The Dragon Cub| Game Of Thron...

By Ikonic_Fantast

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Jaime realises Jon's true idenity when visiting Winterfell, remembering a promised made to Rhaegar, Jaime and... More



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By Ikonic_Fantast

Oldtown 297 AC.


She had enjoyed the North and that Jon had made it there even more so, standing with him in the crypts and speaking to his mother, seeing the winter roses, one of which she had pressed into a handkerchief. Each day she'd been there had been one she'd remember for the rest of her life and while she was sad to see Jon go and also to leave herself, she looked forward to going home.

That they had headed to Bear Island and would be taking the ship from there rather than White Harbor had made their journey a little different. Sansa having to say goodbye to her brother earlier than she'd expected and Margaery telling both Wylla and Wynafred how much she'd miss them. The travel too was different, the Mormonts moved faster and were a little rougher around the edges than the Manderleys.

For Margaery though it also gave her the opportunity to meet her aunt again and they stayed on Bear Island for a few days. Gerold was running around now and Margaery found herself almost shocked he'd grown so much since she'd seen him last. Her aunt was glad to see her too and when the ship arrived to take them to Oldtown, Margaery almost didn't wish to travel.

"We could ask them to stop you know, in Lannisport, surprise Jon." Sansa said as they stood on the deck one night.

"I think we've surprised each other enough. I'd like to though, but it's perhaps for the best if we head home." she said and Sansa nodded, her friend wished to see Highgarden again as much as she did.

They didn't spend long in Oldtown and yet she was called to speak to her grandfather and uncles. Baelor, Garth, Gunthor, and Humfrey all waiting for her when she arrived at her grandfather's solar. She felt nervous for some reason and then she realized that something had happened, her uncle Baleor had traveled with her grandmother and she wondered if they knew, something she found out for certain a moment later.

"It's good to see you well granddaughter and I'd wish to be speaking to you on less important things but Baelor brings news from your grandmother which I must speak on." her grandfather said looking inquisitively at her.

"Of course grandfather." she said with a smile.

"Ser Jon Snow, Margaery, he's not who we've all thought he was and by all accounts is someone we hope he is, can you confirm for me his name?" her grandfather asked and Margaery took a breath, briefly for a moment she considered not saying it but she knew she must.

"Jaehaerys Targaryen, grandfather, he's the trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Targaryen and the man I am to marry." she said with a smile.

"You are?" Baelor asked happily.

"Jon and I love one another uncle. I loved him before I knew who he truly was and while the agreement was done, we were unaware of it, we wished to wed and we will be." she said and saw her grandfather smile.

"I am most pleased to hear it granddaughter, most pleased, more so now that I can see your own happiness with the arrangement." her grandfather said.

"I am happy grandfather, Jon is a good man and he'll make a great king." she said proudly.

"And you'll make a great queen niece, congratulations." her uncle Gunthor said and one by one they spoke to her.

It was as she was going to her bed that her grandfather stopped by her room, her aunt walking beside her and Malora looked every inch the name she'd sometimes heard people use for her. The mad maid they called her and looking at her straggly hair and her tattered clothing, Margaery felt she fit that description. Yet when she spoke there was no madness there and her words made her think of something had Jon said about things he'd seen.

"I've seen you wear a crown niece, seen you ride beside your husband on a dragon, have I dreamed these things, do the dragons fly once more?" Malora asked her voice filled with a little doubt.

"You have not aunt, Jon has brought dragons back, I've seen and touched one myself." she said and Malora seemed to relax but not as much as her grandfather did.

"For too long I've felt the voices in my head to be the signs of losing my mind, I thank you niece." Malora said as she moved to walk away.

"Aunt, Grandfather, can you come in for a moment, I need to speak to you both." she said and her grandfather did as she asked, Malora seeming happy to walk with him.

Once inside they sat down and Margaery walked to where she kept the Glass Candle, she had expected this night to be her speaking to Jon alone but something about her aunt's words and the look on her face, made her need them to see this. When they saw the Glass Candle she saw both of them look at it with interest, even more so when she put it on the table between them.

"Don't be alarmed by what you hear." she said and they sat there waiting until Jon's voice spoke.

"Margaery?" he said softly.

"Jon, I'm here, I'm not alone Jon, my grandfather and aunt are here with me. Jon I need you to do something for me." she said and her grandfather looked from her to her aunt and then both of them looked to the Glass Candle.

"Anything, just name it." Jon said and she saw her grandfather's smile.

"Jon, my aunt hears voices, she sees things and they upset her, she isn't sure where they come from and what they mean." she said, and when her grandfather went to say something she shook her head and smiled mouthing 'trust me' to him.

"She's a greenseer?" Jon said and both her grandfather and aunt looked to each other.

"Jon, you know of this?" her aunt asked and she smiled when she heard Jon say her aunt's name.

"Lady Malora, I too am a greenseer and I know the way it makes you feel, the thoughts you know not whether they are yours, someone else's, or if they are real." Jon said.

"You can help Jon?" her grandfather asked.

"There are some books you may be able to get from the Citadel my lord, some I have myself in my possession, if they don't help fully then when I can I'll come to speak to you both." Jon said as he gave them the names of the books.

Her grandfather and aunt left and after speaking to Jon for some time she said her goodbyes to him and then walked to her aunt's rooms at the top of the tower. Inside the room, she found her aunt laying in her bed and her grandfather sitting down looking at her in what seemed to be a far better mood.

"That was the king?" her grandfather asked.

"Aye, I've known him as Jon for so long that I cannot wrap my head around his other name, I know I'll have to." she said with a smile.

"Thank him for me if you see him before I do, for Malora too." her grandfather said and Margaery looked to her aunt, seeing her sleeping and looking peaceful "It's rare she lays down herself, too afraid of what the night would bring, so to see it fills my heart with joy, Granddaughter.".

They were breaking their fast the next morning when the ravens arrived and Margery could barely believe them. Cersei dead, Joffrey dead, Tommen, and Myrcella named traitors. Once again she was asked to join her grandfather and once again found her uncles waiting with him when she got there.

"Tommen is squired to the king is he not?" she heard her grandfather ask her uncle as she took a seat.

"He is father." Baelor said.

"Margaery, the king will he give up Tommen?" her grandfather asked and she shook her head.

"No, never." she said and saw her grandfather nod to her uncle.

"I'll be coming with you to Highgarden Margaery, as will your uncle Gunthor, we will not be coming alone. Your grandmother told us the king wished to wait six moons for a war, well the war is upon us and the banners will soon be called, this morning father sent out word to call ours and together we ride." her uncle Baelor said and Margaery looked to them nervously knowing that what they said was true.

Before she got the chance to move or say anything though her grandfather stood up and bid his sons do likewise, motioning for her to stay in her seat.

"We ride to crown a king and queen, to Jaehaerys and Margaery the king and queen of the seven kingdoms." he said.

"Jaehaerys and Margaery." her uncles said and she felt her heart race at the words.

Winterfell 297 AC.

Ned Stark.

He had hoped to have more time with his new wife, even after knowing Jon's mind on things. The meeting in the Godswood one he'd not attended but heard about from Wyman and Jon after it happened. Ned had both been a little annoyed that they'd held a meeting without him and glad of it, proud too that Jon felt comfortable enough to do so. But it was knowing that Jon wished him time with Elle that had won out in the day and so after listening to what had been said, he welcomed the time it would give him.

Time that now was something they had none of, the first raven had been a shock to him, the second more expected and so his own had gone out. Word had spread and the banners had been called, Ned sitting back and readying himself to tell the truth to those who didn't know of it. Galbart and Rickard would moan, Roose would take issue and Robett would rant and rave, those he knew of. It was others he wondered about, the Wulls and the Flints, the other mountain clans, some of the smaller houses too.

That the ones who knew arrived first, only showed that once the news had spread of Robert's actions they had known what would come next. That Jon would not let this stand and the war they'd thought moons away was upon them now. He looked down at the raven Jon had sent to the realm and wondered if this was what Robert had received and if so, how had he reacted when he did? How had Jon Arryn reacted and now how would others?.

"They are ready my love." Elle said and he walked over and kissed her softly on the lips, her eyes looking into his fearfully.

"I wish we had more time." he said his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Come back to me my love, come back when this is done and we'll have the rest of our lives." she said and Ned nodded.

The ale was being drunk and the Great Hall was full, Ned looking to see the Greatjon and Maege along with Jorah. He saw Wyman and Wylis and was glad the lord had come himself, he'd need Wyman's words before the night was through. In the corner, Roose sat with the Ryswells and the Dustins, his son and heir by his side. Ned smiling when he saw the Mountain clans and the nod he received from Big Bucket.

Seeing Donnel Flint, Brandon Norrey, and Torren Liddle with his sons made him feel a tinge of pride and one of sadness as these men were to soon learn a hidden truth. Beside him Robb sat along with Medger, his goodfather having been told the truth only a day or so ago. That he'd welcomed it only making Ned feel relief and as he brought his mug down, it was time to see what others would say.

"My Lords, My Ladies of the North, it both fills me with pride as a Stark to see so many of you answer the call and with sadness that I've had need to send one at all." he said and the room hushed.

"The Ned calls and the Wull comes." Hugo shouted loudly.

"Aye, we're here, now who the fuck are we to fight?" a voice shouted out and Ned smirked despite what he was about to say.

"Some of you may have received the ravens, heard what has taken place in King's Landing, for those who have not I'll speak it plain. The king has executed his wife for adultery, he murdered her son with his bare hands." he said and he saw people look to him when he had said the word murder.

"Ned?" a voice called out and he shook his head and continued.

"He's ordered that Myrcella and Tommen are to lose their heads and has put to sword every man and woman who were part of the queen's guard and household. Two of his own Kingsguard lost their heads, one for adultery and one for fulfilling his oaths and protecting his charge. Now he calls for the North to go to war with the West, to take up arms against House Lannister." he said.

He looked to the room and saw even those who didn't know the truth begin to look at each other and yet it was Roose he found himself concentrating on, the leech lord sitting quietly.

"My lords, even were it not for all House Lannister and the West has done for the North, I'd not be able to answer this call. Four and Ten years ago I stood in a hall when Robert was presented with the body of babes. In front of me and many others, he claimed to see none only Dragonspawn and it was that and what I found later at a tower in Dorne that forced my hand and led me to the decisions I made." he said.

He looked out once more and saw Barbrey move forward in her seat, as did some others in the room.

"My lords, Jon Snow is not my son, he is my nephew, the trueborn son of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Lyanna Targaryen and the rightful king of the seven kingdoms." he said and the voices begin to rise.

"Rape." he heard.



Slamming his hand on the table he eventually got the room to quiet or truth be told Lya did when she began to howl and when people sat down he began to get ready to tell the truth, he'd kept hidden from so many of them. Ned looked to see the Blackfish sitting at the back of the room staring at him.

"After seeing what Robert had allowed and traveling to find my sister, after fighting a war and then through three of the finest knights that ever graced the land. I found myself faced with a sister who's time was coming to an end, a sister who begged me to look after her son, made me promise to the old gods to see the boy safe and to tell him the truth one day. By the gods I swear had Jaime Lannister not come I may not have done so, I tell you all freely here in this room that I was on the verge of failing that boy, I had failed that boy." he said and looked down to the table.

"You're saying the rebellion was a lie?" Barbrey shouted at him.

"No, I'm saying there was more to it, much more, things I didn't know then and things that were it not for my nephew none of us would know now. Rhaegar never kidnapped my sister, they married under the old gods and the new, married and in a letter to Robert told him of that marriage. Did he share this letter with any of you? With Me? Or did he allow us to believe the lie? All for what, to get my sister back or to put himself on a throne he didn't deserve?". Ned said.

"Yet you kept this from us." Rickard Karstark said loudly.

"Aye, I kept it from you. My first obligation was to my sister's son and then to my king.".

Ned paused as he began to look around the room.

"From the moment he went to the West my nephew has worked to help the North, worked to put coin in all of your pockets. The Reach, the West, houses that were loyal to both his families, he's worked to see we've all had it better than we ever had under any king before him. All of you passed through Wintertown, you think that was my idea? That the people who came North in search of a better life did so because of me? No, my nephew did that, my king did that." Ned said his voice showing his pride at the end.

"You're asking us to rise against your foster brother, your foster father, for a damn dragon." Galbart said though there was less anger in his voice.

Ned readied himself to answer but Howland stood up and began to speak.

"For Lyanna's boy, for a son of the North who even though he left never forgot the North in all his time away. What has Robert Baratheon ever done for you Rickard, or for you Roose? That work you've done to your keep Galbart, that work you're so proud of. Where did the coin come for that?" Howland asked.

"I fought against the dragons because the Ned said so, because of what they'd done to the Rickard, the Brandon. You tell me now the Ned, am I to fight with you today?" Torren Liddle said and Ned saw the other mountain clan leaders look to him.

"Why should we fight for any of them? If the stag kept this from us then fuck him, but you've kept it from us too Ned. Your nephew has dragon blood and we all saw the last time a dragon sat the throne. I may believe you about Lyanna and Rhaegar but that doesn't change the fact that a dragon killed our liege and his heir, that's why I rose, why should I rise again?." Rodrik Ryswell said and Ned could see some lords nodding along.

Ned watched as Lord Jorah stood up, the bearskin cloak wrapped around his shoulders as he looked to the High Table and nodded to him.

"This time we rise not just for a dragon, but for a wolf also." Jorah Mormont said looking around the room "Aye, we can curse a lad for one side of his blood, but do we forget the other? Was it not that lad who brought Direwolves back to the North? Is his own Direwolf not a gift from the Old Gods?" Jorah said.

Ned tried not to smile as Jorah sat and the Greatjon rose.

"I care not for who sits the throne, we've seen it afore, Stag or Dragon they cared not for me or mine. They know nothing of the North, of the lands we live in, the Wolfswood means nothing to them, fuck me even their gods are wrong." the Greatjon said to laughs "But a king with Stark blood in his veins, a king who cares enough to give away his own damn coin so children don't go hungry. A king who kneels and prays to the Old Gods and walks around with a wolf so fucking quiet, I damn near shit myself every time it's around." The Greatjon said to even louder laughs "That's something I've never had in my life, something none of us has ever had, a King from the North.".

The Greatjon had no sooner sat down than Wyman stood, the Lord of White Harbor one Ned was happy to hear from.

"I've never met a lad like him, none of us have, you all know it, most of you have said it to me or others at some time or another. Be it the wolf by his side as the Greatjon says or the work he's done that's benefited us all, as Ned brought up. Is there a man or woman in this room who doesn't think Jon Snow is a lad they'd like to call their own son?" Wyman said and as Ned looked around the room he could see some smiles "War is upon us my lords, should Robert win and the North not fight on his side then you think he'll let us sit in peace? Should Jon Snow win and mark my words my lords, he will win, do you think he'll forget that we didn't rise?." Wyman said.

Ned looked around and saw the hushed whispers, the lords speaking to their heirs and their lealest men.

"That boy is of the North my lords, and the North Remembers." Wyman said.

He heard some of the whispers after Wyman spoke, lords mouthing the words, though Maege stood up before anyone else could.

"I loved the lady Lyanna, she was my friend and I like all mourned her loss. I blamed the dragons and Rhaegar though I knew that she never cared for Robert and I like most of the men in this room saw as we marched to find her and avenge Rickard and Brandon. I saw, we saw, each night we saw it, that man loved no one but himself." Maege said and the looks on the Lord's faces was one he'd remember for some time.

"Aye, but we marched for a lie Maege." Roose said softly.

"A lie none of us knew at the time Roose." Maege said and Roose nodded "My family has benefited greatly by knowing Lyanna's boy, my daughter makes me kin with the Lannisters and so my choice is clear. Bear Island rises my lords, we rise and we march and we march with Lyanna's boy, the King from the North.".

He looked out as the Greatjon stood up, as Wyman did, Barbrey Dustin rising next, Rickard and Galbart, Robett and Rodrik, Medger stood up beside him and he watched as Big Bucket and the others rose too. Robb stood up and then Ned reached down and picked up his mug of ale, watching as others did the same.

"Jaehaerys Targaryen, the King from the North." he said loudly.

"The King from the North." the voices rang out and when he sat back down he felt both the relief that he'd managed to get them to rise and the pride that they rose for her son.

Riverrun 297 AC.


When Edmure had read the raven from King's Landing he had been in as much shock as she had. Finding out that the queen had cuckolded her husband was something they'd never have expected, that she'd done it for all three of the children made them fear for the realm. War was inevitable, the queen would lose her head and even if that was not enough to force the Lannisters into action, the words on the raven's scroll would do that.

"Treason?" he asked and she shared his confusion.

"I don't understand it, the queen aye, but the children? Bastards they may be but does that deserve them losing their heads?" Utherydes said as he sat with them in her solar.

"They are pretending to be what they are not, claiming to be princes and princesses and to have the right to something they do not have." she said.

Cat found that ever since she found out about the truth of their birth, her feelings about them had changed. Did this not prove the duplicitous nature of bastards? Prove they would always find a way to take what wasn't theirs by right? She shuddered thinking that she'd wished her daughter married to the prince and even more when she remembered Bran was betrothed to the princess. Taking comfort at least that neither of those things could ever happen now.

"We may need to call the banners my lord." Utherydes said.

"If the king calls for us then we will, until then we do nothing." Edmure said.

"This will mean war Edmure, of that we can be certain, the Lannisters will not give up their kin, we've both seen how much they care for bastards." she said and saw her brother nod.

"Aye, but I'll not call my banners until I'm asked, maybe there won't be a war, maybe they'll realize the odds they face will be too much. The Vale, Stormlands, the Reach and the Riverlands, the North, no there may be no war at all." Edmure said with a smile and she shook her head at her brother's stupidity.

She didn't think Ned would rise against the West and given how close the bastard was to the Reach, they may not rise either. With both of them sitting out the war it became a different animal she thought. While she wasn't well thought in military matters, she was her father's daughter and he had always explained things to her, he and her uncle. War may start out as a just cause but soon it became about what benefit there was in sending your men to fight, what gains could you make.

That night she lay in her bed and the dreams came, terrible dreams, dreams of Riverrun in flames, of Edmure's head on a spike. Dreams of herself being dragged out and manhandled to a block, around her faces looked on as a man in shiny armor made his way towards her, a thin sword in his hand and she knew, she knew who it was. She woke up before Jon Snow could bring down the sword and after getting a drink of water, she paced her room.

"A Dream, it's just a dream." she said but the thoughts wouldn't leave her.

She dressed and walked from her room, soon finding herself on the parapets looking down on the Tumblestone and the Red Fork. Her mind was troubled as she began to think about the war to come, Edmure could hope it wouldn't arrive but war was inevitable. They needed Riverrun to be ready and so she resolved to set to work on the morrow, hoping that she'd at least get the time to properly prepare.

"My lady, Lord Edmure is looking for you, there's been a raven from the Hand of the King." Pearl said as she woke her the next day.

"My dress." she said and the girl grabbed her dress and helped her into it, Cat annoyed to find she'd slept late when she had so much to do.

Walking to her brother's solar she could see the heightened activity, the guards more on alert and men running to and fro. She saw Ser Desmond and the man seemed to be rushing to follow some order or other and she knew then that her worst fears had come to pass. Hurrying she found Edmure with Utherydes and Ser Robin Ryger looking over a map on her brother's desk. Her brother wearing armor that briefly made her think of her father doing the same thing in this very same room. Though unlike her father, Edmure didn't carry the same presence nor have her uncle standing by his side.

"Cat, from Lord Jon." Edmure said and Utherydes handed her the raven scroll, Cat taking it from him and reading it, almost knowing what it would say before she did so.

Lord Tully,

By Order of his grace, Robert Baratheon The First of his Name, King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. You are hereby called to arms, call your banners my Lord for the king has need of them. We march to war.

Lord Jon Arryn,

Hand of the King.

She handed the scroll back to Utherydes and stood as Edmure told Ser Robin what to do, finding she didn't agree with him but knowing now was not the time to speak up. When Ser Robin left Cat turned to Utherydes and asked him for a full accounting of their stores and to have Ser Desmond come to meet her to discuss the Keeps defenses, Edmure getting a put out look on his face.

"I'm Lord here Cat, I am capable of seeing to Riverrun." he said petulantly and she knew she had to tread carefully.

"Of course you can brother, but you're also Lord Paramount of the Trident and his grace will be looking to you on the battlefield. You have to concern yourself with a war brother. Organising the lords of the Riverlands to ready to ride is most important. I'd take what I could off your shoulders, leave you to the most important work while I did the mundane." She said and tried not to shake her head when he puffed up.

"Forgive me Cat, thank you, I'd be lost here without you." he said and she knew he was placating her but she also knew it was the truth.

"Have you sent the ravens?" she asked and saw him smile.

"Utherydes sent them this morning, this is what we've been waiting for Cat." Edmure said and she frowned before she schooled her features.


"The bastard, Cat. He's on the wrong side of this, the might of the realm is marching for him and I'll see him dead." Edmure said and despite her worries, she began to smile, the idea one she found most pleasing.

After checking with Utherydes and finding they had enough food in their stores for almost two years, Cat finding herself proud that she'd seen that mistake rectified. She and the steward spoke to Ser Desmond and found the defenses to be sound and she took some comfort in that. Little knowing that it was the last piece of comfort she'd feel for quite some time.

The first sign that all was not right was when after Houses Ryger, Vance and Pyper arrived and it soon became clear that things in King's Landing had been far worse than she'd imagined. She listened in shock at some of the tales that Ser Marq and Ser Hugo told of Robert's Rage. The killing of the entire household, the beating to death of the prince, Cersei's final words, all of it made her sick to her stomach and were it that alone then she'd have felt concern.

The lack of any of the major houses arriving worried her, Ser Marq and Ser Hugo along with Edmure were sure that raising more men took more time. Yet Cat thought that surely they'd have sent word by now, they'd have at least let them know they were on their way. When word did come it was even worse than she'd feared, House Mallister and House Blackwood hadn't raised arms. Edmure was furious and wished to ride out to meet them, threatening to strip them of their titles for this embarrassment. Cat finding the fear of the reason why they'd not risen to be more worrisome than any embarrassment it may cause.

"A raven my lord, most strange." Utherydes said running into solar, a panicked look on his face.

"From who Utherydes?" she asked.

"It bears the seal of House Targaryen, my lady." the steward said and she looked to see the three-headed dragon and felt a shiver which she shook off.

She watched as Edmure broke the seal and read it, her brother's eyes going wide and then his face going pale.

"Edmure, Edmure what is it?" she asked as the scroll dropped from his hand to the table.

Cat moved quickly and picked it up and as she read the words she felt her heart almost stop.

To House Tully,

Almost three hundred years ago my family raised yours up, made you what you are, and asked for nothing but your loyalty in return. In our hour of need, you went back on the oaths you swore, for gain and advancement you turned your back on my house. I hold your house as responsible as the Stags and the Falcons for the loss of my family, Lord Tully. It was because of your actions that I was forced to hide and forswear my family name, yet even here you sought to become an oath breaker once more and sent men to bring me down.

A dragon never forgets Lord Tully, it never forgives, and the time for retribution is at hand. No longer will I go by the name I was forced to hide under, no longer will my house hide in the shadows. Now those who wronged me will seek to hide but know this, my lord, I see you, I've always seen you, from the moment I unhorsed you in King's Landing to the next time I look in your eyes. House Tully has only survived because of a dragon's will and this dragon wills it no more, Jon Snow is dead Lord Tully and he was the one person who kept you alive.

My Name is Jaehaerys Targaryen and when I'm finished all debts will be paid, House Tully will pay theirs in Fire and Blood.

Jaehaerys Targaryen,

The true king.

She woke up convinced it had been a dream, a terrible horrible dream and then she saw the Maester and Utherydes, she saw her brother and he looked as if he'd aged many years. He didn't even ask if she was well or how she felt, didn't even bother to offer her some form of concern, or let her know he cared.

"What have we done?" he said and she could hear the fear in his voice.

She could hear it because she knew her own would sound the very same, the fear in her heart threatened to overwhelm her and as she sat there she began to cry. Through her tears she could see it now, the dream she had wasn't a dream at all, it was a vision and one she wasn't sure she could hide from. Riverrun, Edmure, herself, all of them covered in fire and blood.

King's Landing 297 AC.

Jon Arryn.

He looked over the ravens and found himself happy to see them, Edmure had called his banners and Stannis and Renly were doing the same, the Knights of the Vale had begun to assemble also. For the past few days, Robert had even stopped drinking and had begun to cut down on his eating too. That he was unable to lift his hammer had been an eye-opener to the king and they'd needed to get another lighter one made. But it at least had an effect and he now spent time in the yard each day.

Jon had so much work and it bothered him that because of this war he couldn't spend his time doing what needed to be done. They had to name more guards to the Kingsguard and Jon had sent another raven to the Lannisters, this time for Ser Barristan's eyes. He knew they'd not give the prince up and he couldn't ask Ser Barristan to bring him back, he could however order the Lord Commander to return and they had need of him.

Strange things were happening in the city and a part of him wondered if the Lannisters had been preparing for this war for some time. Lomas seemed to think so, the Master of Whisperers telling him that the Lannister Manse had emptied and the buildings they worked from no longer held men. There wasn't a pinnacle ship in the docks either and he cursed Robert for that, had he held his rage then the could have taken one or more of those ships for themselves.

"Lord Baelish, my lord." a servant said and Petyr walked in and took a seat opposite him.

"Petyr, tell me you've found them?" he asked hopefully.

"No my lord, all the names you gave me, not one of them is here in the city, they've all just disappeared." Petyr said his frustration clear.

"This is most odd, who the hell would wish to make off with the king's bastards?" he asked though it was more to himself than seeking any real answer.

"I do not know, perhaps we should ask Lomas my lord?".

"Aye, come, we've a meeting to attend." he said and they stood up and walked to the Small Council chambers.

Inside it was just Gormon and he shook his head and wondered why he'd actually called this meeting. Renly and Stannis were both away raising their banners, he should have just called the Grandmaester to his solar, he actually thought he had for a moment until Robert came in. The king was walking with Lomas and Jon was happy to see a smile on his face, something that had been sorely lacking these past few weeks.

"Ned's called the banners Jon." Robert said and Jon looked to Lomas who nodded.

"I had thought.." he said but Robert's mood was too good to let him finish the sentence.

"I fucking told you, he's my brother Jon, my brother by choice. I fucking told you he'd not sit this out." Robert said and Jon felt a sense of relief as their odds had just got a lot better.

"This is great news, your grace. Lord Edmure has sent a raven saying he too has called his men, Stannis and Renly too and Yohn has said the Knights of the Vale are ready to ride." he said and saw Robert's eyes light up.

"The Tyrell's?" the king asked.

"No word my lord, the ravens have been sent but I've received no word." Gormon said.

"I heard a whisper about Oldtown my king, but I've not been able to confirm that Lord Leyton raised his banner." Lomas said.

"What is that fat fuck thinking, Jon?" Robert asked and Petyr answered for him.

"I believe Lord Mace is doing what he does best your grace." Petyr said.

"What? eating and looking fucking stupid." Robert said laughing loudly.

"Listening to Lady Olenna, I think Petyr means." he said and Robert's smile went from his face.

"I don't fucking need the Reach. The Stormlands, The Vale, The Riverlands, now with the North, Illyrio said his men are on the way too are they not?" Robert said.

"They are my lord, the Golden company should arrive within a moon or two.".

"Aye, so the old cunt may think she'll get a queen for her support, I'll not fucking give it to her, had she rose and came then I'd think of it, the girl is a beauty after all." Robert said and Jon tried not to look at the expression on his face "But fuck them, send ravens to their bannermen directly, call them to arms.".

"Your grace, surely there is another way." Gormon said.

"I forgot they were your kin, fine, send a raven yourself Grandmaester, tell the old witch what you heard here, tell her how much of my displeasure she's incurred and warn her what will happen if she dallies any longer." Robert said and the Grandmaester was up and out of the room in the blink of an eye.

"Never thought he could move so fast your grace." Petyr said and Robert laughed "However, it may be that a match is for the best my king, the Reach's gold, the forces. We all know what Olenna truly wants and you can offer it to her, you should before someone else does.".

"Don't fucking tell me what I should do." Robert said loudly.

"I didn't mean it like that my king, I was suggesting." Petyr said.

"Petyr is right your grace, we should make the offer, who else is suitable as your bride and we needs must have heirs, Robert, as of now Stannis is next in line." he said and knew by the grimace on the king's face it had worked.

"Very well, Baelish, go do the damn deal." Robert said standing up.

"Robert, I need Petyr here." he said, his voice almost panicked.

"You don't get it both ways Jon, you want this fucking match, then send him to make it happen." the king said leaving.

He knew he had no choice and so he and Petyr met often over the next few days and he even ate with him, Lysa, and their son the night before he set out for the Reach. Lysa was upset to see him go but then so was he, both of them glad when he said he'd return swiftly.

With Petyr gone he met with Illyrio himself even more now, the magister settled in King's Landing and keeping him informed of the movements of the Golden Company. The sheer mass of men he was moving from Essos and the cost of it one he was glad that Illyrio was putting up, though he knew that in lands and coin they'd end up footing most of the bill later on.

He was feeling relaxed when the ravens came, Stannis having trouble with the Lords of the Narrow Sea not a surprise, Renly saying the Lord of the Stormlands had risen though had been far better news. When the acolyte arrived at the door he could sense the nervousness of the boy, the lad's hands shaking as he handed him the scroll. Jon thought he was seeing things when he looked at the seal, and his own hands shook when he broke it.

Lord Jon Arryn.

Hand to the Usurper.

The time has come my lord to pay the debt you owe my family, a debt payable only with blood. Something you should know all about Lord Arryn as the blood of my family is on your hands and I hold you and the usurper you serve fully responsible.

Truth can only remain hidden for so long my lord, eventually, it must be brought to light and so its time for you to learn my truth and for the realm to learn yours. You sought not to remove a tyrant from a throne, not to seek justice for men who'd fallen, but to place a puppet in the place of the rightful king. My father before me, my brother before me, both of them will work through me as I come for you my lord, both of them will see me as I strike you and your puppet king down.

For Elia, For Rhaenys, For Aegon, For Rickard , For Brandon and for my mother and father. For four and ten years I've kept my truth hidden and allowed you to keep hiding your own. As High as Honor are merely the words of your house, and mine own seem more apt.

Jon Snow is no more my lord, the name I was forced to hide under is a badge of shame I carry no longer.

My name is Jaehaerys Targaryen, trueborn son of Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen and I'm coming for you Lord Arryn, for your house and for your puppet king, I'm coming. Winter is coming, Winter is coming with Fire and Blood.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

There had been few times that Jon Arryn had run, but he ran from the room to the Maester's tower and found Gormon wasn't there and then he knew, he hadn't been the only one to receive such a letter. By the time he reached Maegor's he was out of breath, sweating, and his heart was racing. Still, he heard the shouts and the sounds of the things breaking, he ran towards the king's rooms and saw the girl's run from it, one with a busted lip and the other just looking terrified. Moving towards the door he heard the scream and had never heard Robert so loud.


The realm reacts.


Tytos Blackwood.

The raven had come from Edmure and he and his sons had spoken and ignored it, for now at least. Then the word had come from King's Landing and he'd felt it right he'd done so. He didn't wish a war and not one with the Lannisters, not only did he have one of his lads fostered there, but Edmure leading them into battle would be the end of them.

Finding out what the king had actually done, he was disgusted, the queen had committed adultery and she'd have to pay for it, he understood that. Wanting the children dead, beating one of them to death with his bare hands in front of the boy's mother. To kill the entire household and then display their heads for all to see, no that was too much.

He was sitting in the hall when Lucas came running in, his son having ridden to Seagard while Hoster had ridden to Stone Hedge. Finding that Jonos hadn't risen had almost made him do so but he wanted to know more first. Brynden motioned his brother over and they sat there while Lucas swallowed some water and ate a mouthful of bread and cheese, his son had ridden hard he was proud to see.

"Well?" he asked.

"The Mallister's make no move father, none." Lucas said and he nodded.

"Then it seems we were right not to." Brynden said.

"Aye, but I don't know if we'll be able to sit this out once the king rides." he said worriedly.

"Perhaps we should…." Lucas said but the Maester running in agitatedly soon stopped his son from finishing his thought.

"My lord, a raven." the Maester said and when he saw the seal he knew why the man seemed so harried.

"Is that?" Brynden asked as he saw the three-headed dragon.

"Aye." he said opening it excitedly.

To House Blackwood,

My family shares blood with yours, my lord, blood I respect, blood I cherish. For four and ten years among the many lies spread about my mother and father, another lie slipped by unnoticed, one which perhaps saved my life. From the moment I've found out the truth I've prepared for this day, prepared to take back what was taken from my family, and to see justice dealt to those who played their part.

We are kin my lord and no matter your response I'll remember that first and foremost. I seek leal men, leal lords, I seek my family to take back what is mine by right. For years I've hidden under a false name but no more. My uncle named me Jon Snow for my protection, my mother and father named me Jaehaerys Targaryen after the kings who came before me.

I ask you to name me kin and fight by my side.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

Tytos smiled when he read it and then passed it to Brynden and Lucas who did likewise, Hoster reading it last and being the one who asked the question.

"What will we do father?" Hoster asked as Tytos took to his feet.

"We gather our men and we fight for our kin, for our king, for the dragons." he said loudly.

Jason Mallister.

Ignoring the raven from Edmure was easy, the man had constantly belittled him and he cared not why the man was calling the banners, he'd not rise for him. Though when he found the first story about King's Landing and what had happened it gave him pause. He and Patrek soon finding themselves arguing over refusing a king or going against a house that had done them good.

The letter that arrived telling them the full truth of the events in King's Landing made their mind up and for the past few days, the argument was neutrality or joining with the Lannisters. The one thing stopping them was the odds they faced and Jason was beginning to think he'd need to go to war on the king's side just to survive. The thought made him sick to his very core, Patrek even more so.

"You can't be serious father, after what he's done, it's an affront to the mother to kill a child in such a way." Patrek said.

"Aye it is and would that the seven would strike the man down for it, but we both know that's not the way of the world. Robert brings the North, the Vale, the Stormlands and most of the other houses will rise for him, the Reach more than likely too.".

"The North won't rise against the Lannister's father, not only do they benefit more than any but Ser Jon is there." Patrek said.

His son raised an interesting point, even were he not a hostage, Ser Jon would fight on the Lannister side. Would his father fight against his son, even for Robert Baratheon?.

"The Reach?" he asked.

"Are as close also, if the Lannister's seek to crown Tommen, would Olenna not go for it?" Patrek said and Jason felt that a good point, though it helped him not.

"Then what are we to do, either way, we're fucked Patrek." he said when the knock came to the door, his Maester walking in holding a scroll in his hand.

"Maester?" he asked.

"It's most odd my lord, a raven carrying a scroll from House Targaryen." the maester said and he found himself shaking his head as he looked at the seal and broke it.

"Father?" Patrek said.

To all the leal houses who supported my family once, I call you to arms.

For four and ten years a liar has sat the throne, a usurper, a monster, who by now you've heard the truth of. A man who laughed at the bodies of babes and their mother, who fought based on a lie he knew the truth of. My mother was never kidnapped, those of you who knew my father have always known this to be true. They were married under the old gods and the new and despite knowing of this the usurper lied and my family suffered because of it.

They suffered so horrifically that my uncle, the king's best friend and brother by choice, couldn't accept it and out of fear for my safety, perpetrated his own lie. So the trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Targaryen became a bastard called Jon Snow. Today the bastard died my lords, the bastard died and my father's son takes his place. I call for you to once more to raise your arms, to once more remove a monster from his throne, and to renew your fealty to my house.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

After reading it out he looked to Patrek who had a smile on his face, one he was sharing, the game had just changed and the odds were very much different. For Jason, though he felt something else, he felt relief that he could do what his heart wished of him, what his faith demanded of him.

"Come Patrek, it seems we're to help crown the one true king." he said as he stood up.


Beric Dondarrion.

The raven came and he found himself sitting at dinner that night with Thoros and Ned, knowing what he must do and not liking it one bit. That he and Thoros were so much at odds was nothing new, especially lately. His friend had for some time spoken up about the king and his family and while Beric agreed with him, he was his king and his brother his liege lord.

'Honor has to count for something' he thought.

It was when they were gathering the men at Blackhaven that the letter came and when Thoros showed him it, his first instinct was that it was a lie. No man could do as it said here but word soon came from other avenues and he knew then it was true. What the king had done was terrible and an affront to the gods and though he tried to keep it from Ned, he found out all the same.

"Yet is it not dishonorable to follow such a man?" Ned asked as they ate their dinner at night.

"I swore an oath to his house, to the man himself, would it be honorable for me to break such an oath?" he asked and Ned looked to Thoros who stayed silent.

"I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth and meat and mead at my table, and pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you into dishonor. I swear it by the old gods and the new." Ned said and Beric almost choked on his wine.

"Ned.." he said shaking his head.

"No service that might bring you into dishonor, my lord." Ned said as he got up and walked to his room.

He saw Thoros smiling and he found he had no words to speak, finding the next morning to be even worse as Ned was sullen and unresponsive when they broke their fast. During their spar, the boy seemed angry and he wanted to talk to him, to tell him how he felt, and yet he could not, instead just allowing him to leave when he did. It was dinner that night that he found the truth out and found it to be one that he'd never expected.

"Ned, I think it's time you told Beric about your uncle." Thoros said.

"Thoros." Ned said shaking his head.

"Then I will, for it's time he learned the truth. Come Beric, we need to talk." Thoros said.

The tale he told him was incredible, a hidden prince, no king, the greatest knight the realm had ever known alive and well. When he spoke of dragons, Beric had waited for the laugh and found none. That the boy was moving to take his throne was only more inevitable and when he finally got to speak to Ned before he took to his bed, he found himself pacing rather than sleeping for the rest of the night.

"A good knight, to be as my uncle is, that's all I wished for. When I found out he lived and who he served, he didn't need to swear me to secrecy, my lord, I did so without being asked. I cannot fight against my family and I will not fight against the king he serves." Ned said as he looked pleadingly at him.

"Ned I..".

"I'll ready my things my lord, I must return to Starfall.".

The right thing to do was an easy thing if you were lucky that was, but life didn't work that way and after a night with barely any sleep, the morning proved just as taxing. The raven arrived calling them to arms, though this one bearing a three-headed dragon seal and he knew not what to do.

"I'll be leaving with Ned, old friend, I wish you good fortune in the wars to come." Thoros said when he told him that he too needed to stick to his oaths.

"Thoros..." he said but his friend had already left the room.

He stood at the window and looked out, watching as his men readied and as Thoros and Ned made their own preparations. Reaching into his pocket he took out the small picture of his betrothed, Allyria looking back up at him and he knew what must be done. Racing down he caught them before they left through the gate, his breath taking some time to come back to normal.

"We ride to the king, the true king." he said and the smile on his squire and his friend's face made his own appear.

Selwyn Tarth.

Each day he waited for the raven, for the letter to come, for any sign to tell him what to do. His liege lord called and he knew he should rise and so he did. Despite it being against a house he had no issue with and for a reason he didn't agree with. Yet that wasn't his concern, it was that his daughter was warding at Casterly Rock and he feared she'd be used as a hostage to make him lay down his arms.

As more and more news came from King's Landing and little from Casterly Rock, he found that he was even less sure he wished to raise arms anyway. What had been done was horrific and bore far too many marks of the mad king for his liking, so Selwyn had his men take their time and delay their departure until finally the raven's came.

"My lord." his Maester said handing him the two raven scrolls. One bearing his own seal, the suns and crescent moon, the other bearing the seal of House Targaryen which gave him pause.

Breaking the seal and hoping it was his daughter's own words he read, he was happy to see her handwriting, happier still to see she didn't use the code they'd agreed upon many years earlier. While not a rich house, she was his only child and his heir and so she could be ransomed off, something he'd made her well aware of. So he'd asked her to mark her words with her name signed as just a letter, if she did so then he'd know she had written under duress, seeing her name written clearly, Selwyn breathed a sigh of relief.


I am safe and well and am where I wish to be I ask you to consider the offer in the other scroll, but I wish you to know that I am in no danger and my safety should not be your concern.

Your loving daughter,


He quickly opened the second scroll.

Lord Selwyn,

I beg your forgiveness for the lie I had to tell you, I did so because my life would be in danger were it to have come out before I was ready. I also wish you to know that no matter your response, Brienne is my friend, her safety, and freedom I guarantee, I swear this on the old gods and the new.

My name is not Jon Snow and I'm not a bastard my lord, I'm the trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Targaryen and the truth of what happened in the rebellion is soon to be known. Once again a monster sit's the throne my lord, once again he must be removed, though even were this not true I'd still have mine own reason why I'd seek it done.

I give you leave to join your liege if you feel it the right thing to do, I welcome you to join me if that's your choice and should you wish to play no part, I'll accept this my lord. You have my word that I'll not seek retribution against you, nor seek it against Brienne, no matter what choice you make.

I wish you good fortune my lord,

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

He looked at the scroll and at his daughter's one, remembering the way she looked when she got the raven inviting her to Casterly Rock, how she'd been treated since she'd been there. He'd been promised that she'd be treated fair and that no one would ever look down on her, now by the same boy he'd been promised her safety was assured.

Looking out at his men, he wondered what the right choice to make was, something days later he still hadn't managed to decide.

King's Landing 297 AC.

Robert Baratheon.

He was beginning to feel the difference, though still out of breath and unable to last as long, he was getting better. Placing the hammer down, he grabbed a jug of water and drank straight from it before walking back to begin once more. The two guards coming towards him and though it took some time he dispatched them both. It had been to his everlasting shame that he'd not been able to lift his hammer, not being able to lift it, never mind swing it something he never thought possible.

He was the Demon of the Trident and he could not lift that which had won his crown. So he had started out with smaller, lighter hammers, and then found that he had another problem. It had been far too long since he fought and he was in no condition to do so, men he'd have laughed at were now too fast and agile for him. The drink had gone first and then the food, Robert eating much sparser fare than he was used to.

He began doing more work and soon he was beating guards, even if they were the weakest of them, soon beating more and moving up to a stronger heavier hammer. That he was also fucking better was just an added bonus, Robert finding himself lasting longer and enjoying it more, appreciating the women he fucked and the differences in them a little more.

"My king, the small council meeting." Lomas said and he handed off the hammer and nodded as they walked.

He found himself overjoyed with the news that Ned had answered the call and looking forward to rubbing it in Jon's face. The meeting itself though was as annoying as they ever were, the fucking Tyrells once again causing him to lose his temper. Were the girl not so fucking pretty he'd have denied them still, but Jon was right he needed an heir and better a pretty young wife than any other.

He continued sparring in the mornings and soon found himself even able to mount his horse alone, something he was glad of as he wondered what his bannermen would make of him needing help. Ordering his armor from the Qohorik and a Hammer to be made to look as close to his own as possible, he began to spend his evenings looking over maps. Even forgoing time with the whores to do so, not that he didn't enjoy himself when he was done.

"My king do you wish me to?" the girl said as she moved to go under the table.

"No, grab some wine and you and your friend go play, I'll be in presently." he said as he stared at the map.

When the Reach came on board he'd send their forces West, ask Stannis and Renly to join them, he'd march North and meet up with Jon and Edmure's men before meeting Ned. His fingers pointed at Riverrun and he felt that was best, though for a moment he worried about Ned and his former wife, smiling at the thoughts that soon it wouldn't just be his brother by choice that was laying down with a new wife.

Tracing the map he looked to Golden Tooth and Ashemark, to the Crag and Lannisport and finally Casterly Rock itself. His army coming from east to west and Stannis and the Tyrells coming from the south. The Lions would be fucked and he smiled at that, turning to look to Duskendale. The Golden Company would be at his back and while Illyrio was a man he knew he could trust, his army was not, and so he'd make them march with him.

Moving from the map he was smiling until he saw it, the sea is where he was weak and the Lannister's strong. He needed the Redwyne Fleet and he wondered if he should send Stannis with them, finding himself sitting down and redoing his plans once more. He was tired when he walked into his bed chambers, the girls sitting up and waiting for him and when he saw their naked bodies he felt himself rise.

"My king looks so worried, perhaps we can make it better." the girl said her brown eyes and hair briefly reminding him of Lyanna, and yet as she dropped to her knees it was Margaery Tyrell he saw when he closed his eyes.

"Come my golden rose, please your king." he said as he lifted her up and threw her giggling onto the bed.

After the girls left the next morning and he broke his fast, he began to get prepared for the day to come. Each day he was getting stronger and he knew he'd not be able to hold back any longer, the time was coming for him to make his move. He called for Gormon and had him send the raven to Stannis and to Renly, his brothers were needed to play their part. Renly would rule while he led the Stormlord's and Stannis would join with the Redwyne Fleet and see the Lannister were no threat.

He sent the raven to Ned asking for the Manderlys to bring their own ships to bear and then met with Illyrio to tell him his plans for the Golden Company. By the time he finished his meal and was heading back to his room, he'd felt he'd not worked so much since he'd been crowned. Though preparing for war was far different than sitting the throne, he relished it, enjoyed it, looked forward to it, rather than endured it like he did the ruling itself.

"My king, shall we begin." the blond said and he smiled, eager to take out his frustrations on her tight little body.

"We shall." he said when he saw the second girl, though he never got the chance to move before he heard the pounding on his door.

"Your grace, your grace." Gormon said as he almost burst into the room, the man's face panicked and Robert found his anger rise, the fucking Tyrells he thought as he grabbed the man by the chain.

"What has that cunt done?" he shouted and then he saw red, or to be more precise red and black "What the fuck is this?".

"A raven your grace, a raven bearing House Targaryen's sigil.

He almost ripped it from the man's hand and began to read it, each word forcing him to have to struggle to read on before he exploded.

To the Usurper, the Kinslayer, the False King, Robert Baratheon the shame of his house.

Your reign is soon to end usurper, the justice you've managed to avoid seeks you out. The mistake you made was you left me alive and now this dragon rises and comes for you. The lies you spread about my father will not be forgiven, the lies you spoke about my mother no longer believed.

For the family, you stole for me, for the throne you sit that was never yours, for the life that should have been mine, my brother's, my sisters, for my mother and father. Today you killed the boy Usurper, Jon Snow exists no more, in his place I stand as my father's vengeance, as my mother's justice.

Rhaegar's son, Lyanna's son, and to you I make this vow.

Night gathers, and now my march begins. It shall not end until your death. I shall take a wife, hold all lands, father many children. I shall wear my ancestor's crown and win back my family's glory. I shall live and die where I was born to, on Aegon's throne. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher from the shadows. I am the fire that burns the unjust, the light that brings the truth, the horn that wakes the leal men, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge this on my life and on my honor, for this night and all the nights to come.

Sleep well usurper, sleep well while you can, but be wary for the night is dark and full of terrors, and when morning comes the fall of the stag begins.

Jaehaerys Targaryen,

The True King.

The shout had the girls moving as quickly as they could, though they couldn't escape his rage, Robert lashing out at the shapes in front of him and trying to grab the nearest one. The room was red and then he wasn't there anymore, he was watching as she cried when the harp was played, when she told him she loved another. Robert was sitting in the crowd as she was crowned and in the tent as he read the letter.

He was swinging his hammer but the man wasn't there and the one who faced him was far too fast, the rubies on his armor and the shine were the same but the dark hair and grey eyes belonged to someone else. Finding himself sitting in the stands as a young boy won a duel and he cheered loudly, as the floppy fish fell to the ground while he held his breath.

My boy, our boy, he should have been mine, my son, he remembered the thoughts as the melee was won, as the joust and the fight against the Kingslayer had cost him coin. My boy, our son, he thought as he screamed when he saw the boy with his mother, with his father, her dark hair and smiling face, his silver hair and black and red clothing, the boy small as they swung him between their arms.

"DRAGONSPAWN." he shouted and for all he knew the entire realm heard his voice as he raged through the night.

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