had to grumble lowly. His alpha was really something. Sure, he understood a little bit of why Arien did that, considering the need to show his dominant side since his authority was slightly being threatened—but that didn't mean Mirren wasn't going to be petty. The brunet still wanted to kill him.

Even though Niven was immersed in the limited peace and quiet he had, the day of Ludos finally arrived and every student had already went over to the arena. The Wolves should have also taken their places up in the stands with the vice-principal, leaving Niven to walk side-by-side with his brothers.

Simeon seemed enthusiastic as usual, though there was a pep in his step as they stepped outside to the area. Levi kept his usual frown and dark gaze, sometimes glancing over at his twin before settling his gaze down at Niven, who nervously fiddled with his fingers and raised a thumb up to bite on the nail.

Niven had no clue as to what he was doing. Of course, he needed to act like a peacekeeper for as long as he can, but considering the majority of the students and staff gathering at the arena, he guessed everyone was wanting a fight to break out. Niven chewed on his fingernail even more, worrying about the rivaling school. Simeon would mostly cause a massacre today and Levi wouldn't even bat an eye. Their eldest brother could take care of the mess himself if Niven was being honest.

"Don't be so scared, little brother." Simeon clapped a hand on the blond's back. He gave a grin to the boy. "It's not like we're actually going to kill them. You'd get all fussy if we did so."

"I-I'm serious!" Niven shrugged his hand away. "You can't act like you're back in the duchy, this isn't the place for the two of you to do whatever you want so freely. We have rules for a reason."

"Which is why I tend to ignore the rules," Simeon pointed out, but he quickly clamped his mouth shut when Niven sent a dark haired male a warning look.

"Don't test me, Simeon."

As they neared the arena grounds, Niven grasped the hems of his sleeves. He looked even more worried. Simeon felt a little bad about his sibling, but he only sighed and nudged Niven a little bit.

"Listen, Levi and I won't do anything. You can play the role as the peacekeeper for as long as you like, but if they attack first then don't act so shocked when I finish it," Simeon said. Niven winced a little, already imagining the crippled bodies of their opponents.

Niven would've scolded the student back if it weren't for a silhouette catching his eyes. He stopped for a second, watching it a little more thoroughly before recognizing the male as Grim. The boy's eyes lit up with excitement as he almost rushed to the third Royal, making Levi and Simeon jump from surprise.

"Grim, you're here as well?" Niven instantly questioned as soon as he reached the beastman. He didn't know why the male was here, but he had the thought Grim had also come to help since he was a member of the Royals. "Are you also participating?"

Grim nodded, his face still covered with the black mask.

Niven didn't know what to expect from beastman like Grim, but he didn't doubt the male's abilities and was about to invite Grim over to the arena when his brothers stood by his side, drowning deeply at Grim.

"You're sitting this one out, Grime," Simeon quickly muttered.

Niven glared. "It's Grim, not Grime."

"It's almost the same thing." Simeon waved it off carelessly, not noticing Grim flinching back and lowering his head down a little.

Levi tilted his head to the side, watching with an intense look in his eyes at the sheep. He didn't say anything, but Niven could already tell his brother disliked Grim.

"What's wrong with having Grim help?" Niven murmured to Simeon. "He's a Royal as well."

"The three of us are enough already. And he's probably gonna scare the rivaling students away with his face before we even get the chance to fight them," Simeon replied, ignoring the spiteful look from Niven. The beastman held onto his cloak tighter as if he wanted to disappear completely.

"Don't say that, Simeon-"

"Grim will back down this time... let's go, brother." Niven and Simeon halted when Levi instantly cut in, his tone leaving no room for any argument.

Niven almost groaned at Levi, remembering how he always gets the final say in everything. Simeon was happy despite Niven's grumbles and small complaints. The twins could hardly care about the third member of their group and didn't hesitate to grab Niven, walking past Grim and not even looking back.

Finally, they entered the colosseum and saw nearly every seat being filled by the academy's students, and some being taken by the other school who had come to visit and watch the intended fight. Niven almost stepped back, wanting to fade away quickly until he saw a small section near the front of the platform.

His pack mates were there, along with Gabriel and King. His penguin sat comfortably in the lap of Mirren, who gave tender pats on the penguin's head before fixing King's top hat several times. His alpha sat in the middle of the Wolves, arms crossed as he stared down at Niven with a distant look. And then he smiled gently, moving a hand up in the air to send a small wave.

Silas sat on the other side of their alpha, sucking on a lollipop while several dishes of desserts were being served. At first, the dark skinned male didn't notice Niven stepping onto the platform, but he quickly caught on and sent a small wave of his own. Though it was a bit awkward since the angel has never really known how to greet someone like this. The  angel was also a little happy to see Niven put on the clothes he specifically chose for Ludos. It was extra protection since one could never be too cautious. And Silas figured Niven would be at ease once he sees the Wolves coming to watch the blond, and it wasn't hard to get Arien to accept.

But it was easier said than done considering Agustine was surrounded by half a dozen Silver Guard members, ready to lunge forward and grab at his older brother in case his Jinx went off. Still, Agustine was happy to come and was in a rush to grab a seat. Silas could tell the jackal masked student was enjoying his time here since Agustine was never really allowed to be in such a crowded place. Even now, Silas worried something may happen, though the headmaster assured the student nothing would happen to his brother.

The angel glanced at the next row closer to the platform. The headmaster and vice-principal were also watching closely, whispering to each other in low murmurs before their attention was taken away by a peculiarly well-dressed man, fixing his up his neon green bow tie before floating up in the air above them.

Vasili was also here with the headmaster, snapping his fingers as small yea cups ran amok all over the place. The male wildly laughed as one cup bumped into Bennett Kingston's leg, falling over and causing a crack to appear on its handle.

The man sighed, already knowing just how much of a headache he'd have with the teacher here. Before the headmaster ordered Vasili to come down and clean up his messes, they quickly caught the sight of the Kingston Brothers waiting on the platform. Niven stood nervous, unsure on what to do unlike his quiet and collected eldest brother while Simeon groaned in boredom.

"I heard about Headmaster Kingstons renovating the platform, but I didn't know it was to this extent," Simeon commented as he observed the barriers, noticing how much lighter and denser they were. "I think I'll be able to barely make a dent if I use two of my abilities."

"Even someone as great as you couldn't penetrate these barriers?" An unfamiliar voice rang through the arena, grabbing the brothers' attention and some of the audience.

Coming from the other side of the platform were the student from Decadri Academy, striding over with dark faces. The four of them stood right in front of Niven and his brothers, looking them up and down before one of them stopped directly at Niven. He gave out a mirthless smile, finding it funny.

"So you're the infamous younger brother of Levi and Simeon?" He drawled out. "We heard the rumors of you being a Wolf, looks like they were right. Who would've known?"

The fourth student quickly stepped up and raised a hand to silence his teammate. Sending an apologetic smile over to Niven, he began, "I'm very sorry for the lack of manners he has. We recently just came back from a very long trip and everyone's tired. Oh, right! I'm the peacekeeper for Decadri Academy, Luke Bastilian. It's a real honor to meet with you."

Niven was relieved, finding it easy to talk with this student. He was incredibly nervous seeing a how many people expected a fight to be the outcome, but maybe there won't have to be with Luke around.

"It's a-alright," the blond replied a little nervously. "Niven Kingston, it'll be my pleasure to speak with you."

"There's nothing to discuss," another student grumbled out bitterly. He gave Levi a glare. "A particular group of your own students have been provoking ours. And while we normally don't care about the taunts, I'm afraid it was your school who started the fight first. Many of us have been sent to the infirmary."

"Everyone, please allow me to do my job. Stetson, I'd appreciate it if you and the others would give me just a few minutes to speak with His Highness," Luke said without looking back at his teammates.

The others didn't move for the first few moments, already deciding not to follow through with the peacekeeper's orders before they begrudgingly took several steps back to wait. Luke gave a sigh, looking back at Niven with a tired look.

"I heard this is your first time as peacekeeper since your alpha has stepped back," the male began. "I'm sure you already know, but the three behind me are the Royals of our school as well. And I'm also certain you don't want a fight to break out like me since your brothers are powerful enough to cripple all of my classmates. We only have a limited time, but could you please tell me your side of the story of what's happened?"

Niven almost cried in tears, seeing the gentle look in the student's eyes. Luke clearly wanted the same thing as him, the two do them definitely didn't want a fight to erupt between the schools.

But... Niven didn't know how to explain the situation. Because the first ones who started the fight was their own academy.

Seeing the dejected look on Niven, the smile turned a little stiff on Luke's face. He seemed a little regretful, almost disappointed.

"I see..." Luke muttered before peeking at Levi's scorching gaze. He looked away and gave an uneasy grin. "It's unfortunate how we may not get the chance for a peaceful negotiation after all."

"Isn't this what you wanted though?" Simeon scoffed from the sidelines, glaring down at the student. "All you vulgarian schools think you're able to compete with us just because of your dirty money. I bet not a single one of you could even match up to our little pet over there." Simeon pointed up at the stands abruptly, causing almost everyone's gaze to see what the male was pointing at.

A hooded person with a cloak sat isolated from everyone, small wisps of long white flowing from the light breeze. Grim unconsciously shuffled back, not liking how everyone trained their eyes in him. He pulled his mask up higher to prevent his scars from being seen.

Luke Bastilian looked back at Simeon, struggling to keep his smile on. "I cannot disagree with you about our student being compared to a Royal of Kingston Academy, but please don't insult our school's name. I'm quite proud to be from Decadri."

"Will you still be proud when we cripple your so-called Royals? The leaders of your academy?" Simeon grinned viciously. "If the four of you turned back now, we won't have to fight."

"Please understand I don't want any of us to fight, Your Highness. I know just how powerful the three of you are, and only one of you needs to take on half of our academy before crippling them." As Luke spoke, his eyes showed a subtle disappointment, like he had the feeling this was going to happen. But he looked over at Niven and kept that strained smile on his face. "My lord, please know I cannot have our Royals utterly destroyed by the hands of your brothers. If our Royals are gone... our academy becomes the target of many, many schools."

Niven was stunned to hear that. He whipped his head back to look at his brothers, not realizing just how important their roles in the academy were.

Up on the stands, Vasili almost cackled. But he kept it all in and only giggled from time to time as he munched on burnt brownies and drinking strange vials of liquid, calling them refreshments.

"My, oh my... he really doesn't understand a single thing in this place!" Vasili giggled like a child. "How come no one told my master a single thing? What a poor child, I suppose I'll have to teach him the ways of this academy."

"My nephew is perfectly fine without your help," Bennett Kingston bit out. "It's truly unfortunate my brother hasn't shared enough information, I admit."

"I'm sure you're also doing your very best to help him, dear!" Remiah couldn't help but cut in.

Vasili's smile grew wider, almost curling up into a wicked smirk as he gazed upon the vice-principal. He didn't say anything though, only letting the headmaster roll his eyes at Remiah and eventually ignoring the man.

Truly, even Vasili had to admit how impressed he was by Remiah's never ending efforts to leech onto the principal. Vasili returned his gaze to the platform, watching with bright eyes at how Niven struggled to say something.

"I don't want a fight," the boy admitted softly. "Since this is our academy's fault for picking a fight out of school grounds and deliberately starting it, I believe we should back down first. Only a couple of our students were sent to the infirmary, although they weren't really injured while your school had dozens of students on the verge of death. I highly apologize for causing the Decadri Academy to become like this on the behalf of our students."

Luke's eyes softened after that, pleased to know Niven didn't want his own Royals to suffer. Of course, the male was a little confused as to why Niven seemed shocked to hear about what would happen after a school's Royals have been defeated. The student didn't think to ask, not that he had the right to.

Levi and Simeon were silent when Niven apologized, neither one of them looking away from Luke Bastilian. They didn't like having Niven going as far as to say sorry, but they couldn't voice out their complaints since it was true about their own students starting the fight.

But even though Luke wanted to make a compromise, one of the Royals form Decadri academy became impatient and stepped forward and placed a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Although you admit it was your academy's fault, that still doesn't excuse what you've done to my little brother," the male snarled. "Because of your students, his ability ended up being crippled. He's left in a coma. Your apology changes nothing."

"Khalid, I'm warning you," Luke hissed. "If you don't step back right now, the both of you will be reduced in a coma side-by-side."

The royal, Khalid, ignored the male's threatening tone and walked forward in front of Niven with a hateful look. "No matter what Luke says, I'm not going to back down. Because of all of you, we have no idea when my brother will wake up. It may even take him years."

"I still have a little more time to speak with Kingston's peacekeeper." Luke grabbed hold of Khalid's arm, gripping onto it tightly. "Your Highness, I'm urging you to step away."

The student ripped his arm away from Luke and pointed directly at Simeon. "You think this is going to achieve peace between our schools?" Khalid sneered, "Everyone excluded in this academy don't matter in the eyes of their Royals. Fuck, not even the Kingstons Brothers care for their own students beside themselves! And who the hell knows where this blondie is showed up? I bet he's never even fought in his damn life before, having the luxuries of not having to worry about anything and staying cooped up in his own castle!"

By the time Khalid was finished, Simeon stepped forward and snatched his wrist, preventing him from pointing at Niven next. The dark haired student glowered a little bit and used a little bit of strength to apply pressure.

"You can talk shit about my brother and I all you want, but don't fucking speak to my little brother like that," Simeon spat and threw his hand away. "If it wasn't for Niven right now, I probably would've killed all of you before you even stepped forward on the platform. And guess what? You're right about Levi and I not caring, because who the hell can blame a Kingston? Your principal? Your school? Our academy can crush yours whenever we want, so I suggest you don't try and pick a fight with Niven again."

Since the tension in the group was escaping rather quickly, Arien looked over at his side, curiously watching Silas' face. The angel had a plate of cake, eating it effortlessly without any worry. It seemed like Silas was trusting Niven to take care of this problem. The beastman then turned over to Mirren, watching how Niven's familiar clutched onto the jaguar's arm rather tightly.

King noticed Arien's piercing gaze and honked for a second, wondering what the man wanted from him. Arien only smiled and glanced at Agustine, already knowing just how worried the male was since he couldn't sit still, trying to get a closer look at Niven.

And when Arien finally looked back at the platform, he was just in time for one of Decadri's students to go flying right into the barrier. The alpha furrowed his brows, expecting Niven to have stopped his brothers, but it appears Simeon was a bit more pissed off than he expected.

"I warned you not to fuck with me, yet you all did it again so you can't exactly say it's my fault this time," Simeon forced a laugh as he kicked away another Royal.

Decadri's peacekeeper instantly stood in front of Simeon, but before he could defend the Royals, he was grabbed by someone else and the both of them warped into a different section of the arena. The two of them dropped onto the platform, a little dizzy from the sudden teleportation until Luke tilted his head back to see Niven, holding onto his head with a nauseous look.

Widening his eyes, Luke turned his head around to see Simeon taking on the Royals from his academy whilst Levi simply stood and crossed his arms, watching from a safe distance.

"What have you done?" Luke whipped his head back to Niven. "I have to defend my Royals."

"I'm so sorry, but I have to protect you instead," Niven explained. The dizziness was finally lifted and he gave the male a proper look. "You have to understand I can't-"

"If my Royals are beaten and crippled, or possibly die then our academy will instantly fall into the hands of other schools who will want to dominate us!" Luke Bastilian rose up to his feet and placed a desperate hand on Niven. "I can't stay back, I need to go and help."

Before he let go in hopes to settle things with Simeon, Niven lunged forward and clasped something around the male's wrists. Luke was held by instantly, shocked to find chains. He was dragged down quickly, the chains not allowing him to go a step further.

"I'm sorry, I can't allow you to do that." Niven lifted the end of the chains, gripping onto them tightly and then pulled again, dragging the peacekeeper further away from the fight before dropping the item in his hands. He quickly knelt, muttering a small chant to connect the chains on the surface of the platform.

"Don't do this." Luke tugged on the chains. "Your Highness, I'm begging you."

As Luke begged Niven to release him, Simeon viciously tore apart another student from Decadri Academy. He lifted his hand up and snapped his fingers, patiently waiting for his own shadow to enlarge and separate from his body and slithered across the grounds at an alarming speed.

Simeon's shadow quickly entangled his hands with another male, wrapping his hands around the student's own shadow and violently choking it. Decadri's Royal, Stetson, stopped moving and began to cough, reaching up to touch his neck as several bruises began to appear. He fell to his knees, choking and wondering what Simeon was doing to him until he realized a different shadow appearing next to his, still trying to kill his off.

Khalid saw his teammate being choked to death and conjured up a menacing ball of negative energy, haphazardly shooting it at the back of Simeon.

Although it was instantly blocked by a blinding ray of light, acting as a shield for Simeon. 

Levi was still standing at the sidelines, not moving. Though his hand was outstretched, almost glowing unnaturally.

Simeon didn't even look over his shoulder before calling out, "I sensed it was coming, Brother. I did not need your assistance. Be careful next time, our powers may clash if we aren't too careful."

The twins had three different abilities when they were born. Though they were rather unique and surprising, even to their father. Whatever power one of them gained, their twin received the opposite of it.

And in this case, Simeon was gifted with Darkness Manipulation while his brother received the opposite. Simeon was allowed to create and manipulate shadows and the very darkness itself. The Royal was able to control and manipulate beings belonging to a certain shadow-like realm, also creating shields made of entirely of the dark and covering large quantities of different areas. Of course, Simeon had played enough with his ability to know just how to construct lethal weapons of dark energy, but he preferred using his own shadow to take out his opponents.

It was more fun that way, prolonging a fight just to witness their rivals almost scrambling to get away.

Even their audience had to agree. Everyone from Kingston Academy was cheering the Royals on, some even shouting for Simeon to go ahead and kill the rivaling school's students. Of course, Vasili was also with them, holding up small flags with Simeon's face on them and laughing like a lunatic.

Bennett Kingston had to make Remiah settle the others down... and take the flags away from Vasili.

Simeon sighed at the sight, wishing he could do whatever he wanted. Sometimes, his fun was ruined by Levi, considering he had more power over Light Manipulation. His older brother never liked toying around with their opponents, always wanting to end it as soon as possible to get back to work.

And since going against his brother may result in a disastrous fight concerning their powers were the opposite of each other, Simeon always went with Levi's lead and never tried to fight him.

"We've been here... for too long," his twin slowly drawled out. Levi also added in, "I'm... kind of hungry."

"Well, fuck me, Levi. Does it look I have food for you?" Simeon scowled, waving a command to his shadow and releasing Stetson. "You're always ruining the fun and complain about finishing work or whatever. I made you breakfast this morning but you were in too much of a hurry and ran about the whole place. Don't start crying to me, understand?"

Levi faltered a bit, lowering his hand down and seemed a little down. "But..."

"If you're that hungry then go up to the stands and get some food from Silas!" His brother pointed up at the angel, who widened his eyes and rapidly shook his head in disagreement. There was no way in hell Silas was giving up his desserts, the twins would have to kill him before eating a crumb.

"H-How can the two do you talk so nonchalantly? About fucking food?" Khalid stumbled over, still holding his hand up and ready to blast Simeon off the platform.

The dark haired student snorted, "When you're as powerful as us and don't need to worry about little ants running about, you'd understand."

"You fucking bastard."

Simeon was regretting letting the male go and was about to walk on over to kill him when Niven suddenly appeared in front of Khalid, pushing the male back a little bit before placing a finger right on top of the student's head.


It only took a second before Decadri's Royal crumpled to the ground, completely passed out and unmoving.

Niven didn't get much time to relax until two of their rivals got up and lunged over to the blond, instantly using their abilities to take him down. Niven didn't expect them to come forward so abruptly so he stumbled back to avoid being hit. He quickly regained hold of his footing and swiftly maneuvered the two of them, watching out for another blast of lethal force.

Niven reached out, grabbing hold of one man's arm to flip him over, crashing onto the ground with a loud thud. The boy hurriedly used a bit of his magic to make him pass out like Khalid before looking up to see the other running forward, materializing a weapon out of thin air to strike down at Niven.

Of course that's when Levi decided to step in and snatch the male's throat, digging his fingers in the skin and allowing it to break. Blood seeped out and coated his fingers, but Levi didn't seem to mind, or didn't realize it.

He was about to snap the male's neck when Niven got in between the two of them, forcing Levi to release the student and then held his hand up to prevent his eldest brother from moving forward.

"That will be enough," Niven stated. The blond looked over his shoulder, watching the peacekeeper he released. Luke was on his knees, grabbing the fallen Royals and helping them up.

Simeon snapped, "Brother, move. I won't tell you again."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Simeon."

"Are you joking right now? Look, I promise we'll get you ice cream or something after we kill-"

"I said that's enough." To prove his point, Niven took out the feather his uncle gave him and transformed it into a light sword, pointed right underneath Simeon's chin. "Decadri Academy's peacekeeper will be taking their Royals. Our school has won The Game, we will now stand down."

"You're... letting us go?" Stetson said, panting. "Why are you..."

"On the behalf of our school to apologize for the way we have conducted our students, we won't need to spill anymore blood than necessary," Niven interrupted. "Luke, please go ahead and withdraw from the platform."

"Thank you, my lord." Luke reached down and grabbed the last of his Royals, pulling him away from the ground.

It was already a miracle Niven managed to stop the groups from fighting, he even went as far as to knock his opponents out first before Simeon could get a hold of them.

When Decadri's students left the platform, Niven lowered his sword and felt his hand shake. He never used a weapon against his brother before, and the feeling was so foreign to him that he didn't notice Simeon stalking forward with rage.

"What the fuck? You really allowed those pests to get away?"

"Let's drop it, Simeon. The academy has already won," Niven tiredly muttered.

His brother refused to let it go. "We were in the verge of making sure they never come back. If we break their abilities, they wouldn't be able to stand up for themselves. We need to make an example for all those other schools who think they can beat us! You can't-"

"I can't what?" Niven cut in with a sharp tone. He glared harshly at Simeon. "You think I can't stop the fights? That I can't stop you and Levi to kill others students? Brother, if you've forgotten about my place being here then I will kindly remind you that I now hold my alpha's position as peacekeeper. That gives me the right and full authority to stop the two of you from crippling other students during Ludos. And since Decadri's own peacekeeper and I made the agreement for our schools not to fight then the two of you have no power to stop me from making this decision."

"You..." Simeon went speechless, watching Niven step forward and continue.

"I don't know what Arien did before he withdrew from Ludos, but things will be different with me now. And if you have a problem with the way I run things then I'm not above putting you or our brother in your places," the blond said. "I now have full authority to hold the two of you back, so don't make me fight you."

What Niven said was true. Every word.

One of the reasons why only Arien was able to stand up against the Royals was because did his position as Head Alpha and Peacekeeper. But with Arien giving Niven the reigns over Ludos, Niven had just as much authority as his alpha.

The two of them coincidentally made such a team.

The thought of it made Simeon's lips twitch at he looked up at Arien, finding the alpha's mocking stare quite annoying.

"You know what? You're right." Simeon quickly withdrew without warning, plastering a forced smile. "Fine, we'll do whatever you say from now on. I mean, I guess it's better than letting a bitch control Levi and I."

"Say one more word about my alpha and I'll take you off this platform myself," Niven warned. The twins followed suit after that, completely standing down and allowing Decadri Academy's students to leave.

After witnessing everything, everyone now had the revelation of Niven having the final say of what goes in Ludos of the two parties decide not to fight. Things will change, possibly for the better since Arien could never really get the Kingston Brothers to actually stop. But with Niven around, the two of them could hardly refuse the blond.

Niven already took hold of the power he was given from Arien, already warning his brothers not to do anything as long as he was there.

And this... was exactly what the vice-principal wanted.

Eyes beaming, he glanced down at Bennett Kingston, watching intently at how the man sighed when Niven and his brothers left the arena.

Everything was going well according to Remiah's plan. A little too well, and that made the man even more excited.

Seeing the vice-principal looking happy with what's happened, Vasili hummed his tune quietly. His eyes narrowed on the man's form, thinking to himself about what Remiah. What was the man planning?

Vasili huffed, turning away from Remiah. He shouldn't worry yet. He had other things to do. And with that though in mind, his grin curled up even wider.

Perhaps he'll have class again tomorrow?

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── 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍!𝐌𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐗 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 「 "𝐀𝐡, 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧." "𝐘-𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐟�...
127K 2.6K 19
Jake Blackwood runs a BDSM club at the age of 29. He is the epitome of dominance. He has trained submissive and took newbies under his wings till the...
1.2M 50.1K 52
In a world where humans are considered as nothing but servants to the almighty Warlocks and fairfolk, little human Milo struggles to make ends meet w...