Battle Scars (Daughter of Aiz...


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Following in her parent's footsteps and one day becoming a hero herself has always been a dream of Tsuki's. L... More

Author's Note
Character Info/Bio
Chapter 1: Basic Training
Chapter 2: Loosen Up
Aizawa Residence
Chapter 3: I Have Snacks
Chapter 4: Have You Seen My Tie?
Chapter 5: Classmates
Chapter 6: A Rational Deception
Chapter 7: Enter Jienni Shikaumo
Chapter 8: Heroes vs Villains
Chapter 9: Breakfast For Dinner
The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 1
Chapter 10: Mom?
Chapter 11: USJ Part 1
Chapter 12: USJ Part 2
Chapter 13: USJ Part 3
Chapter 14: Be More Careful Dumbass
Chapter 15: Truth
Halloween Chapter
Chapter 16: New Abilities
Chapter 17: Nightshade
Chapter 18: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 19: King Explosion Murder
Chapter 20: Cinnamon Spice

The Curious Case of Katsuki's Feelings Part 2

1K 40 26

Third Person POV


"JUST A SEC!" A muffled female voice can be heard from the distance.

It's quiet for a little while until the same voice is heard again, gradually getting louder as it approaches the front door.

"Sorry kid. If my dad and I buy any more cookies, I think we just might burst from bloatation." The voice says from the other side.

After a bit more shuffling the door finally opens, revealing a familiar cat-girl scratching her head in her socks and pajamas.

"I'm serious. I'm like one box away from-" She starts before looking up at the boy on her doorstep. Face immediately becoming puzzled.


"Do I look like a girl scout to you?" The blond asks, quirking an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I'm obviously not here to sell you cookies, so that much you don't have to worry about." He nonchalantly remarks.

This makes Tsuki laugh a little at his words, causing Katsuki to subconsciously smile to himself, immediately feeling warm inside and relaxing at the sound of her laugher.

He uses this moment to take in the appearance of the girl before him.

She's wearing grey sweats with a white cropped tank and her long, black, hair down and flowing messy, and a bit disgruntled. But somehow falling into all the right places. Adding in addition, her obvious confusion with her head slightly tilted, ears and tail relaxed.

To most it wouldn't seem like much, but to him it's everything. Even in something so simple and effortless, Katsuki still thinks that she looks absolutely adorable.

"Good. At the speed I was going with those little fuckers I was gonna have to increase my training regimen. Although...I wouldn't be opposed to that." She chuckles softly at the thought.

"Are you busy?"

"No not really. I've just been watching old movies with my dad. Why, what's up?"

"Good, then go get dressed. I wanna take you somewhere."

"And where exactly might that somewhere be, if you don't mind me asking?" Tsuki asks, giving him a perplexed look raising an eyebrow.

"I can't say. It's supposed to be a surprise."

"Really now? And what kind of surprise do you have for my daughter this late in the afternoon?" Aizawa firmly questions, joining his daughter at the door with his arms crossed, leaning against the frame of the doorway.

"Mr. Aizawa."


"By all means, please continue." The raven haired male states. His face cold, showing little to no signs of emotion or expression.

"Dad. Please don't be like this." Tsuki whines, placing a hand on her forehead and shaking it in disappointment.

"Be like what?" He says with a tone of innocence, throwing his hands up to the side. "You go ahead and get dressed honey, Bakugo and I are just about to have ourselves a little, chat."

The taller raven haired male stares down at the younger blond in front of him, leaving Tsuki to groan in defeat as she gives in and goes back inside to get dressed.

Aizawa remains silent, waiting until he's positive that his daughter is of a good distance from him and his hot-headed student before leaving his place at the doorway to stand right in front of him.

"What intentions do you have with my daughter?" Aizawa inquires, looking down at the boy before him and glowing his eyes in attempt to intimidate him.

"Nothing bad if that's what you're implying." The crimson eyed boy replies, his glare solid and confidence unwavering.

"Then where is this mysterious place that you plan on taking her?"

"There's nothing mysterious about it at all. I wanted to take her out for her birthday since it's tomorrow. I would've waited until then but I wasn't sure if you already had something planned." Katsuki explains, slightly blushing at the thought of Tsuki.

"Alright." Aizawa starts, slowly withdrawing his threatening stare. "I trust Tsuki to make good decisions, but that doesn't mean that I trust you too. You'll have to earn it."

"Didn't really expect you to old man."

"Have her back by 10. Any later and you're dead. Got that?" Snaps the taller male.


"I would tell you to keep her safe, but I think we both know she's plenty capable of doing that herself, so just don't do anything stupid. Okay?" Aizawa sighs, allowing his guard to falter just as Tsuki comes back downstairs dressed and ready to go.

The two males turn their attention back to the doorway, smiling at the sight before them.

"Alright. I'm all ready." She cheers, walking to stand with both of the males.

"You look beautiful sweetheart. Be safe and enjoy yourself." He smiles at his daughter, planting a kiss on her head before glaring at Katsuki. "But not too much fun."

"I will. Thanks dad!" She smiles, giving him a hug before joining the temperamental blond.

The two make their way down the walkway and into the uber Katsuki had waiting for them at the curb. Once they're settled, Katsuki gives the driver a nod, signaling that they're good to go. The driver nods back in return and pulls out, heading back into town.

They spend the first few minutes staring out the windows, riding in silence before Tsuki decides to break the ice.

"So you're still not gonna tell me where we're going?"


"Why noooot?" She whines, cocking her head to the side.

"Because I told you it's a surprise."

"Can I at least get a hint?"


"Come oooon. The anticipation is killing me." She cooes, allowing her ears to droop down to either side of her head and her pupils to grow slightly bigger in attempt to make him give in.

"I'm never gonna break if that's what you're trying to get me to do."

"Hmph. You're no fun." Tsuki pouts, crossing her arms and turning away from Katsuki.

Just as she does, she looks out the window after feeling the car slow down to see that they have arrived at an arcade.

Her pout easily grows into a cheerful smile as she climbs out of the car in excitement alongside the blond before paying the driver and entering inside.

She follows him to the front desk, looking around at all of the games along the way while Katsuki gets the two of them cards with unlimited access to all of the games in the arcade for two hours.

During those two hours, Tsuki battles against Katsuki in multiple racing games, shooting, and even action games. Both evenly winning and losing some along the way. They play a few extra competitive rounds of ski ball, Katsuki tragically losing to Tsuki and as a result, having to accompany her in a few rounds of dance dance revolution to which he very much did not enjoy.

When the two hours are over, the pair make their way to the prize booth to cash in all of the points they accumulated from the games they played together.

In the end, Katsuki used his points to get a black cat plushie for Tsuki while she decided to use hers to get a little hedgehog plushie for the blond.

Once they collect their prizes, they head toward the exit and make their way outside.

"You hungry?" The boy asks as they begin on their stroll down the sidewalk.

As if on cue her stomach growls as if trying to respond for itself, causing the raven haired girl to giggle.

"Yeah, I could eat." She smiles.


"Where are we going now?" She asks, confusion written all over her face.

"You'll see." He vaguely replies.

"Ugh. I hate surprises."

"Well that's tough." He smirks teasingly, earning a growl from the smaller girl in response.

"Relax. We don't have much farther to go so suck it up kitty."

The little feline playfully sulks in response, hugging her kitten plushie close and flicking her tail with a pinch of irritation.

After walking a few more minutes, they eventually enter into a park.

"What are we doing in the park?" Tsuki questions, even more perplexed than before.

"You'll see. C'mon."

"Ugh. Is that gonna be your only response when I ask where we're going?"

"Mmm....Most likely."

She lets out a huff in frustration, earning a light chuckle from Katsuki which instantly catches her off guard.

She looks over at him picking up on a light smile resting on the boy's face, the small gesture causing her to feel a sense of warmth inside. Katsuki Bakugo isn't one to really laugh very often, nonetheless smile for that matter. But after being able to witness the rare sight for herself firsthand, Tsuki is drawn it by it's charm.

'He should smile more. That's definitely a sight I wouldn't mind seeing again.' She thinks to herself, fixing her attention to a checkered blanket layed out across the ground in front of them.

On top are a few black and white fluffy pillows neatly dusted around with a few rose petals here and there, along with a few non-scented candles, and a large picnic basket situated in the middle of it all.

"Wha-what is all of this? Is this for us?" She exclaims in confusion and disbelief stopping dead in her tracks, turning around to face the crimson eyed boy responsible.

"It is." He bluntly confirms, stuffing his hands into his pockets and motioning his head toward it. "Now sit."

Tsuki listens as she takes and seat situating herself on a black and white stripes pillow, Katsuki following suit adjacent to her.

"Wait how did you set all of this up if we were at the arcade for the last few hours?" She questions while fiddling with the end of her tail. "Hold on, you didn't jack this from someone did you?!"

"What?! No! What do you take me for? I didn't do all of this by myself obviously, I asked for help idiot." He exclaims slightly offended and a bit embarrassed at the mention of having to ask for help.

"Oh, sorry. It's just, all of this just seems so out of character for you. I'm not used to seeing you this soft, it's kinda nice."

"I'm not soft." He grumbles, grabbing the picnic basket to unload the contents.

"Well I mean, you seem...different."

"Different how?" He asks, stopping what he's doing to fix his attention to the girl beside him.

"I mean, you've been more calm than usual most of the day today for one. And you seem less tense and more at ease than you usually are."

"That's because I have to spend most of my time constantly surrounded by idiots on a day to day basis. What would you prefer I not be?"

"No, Forget I ever said anything." She blushes, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear slightly embarrassed.

Katsuki proceeds to unpack the basket, laying out a few containers and plates placing them between the two of them. He finally grabs two small pots, setting them down and removing the lids to reveal spicy curry and white rice.

"Is that spicy curry?" Gasps the raven haired girl in excitement.

"Yep." Nods the ashen blond as he prepares both of their plates.

"YUM! It's one of my favorite meals, to both eat and make." She beams, grabbing a napkin and a few utensils.

"Well that makes two of us." He quips, handing her a plate.

"Wait, you made this yourself?"

"Extra spicy." He responds with a wink.

"Awesome." She smiles.

The pair eat and chat for a while as they watch the sun set, reclining back and resting their heads on a pillow after finishing their meal. They take a moment to fully unwind and gaze up at the stars glowing from above, both feeling at ease.

"Katsuki?" Tsuki speaks, breaking the silence.

"Hmm." Hums Katsuki in response.

"All of this has been nice, not to mention super sweet. But I have to ask, what's the occasion? This isn't really like you, so what's up?" The girl questions as she sits up, resting herself comfortably on her elbows and looking to the boy beside her.

"I know your birthday is tomorrow so I wanted to do something for you." He starts, continuing to look up into the sky. "I thought about waiting until the day of your birthday, but I didn't know if you had any plans already so this was the next best thing."

"Speaking of.." The boy trails off as he sits himself up, causing the girl to follow suit in confusion and curiosity.

He leans over and grabs a white box with a lavender purple ribbon tied into a neat bow from behind a pillow before placing in the girl's lap.

"Happy early birthday."


"Open it."

She loosens the ribbon and removes the top to find two Puma hoodies, one lavender purple with white writing and the other white with black writing, neatly tucked into the box.

"Katsuki...this is so sweet of you."

"Hey! Katsuki Bakugo is not sweet." He huffs in frustration.

"Well then spicy." She jokes, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"Tch, whatever." He scowls, rolling his own eyes in response before pointing at the box. "You're not finished yet dumbass, keep looking.

"There's more?!"

"Keep looking." He growls a little louder, making her giggle.


She digs through the rest of the tissue paper at the bottom until she finds two limited edition Panic! At The Disco vinyls. One from the album Vices & Virtues and the other from Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die.

"Wait. Huh?! How did you know?"

"I told you I had a little help."

'Ky, you sly devil.' She thinks to herself. 'I'll get you for this.'

"Thank you Katsuki. And I really do mean, thank you." She smiles wholeheartedly, planting a kiss on his cheek and hugging him super tight.

This catches the blond entirely off guard, causing his breath to hitch and his body to freeze up as his cheeks immediately begin to burn a bright red. He hesitates briefly before relaxing ever so slightly, deciding to return the hug, engulfing her into his strong arms.

"Yeah, whatever dumbass." Is all the young teen can pull himself together to breathe out.

In this very moment, the only thing on his mind is the small, fierce, bold, crazy, kindhearted, and beautiful feline girl wrapped comfortably in his arms.

And because of her he can't help but to think,

'This is nice.'

Word count: 2419

•~• A/N •~•

Sorry for releasing this one so late. I've been a little preoccupied with my new classes and the buttloads of work that my professors so graciously decided to pile on me this week. Soooo....that's been fun.

As for part 2 though I pretty much already had it complete, but there was a lot of stuff that I had before that I ended up not liking so I just went ahead and scrapped majority of it which ended up setting me back a bit. Regardless of this, I'm glad that I did because I honestly loved how the finished product turned out and I hope you guys did too.

Once again I'd like to thank everyone for the constant reads, votes, and support that I have been getting along the way. It is all greatly appreciated. I love you all and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!

Carter xoxo

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