šŽšššŽš’šˆš“š„š’; ā‚›ā‚’ā‚–ā‚–ā‚

By jellyfilledpotatoes

285K 6.6K 17.5K

āš˜šØš®'š„š„ š«šžš š«šžš­ š„šžšššÆš¢š§š  š¦š² š¬š¢ššž. šˆ š¬š”šØš®š„š š§šžšÆšžš« š”šššÆšž š­š«š®š¬š­šžš š²... More

Chapter 1 ~ Before the beginning
Chapter 2 ~ The ship
Chapter 3 ~ Bahu
Chapter 5 ~ The cave
Chapter 6 ~ Yung
Chapter 7 ~Blue fire
Chapter 8 ~ Visions
Chapter 9 ~ Avatar day
Chapter 10 ~ Burn
Chapter 11 ~ Y/N Alone
Chapter 12 ~ Stuck
Chapter 13 ~ The book
Chapter 14 ~ Hot and high
Chapter 15 ~ Suki
Chapter 16 ~ Drill
Chapter 17 ~ Zuko
Chapter 18 ~ The date
Chapter 19 ~ The tale of Y/N
Chapter 20 ~ Jet
Chapter 21 ~ Killer instinct
Chapter 22 ~ The storm and the calm
Chapter 23 ~ The truth
Chapter 24 ~ The choice
Chapter 25 ~ Change
Chapter 26 ~ Settling in
Chapter 27 ~ On the other side
Chapter 28 ~ The beach
Chapter 29 ~ Reunited
Chapter 30 ~ Training
Chapter 31 ~ The plan
Chapter 32 ~ Convincing
Chapter 33 ~ Acceptance
Chapter 34 ~ Confusion
Chapter 35 ~ Guilt
Chapter 36 ~ Pretend
Chapter 37 ~ Love
Chapter 38 ~ Together again
Chapter 39 ~ Fighting
Chapter 40 ~ Violence
Chapter 41 ~ Moving house
Chapter 42 ~ Act one
Chapter 43 ~ Act two
Chapter 44 ~ Preparing
Chapter 45 ~ Gone
Chapter 46 ~ White Lotus
Chapter 47 ~ The end
Chapter 48 ~ Happiness

Chapter 4 ~ The Gaang

13.5K 287 1.2K
By jellyfilledpotatoes

"Welcome Avatar Aang! I am General Fong, and welcome, to all of you great heroes! Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, the mighty Katara..."

"Mighty Katara? I like that." Said the girl, presumably Katara.

The earth kingdom soldiers started to earthbend and an impressive display of fireworks played in the air.

The blue-eyed boy looked up to the sky smiled. "Hey, not bad, not bad."

The three kids were escorted to General Fong's watchtower. I wanted to follow but my passage was blocked by the soldiers. I decided to wait by the entrance to the watchtower for the Avatar and his companions to come out.

Time skip - 30 minutes

Finally the three kids emerged from the tower. Without thinking I placed myself in front of them and said:

"Hi! My name's Y/N! What's yours? How are you guys?" I was rambling. I always did that when I met new people my age. "So are you guys staying here? I guess not since it's just an outpost, not a city. But I'm staying here! At least for now..." Oh my god. I have to stop. "Heh. So yeah."

The short boy smiled and said: "Hi! My name's Aang, and this is Katara and Sokka. We're great, you? We'll probably stay for a day or two before we get moving! It's cool that you're staying here! Also, is that a fire nation outfit? It's pretty."

Wow. That kid actually answered all my questions without making a comment about my rambling. That's a first.

"I'm fine thanks. Too bad you're not staying long, this is a fun outpost, as far as earth kingdom outposts go. Um, yeah, this is a fire nation outfit." I didn't want to have to talk about that any more than I had to. "So do you guys have a place to eat tonight?"

Sokka stepped in front of Aang. "Wait a second... Where did you get that outfit?" 

Oh no, he looks like a fire nation hater... I think for a while about how to go about this and I opt for honesty. Lying never got me anywhere.

"I'm actually from the fire nation." I wanted it to say it confidently, but instead it came out as shy and weak.

"Uh hun." He turned to Aang and Katara. "Let's go guys, I'm sure we can find somewhere else to eat."

I looked at my boots. I guess I was right about him being a fire nation hater after all. I've never wanted to be wrong so badly in my entire life.

"Aw come on Sokka," Said Aang. "Let's go eat with her, just because she was born in the fire nation doesn't make her evil."

I smiled at Aang. He got it spot on.

"Ugh, fine, you're the boss. Just don't expect me to be having fun. I'm watching you." He said to me. "If you do anything, anything, to hurt Aang, I will personally break your arm."

"Break my arm? You would think that the Avatar's companion would have better threats than that."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you have had plenty of time to practice those back home." He practically spat. Ouch. He might not be able to threaten someone, but he sure could hit where it hurts.

I was just about to snap back at him when Katara came between us and said: "Guys don't fight. Sokka, we're eating with Y/N tonight, so get used to it."

Sokka sighed but didn't say anything. I led them to Gaya's house, while they told me about their mission and about General Fong. I couldn't believe he wanted to force the avatar state! It seemed against nature, but then again, if they succeeded, it would solve a lot of problems, including the Fire Lord. I might be fire nation, but that didn't mean I approved of what the Fire Lord was doing.

We arrived at Gaya's place. I presented her to the kids and asked her if they could stay over to eat. She accepted, and we ate a meal as delicious as all of the other meals she's made.

If I thought I liked to eat, Sokka loves it. I've never seen anyone eat so fast and with so much passion. Aang, on the other hand, is vegetarian, and eats slowly and thoughtfully.

After lunch, we chatted about whether or not Aang should try to go into the Avatar state. Sokka and I voted for yes, Katara for no. Finally, Aang decided to go for it. I offered them to sleep over at Gaya's house, and they accepted. Gaya set up some pillows and covers for them in the attic. We all ate a delicious supper, which Sokka devoured. It was actually kinda cute to see him eat like that. Oh my god. What was I thinking?

Time skip - 2 hours

We were all settled in in the attic. I took a good look at Sokka before closing my eyes and falling alseep. He was actually kinda cute, with his hair down like that, his defined jaw line and his small nose.

Aang's POV

We were all set to go to sleep. I looked at Y/N. She was looking at something in the darkness, but then she rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. Those eyes... They were so full of life, I couldn't believe it. And she was beautiful, inside and out. I wished I could spend more time with her.

Time skip - 8 hours


In the morning, we set off to meet General Fong to start getting Aang into the avatar state. The general gave Aang some special tea, but that just made Aang all jumpy. Then Sokka tried to scare Aang into the Avatar state, but that didn't work at all. Then again, Sokka wasn't very scary. I could've done better. Then General Fong gives Aang a piece of clothing from each nation, mixes water, earth, fire and air and splashes the hot mud on Aang. That obviously had no effect.

That night, Aang was no where to be found. Katara said she would go look for him, leaving Sokka and I alone. After a brief silence, Sokka said:

"Y/N, I don't know who you think you're fooling, but if you think I don't notice you trying to get close to Aang, then you're crazy."


"What? That's it? I accuse you of trying to hurt Aang, and all you have to say is ok?"

"Yeah. Look, Sokka, I'm going to be honest with you. I've seen enough fire nation haters to know that arguing with them doesn't solve anything. It just makes the situation worse."

I didn't want to say that. I didn't want to fight with Sokka either.

"Well alright then." He spat, going to sit on his makeshift bed, mumbling. "Fire nation hater... Psht."

I sat on my bed, wondering where Aang was.

Time skip - 11 hours

I woke up the next morning with that headache you get when you oversleep. The others weren't in the room. I went downstairs, where the Gaang was eating breakfast.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Katara called out.

They just woke up? I must have slept through the evening. "Hi." I said.

"I decided to stop trying to get into the avatar state." Said Aang. "I'm going to go tell General Fong later."

"Sure. Whatever you think is best."

After breakfast, we went to go see Fong to tell him that Aang wasn't going to try to induce the avatar state anymore. That pissed Fong off.

"Men, attack the avatar!"

Many earthbenders started to surround Aang, some on ostrich horses. Fong then sent a rock wave towards Aang, knocking him down.

"What are you doing?" Asked a panicked Aang.

"I believe we're about to get results."

The soldiers earthbended some rock slabs, sending them towards Aang. Luckily he managed to airbend out of the way.

"I'm not your enemy! I won't fight you!" Said Aang.

The rock slabs kept coming, and Aang kept avoiding them. I wanted to help, but I wasn't sure firebending was a good idea, and I wasn't much of a fighter. Sokka pushed off the guard that was holding him down, and rushed to help Aang.

I nervously watched the scene unfold. Aang was still ok, and so was Sokka, so that was good. Then, out of nowhere, came Katara.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"The general's gone crazy! He's trying to force Aang into the Avatar State!" I replied.

Katara ran off to help Aang. She was creating a water whip.

"Maybe you can avoid me ... but she can't" Said Fong.

The rock slabs rolled towards Katara, but she used her whip to destroy them. Then she started to sink, as if the rock under her feet had turned to quicksand. Actually, it had, and she was knee deep in it.

"Katara!" I yelled, running towards her.

"I can't move!" 

"Don't worry I'll pull you out." I said. But the quicksand seemed to be one way, because Katara wasn't coming out, and I was sinking.

"Don't hurt them!" Said a worried Aang.

He tried to airbend at Fong, who avoided him and sank Katara and I until we were waist deep.

"Stop this, you have to let them go!"

"You could save them if you were in the Avatar State!"

"I'm trying... I'm trying..."

We sank chest deep. Come on Aang!

"Aang we're sinking!" Cried Katara

"I don't see glowing!" Fong closed his hand to make a fist, sending Katara and I neck deep in the quicksand.

Katara pleaded. "Please!"

Aang fell to his knees. "You don't need to do this!" He begged.

"Apparently, I do." I saw him clenching his fist, and then everything turned black. The quicksand was seeping through my ears and nose and I thought this was the end. Then I felt pulled upwards, and I was brought back to the surface. I gasped for air.

"It was just a trick to trigger the Avatar State." I heard Fong say. "And it worked!"

That's when I noticed Aang. His tattoos were glowing neon blue. I guess he was in the Avatar state.

A minute passed. I guess Aang was considering what to do next. Then, with no warning, he crumpled to the ground, and his tattoos faded. Sokka embraced Katara, and I ran towards Aang, and he gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I hope this is the first and the last time you will ever see me like that."

"Are you joking? That was almost perfect! We just have to find out a way to control you when you're like that." Said the general .

"You're out of your mind."

"I guess we'll figure it out on the way to the Fire Nation."

Sokka went up to Fong with his club in hand, and hit Fong in the head, knocking him unconscious. Ouch.

"Anybody got a problem with that" He asked.

The soldiers shook their heads. One of them approached us and asked:

"Do you still want an escort to Omashu?"

"I think we're all set." Said Katara.

The soldier left us alone. We walked back to Gaya's place, so the Gaang could go get their things.

"So you guys are leaving now I guess."

"Yup." Said Sokka.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I said, tears coming to my eyes. I had only met them a few days ago, but they felt like my best friends. Well Katara and Aang did anyway.

"Don't cry Y/N." Said Aang. "Hey I know! How about you come with us?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, it will be fun!"

"Sure, I would love to." I said giving Aang a quick hug.

When we got to Gaya's house, we thanked her for letting us stay. She packed us some food and we were on our way.

"So how do you guys get around? Do you have a ship?"

"Actually..." Said Sokka.

In front of me was a huge beast. It sniffed me, then pushed me to the ground and started licking me, drenching me in it's saliva.

"Ew!" I exlaimed.

Sokka helped me up once the animal was done licking me.

"Don't worry, happens to the best of us." He said.

"You included?" I asked playfully.

"I will not answer that question for dignity matters." He said with a smile, turning away.

"This is Appa," Aang said. "He's how we get around."

Wow. Wow. I got to ride on a bison! Me, Y/N of the fire nation, got to ride on an airbender animal!

I settled myself on Appa as he rose into the air. It was amazing. I let the wind flow through my hair and looked at the outpost, getting smaller and smaller.

Ok that was a long chapter! Also yes this is a Sokka x Reader but like ooh love triangle.

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