
By Junie_Bee_Jones

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🚨DISCONTINUED🚨 i re-read this book and... well, comparing it to my latest works, it kinda sucks. the story... More

France, Yippee!
First Day of School. Don't Screw Up!
Stoneheart - Part One
Stoneheart - Part Two
The Bubbler
Lady Wifi
Dark Cupid
What A Day
Guitar Villain
I'm sorry, Adrien
The Guardian
The Collector
Riposte - Bonus
The Sapotis
Captain Hardrock
The Queen's Battle Pt 2
A/N - Sorry
Anansi... kinda
Party Crasher

The Queen's Battle Pt 1

140 7 10
By Junie_Bee_Jones

HEYO! How's it going? Hope it's good cuz I got a fun chapter for you here. Well, I think it's fun. I am writing and editing this at midnight so if there are mistakes please just ignore them, I try my best.

Anway, enjoy!<3


"Tonight the Grand Palais hosts the most eagerly awaited event of the year," Nadja Chamack speaks through the screen. "The sensational fashion show of famous designer, Gabriel Agreste. And a major event always brings prestigious guests. Mayor Bourgeois is expected to show with his wife, the famed fashion critic." Oh yeah, Chloe's mom. Can't wait to meet her... Is my sarcasm too obvious?

I turn to the sound of Mari fiddling with her hat. We are sitting in her room, she's fussing over her feather themed hat that Adrien is going to wear today. Speaking of wearing things: Mari is dressed in a gorgeous pink sundress with an azure blue blazer. The top is halter style and the bottom is flowy, reaching just below her knees. She's wearing cute little black flats to match her hair, which is in its regular pigtails by my request, and they have little pink bows on the toes like Tinkerbell. She wanted to make me match so I'm wearing an azure blue feminine tuxedo with a white undershirt and pink tie. My shoes are black like hers and my hair is 1) up in a high bun with bangs pulled out if long, 2) either down and wavy or in pigtails like Mari if around shoulder length or, 3) gelled into a swoop style like Adrien's if pixie cut. Did I mention that Mari made my outfit herself to match the one Gabriel gave her? I feel like that's important to mention.

I'm also wearing the Ladybug Earrings. Why? Because Gabriel gave Mari specific jewelry to wear with the outfit. So I've been tasked with keeping them safe. I doubt she's going to need them today, anyway.

"Honestly, babe, it's perfect! Fuckwad- I mean, Gabriel already said so," I assure her. She turns to glare at me. I shrug, "What? I respect his style, not his personality or attitude."

"I agree, Marinette!" Tikki cheers in her adorably high voice. "Not about Gabriel but with the hat." Seriously, I'll never get over how cute she is. I wonder if she can sense that Melody is here... 

"I don't know, guys," Mari sulks. "I feel like this is the ugliest hat in the world. And Adrien is supposed to model it! How will Audrey Bourgeois react to Gabriel's son wearing such an atrocious hat? She's gonna think I have no talent and everyone is gonna find that out. I'm a failure..."

She slinks to the floor and her head bows. I step to her and join her on the floor.  Placing on hand on her shoulder and one under her chin, I lift her head to meet my eyes. When we make eye contact I gently and sweetly kiss her.

"Please, don't be negative," I coo. "You're the most talented designer I know. If she doesn't like your amazing hat then I'll have to knock some fashion sense into her." She giggles a bit at my violent promise. To be fair, I have told off Gabriel Agreste, Officer Roger, the Mayor himself and countless other adults with authority; what makes Chloe's mom so different?

Mari pecks my lips again lovingly. "Thanks, Y/N. I can always count on you to cheer me up," she says softly and gratefully.

"That's what girlfriends are for," I whisper back.

Tikki flies between our giggling faces and looks sternly between us. "When you ladies are done being all adorably lovey, you might wanna check the time," she interrupts.

I check my watch (because TIMe is a prECious thRead in the FAbric of the uNiverSe; it DEserVes its OWn ToOl of mEASuRemEnT! -General MacNamara).

"SHIT! We're late!"

We run and run and run and run. Jeez, if I did this about a year ago I would never have been able to run this far. Thank you martial arts and hero work! We run all the way up to the red carpet and a silver limo pulls in just before we reach the red strip.

"This is it! Here she comes!" I hear Nadja Chamack over a mic in the audience. "The international queen of fashion, the director of Style Queen magazine, Audrey Bourgeois!"

First, Mayor Bourgeois steps out. He then holds the door for a very tall woman in a white, sleeveless jumpsuit with her right quarter side being black, minus the white gloves and a black sunhat with gold stripes and a golden rose to adorn it. Her hair - which looks like literal strands of woven gold -  is in a bob with bangs straight across. I think she may be Rumplestiltskin with all this gold she's wearing... She's wearing a bulky necklace, the pendants are glass and rimmed with mother-of-pearl, and her shoes are sharp points and look to be solid gold. A smug and snooty looking Chloe trailing her, wearing a black and white horizontally striped dress, a yellow cardigan and matching shoes, her regular ponytail with sunglasses look still in place. 

"Anthony! Uh... Andre!" I hear a more mature version of Chloe's voice cut through the crowd's questions and cameras' clicking. "Be a dear and fire the chauffeur. I can't believe Gabriel allows his staff to drive like that!" She complains while doing a hand-tilt motion towards her husband. 

Chloe steps forward and copies her mother. "Neither do I," she mimics. 

"Yes, of course, Audrey dear!" Mayor Bourgeois quickly complies.

Well, that explains a lot about Chloe and her dad. The missus clearly runs the show.

 The car drives off and Mari starts freaking out.

"Oh no! It's Audrey Bourgeois!" Mari whimper-screams.

"Who is that, again?" Tikki asks from inside my jacket pocket. Mari is frozen so I answer Tikki. "She's Chloe's mom and pretty much the world's harshest fashion critic," I say.

"How do you know that, Y/N?" Tikki asks. Mari, as well, looks at me curiously.

I shrug. "The love of my life is an aspiring fashion designer," I answer. "If I wanna be supportive and helpful to her I gotta know the ins and outs of the industry." Mari's eyes light up with stars and she quickly jumps on me in a hug.

"I love you so much," she confesses to me. I grab the box containing the hat so she doesn't drop it and hug her back.

"I love you more, Mari," I reply. I pull away and give her a quick, yet passionate, kiss. "Come on, love. The world is awaiting your fashion genius! And not just the hat," I gesture to our matching outfits. She giggles and follows me to the carpet.

We pass the Bourgeois's being interviewed by Nadja. "Audrey, like the slogan of your magazine says, 'If it's in good taste, it's in style queen!'. So, what's in good taste this year?"

"Judging by the way you're dressed, you obviously don't know, my dear," Audrey replies. My God, she's worse than Chloe. Now I know where she gets it. "For your information, the trend this year is glitter."

Mari turns to me scared and stares with a terrified expression at the box in my hands. "Glitter? There's no glitter on my hat! This is a fashion disaster!" 

I blink at her once, twice. I open the box and point to the glittery swirls that spell her name in upsidedown cursive on the band of the hat. She follows my finger then looks at my deadpan stare. I smile amusedly at her and she returns a sheepish one. I roll my eyes and kiss her cheek leaving a bit of chapstick there. She returns the gesture leaving a peach pink lipstick mark there. Embarrassed, she quickly wipes it away with a makeup wipe and re-applies some power to cover the spot. Chuckling, we turn back to watch the rest of the interview. Fuck, I love her.

"As the editor of Style Queen, you spend a lot of time in New York," Nadja continues. "It must be nice to be with your family for a change, here in Paris." She moves the mic to Audrey for her response.

"She's very happy to see me," Chloe butts in. "By the way, Mom, I have a little something for you!" She sings while pulling out a cute, little, pink wrapped present with a blue ribbon. I'm not very fond of Chloe, but she looks like an adorable toddler right now and I have this strange urge to hug her. 

"Clara! Uh... Chloe!" I'm sorry, did she just forget her own daughter's name? "What is this?"

"Um, it's a gift," Chloe answers though it sounds more like a question.

"Ugh! This wrapping paper is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. You're fired!" Audrey announces. Chloe pulls the gift behind her, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment with a matching smile. 

"Darling! You can't fire Chloe! She's your daughter," the Mayor tries to save Chloe's pride.

Mari and I exchange glances then turn back to the Bourgeois family. What just happened? Is that why Chloe is so mean? Daddy and mommy issues? I have never felt the need to hug someone more than I do right now. From this moment forth, I promise to myself that I will be nice to Chloe because clearly, she needs to be shown what actual love and care feels like. 

"Audrey, how long are you planning to stay in Paris?" Nadja continues like the tall woman didn't just publicly humiliate her daughter.

"The shortest possible time," the woman responds uninterested. The other two Bourgeois's follow behind her timidly. I feel so bad for Chloe. She needs true friendship and care and by God, I'm gonna make sure she receives it; even if she doesn't think she needs it.

"Thank you," Nadja calls after the retreating family. She turns back to the camera. "This fashion show may be one of the most important in Gabriel Agreste's career, as evidenced by Audrey Bourgeois's presence. Will the famous designer, who never appears in public, show up for the occasion? Stay tuned to find out. Don't be bemused, it's just the news!" She finished with her trademarked line. 

Marinette is shaking with nerves. I hand her the box and hold her shoulders. I smile encouragingly at her. Before she has the chance to smile back or run off to make changes to her hat, Nathalie comes out from a door behind her.

"Ah! There you are, Marinette. Everyone's waiting for you," Nathalie says in her very professional tone. She nods to me and I nod back. The number of times she's called me - yes I have her number - because Adrien was upset and needed comforting is countless. We're pretty much besties at this point. 

I usher Mari into the building. As we're walking, Mari trips on a bubble in the carpet and drops the hatbox. The hat, itself, rolls out and continues until it hits the fashion critic's ankle. 

"What is this?" The critic asks the air as she picks up the hat delicately. Behind those sunglasses, I have no idea what she could be thinking about the hat right now. 

Mari gets up quickly and I follow her. She stops in front of Audrey and laughs nervously. I only smile as kindly as I can.

Chloe turns around and points at us. "Um, Mom, this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her girlfriend Y/N L/N, the losers. And this is the hat she made because she thinks she's a designer. Look! She even signed it." Chloe takes the hat and flips it so Mari's name could be read from the intricate squiggles on the band.

"I... It's not me! It's another Marinette!" Mari tries to cover but I stop her.

"Yes, this is Marinette's design," I take the hat back from Chloe gently. "She signed it in glitter because she knew that was the trend you set this season. Also, Chloe, your outfit is gorgeous," I say sincerely. Both Chloe and Mari's eyes widen. "I hope you enjoy the show, Madame Bourgeois." With the hat in one hand, I use my other to usher a stunned silent Mari towards the dressing rooms where Adrien is.

Nathalie leads us to a trailer with Adrien's name on it. I knock on the door and two seconds later Adrien opens it.

"Hey, guys!" He greets.



We walk in but Mari trips on a stair and crashes into my back. We both tumble to the floor but I flip mid-air to catch Mari. The hat falls too and the synthetic feather comes out.

"Are you guys okay?" Adrien asks us. Mari's face was cushioned by my boobs - which I don't mind - and Adrien's foot softened my head's landing.

"Yeah we're good," I assure him. "Happens daily. We're used to it" I smile at Mari. Her cheeks redden and Adrien chuckles while rolling his eyes. He sees the detached feather and picks it up along with the hat.

"Oh no, I hope it's not too hard to fix," Adrien says worriedly.

"It doesn't really matter anyway," Mari says, sulking. "The hat is a complete failure anyway." 

"What? Why?" Adrien asks while we get up. I stay silent, wanting to hear her reasoning.

"Because the queen of fashion, Audrey Bourgeois, saw it and hated it!" She states. I shake my head.

"Actually, Chloe said some unkind things while Audrey didn't say anything," I explain. I take the hat and feather from Adrien and reattach the feather. "This hat is amazing. I think so, the class thinks so, Nathalie thinks so, even the human caterpill- uh, Gabriel Agreste thinks so. Plus, it has glitter," I say to Mari. 

"She's right," Adrien agrees with me. Hopefully, he didn't catch my slip up of calling his dad a 'human caterpillar'. He puts on the hat and struts like he's walking down the catwalk. He does two poses then turns to us. "See?" He asks, his arms spread wide.

Mari appears happy that her hat looks good. I'm trying to hold in my cringe from the catwalk. Adrien did well, made the outfit look amazing, but the strutting just repeatedly pushes my cringe button. 

He glares at my attempts to hold in laughter and that sends me into a laughing fit. He already knows I find models hilarious. He asked me for my input on my catwalk style and I nearly died from a lack of oxygen I was laughing so hard. At the very least, he knows not to take it personally, he looks great, it's the situation that gets me going. Literally, every model I've seen do a catwalk makes me laugh from the cringe.

"Shut up, Y/N," he groans.

I force my laughing to calm and take deep breaths. "Sorry, sunshine," I wheeze. "You look great!" I give him a thumbs up. "The hat erases all cringiness." He rolls his eyes and I snicker again. I hear a quiet laugher from a pile of folded clothes that informs me of a hiding cat there. 

"Ahem, we have to go," Nathalie announces from the doorway.

"Okay, Y/N, can I talk to you for a sec?" Adrien asks me.

"Sure." I turn to Mari. "I'll be out in a sec, wait for me." She nods and walks out. Adrien closes the door then signals Plagg to come out. I raise a brow. "What's going on?"

"Well, you see, I'm not supposed to have jewelry on," he tells me. "So I need you to hold onto the ring during this." 

"Ah... I see," I say. Isn't it dangerous to wear both Miraculous at the same time? Well, I'm wearing three Miraculouses now; this should be fun. "You can count on me, Model Man!" I click my heels together and give him a soldier salute. He laughs at me and hands me the ring. I put it on and, luckily, it matches my outfit.

"You look great, by the way," he compliments. 

I do a dramatic hair flip. "I know. I wouldn't expect any less from a Marinette original," I say proudly. There seriously couldn't be anyone prouder of their lover than I am. I am Mari's biggest cheerleader and will never stop being so. 

He only rolls his eyes at me and opens the door for me. "Ladies first," he says.

"Go ahead, then," I smirk. 

He sticks his tongue out at me and I laugh. I step out and waiting for me is Mari. I smile widely at her and skip over. I take her hand and plant a chaste kiss on her knuckles.

"Shall we, M'Lady?" I ask.  Her cheeks heat up and she nods. I smirk and kiss her cheek. God, I love making her flustered. 

Fun fact, Chat, being the natural flirt he is, challenged me (as Perruche) to a flirt-off. LB was the judge because she was who we were flirting with. I kind of had the advantage because she's my girlfriend and I know exactly what she likes. So, obviously, I won and Chat was not happy about it. He later came to complain about Perruche to Y/N and the effort I had to put in to not boast in his face gave me abs. I swear to God.

Adrien and Mari are ushered backstage by workers for touch-ups. Adrien because he's the model and Mari because she makes an appearance so people can see that she designed the hat. Again, I could not be more proud of her.

I make my way to the front row seats, escorted by Nathalie. I've been placed next to Mari's parents since they're her... Well, her parents, and I'm her plus one. The rest of the class is also here, upon Adrien's request. Nino is DJing.

I get to my seat to see Audrey sitting there and Chloe standing in front of her.

"... Utterly ridiculous," I hear the end of Audrey's sentence.

"Sorry, but that seat is reserved for Y/N," Alya informs the fashion critic. 

"This Y/N girl, again?" Audrey asks. Um, excuse me, but what is that supposed to mean? 

"Let me handle this, Mother," Chloe pipes up.  "Hey, losers! Do you know who my mother is? She's Mrs. Style Queen, the most powerful woman in fashion! This show is for her, okay? So get lost!" I raise a brow. I'm about to step in to tell her off, Audrey not Chloe, but Nathalie beats me to the punch.

"Madame Bourgeois, Monsieur Agreste has reserved a seat for you," she says.

"Ah, finally!" The critic sighs and stands.

"In the second row," Nathalie finishes.

"WHAT!" Audrey exclaims though it sounds more like a squawk. 

"My mother always sits in the first row!" Chloe states. 

"Not today," Nathalie replies like a fucking BAWSE!

"This is unacceptable!" Audrey squawks again. "Gabriel cannot do this to me! I'm the one that discovered him! Without me, he'd still be drawing his unworldly designs in his dismal, cramped studio!"

Nathalie, however, is completely unfazed by Audrey's outburst. "I can offer your seat to someone else if you don't want it," she replies calmly. You know that meme were those two guys go 'DYAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNNNN!" while leaning back in their chairs? Yeah, that just played full blast in my head.

"How dare you! You're fired!"

"I don't work for you. I work for Monsieur Agreste." Holy shit, this boss ass bitch is on a roll. 

"We'll see about that!" Audrey picks up her phone and clicks Gabriel's number on speed dial. As expected he doesn't answer and Audrey looks at her phone with unabashed anger.

"I'm guessing from your expression that I'm not fired," Nathalie observes.

"This is unacceptable!" Audrey stomps on the ground like a toddler throwing a tantrum. "I will not view a fashion show from the second row! Ever!"

While Audrey and her two family members stomp away, I see Nathalie's hand bent towards me slyly. I grin and give her the sneaky high five she desired. I taught her a bunch of handshakes while waiting for Adrien's Chinese or piano lessons to be over. Our favourite one is this song that goes, '~My mother is a baker, a baker, a baker. My mother is a baker, and this is how it goes! Yum Yum~', and so on. Like I said, pretty much besties at this point.

She gestures for me to take the seat in between Mari's mom and Luka.

The show starts and Adrien walks out in his black tux and feather hat. The music is this electric beat that I'm digging. Again, I notice Adrien's catwalk looking amazing but the cringiness hits me again and it takes everything I've got to keep a straight face. To distract myself, I lean over to talk to Luka whose face is beet red.

"You good there, man?" I ask.

"I'm good," he squeaks out.

"You sure? Because you look like Mari when she sees me in lingerie," I say with a smirk. His head snaps to me, eyes wide with disbelief. I raise a brow and he sighs.

"Okay, I may be thinking he's the hottest person ever right now," he admits.

"And..." I prompt.

 "And... I may be mentally undressing him right now."

"Knew it!" I whisper-shout. He covers my mouth with his hand to shut me up. My laughter is muffled by his palm and it makes him smile. I hear a snicker and I look up to see Adrien glancing at us, trying not to smile. I can't tell if it's at Luka looking lovingly at him or Luka shutting me up. Probably both.

Adrien walks back, holds his arm out and a nervous Marinette links her arm with his. They walk out together and the crowd cheers. Though, no one cheered as loud or as enthusiastically as me and Luka. They stop at the end and Adrien takes off the hat and shows it off as if to say, 'she made this hat! This girl right here made this amazing hat!'. I'd do the same, to be honest. 

"We have the best-looking partners," Luka whispers to me.

"Oh no, I have the best looking partner," I correct.

"No, I do," he challenges.

"No, I do."

"Adrien's hotter."

"No, Mari is."

"Wanna fight?"

"Let's go, bitch!"

Before our play fight could commence, a blob of gold glitter crashes down on the stage. The blob materializes to reveal an akumatized Audrey Bourgeois. Oh fuck...

"A fashion show without the queen of style?" She asks the air. "Utterly unacceptable!"

 I glance at Mari and Adrien who are both looking at me. I have their Miraculouses, they can't transform. Oh no.

"Where is that ungrateful Gabriel Agreste? I  demand he kneels before me!" Adrien steps in front of Mari protectively. I smile at my best friend. Even without powers, he's still a hero.

"My father isn't here," he states to the glittering lady. Mari holds onto his shoulders and peeks over them a little frightened. 

"Well then, if fashion-disaster daddy isn't here, I'll just have to settle for Agrest Junior!" He twirls her staff in the air and points it at Adrien. "You're fired!" A beam of glitter shoots from the staff.

"NO!" Mari jumps in front of him and takes the hit for him. Oh no...

"Mari!" Both Adrien, her parents and I shout.

"Darn it, missed," Audrey mutters. She shoots again and hits Adrien.

My stomach drops. Oh shit...

Everyone sprints out of the building but I run back to the trailers. Three different Kwamis exit my coat's inner pockets. 

"You're Perruche?" The black and red ones exclaim. 

"Really? That's your concern right now?" I ask my eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Well, you're gonna have to save the day," Plagg states. 

"~I need a hero~" Melody sings. "~I'm holding out for a hero tonight!~"

"Mel! I love your singing and Fairy Godmother's cover of I Need a Hero from Shrek 2 but not now, this is serious!" I say to my personal Kwami. 

"Well, we should consider your abilities with each Miraculous," Tikki suggests. "We need L'ange de Marie to purify the Akuma, we will probably need Malchance's Cataclysm at some point, and Perruche's Mimic and ability to fly with most likely come in handy."

"Looks like Paris's heroes are gonna be the same person today," I say. "We'll start with Perruche, then switch as we go. You guys good with that?" I ask them. They nod. "Okay. Melody! Let's fly!"

I transform into Perruche and fly back out to the stage room.

I fly to the room and perch on a rafter. I see Style Queen hiring Chloe as her assistant. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I stand up and strike a power pose.

"Style Queen!" I shout to announce my presence.

She turns to me and facepalms. "What an atrocious suit! The bird look is so last season."

"Well, throwing knives are really making a comeback!" I counter. I throw two knives at her but she doesn't flinch. They go right through her. She's made of glitter. "Wow, when you said glitter was in this year, you meant glitterally."

She growls at my pun and I see Chloe facepalm. If Adrien could hear me, he'd be so proud!

Style Queen disintegrates into a glitter-cloud and re-materializes on the stage in front of Adrien and Mari. "You're a couple of sizes too small to beat me, Perruche!" She shouts. She fires beams at me and I dodge without flying. I jump down to attack but she continues firing. She fires a big one at me and I stomp on the stage to bring a plank up to block it. The force of the blast knocks me down and she materializes in front of me, staff in my face.

"Mom! I mean, Style Queen!" The glitter-lady turns her attention to Chloe. I use my flight to shoot back up and prepare a few more knives. "If you want to find Gabriel Agreste, I know where he lives. You can take care of Perruche later. She's worthless without her hero buddies anyways." I never thought I'd be grateful for Chloe to call me worthless. 

"Hmm... It's not a completely idiotic idea," Style Queen admits. She slams her staff on the ground and the Adrien statue crumbles. The Adrien-glitter is sucked into her staff then she disintegrates again. The streams of glitter pick up Chloe and together they fly out of the building. 

Looks like this one's going to be a chase battle. 

I chase them to the Agreste manor but right as I get there the glitter streams fly out again and towards the Tower. 

"Jesus, fucking Christ, stay still bitch!" I mutter to myself.

I get to the Eiffel Tower just as Style Queen is giving her evil speech. I stay hidden in the rafters and sneak to where Chloe and the Adrien statue are. I get there to see Adrien laying in a glitter coffin like Snow White with a magic dome protecting him and involuntarily let out a snort. Chloe hears me and turns to see me taking a picture of Adrien in the coffin with my knife-phone-thing. Yeah, my knives can turn into a phone like Ladybug's yoyo and Chat's staff can.

"Perruche! Hurry up! Adrikins is crumbling!" I look at Adrien and sure enough, his feet have crumbled to dust. 

"Do you know where the Akuma went?" I ask.

"It's in the rose in his mouth," she points at Adrien again. I snort again. I'm really glad I got a photo of this. "Where's Ladybug and Chat Noir?"

"Uh... I don't know. They should be here soon," I lie. Well, it's not technically lying since I might have to change into their fill in - fill-ins? Whatever.

"You better think of something, fast! My mother is going to find you!" Chloe warns. 

Before I can thank her, the blob of glitter makes a comeback.

"It's really impossible to find qualified staff these days!" Style Queen groans. "You're fired!" She shoots at Chloe and the girl turns into a glitter-statue. "Perruche! Hand over that awful necklace and let's get this over with. HA!" 

She fires at me multiple times and I dodge them all, barely. I throw some more knives at her but they go right through her.

"You still don't get it, do you, fashion victim?" She asks me mockingly. "I am invincible!" She fires at me again, repeatedly, I manage to hide behind a rafter. I catch my breath while she speaks again. "My power is only equalled by my sense of fashion! I am invincible! HAHAHA!" Oh, God...

Meanwhile, with Master Fu:

"She needs help, Wayzz," the old Master tells his turtle Kwami. "She needs the Bee Miraculous, to stun Style Queen."

"But Master, shouldn't we let Ladybug decide that? Or Perruche?" The turtle asks. 

"Ladybug has been hit by the glitter, so has Chat Noir. Perruche is occupied. We must do this ourselves."

"Who will you choose?"

"I know just the person."

Master Fu must have forgotten how exhausting stairs are. He climbs and climbs until he reaches the platform a young girl is sneaking around on. He sneaks around her and places the box behind her. He then taps the ground to get her attention. As planned she turns around to see the small box waiting for her. With his mission complete - he knows Perruche will recognize her friend Alya and ask him about what to do since she knows Alya is more equipped for the Fox Miraculous.

The girl picks up the box and goes to open it, since she already knows what it is, but is stopped by evil laughter. She turns to the laughter to see Style Queen chasing Perruche across the rafters. Upon seeing the bespectacled girl, Style Queen shoots at her.

"Shit!" Perruche exclaims. The red, blue and yellow hero swoops down and scoops Alya out of the way. The auburn-haired girl drops the box containing the Bee Miraculous, tries to reach for it but it's too late. She'll have to find it later. Perruche hides them behind the room at the center of the platform and addresses the girl.

"It's too dangerous here, you need to get out of here."

"Okay, I wi- Look out!" Alya pushes Perruche out of the way and gets hit with a glitter blast. 

"Fucking hell!" Perruche curses. "Dammit!"

Back to Y/N's POV

Dammit, Alya! Another plethora of glitter blasts comes my way and I fly up higher to hide behind rafters. 

Can I switch to L'ange, use the Lucky Charm, keep it, change back into Perruche, use Mimic and use the Lucky Charm as Perrcuhe?

"Yes, since you're the same person, the magic will stay as long as you wear the Miraculous," I hear Tikki and Melody synchronize in my head. Well then. Let's do this.

"Tikki! Spots on!" I whisper-shout. I transform into L'ange de Marie. "Lucky Charm!" I get a very large tube of superglue. I use Lucky Vision and look around. Style Queen's feet light up along with the tube of glue. Of course.

I jump down and squirt superglue on the floor. I back it up all the way to the railing so if Style Queen walks there her feet will be stuck. Of course, she could just turn into a glitter blob but at least she won't be able to shoot me like that. I take a quick look to make sure Style queen isn't watching and transform back into Perruche. 

As predicted she materializes right in the middle of the glued floor. "Oh ho ho, you're always running, you pesky bird. But it looks like your wings are tired," she taunts. 

"Not yet, bitch," I growl. "Mimic!" I feel her power crawling through my fingers and settling in the center of my palm. 

"HA! And what's that gonna do?" She asks.

"You're about to find out," I taunt. She turns into a glitter blob and materializes a little closer to me. I fly up to dodge her blast. I keep flying around and little by little her feet get stuck to the floor. 

Eventually, her ankles are all that's left. She materializes but falls over face first. I take the chance and blast her with my stored glitter blast. As I hoped, it immobilizes her. I honestly didn't think that would work. 

"Plagg! Claws out!" I transform into Malchance and Cataclysm the magic dome surrounding Adrien. 

"Tikki! Spots on!" Now that I'm L'ange de Marie I grab the tube of glue for the cure and take the rose from Adrien's mouth. I break the rose, capture the Akuma and throw the tube in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" The magical bugs sweep over the city turn everyone back to normal and giving Adrien is lower body back since it crumbled. I quickly turn back into Perruche before the bugs sweep Adrien and Chloe. 

"Perruche!" Adrien exclaims. "How did you save us?"

I smirk. "I had help," I say with a wink. 

"From who?"

"She said her name was Malchance." He smiles at the name and I swell with pride.

Chloe and her mom start walking down the stairs, completely ignoring us. "You should've seen us, Mom! We were such a great team. We fired so many incompetent losers and almost won! We should really hang out more. Maybe I could come to New York with you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Casserole. I mean, Chloe. First I have to get back to Gabriel Agreste's fashion show."

Adrien's features turn worried. "Oh no, my father's show! He's gonna be so worried."

I tap his shoulder. "Need a lift?" He nods and I pick him up bridal style. "Okay, princesses," I say as I walk towards the railing. "Welcome to Perruche Airlines. Please keep your hands and feet inside the heroine's arms at all times. If you need to throw up, please don't. Unless you want to be dropped." He smiles nervously and I only grin at him. "Enjoy your flight!" With that, we take off. Adrien screamed like a little girl and luckily for me, I had my knife-phone open and recording. He's never gonna live this down.

With Chloe and Audrey:

"Remind me to tell your father to fire those responsible for the Eiffel Tower elevators," Audrey complained to her daughter. "This is unacceptable. Utterly unacceptable."

"Of course, Mom," Chloe drawled. Her next step is interrupted by a protrusion from the metal stairs. "Huh?" Chloe looks down and finds a black octagonal box with red markings. She's never seen anything like this before.

Back at home, after the show, Chloe sits in her room examining the strange box she found. She opens it and the bee-themed hair comb accessory inside starts glowing.

"Wha-!" The glowing orb leaves the box and Chloe cowers behind her arms as the orb circles her. When she looks up again, she sees the orb configuring into a large bee thingy with a fluffy collar and long antennae. 

"Hullo, my queen," the bee greets. Surprisingly, instead of screaming, Chloe is stunned into silence.

Bonus Scene:

"Yo! Sunshine boy!" An average height h/c girl calls out to her best friend. The said boy turns to hug his friend in greeting. "So you know how Malchance helped Perruche yesterday?" She asks. He nods knowingly with a smirk to match. "Well, Perruche gave me these before we changed back." The h/c girl pulls out her phone and opens the photos app. In it, she clicks on a photo of the sunshine boy glitter-statue laying in a glass coffin looking like Snow White with a rose in his mouth.

"What the...?" The boy voices his confusion. 

The girl then swipes to reveal a voice recording. The clicks the play button and it starts playing. "Okay, princesses. Welcome to Perruche Airlines. Please keep your hands and feet inside the heroine's arms at all times. If you need to throw up, please don't. Unless you want to be dropped. Enjoy your flight!" After the flight attendant sounding speech a girly scream is heard. The sunshine boy's face flushes a beet red colour and the h/c girl erupts into ugly but joyful laughter. 

"Delete those," the boy barely speaks out.

"Never in a million years, Princess," the girl smirks.

Bonus Bonus Scene:

"Her immunity is more intense than we thought if she can resist the temptation of wearing both the Ladybug Earrings and Cat Ring at once," the old man states.

"What are we going to do, Master?"

"Nothing we can do but thank the Miraculous Gods that she is pure of heart. I think I have found her at last."


"My apprentice."


Part 2 coming soon - hopefully. Schools a bitch right now. I'm taking five courses, three a day, two hours each so that's like 35 hours of classes a week not including homework time, and hockey training on top of that which is like five hours a week. I know these sound like excuses... because they are, haha lol. I hope to get part two out soon.

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed that and I will see you next time! BYEEEEEEEEEE!<3

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