Battle Scars (Daughter of Aiz...


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Following in her parent's footsteps and one day becoming a hero herself has always been a dream of Tsuki's. L... More

Author's Note
Character Info/Bio
Chapter 1: Basic Training
Chapter 2: Loosen Up
Aizawa Residence
Chapter 3: I Have Snacks
Chapter 4: Have You Seen My Tie?
Chapter 5: Classmates
Chapter 6: A Rational Deception
Chapter 7: Enter Jienni Shikaumo
Chapter 8: Heroes vs Villains
Chapter 9: Breakfast For Dinner
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 1
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 2
Chapter 10: Mom?
Chapter 11: USJ Part 1
Chapter 12: USJ Part 2
Chapter 14: Be More Careful Dumbass
Chapter 15: Truth
Halloween Chapter
Chapter 16: New Abilities
Chapter 17: Nightshade
Chapter 18: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 19: King Explosion Murder
Chapter 20: Cinnamon Spice

Chapter 13: USJ Part 3

1K 34 21

Tsuki POV

I growl lowly at the few villains that are left standing in front of me, barring my teeth. I pounce on them one by one, knocking them out or immobilizing them with ease.

When I'm sure they're all taken care of, I manage to make myself shift back to my human form before taking a moment to properly catch my breath.

"How the hell did I just do that? Did that really just happen?" I breathe out to myself, examining my hands and arms in confusion.

"No traces of fur left on my skin and rips or tears to my suit to be seen. Well except from the damage done by that brawny bastard. It's almost as if it never happened." I look down at my body, surprised to see my hero costume still in tact by some miracle.

"I'll have to remember to ask Jienni and Aunt Keina about it later. And thank them too. Always thinking ahead." I mumble in thought, scratching behind one of my ears.

"But that's later." I say, shaking my head before narrowing my eyes in determination. "Right now, my main focus is finding and helping my father."

I use my ears and nose to follow the sounds and smells around me, picking up an all to familiar scent and choosing to follow the noise along with it that seems to be within close range. Letting out a quick breath, I break out into a quick jog to preserve as much energy as possible before reaching my destination.

After a few minutes or so I see Momo, Kaminari, and Kyoka not too far off from where I just came from. As I get closer though, I can see that they're in a bit of a predicament with a few villains.

With this, I decide that now would be a good time to test out my new ability to see if it's only limited to just shifting. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath in attempt to channel my power. They're still at a good distance from where I am, so I'd need to use speed to my advantage to get to them in time. Because of this, I begin to imagine a cheetah running freely through an African savanna, going in for the kill.

I open my eyes after feeling a surge of energy shoot through my body like an electric current. My attention goes to my arms briefly as I see bolts of glowing lavender purple coursing through my veins.

I reach for one of the pouches on my belt, removing a combat wire that I had Jienni to make for me out of the same fibers and metal alloys in my dad's scarf. It's specifically made to be used in somewhat of a similar way of the capture tape from the battle exercise we did with All Might.

I immediately jolt forward into a quick sprint, reaching my classmates in a matter of seconds. Using the wire, I immobilize the few villains giving them trouble and tie them off together before knocking them all out one by one.

Closing my eyes for quick second, I take in a breath and let it out. I allow the surge of energy to vanish from my veins as I hear footsteps approach from behind.

"Ai?" I hear my best friend call, causing me to turn swiftly around out of instinct. My muscles immediately relax seeing her unharmed, placing me somewhat at ease.

"Ky! Thank God you're ok." I sigh in relief, rushing over to engulf her in a massive hug.

I hold onto her a little while longer before letting go, only to see a look of concern and confusion taking over the features of her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I deadpan, cocking my head to the side.

"Ai...your eyes...and arms... They were glowing purple! What was that?!" She exclaims.

"I'm not completely sure myself. I think one of my quirks may have evolved." I calmly state as if it were nothing.

"Seriously?! How?"

"It's a lot to explain, but right now I need to get back to my dad. He's in trouble."

"Wha-, how are you so sure?"

"I just know. I'll explain later, right now I have to find him!"

"Go ahead, we can handle the rest from here. Just, be careful. Okay?" She states, giving me a small smile and resting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll try my best." I reply, returning the small smile and flashing her a wink. "No promises though."

I turn away from the trio and break out into a slightly quicker jog than before, eventually transitioning into a mildly impatient run.

'Hmph. Still no sign of All Might, that's not good.' I groan to myself in frustration.

I run for a little while longer until I get ready to come up on someone running in the same direction as me up ahead. From the looks of them, they kind of look like Todoroki. I decide to speed up my pace in hopes of catching up with him. 'Maybe he knows where to go.'

"Hey, Todoroki!" I shout ahead, causing the dual haired boy to stop cold in his tracks.

He turns around, obviously perplexed, before realizing that I was the one who called out to him.

"Huh? Oh Aizawa, it's just you." He shrugs, turning back to start walking forward again.

I use this opportunity to finally catch up to him, meeting his pace.

"I told you not to call me by my last name! "It makes it sound like you're talking to my-" I huff in annoyance, trailing off once my eyes fixate on the sight before me.

My dad who appeared to have everything under control in the beginning, sustaining little to no damage, now bloodied with broken arms. Severely overpowered and having his face bashed in by a monster of a creature, barely holding on to consciousness.

"D-dad?" I stammer in a breathy whisper, frozen in utter shock and fear.

'First mom and now this. No. I can't lose him too. I wasn't there to help mom, hell I wasn't big enough or strong enough for that matter. Regardless, I'm here right now for this. My chances may be slim, but I refuse to let him die like this. Not if I can help it.'

The feelings of fear and disbelief is short lived as it instantly transforms into rage. A burning fury of anger and hatred aimed directly toward the criminals who dares to strip my dad from me. The sight alone causing any remaining shreds of rationality left in my body to be thrown completely out the window. I'm no longer thinking logically. Fuck that. All I'm seeing is red.

"DA-, mph!!" I begin to scream, before I feel a cold hand covering my mouth and a warmer one attempting to hold me back.

"Be quiet! Are you trying to compromise our position?" He states in a scolding manner.

"Argh!" I growl angrily, removing his hand away from my mouth. "I could give a rat's ass about our position. My dad is my top priority and right now he needs help."

"Are you crazy?!" He questions with irritation visible in his tone.

"Maybe." I assert coldly, no trace of emotion in sight.

I try turning in attempt to run away, only to be stopped once more by Todoroki firmly grabbing hold to one of my wrists.

"Let me go!" I fume, jerking my arm forward trying to loosen my wrist from his grasp.

"No. You're in pretty bad shape yourself. Running carelessly into a fight in your condition would be suicide." He argues.

"I don't care."

"Hey, listen to me-"

"No you listen to me. I said let go of me, damnit." I angrily chime in, growing even more pissed by the second.

"If I do, you could be killed!" He asserts, matching my equally pissed tone.

"And what! You don't think my father won't?!"

"There has to be some other way. You're in no condition to keep fighting like this."

"Look. I don't know how close you and your family are, or how much they mean to you. But all I know is that, that man our there, he is my family and I am his. Despite your better judgement, or lack thereof right now, he needs to be saved. So sitting here, and doing nothing isn't gonna cut it for me."

Third Person POV

"Please, don't do this."

"NO, JUST STOP. QUIT TRYING TO GET IN MY WAY. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT? I CAN'T LOSE HIM TOO DAMNIT!" Tsuki shouts through clenched teeth and fists. Her eyes now glowing it's usual shade of crimson red and her raven black locks beginning to defy the laws of gravity.

"Tsuki-" The dual haired boy reaches once more to grab her before stopping abruptly.

He attempts to reach again, but finds himself to be suspended in place, unable to move. He's confused as to why until his heterochromatic eyes meet the gaze of the girl before him.


Looking into her eyes, he sees the familiar crimson shade now taking on a more deep bloodshot hue of dark red.

With Todoroki out of her way and unable to move, Tsuki impetuously runs onto the scene without a second thought.

"NO TSUKI, WAIT!" Todoroki yells, now finally able to move to move freely. This doesn't make much of a difference since by the time he's able to make a move, she's already a few feet away from the bird-brained creature.

Increasing her strength and using her speed, Tsuki charges in toward the Nomu that has her father pinned down with glowing veins. Gathering as much force as possible, she unknowingly suspends the creature in place and lands a heavy blow to it's face, severely catching everyone off guard.

As the Nomu is sent flying a few feet away, she uses this opportunity to pick up her father who is slowly losing consciousness to take him to safety.

"T-tsuk-ki?" The raven haired man stammers weakly.

"Yeah dad, it's me. I got you." The raven haired girl weakly smiles, pulling him up off of the ground and resting him on her back.

"Shit I forgot how tall you are. This is gonna be a bit of a challenge." She curses at herself as she feels him beginning to nod off.

"Hey come on dad, I need you to stay awake and hold on as tight as you can for me. Alright?" Tsuki calls out to him over her shoulder. She can feel his body gradually becoming limper, earning a slightly stressed and angry "tch" from the teen.

Just as she removes Aizawa from the ground, she feels her ears twitch out of alertness. She immediately dodges off to the side, feeling a swift breeze brush against her skin.

Looking back, she can see the Nomu back on it's feet, blocking the exit and ready to attack once more.

"Hey you little brat. Where do you think you're going?" Shigaraki jeers tauntingly.

"The hell are you blind or are you just fucking stupid? I'm getting my dad away from you fucktards." The teen snaps in return, barely dodging yet another attack from the large creature.

"Such a foul mouth for hero in training."

"Only when you piss me off." She spouts, regaining her composure. "And quite frankly for you, I'm well beyond that point."

"People like you make me sick. All you do is get in the way and ruin everything." He rants while vigorously scratching his neck in irritation.

"Trust me, the feeling is mutual." She says before fully shifting into a jaguar with white fur. She pounces down lowly while allowing a threatening, bone chilling growl to erupt from the depths of her chest.

"Oh well this certainly is something. I never seen anything about this in your file." Shigaraki replies, slightly surprised. "Such an interesting child."

"While I could attack you myself, I think it'd be more fun to watch my Nomu break down and destroy every bone in your bodies one by one. Quite the satisfying show, don't you think? It should keep me entertained until All Might decides to join us."

Tsuki POV

'I can't fight this thing head on with dad on my back. And if I run away they'll target Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta. It looks like I'm going to have to keep it distracted until more help gets here.'

The hand guy keeps sending the Nomu toward me and my dad repeatedly as I skillfully dodge each time. Leap by leap and jump by jump, my movements begin to get slower and slower by the minute as I slowly begin to lose stamina.

Before I know it, the Nomu catches me off guard and smacks me away with its hand, sending my dad and I flying off to the side. I manage to grab my dad mid air and shield him with myself, just as we collide with the pavement.

I can feel my consciousness beginning to slip as the pain from earlier and now finally catches back up with me, no traces of adrenaline left to be found in my body.

'Shit. I think I've finally reached my limit.'

I begin to revert back into human form as I attempt to remove myself from the ground. My efforts soon going in vain as I weakly fall back onto the ground.

"Looks like someone finally ran out of steam." The guy with the hands laughs at me mockingly.


I heavily pant as I shakily pick myself up from off the ground, going into my fighting stance while standing in front of my father.

"And you're still getting back up to fight. So damn cool. You really are Eraserhead's daughter. Such an interesting pair."

"Too bad for you though hero. You're coming with me! Nomu!"

Time seems to slow down at this exact moment as the Nomu starts charging at me. I can see the the fear in the eyes of my three classmates as Midoriya tries to jump to stop the Nomu. The warp guy creating a portal between the two to purposefully send Midoriya off to who knows where. The sudden and evident fear and realization settling in his face as he sees what's to come. And the guy with the hands just standing in the back taking it all in, smiling with his arms outstretched in satisfaction.

'Sorry mom. I tried my best.' I can't help but think as I allow myself to come to terms with what is about to happen. All I can do is close my eyes while a stray tear rolls aimlessly down my cheek as I accept my fate.

I put my arms up in defense one last time, preparing to take in the force of impact from the Nomu just as the doors to USJ burst open, drawing everyone's attention to the cloud of smoke that was created as a result. A tall, muscular figure can be seen emerging through the dust and everyone and everything seems to grow quiet.

I relax as my eyes adjust to person above. The hero who always has a smile on his face is no longer smiling, showing just how serious he really is. I fight to keep my eyes open and my body upright as exhaustion finally takes over. The last thing I can hear before my body collapses, providing me with much needed reassurance:

"Have no fear students. I. Am. Here."

A few hours later elsewhere...

Third Person POV

"Boss! We have news back from what went down at the off campus UA facility." A male with medium tapered dark brown hair proclaims, approaching a slender man with long raven black hair sitting at a desk in a dimly lit room. The only light coming from a single large window.

"And?" The long haired male questions.

"They failed. They weren't able to eliminate All Might or get ahold to some of Eraserhead's blood. They couldn't even capture his daughter to make up for it. The pro heroes and police intervened before they could finish the job."

"Damnit!" The raven haired man growls, slamming a fist onto the table in anger. "Those good for nothing League of Villain idiots can't do anything right. Now part of the plan has to be put on hold again. Damnit! I should've known better than to rely on those inexperienced little brats. I should've of used the sample we had a while back when I had the chance."

The long haired male sighs in defeat as he stands, making his way to the window gazing outwardly.

"No matter. We'll just have to reevaluate and make adjustments in the meantime. Is there any other news?"

"One of our men, Hoshi, did at least manage to unlock the rest her morph quirk before he was taken into police custody. I can't speak for the other one." The brown haired male informs.

"Little Tsuki Aizawa..." The slender male trails off before closing his eyes momentarily. "What is this we have here? Oh yes, yes. This is marvelous."

"What is it sir? Did you see something?"

"Indeed. It seems that the little brat Shigaraki wasn't completely useless after all. He was able to trigger another quirk mutation in her as well. It's different from what I anticipated, but it's still impressive nonetheless." Discloses the raven haired male with a smirk. "Yes. This is perfect. Such a gifted family."

"Keep a close eye on the boy, we'll revisit him later. Right now we focus on the girl."

He abruptly turns around to face brown haired male behind him with a menacing look in his piercing emerald green eyes.

"Fuji, get The Five ready. I think it's time we begin to put our little plan into action."

Word count: 2987


Don't worry, I will better explain Tsuki's quirk awakening sometime in the near future. Not sure when, but it's gonna happen.

I just wanna say that college has been kicking my ass this semester. One class alone has had me on the verge of a mental breakdown on multiple occasions for the past week or so from my professors loading me with a ton of assignments and reoccurring computer issues. I about lost my shit a few nights ago after my computer decided to malfunction on me in the middle of a test causing it shut itself down which eventually led to me automatically failing that test and the class. Needless to say, I went to bed crying myself to sleep that night. Love that for me🙃.

Aside from my misfortunes though, I hope you lovelies at least enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to leave a comment or drop a vote if you're feeling up to it yunno, no pressure. I love you all and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!

Carter xoxo

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