
By Spottedleaf07

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Lily Potter is eleven years old. She has been patiently waiting for her turn to go to Hogwarts. But there are... More

5 years later
Diagon Alley
Hogwarts Express disaster
Sorting Ceremony
Morning feast and escaped beasts
Potions and Choices
Flying class
Library and the plotter
Defense Against the Dark Arts Drama
Mysterious walls
Night falls and Morning calls
Kreacher Brawls
Herbology and Answering
Truth revealed and Transfiguration take two
Lashing out and Missing instructor
Finding and Seeking
Quidditch 1
Unexpected development and encounter
The Worst Mistake
The confrontation
The tryouts
Author's note
Practice and Distraction
The Quidditch match
Teddy's Big Secret
Problem in the forest
Problem in the forest part 2
The secrets and the big plan
Unknown letters
Memories hurt
Another A/N
Christmas on the way
Secrets revealed
Break comes to a close
Back again
Caught Red-handed
Probably last A/N
Prepare for Battle
The battle
The burial
Last A/N

The end

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By Spottedleaf07

They ended the school year early to rebuild and let students grieve and term will start a week late next year. Two months passed and Ly was the only thing keeping Lily sane. Teddy was gone. Every part of her ached every time she moved. A reminder that she had lost her first mate. The pain was so bad most nights she changed form just to feel a little better. Ly would paw at her door and they'd lay with their backs against both sides of the door. When the pain stopped Lily changed back so they were both in human form by morning.
"Hey, Rose. How are you feeling?" Lily smelled her blood. She smelled peoples own blood on a few of her family.
"I'm okay. Just missing Hu. I was mean to him this past year and he still played with me and never hated me. I wish I was nicer to him." Hermione hugged her daughter.
"We already got the letters for next term."
"Anything big?" Dominique asked.
"Well, Lily's quidditch captain."
"Wait a minute. Hold up. Me, quidditch captain? I'm only a second year."
"Apparently Amara was talking to Flitwich about when she graduated making you captain."
"Well, I guess I could do it. I just need to find more than half a quidditch team. That's not gonna be hard at all." She said sarcastically.
"You still have a few players." Ly said optimistically.
"Ly, over half the schools dead and three teachers are dead. How are you being optimistic?"
"It just seems like the right thing to do."
"I just don't know how the other teachers are going to react to me having used the worst one of the three unforgivable curses."
"Well you lost literally almost all of your family and that caused a lot of anguish. I think they'll somewhat understand."
"Well, we still have over a month. Do you want to use hand me downs to save money or what?"
"I'm fine using Al's stuff and he can use J's."
"I heard my name."
"You good with using J's stuff this year?"
"I guess. I'm gonna miss his over protective teasing."
"Me too. Lets go tell, da- grandfather." Lily caught herself.
"It's okay, Lil. I make that mistake myself. Lets go then."
"Hello you two. Lily? Have you been crying? Come here." James pulled her close.
"I miss them too baby. You'll be alright. I heard that you're the new Ravenclaw quidditch captain. I'm proud of you and I know Harry and Ginerva would be too."
"Thanks for taking care of us."
"I wouldn't abandon my family. Hey, Al, I heard what you and J did. I haven't told Pads yet. I think you should. I am extremely proud. You set a record not even the Marauders could beat."
"Remember what Neville said when Mcgonagall read James' name and saw Sirius Potter after that, Neville could of swore she was about to faint." Lily told Albus.
"Yea. Then we kept getting detention last year. Remember that howler mum sent. I never heard her so angry."
"The Malfoys' teased you for a week and I was about to go full wolf on them."
"Let's pack our trunks. I know its a month away but we don't want to be discombobulated then." The family ran around grabbing robes and books and cauldrons.
"Done." It was a silent day but when Al told Sirius it was not so silent.
"What the bloody hell?! That's impossible!"
"Wanna see?"
"You bet." Sirius overdramatically fell to the floor.
"Oh get over yourself, snuffles."
"Harry told you about that?"
"You were his role model."
"Oh. Well, I'm sorry I didn't believe you."
"Dad said he wanted to be mad but he was just too proud."
"Sounds like when Prongs mom found out."
"Dinner's ready."
"I like everyone living here. Its tight but it helps with mourning." Everyone agreed.
"I have a toast. To those who risked everything and to those who are still with us." Scorpius spoke for the first time in months. Everyone was too shocked to respond.
"You- you just spoke!" Victorie looked like she was about to faint.
"Its not like I forgot how. I just didn't have anything to say and I couldn't get over my dad. He was the only one that supported me."
"Well, tesoro, you have us now." Scorpius blushed.
"How is everyone coping?" Luna asked.
"Three of us know how almost everyone is coping." Ly said.
"And how is that?" Dominique questioned.
"Same way I did after Min and bubba first passed. Almost all of the ones who are doing it are in school or have just graduated. Only two adults are." Everyone looked around at each other.
"I'm one of them." Rose shakily raised her hand. Fleur placed a hand on her niece.
"It izz okay, Rose. You have your reasons but you also have reasons to stop. Look around you. We may not have much but we have each other. That's worth the world."
"Well said aunt Fleur." Roxy hugged Rose tightly.
"'The worlds not perfect but its not that bad. If we have each then we'll be fine.'" Angelina randomly started singing. Soon everyone was grinning and they were the happiest they had been in months.

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