From The Dining Table [H.S]

By beautifulharry_xo

266K 3.9K 4.7K

It's assumed euphoria follows me around the world as I tell unknown stories through songs, yet I'd never know... More

Last Night In Jamaica
Emerald Eyes
Who Are You?
Loving you's the Antidote
Dancing in the Moonlight
From The Dining Table
I Miss Her
Dear Primrose...
All the Best, -H x
Better Than Words
The One Where Primrose Cries
The Night We Met
She's Special
2 Bananas for a Pound
Unexpected Visitors
Comfortable Silence
Too Late
The Unconscoius Mind
Colour Me In
Walking On Sunshine
The Start Of Something New
6 More Days
For Your Eyes Only
Don't You Call Me Baby
The Man I Want Him To Be
Surprise, Surprise, Surpirse!
Busy Days And Getaways
London's Quite Big
Sleepy Girl
Beautiful Vulnerability
Chicken Salad
Peace and Prosperity
Beautiful Boy
After Dinner
Source of Happiness
Doesn't Feel Like Home
Breaking Point
Be Alright
May 12th
We're Live in 3... 2... 1...
May 12th pt.2
White Winged Dove
Lavendar and Crystal
Clear Lipgloss
My World
We'll Be Alright
Unintentional Harm
Love You Goodbye
Eddie and Froggy
My Moment
Granny Pam
The Stories Behind His Letters
London's Calling
Eventim Apollo
After Show
Two Bodies One Soul
Lost Without Him.
I Feel Loved
Lilac and Love
A Twisted Reality
New Years Eve
Hopeless Romantics
Wondering Hands
One Year
I Moved On
Through Eden We Will Walk


4.1K 61 36
By beautifulharry_xo

Primrose's POV:

As I was mopping up the last of the spilt breakfast, I heard someone storming up the stairs. Glancing at the clock, it was 10:21am and a Tuesday, so it wouldn't be a worker coming to get me - Tuesday is always the quietest day.

"Primrose!" Angel shouts, slamming my door open and sniping me out. He storms over to me, taking my hand and dragging me down to the couch. Angel pushes me to sit down in front of him, and leans over me intimidatingly. "Would you like to explain who I just saw?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lie. I love Angel when he's angry, he gets all flustered - it's so funny.

"Oh, so I didn't just see Harry walking out of your apartment door. And I didn't just have a conversation with him?" Angel barks, his hands flying all over the place.

"You had a convo with him? Ooo tell me what you spoke about!" I say, tapping the space next to me for him to sit down.

"Well..." Angel begins, perching on the sofa next to me, crossing his legs and placing his hands over his knees. " wasn't much of a convo. Just a 'hi Angel' from Harry, and a strangled 'hello' from me. Girl I was so shocked to see him. Wow his morning voice sounds so goo-... PRIMROSE!" Angel shouts, realising I managed to distract him from his question.

I break out into a historical laughter, throwing my hands on my stomach as I struggle to breathe. Angel just glared at me unimpressed, as he tapped his fingers on his knee impatiently. "Are you done yet?" He spits.

Wiping a tear from under my eye, I sit back up to face him, and place my hands over his - giving him a warm smile. "Yes, sorry. You're just so easy to distract." I laugh, but Angel just rolls his eyes.

"After I went upstairs yesterday afternoon, I stayed up here until late at night. I went downstairs to get a drink because I needed something that would help me feel better and escape." Angels eyes widened as I explain how I wanted alcohol. This is a huge shock to anyone who knows me, because I never drink. That's probably how I got so drunk in Jamaica.

"I put on my sad playlist, and drank my troubles away while the rain poured outside. I started to cry, and before I knew it I was on the floor sobbing. But then, I heard some banging and it was Harry at the window. I opened the door, and shouted at him. Told him to piss off basically then slammed the door in his face. But then I opened it again and kissed him. Then it got late and he fell asleep here. And by that, I mean I told him to stay here." I inhale sharply, after explaining everything so quickly.

"Did you sleep together?" Angel asks.

"Yeah, I just said tha- NO! Angel no we didn't!" I realise what he meant, and hit his arm playfully.

"So... what's all this mess?" Angel points around my apartment.

"Oh, I made him breakfast but then he scared me and I smashed the food everywhere. Then we made more food and danced around to songs. Was a great morning." I smile to myself.

"Where is he now?" Angel asks again.

"Why all the questions?" I tease. "He's gone back to his hotel to shower and get changed. We're spending the whole day together - so I'm not working today." I explain, standing from the couch again and heading to the kitchen.

"I like this." Angel says to himself.


"I mean, I like you - like this. Happy, care free, taking time to yourself. It's nice to see this. I haven't seen you this happy in a long time."

I sigh, placing the bag of flour down and walking over to Angel, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"Love you." He whispers.

"Love you too. Now go get back to work!" I boss jokingly, to which he melodramatically salutes to, before marching out the room.


Harry's POV:

Reentering my hotel room, I immediately stripped off and hopped in the shower. As I felt the warm water trickle down my face, I thought about all the things me and Prim could do today. I don't know my way around very well, but there's the obvious places like the beach, cafe's, and the arcade. Maybe I'll pack a picnic and take her out. Where the fuck am I going to find a picnic?

She did say she loved the hotel I was in... and there's a beautiful garden here. I could order room service and make it seem like I made a picnic, and take her onto the hotel grounds! That's genius!

Turning off the water, I secure a towel around my waist and flick my soaked curls off my face. I walk over to my bag, and remove my phone. Taking the SIM card I secured safely in my phone case, I insert it into my phone. 'Here we go.' I tell myself, as I watch my phone download all my data.

Within seconds, my phone blows up with missed phone calls, text messages, emails, and social media messages. Putting in my password, I go straight to Phone and call the person I've been meaning to call since I arrived here.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ri-*


"Harry, where the fuck have you been?"

"Long story, I'll explain tomorrow. But, I finally have the final song for the album!"

"Shit mate, that's great. How did you think of it?"

"I had a dream."

"Of course you did. We gonna record it tomorrow?"

"Definitely. I don't care if none of the team like it - this song is going on the album."

"I'm sure they'll love it."

"Bye, man. Talk tomorrow."

"Bye, Harry."

*call ended*

Placing my phone down on the table, I picked up the piece of paper I scribbled down the lyrics on, and opened the VoiceMemo app. I hit record and began singing the lyrics, mirroring how the beautiful creature in my dream sang to me. Once I secured a full recording, I safely put the paper in my phone case.

Now it was time to secure this picnic plan with Primrose. Dialling room service, I scanned the menu a few times, finding a lot of options to order. "Yes, hello. Room service please... do you have an option for a picnic, or an afternoon tea... you do... amazing... yes can I get an afternoon tea for two please... also may I ask, do you have some sort of hamper or basket you could put it in... yes that's perfect. Thank you so much, bye."

'Yes!' I shout to myself, throwing my fist in the air, causing my towel to fall down. 'Shit.' I mumble, as I walk over to my suitcase and dig around for a respectable outfit to wear. I ended up settling on a pair of black jeans and a floral shirt. It speaks causal, but fashionable.

As soon as I was changed, I picked up my phone and dialled Primrose. I told her to meet me in the lobby of the hotel, and that I had a surprise. She sounded reluctant to come to my hotel, but I told her to trust me.

I set about answering all my unread messages - giving the easiest responses possible. This mainly consisted of "yes, that sounds amazing." Or "no, don't do that." Being in the music industry, it's expected for short and sharp replies - nobody takes it personally.

The last thing to open were voicemails, and I'd been procrastinating this all day. Knowing Primrose left me a voice message, knowing I'm going to have to listen to it, scares me. She told me what she said in it, but I still don't know how she said it. Was she happy, sad, angry, tired, drunk. I know things are fine now, but it's the fact she called me hoping to speak to me, but it went straight to voicemail that scares me. The poor thing probably thought I was ignoring her!

Dialling 121, I sat through all my voice messages, anxiously waiting to here her voice.

'One new message. Received April 5th, at 8:38am.

Uhh... Hi. Um, hi Harry. Sorry, I didn't expect this to go to voicemail. I'm not surprised it did to be honest, I told you to forget about me. But, if you're listening to this, I'm sorry I got so angry. Please call me back so we can tal-

To replay your message, press 1. To call back, press 2. To save message, press three.'

Without thinking, I pressed 3. I don't know why, but knowing I'll have a permanent recording of her voice comforts me. Her voice comforts me. She comforts me.

'Finally!' I said to myself, as I finished replying to everyone. It took me 45 minutes, so it's good I told Primrose to meet me in 2 hours. That gives me 1 hour 15 mins to set everything up. But, I need to make one more call.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ring*

"Hello?" The voice croaked, obviously waking up from my call.

"Is it really 11:30am and you're just waking up?" I tease.


"Hey, Louis! Long tine no speak."

"How are you? Ooo! How are things with that girl... I forgot her name." Louis asks, yawning at the end of his sentence.

"I'm good, and Primrose is good too. I'm at the coast right now visiting her." I prepare myself for his reaction.

"WHAT! You're with her right now? Well in! You slept with her?" He asks.

"No, Louis. I'm not rushing anything." I snap.

"Don't fooking talk to me like that." He teases back. "Can I say hi?"

"I'm not with her right now, I'm taking her out for a picnic."

"Yawn, what are you, 70?" He laughs, but I just roll my eyes.

"Better than your first date with Eleanor. Oh, and should we talk about those t-shirts you used to wear? What was it... the two heart pieces that said 'this is my-,"

"Okay! Okay, stop. You made your point!" He shouts, clearly embarrassed by my blast from the past.

"I gotta go set up. Bye, Louis. Love you."

"Love you too, Harry."

*call ended*

Giving myself a quick once over in the mirror, I ruffled my curls in between my fingers and sprayed my neck with my TomFord Tobacco Vanille cologne that Primrose loves. As I walked to the lobby, I looked out the large windows and saw two men, laying down a blanket, with a basket by the side of them. That's definitely for me.

Entering the garden, I smiled politely at the workers who saw me approaching. "Is this for me?" I ask politely.

"Yes, Mr Styles. You can request for us to set it up for you, or you can add a personal touch and do it yourself. Totally optional." One man informs me.

"I'll do it myself. Thank you for your help." I smile again, as they both nod and walk into the distance.

I set about looking through the basket at the vast array of foods and drinks they supplied me with. I unboxed some macaroons and presented them neatly on a plate, along with an amazing slice of cake. Two sealed bags containing sandwiches sat neatly against the basket, as I lay the bunch of tulips delicately on the blanket. Taking the fruit, I added the strawberries to a cup, and put the banana next to it, along with two bottles containing iced coffee and strawberry smoothie.

I took a proud step back, and admired my presentation. Flipping my wrist up, I read the time on my watch. 12:25pm. Crap! Primrose will be here any moment. I ran back to the hotel, through the long corridors and to the lobby, where I had one minute spare to get my breath back and neaten myself up.

This is it, our first official date.


Filler chapter! Sorry that this chapter is quite boring, I needed this to lead nicely into the future chapters!

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