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By cloudpuffss

112K 5.2K 1.4K

After coming back from being exiled, Princess Lee Sun-Mi returns to face an ugly secret that turns her world... More

Characters ~ Main only
Prologue ~ Arrival
CH. 1 ~ Unexpected Guests
CH. 2 ~ The Ball
CH. 3 ~ Escape Pt. 1
CH. 4 ~ Escape Pt. 2
CH. 5 ~ Trust
CH. 6 ~ Friends
CH. 7 ~ Test
CH. 8 ~ Problems
CH. 9 ~ Island
CH. 10 ~ People
CH. 11 ~ Aunt Bina
CH. 12 ~ Trail
CH. 13 ~ Choi San
CH. 14 ~ Sweet dreams
CH. 15 ~ Festival
CH. 16 ~ Incident
CH. 17 ~ Decision
CH. 18 ~ Battle masters
Announcement ~ Not an update
CH. 19 ~ An Acquaintance's Message
CH. 20 ~ Roommate
CH. 21 ~ Talk
CH. 22 ~ The Botanist Pt. 1
CH. 23 ~ The Botanist Pt. 2
CH. 24 ~ Gallows
CH. 25 ~ Secret
CH. 26 ~ Bad Omen
CH. 27 ~ Encounter
CH. 28 ~ Pain
CH. 29 ~ Jailbreak
CH. 30 ~ News
CH. 31 ~ Stranded
CH.32 ~ Gifts
CH. 33 ~ Peace Offering
CH. 34 ~ Reunited
CH. 35 ~ My Truth
CH. 36 ~ Training
CH. 37 ~ Home Sweet Home
CH. 38 ~ Jealousy
CH. 39 ~ Obssessed
CH. 40 ~ Dilemma
CH. 41~ Catch up
CH. 43 ~ Stargazing
CH. 44 ~ Invasion of Thoughts
CH. 45 ~ More Than Friends
CH. 46 ~ Farewell
CH. 47 ~ A Royal Attack
CH. 48 ~ Recover
CH. 49 ~ Life at Sea
CH. 50 ~ Isle of the Lost
CH. 51 ~ Found Out
CH. 52 ~ Chaos
CH. 53 ~ Betrayal
CH. 54 ~ Showdown
CH. 55 ~ Attempt at Saving
CH. 56 ~ Aftermath
CH. 57 ~ The Captains' Meeting
CH. 58 ~ Assurance
CH. 59 ~ Nightmares
CH. 60 ~ Company
CH. 61 ~ Feelings
CH. 62 ~ Set in Motion
CH. 63 ~ Attack on Eohithra
CH. 64 ~ Battle of Fists
CH. 65 ~ Battle of Minds
CH. 66 ~ Battle of Words
Epilogue ~ Waking Up
Sneak Peak!! (Gemini)

CH. 42 ~ Denial

1.2K 66 17
By cloudpuffss

As I walk through the elegant halls of Ocleavear's palace with Chungha and Baekhyun at my side, I can't help but feel a bit anxious as we make our way to the conference room. A day has passed since my Eohithrian friends have arrived and I've spent basically all of my time with them. We've caught up with each other as best we could and now, as I walk with this annoyingly tight and terribly scratchy purple gown, we're going in to discuss the new law Queen Lee wants to pass.

In all honesty, I'm not worried that Chungha and Baekhyun will rub off on King and Queen Kang the wrong way because they've met most of the crew and the palace peoples and they seemed fine. I'm worried that the king and queen won't allow me into the meeting.

"Are you two sure I can join?" I asked them for the hundredth time this morning, but I feel so nervous. "What if we can't convince them to say no?"

"Sun-Mi, you will be fine. And For the last time, stopaskingthatfreakingquestion!" Chungha hisses, already fed up with my incessant inquiry. We finally reach the doors of the conference room and without giving me time to prepare, Baekhyun barges in through the doors followed by Chungha and then me. The room we've entered into is not as large as the throne room but rivals it in size. I think it looks a little bit bigger because of the ample amount of sunlight coming in from the large windows all around the room.

In the center, a large round table, with what seems to be a map of the four main kingdoms spread out in the middle, has multiple chairs around it where everyone who was to attend the meeting sits, waiting for us. I scan the table, starting with the king, and then going down the line and see some people I didn't expect to be here. For sure I wasn't surprised to see Mina and Captain Jung, but I was surprised to see Yeosang and Wooyoung sitting next to their fathers. They also seem a bit surprised to see me here, smiling at me when we make eye contact.

"Good morning, I hope you slept well while you were here, Commander Baekhyun and First-Lady Chungha." King Kang addresses the with that apathetic tone he used on the first day here. The three of us bow respectfully in return to him.

"We absolutely did. Thank you very much," Chungha expresses, putting on a charming smile. She's always had that eye-catching quality which is why I was drawn to her the day we met. Her suave demeanor causes the King to smile, pleased by her delightfulness. I even catch Yeosang staring at her little bit too enticed after recognizing her. He seems almost excited to see her again which is cute.

"Good to hear," Queen Kang interrupts whatever was going on with a little bit of a scowl. "Also, may I ask what she is doing here? I believe this meeting was strictly a need-to-know type thing." Her passive-aggressive undertone sounds so familiar to Yeosang's. I can tell it runs in the family.

"Actually, because she was a princess and is an Eohithrian, we decided to invite her. I was her First-Lady after all," Chungha does all the talking which Baekhyun and I don't mind. "If it's alright with you of course," she adds at the end. The King and Queen seem to think about it for a sec before being interrupted by Mina.

"Mother, I don't think it is wise to let some random person listen in on kingdom affairs."

"Oh, calm down, Mina. You don't want her here because you know she has Seonghwa wrapped around her finger, unlike you. Now sit down and let her join," Yeosang shoots at her bluntly which catches all of us off guard.

"Yeosang! Manners!" His mother chides and he rolls his eyes.

"My bad, but I believe strongly that she should be allowed to stay. After all, she is an enchantress," he informs his parents smoothly. This seems to grab everyone's attention.

"Enchantress?" Queen Kang repeats befuddled, looking at me with a furrowed brow. "How can that be? The last one was killed and from what we know, she didn't have a successor."

"It's preposterous," Captain Jung adds, leaning forward in his chair.

"No-no, Yeosang is right," I state shakily. That only makes me seem less credible.

"Then prove it," Woo's father challenges, and I roll up my sleeve to reveal the seals marked on my inner wrist. I even add a little glow to it with a teeny-tiny bit of magic to assure them that I'm not lying. Everyone, except for the ones who knew beforehand, is stunned to see an enchantress before them, staring at me like I'm some exotic animal. King Kang eyes me curiously before making his decision.

"Alright, she may stay. Take a seat anywhere at the table and you may begin to present your message when you've settled," The king decides which we gladly accept. I take the seat next to Yeosang since there was a spot open, and I sandwich myself between him and Captain Jung as Chungha and Baekhyun begin the meeting with Queen Lee's message. As I adjust in my seat, I feel Yeosang lean over to whisper in my ear.

"When were you going to tell me your friends came to visit?" I smirk, knowing exactly who he meant by "friends".

"Oh? Do you mean Chungha? I thought you knew they were coming considering you were spending all of your time with your parents," I respond, and he blushes a little when I mention my First-Lady.

"Is she single? Please tell me she isn't with the orange-haired guy." I giggle softly, catching Woo and Mina's attention unintentionally.

"No, she's single," I reassure him and I see a tiny little smile adorn his features as he looks over at her. They make eye contact for a brief second while Chungha is talking and she stutters, looking away flustered. With that brief contact, Woo has caught on laughing quietly along with me at Yeosang who's glaring at us.

"I see Wooyoung and you have made up since you two fought last time," I note in a hushed tone, and Yeosang sighs.

"I'm not getting the silent treatment anymore, which is a good thing, but damn he can be such a brat when he's mad." The blonde navigator complains which reminds me of how he acted earlier. He looked so irritated, it makes me wonder about what he had mentioned yesterday. Something to do with his parents.

"Hey, Yeosang, did your parents talk to you about something important yesterday?" He hesitantly opens his mouth to answer but is saved by his dad who has cleared his throat loudly, signaling for us to focus. I change my attention back to the speaker who has switched to Baekhyun now.

"... we've been told that this law will take place immediately after it's been signed by all four kingdoms." He finishes, leaving room for thought as the information sinks into everyone's head. Out of all of us, Captain Jung is the first to speak.

"This law Queen Lee is proposing sounds interesting. I don't see why we shouldn't sign it if it is to protect our citizens."

"I agree with Captain Jung," Mina seconds, nodding affirmatively which causes Baekhyun's, Chungha's, and my expression to change.

"I-I'm sorry?" Chungha asks again to make sure if she heard that right.

"What's so hard to understand? They said they agreed with this new law." Queen Kang repeats a bit irritated. "And to be honest I agree as well."

"What?!" I demand this time, maybe speaking a little bit too roughly which catches King Kang's attention.

"Is there a problem?" He inquires, amused to see how the three of us are so opposed to this new law.


"No, let her talk, I want to hear her side." The king interrupts Mina, turning back to me. I'm slow to react after being handed the spotlight but when I regain my thoughts I begin to talk.

"On the cover, this law may seem appealing but it really isn't. Out of all the time I've known Queen Lee, I can assure you she is a meticulous and calculating woman, she never does anything if it doesn't give her something in return. Or am I wrong?"

"You're right." King Kang agrees and I proceed, gaining a bit more confidence.

"Then it should be obvious that she isn't only making this law to 'protect our people' as she puts it."

"Then what is she doing?" Mina scoffs, giving me a derisive look.

"Chungha and Baekhyun mentioned how Prince Sehun had found a way to take someone's magic. Now because they had to give an unbiased presentation, they weren't allowed to tell you the repercussions of this. The truth is, if you were to take someone's magic away, it would be like ripping their heart out. Magic is a vital part of people who have it and if it's tampered with, it can result in their death."

"So what are you saying?" Captain Jung prods.

"If you choose to sign, you could be looking at a mass genocide of magic-bearers. Sealing someone's magic away isn't safe, it's deadly if not done right." I pause turning to look at Woo and then Yeosang. "It could've even killed Hongjoong if something had gone wrong." The room goes dead quiet, only the birds chirping in the trees outside are heard.

"Are you sure? This seems a bit far fetched." Captain Jung continues to ask.

"No, I'm with Sun-Mi," Wooyoung speaks up, catching his father's attention. "I saw Captain after his magic was sealed. He looked closer to death than ever and we've had many encounters with death. It's a surprise that he's even walking considering how bad he was when we escaped Illoriant."

"Okay, but he survived. Who's to say the people that will go through this won't survive?" Mina resits, still not convinced which is getting tiring.

"The Queen isn't in her right state of mind right now. Baekhyun and Chungha have told me that she is extremely paranoid and I believe them. Right now I am the biggest threat and she's desperate. She's not out to protect anyone, she's out for blood." Mina laughs at my response, mocking me.

"Where are you getting this information from? Queen Lee has been the only one to improve our lives. We wouldn't be living in this peaceful world if her grandmother didn't ban magic all those years ago. Magic-bearers are only criminals who destroy and rot the society we've created. This law is necessary." I don't know why this statement of hers irks me so much but it does, and before I can think, I find myself slamming my hands on the round table, startling everyone. I roll up my sleeves and expose my arms and legs for them to view the old scars decorating my skin. They all avert their eyes so I have to make an extra effort to make them see.

"Is this what you want your people to go through?! Look at this! Look at the scars! These have been made by none other than your pretty little Queen Lee yet you still have the audacity to sit there and admire her. You don't believe me, Ask the freaking Eohithrians in the room! She's a monster and who knows how badly it can turn out if you sign on this law. You're giving her a chance to harm the people she despises, what will stop her from taking the chance to kill them? Magic-bearers are no different than you! They're still people. I'm still human."

Mina falls silent, looking guilty for saying what she said. I sit back down when I feel Yeosang tug my hand and Queen Kang takes over the conversation.

"Well, that was... quite a spiel, Princess Sun-Mi. But, what is it that you suppose we do instead?" This time I let Chungha take the mic after hogging it.

"You just wouldn't sign the papers at all. I can confirm everything that Sun-Mi has said is true. Queen Lee hasn't been doing well and she has a strong hatred for magic-bearers. All Eohithrians are in fear of another genocide right now. You are our only hope to stop this." King and Queen Kang mull over the facts presented to them. The seconds seem to stretch on for an eternity as we wait for the King's final say, that we're all on the edge and jumpy when the King inhales loudly.

"There was a time before when I would have signed to this law blindly. But after years of working and dealing with Queen Lee, I am aware that she is a dangerous woman that must be stopped. Although my wife may not agree with me, I will go with Ms. Sun-Mi on this one, and I will opt out of signing the contract." A lot of the tension in the room is released but we still await the Queen's decisions.

"*sigh*If my husband has chosen to opt-out, I'm left with no choice but to opt-out as well," she declares sourly which diminishes all of my worries and fills me with relief. I let go of the breath that I had been holding, sitting back in my chair with a victorious smile on my face, looking proudly at Chungha and Baekhyun who mirror my smile.

"One question though," King Kang interrupts our silent celebration. "I remember you mentioning that you are an enchantress. If you are such a threat to Queen Lee, why haven't you already taken advantage of that? Instead of waiting around doing nothing, you should organize a rebellion. I would be glad to help out with my armies and supplies and—,"

"King Kang, I appreciate the offer very much but I'm not a leader. I may be the next enchantress but I never asked for these powers. I'm sorry to disappoint but I don't think I have the capacity to do something so big. I can't even control my powers properly." I admit. Surprisingly doesn't judge me for it.

"I see. Well then, if that is all, this conference has ended." Everyone gets up, moving their chairs loudly and Mina is the first to exit the room in a flash. Besides her, everyone else stays back to talk a bit, I see Captain Jung talking with the queen. Wooyoung heads over to Chungha and Baekhyun, and I walk over to Yeosang who is talking with his father while wearing a pissed off expression. When I reach them I'm greeted by the king. "Sun-Mi, I wanted to thank you for joining the conference."

"It was nothing," I tell him, setting a hand on Yeosang's shoulder which feels tensed up for some reason.

"The way you spoke so passionately was very moving. I was surprised to find out you're an enchantress but now I can see why." He pauses briefly looking at the hand I have on Yeosang's shoulder. "It would be an honor if you were to marry the next King of Ocleavear. You two would make a fine pair," He states which totally catches me off guard.

"Marry? King? Pair?" I look at the king who doesn't see anything wrong with what he said and then at Yeosang who has finally had enough. The angry navigator takes my hand leading me away from everyone's hearing distance on the other side of the conference hall. When he stops to look at me he only stares, making me do the talking. "Yeosang, what does your father mean by the next King of Ocleavear? Didn't I tell him you were our ship's navigator?" Yeosang looks away, biting his bottom lip before exhaling to answer.

"My parents have offered me to stay with them once again. And I've taken up their offer."

"Wait, but— what about Captain? And the crew? Have you even consulted with him or them? What happened to exploring the world and being free?"

"Sun-Mi, you don't understand. I didn't have a choice. I never have a choice with my parents which is why I ran away in the first place."

"Then run away again," I suggest. "Say no, runaway, throw a tantrum! Make them see that you should have a choice!" I begin to raise my voice and he has to shush me since I'm catching his mother's attention as she's the closest to us.

"I can't. I've already said yes and there's no going back on my word. A Kang never goes back on his word." He states almost robotically. He looks so different right now than when we're on the boat. He looks stressed and older unlike his usual quiet but curious self at sea. He looks almost defeated.

"But what about the crew?" I plead one more time, feeling a weird knot begin to grow in my stomach. "Yeosang, this isn't you. You're our navigator, my first friend on board. Seonghwa's favorite. You—you can't just leave us. What about all those memories we have on board with the crew? There had to be some way—,"

"Well, there isn't!" He raises his voice which causes the knot in my stomach to rise to my throat, restricting my airways, making my breathing erratic. "I am a Kang and as one I need to start acting like it. This is me and I'm choosing this for my own good. You will be leaving Ocleavear without me."

"Is that why you've been distancing yourself since we got here? Is that why you've been so irritated? Were we not enough that you chose to come back to this?" I ask as my eyes pool with tears. Yeosang stays quiet, his face devoid of emotions just like his parents.

He does nothing except for giving me a brief hug that doesn't even feel like the ones he would give me on the Aurora. Yeosang says something else to me but I don't hear it because all of my senses have been stopped. As he leads me away to go talk to our friends, I don't even feel my feet touching the floor. I've gone numb.

If he decides to stay, would Wooyoung stay with his dad too? And what about Seonghwa? Would he decide to go back to his home after seeing Yeosang do it so effortlessly? I can't lose the crew yet.

I just found them

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