The Dragon Cub| Game Of Thron...

By Ikonic_Fantast

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Jaime realises Jon's true idenity when visiting Winterfell, remembering a promised made to Rhaegar, Jaime and... More



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By Ikonic_Fantast

Riverrun 297 AC.


She sat in her solar looking at the raven scroll and wondered why her life was destined to be so terrible. Cat had been a faithful follower of the seven, had tried to bring her children up in their light, and had thought that alone would see the gods look out for her and her family. Yet reading the raven she knew now she was wrong and the gods cared not, her life was merely a plaything for bastards. Crumpling it up she shook her head, trying not to let her mind go back to King's Landing, trying and failing.

Kings Landing the Tourney.

So far it had been a disaster, an absolute disaster, everything she had expected to come to pass had not and she'd had to watch as one event after another went against her. It was as if the seven had abandoned her and thought nothing of her prayers. While at first, it had seemed like the trip would bring her all she wanted, each day she spent in King's Landing instead only moved those things further away.

Petyr had avoided her, so much so that she had ended up cornering him to find out why, and him telling her how busy he was didn't ring true to her. That Lysa sniped at her about how Petyr always took time out of his day to speak to her and spend time with Robin, didn't make her feel any better either. As for her sister, there was something strange about Lysa that she'd not noticed before, something odd. Combined with the fact that their petty childhood rivalry had seemed, on Lysa's part anyway, to have developed into something else, it left her discomfited.

Her sister seemed to be going out of her way to ignore her, especially after she found Petyr talking to her one day. Cat couldn't understand it and Petyr waved it off as being just like when they were children. Though she had never remembered Lysa acting back then, how she did now. It took her until the day of the melee to speak to Petyr alone and about what she had wished to, and once again their talk left her confused.

"I've written to the High Septon and spoken to him, he had agreed that Ned and I can annul our marriage." she said and Petyr smiled.

"That's great news Cat, I'm most pleased for you.".

"Which leaves me free to marry another." she said softly looking to him.

"Is that your wish, Cat, to marry again? Would it not be best to wait some time?" he asked.

"I don't mean immediately, Petyr, but if the right man was to suggest it, then perhaps." she said trying her best to be coy.

"I'm sure there will be no shortage of suitors for your hand Cat." Petyr said before he looked over her shoulder "Ah, my man, I must speak to him Cat, I hope we can talk later.".

So by the time she had sat down and watched the bastard win the melee, watched as he took a step closer to winning a bet with the king, she had been furious. Though for once it wasn't Jon Snow alone who was the source of her anger, Petyr too bore some of it as he had taken none of the hints she'd dropped him. Looking around at her children in the crowd only gave her more reason to be annoyed, Bran had come to see her with her uncle, but so far Robb and Sansa had not.

Thankfully that night at the feast she got to speak to them both and it made her heart soar to see them so happy, to see them stand out even among the great and good in the realm. While she'd not been best pleased about the match that Robb had seemed to embrace, she was happy for her son and so she held her tongue for now. Something she did not do with Sansa, much to her daughter's annoyance.

"You cannot dance so openly with your half brother Sansa, not here, not in this place." she said trying to keep the smile on her face when she spoke.

"I'll dance with whomever I chose mother, and what does it matter if I dance with Jon, everyone knows he's my brother and he's an anointed knight too." Sansa said.

"Here a girl's reputation can be sullied by dancing with a B….with a baseborn, brother or not." she said catching herself before she called him what he truly was.

"Jon is my brother, mother, I'll dance with him here, or anywhere else I chose." Sansa said.

"You can't Sansa, the prince, what is he to think of you dancing with that boy, with..".

"Say it mother I can see you wish to, say the word?" Sansa said and Cat was taken aback by the look on her daughter's face.

"Sansa, you must listen." she said but her daughter was up and gone before she had the chance to explain.

Even Petyr, who sensed her distress and asked her what had happened had not been able to get through to her daughter. Cat spending the rest of the night glowering as she looked on when Sansa seemed to take comfort in flaunting herself by dancing with the bastard. The next morning she finally got to speak to Petyr properly once more and this time she was more blatant, the answer or lack on one she got, once again ruining her mood.

"Cat, you flatter me truly and I must say I had no idea you felt this way." Petyr said.

"You must have had some idea Petyr, we've always been close." she looked at him smiling.

"I may have hoped Cat, but you catch me at a most inopportune time, something like this requires much thought and for now my work takes precedence." he said and she looked at him shaking her head, was he really turning her down?.


"Oh Cat, forgive me, I didn't mean to sound so uninterested, perish the thought, more we must look at this from many standpoints. Can we speak on this another time, in another place, can I come to Riverrun and we can discuss it there far more seriously?" he asked and she was pleased to see him look pleadingly at her.

"Of course, but it is something you wish for?" she asked nervously.

"It is something I've dreamed about Cat." he said and when he leaned in she allowed him to kiss her cheek.

Dinner that night was a family one, though it was only her, Jon Arryn, Lysa, and her brother who attended and Lysa seemed even more annoyed with her for some reason. Though she was happy for the early night and for Bran arriving with her uncle the next morning while she broke her fast. Seeing her son squired to her uncle instead of the bastard being something that filled her with so much relief.

She had just gotten done telling her son that when he got the chance he should thank Petyr for getting him that opportunity, something her uncle seemed annoyed about when her children arrived. That both Sansa and Robb arrived together had at first thrown her so much that she'd not been able to speak, though soon it was clear that things had gone far better than she had hoped.

Cat listening as her children finally seemed to understand all she had warned them of, even that though soon gave way to something else by the time they had left. Sansa was a lost cause, she knew that now, the bastard had his hooks way too deep into her. Were it not for the guards arriving and the relief she felt when they took both Sansa and Robb away, then Cat was sure she'd have told them everything. That what she was doing was for the best wouldn't have mattered then, the children weren't ready to face the full truth, not yet.

"That's terrible Cat, an attack on Lady Margaery, here in King's Landing." Edmure said as she walked with him to the jousting grounds.

"It is, but then perhaps it's a sign from the seven about the company she keeps." she said and her brother looked at her and agreed before he made his way to get ready for the day's joust.

Even the day's joust had been a disaster, though the next one even more so. Edmure had fallen to a mere boy once more and she could see the looks from those in the crowd how amusing they found. That the bastard had kept winning and with each ride was not only a step closer to winning his wager but the crowd too, only making her day worse. When he made it to the final four she was shocked and to hear the king cheer for him even more so. She was sure he'd fall to the Bold and when he didn't, convinced he'd fall to Jaime Lannister. Yet the bastard prevailed and she watched on with disgust as he crowned Margaery Tyrell.

Her mind was spinning for the rest of the day, trying to make sense of it, would the Tyrell's allow their daughter wed a bastard? Surely not? Wasn't it the prince they had set their sights on? It didn't make sense to her and watching them at the feast that night made even less so. They danced the one time that was for protocol and then the bastard danced more with Sansa than he did with Margaery.

Seeing him get the prince named as his squire the next day was almost the worst thing that happened to her, at least until her confrontation with Lysa. Cat had some strange conversations with her sister over the years, Lysa's oddness had always been a part of her but this one was the strangest and it actually scared her.

"Ah my dear sister, I wondered when you'd reappear." Lysa said an odd smile on her face.

"I only just saw you in the Throne Room Lysa, it's not like I was going anywhere.".

"Indeed, you're going nowhere." Lysa said with a laugh.

"Lysa?" she asked looking to her sister who's eyes were glaring at her with such hatred that she was taken aback.

"You really should have treated that boy better Cat, he's risen so high and has the favor of great houses and the king, even Petyr finds him interesting." Lysa said and Cat felt her annoyance rise.

"He's a bastard, he deserves nothing." she said angrily.

"Perhaps and yet he's achieved so much, risen while you've fallen." Lysa said smirking.

"He's risen falsely, people will see that and he'll be cast down to where he belongs.".

"Or he'll rise higher and do the casting." Lysa said laughing again "What was it he said, You lack imagination, it seems Jon Snow and I agree on something sister.".


"That little run-in you had with him, put you in your place didn't he, you should pay attention Cat, you've always wanted that which wasn't yours to have." Lysa said and Cat looked at her dumbfounded.

"What are you saying?".

"Petyr would never marry you Cat, you've nothing to offer him, no house, no future, no children, nothing." Lysa said before she moved over closer to her "You should be wary sister, reach too high and what was it Jon Snow said, your family is in a position it doesn't deserve, be careful sister or you may find yourself in a position that you deserve to be in.".


She woke up and tried to shake the memories from her head, nothing she had tried to accomplish had come to pass and her sister's words began to hit home. Looking down at the raven scroll once more, they began to hit home far too clearly and she once again cursed bastards. Opening the scroll she looked at the words and found them evidence of the fool she had been.

By the order of his grace, King Robert Baratheon the first of his name, King of the Andals, Rhoynar and First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. We hereby declare that Joffrey Waters, Myrcella Waters, and Tommen Waters are bastards and not of the king's line and are stripped of all claim or rank. Furthermore, they and their mother have been charged and convicted of treason.

Jon Arryn,

Hand of the King.

Winterfell 297 AC.


He had been disappointed when Jon had written to say he couldn't attend but he understood the reasons. That the rest of his children would be here was something that he was happy about. Though over the course of the day his mood went from happy to surprised and then to worried. Firstly seeing Lady Margaery surprised him and yet he was glad she'd come, that she was to be Jon's wife and queen it would do well for her to see the North.

Then seeing the Greatjon's face he knew that something had happened while the man was in King's Landing, since neither Robb nor Sansa had said anything yet about it, he could only suspect it was to do with Jon. Something Wyman confirmed to him when they spoke a little later. Ned agreed with the Lord of White Harbor that the Greatjon needed to know and his only problem with it was that it may cause some tension during the wedding.

Though again that wasn't what caused his concern or worry, instead it was Sansa coming to see him that did that. His daughter had shown Lady Margaery around Winterfell and then before getting ready for the night's feast had come knocking on the door of his solar.

"Father, we need to speak." his daughter said as she took a seat, and Ned was once again amazed by the change in his little girl.

Gone was the slightly nervous girl who wished so much to be a lady, to be proper. In her place was a poised young woman, who's height and bearing belied her young age. He was staring at her for so long that she coughed to bring him out of his little daydream, Ned smiling when she looked at him quizzically.

"I'm sorry Sansa, it's just, you've grown so much." he said with a smile.

"Highgarden has been good for me father, I've learned a lot." Sansa said and he nodded his agreement.

"You wished to see me?" he asked.

"I did, I know father, what mother did, I know the truth of it." she said and he closed his eyes and sighed.

"I had hoped you'd never find out." he said softly.

"As had Jon, but I know father and Robb does too, though not the full truth of it. You need to tell him, him, Arya, Bran, and me, you need to speak to us all and tell the full story to us." she said.

"Arya, Bran they're too young Sansa, they cannot, they would not..".

"They need to know father, we all do. We need to hear it from your own lips, hear the truth of it." she said.

He looked down to the table and then back up to her, his mind trying to see if there was another way to handle this and yet he knew there was not. She was right and given what would soon be happening, perhaps it was for the best if they found out now.

"I'll speak to them after the wedding." he said and was surprised when Sansa shook her head.

"It needs to be before it father, trust me on this." she said her voice almost begging.

"We'll do it once your sister has arrived and settled in." he said and was glad to see her smile.

"It's for the best father. There's something else, Margaery, she wishes to see the crypts, to see Aunt Lyanna's statue.".

"I'll bring her down, I should speak to her properly anyway." he said and Sansa got up from her chair and walked around to him, hugging him tight as he sat.

"I love you father." she whispered softly in his ear, Ned patting her back softly.

"I love you too, sweetling.".

He was distracted at the feast that night, his mind full of the conversations to come, the one with the Greatjon suddenly less daunting than the one with his children. Ned had barely spoken to his soon to be goodfather and even though Elle was speaking to her brother, he could see she was watching him too. His smiles not having the effect of alleviating her concerns and were it not for the commotion at the door he'd have gone over to her.

"Jon?" he said far more loudly than he had meant to when he saw Jon, Ser Arthur, and Ghost walk into the hall.

"Forgive my late attendance Lord Stark, I hope I've not missed the wedding?" Jon said with a smile.

"No, no, you've not, sit, eat, we'll talk later." he said his mood very much improved as he watched Jon take a seat with his brothers and sister and saw how happy they and Lady Margaery were to see him.

After leaving Elle back to her room at the end of the feast he made his way back to his own and found Jon waiting for him, Arthur with him and as he looked around he saw no sign of Ghost, or Lya.

"The wolves?" he asked.

"Are getting reacquainted, When Arya arrives it'll be the first time the pack was together since Highgarden, except for Frost and Dusk." Jon said.

"Cregan should have come." he said opening his door.

"It's not the time for that truth yet uncle." Jon said once they were in the room.

Taking a seat he looked to Jon and tried to think which question he wished to ask first though Jon was the one who spoke and Ned wondered if he'd always been this confident and poised. Each time he'd seen him since he left he'd noticed it more and more but now it seemed even more apparent.

"I flew here on Rhaenix, my sister wished to see the North and is resting deep in the Wolfswood." Jon said and Ned tried not to imagine the image of a dragon asleep and what it would do if people saw it.

"I'm glad you came, for the wedding." he said almost too quickly and Jon picked up on his worry.


"Sansa, Jon?" he asked and Jon nodded.

"I didn't wish her to know, uncle, I'd have kept it from her for as long as I could. She is far too smart though and Lady Catelyn all but confirmed it, apparently, I'm still a target or at least Sansa believes so." Jon said with a soft smile on his face.

"She intends to try again?" he asked shocked.

"A story for another time uncle, Sansa knows, I take it she hasn't told Robb yet?".

"No, she wishes me to tell them all, once Arya arrives I'm to speak to them and tell them the truth of me and their mother.".

"You wish me there?" Jon asked and Ned nodded gratefu that he suggested it.

"Aye. Jon the Greatjon?".

"I had to tell him, it's almost time uncle, six moons and we'll have no choice but to move or we'll be moved against, even six moons is hoping for a lot. The dragons are too big uncle, word has already begun to spread, and eventually, it'll be the crown who moves on us."

"How did he take it?" he asked.

"As well as can be expected, he didn't declare for me but he said he won't fight against me and that he wished to speak to you.".

"Aye, I've no doubt he does, you think it'll really be that soon?".

"I do, I've asked Lord Jaime to bring the Lords of the West in, Ser Richard is speaking to the other Lords of the Narrow Sea and Lady Olenna is telling Lord Mace and the Lords of the Reach. I told Lord Tarly myself." Jon said.

"And?" he asked curiously.

"Randyll was always a leal man uncle, he still is." Jon said and Ned felt a little grin on his face, Randyll was the one man to beat Robert in the rebellion, a good lord to have on your side.

"You're ready?" he asked.

"As I'll ever be, there's something else uncle, something you need to know." Jon said and Ned looked at him.

"I'm married, Margaery and I married under the old gods in Highgardens's Godswood.".

"When, the tourney?" he asked shaking his head.

"Aye, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't tell anyone. It was just for us, I know we have t marry under the seven too, but I wished to marry under my gods, for us." Jon said and Ned got up and walked over to him.

"Congratulations Jon, but you'll sleep in your own room while here." he said with a chuckle.

"Aye, I'll see you on the morrow.".

He slept far more peacefully than he had imagined he may have and the next morning after breaking his fast he watched as Jon, Robb, Sansa, Margaery, Wynafred and Wylla left the hall together. With the children spending some time together it left him free to do the other thing he needed. Looking around the room he saw the Greatjon staring at him and he walked over to him, asking him to join him in his solar.

The large Umber lord was most keen to speak to him and Ned was surprised when his son joined him, so he motioned to Wyman to come along too. Soon they were sitting down and he poured the ale over the ice and handed the mugs to each of them, the Greatjon taking a swallow and letting out a sigh.

"I fucking missed this in the south, fucking king won't pay for an Ice House, can you fucking believe that Ned?" the Greatjon said with a laugh.

"Some people don't know what they're missing Jon." he said as he took a swallow of his own before looking to the three men "Jon coming was a surprise, though I'm glad he came."

"Jaehaerys." the Smalljon said and Wyman nodded.

"Aye, the king." Wyman said.

"Is he though? I told the lad I won't go against him, I'd not fight against the North but I fought against his grandfather, thought I was doing so against his father too. Am I now to fight with him, Ned, is that what you'd ask of me?" The Greatjon asked.

"War is coming Jon, be it against Robert or against that cruel son of his, war is coming. You think I've not thought of what it means to fight against a man I once considered my brother by choice?" he said.

"Once?" the Smalljon asked.

"Aye, once but no more. The truth of things is that we were played Jon, by Maesters and ambitious men. It cost me most of my family, cost my nephew even more than that. Robert knew Jon, he knew the truth and he kept it from us, had he not then not only would so many have not needed to die, not only would I not have lost five of the best men I've ever known at a fucking tower in Dorne, but my sister may be alive today and that lad may have grown up knowing a mother's love." he said.

"How can you be sure of it Ned? Sure he knew?".

"Lyanna wrote a letter, we found reports in Maester's journals, Walys worked against my father and he wasn't alone." Ned said.

"Theobald and others, worked against us, you want to know what happened to them Jon?" Wyman asked.

"What?" the Greatjon asked.

"He put them all in the ground, each and every single one of them, four and ten Maesters he saw dead, Jon, because they took his family from him. Isn't that what you would do? See the men who cost you your family dead?" Wyman asked.

"Aye." the Greatjon said as he smiled and took another swallow "Aye it is.".

"He has the West, Jon, The Reach too, Dorne and he has me, Wyman and Maege, I believe the others will come also, will you? Will you come when our king calls?" Ned said.

"I've always come when called by a Stark, as has my family and the lad was right, there's Stark blood in his veins, The King from the North." the Greatjon said holding up his mug.

"The King from the North." Wyman said and Ned did too as they drank the ale.

Winterfell 297 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

He spoke only briefly to Margaery and Sansa the night before, both of them chastising him for not telling them he was coming. Though it was half-hearted at best and Margaery just seemed happy that he was there. After leaving her to her room and promising to spend the next day with her, Jae spoke to his uncle and then took to his bed, tired and worn out from the ride and the talk.

Waking the next morning he broke his fast and then asked Margaery what she wished to do for the day, surprised when she told him that she wished to visit Wintertown and the Sept that was there. Wynafred and Wylla both agreeing that this was a great idea and while Sansa didn't seem as enthused, she too seemed eager for a day's adventure.

"We could just go to the Sept here?" he said as they walked from the keep.

"There is no longer a Sept here Jon, father had it turned into a food store. Septon Chayle has a Sept in Wintertown where the people who came North can pray." Robb said and Jon was surprised at that, though he felt it for the best. Nan had been right this was not a place for the new gods.

The ride to Wintertown was short and the sight they made must have been an imposing one, Robb and he with Sansa, Margaery, Wynafred and Wylla, Stark guards, Manderly Men, men of the Reach and Arthur, along with three Direwolves. As they entered the town he was stunned by the difference since the last time he'd seen it. It was bustling now, almost three times as large, and everywhere you looked there were people.

Walking through it he could hear the difference in the voices, some from further North than here and some from so far south that the Flea Bottom accent stuck out immediately. What really surprised him and filled him with hope though was looking at the children, he could tell the Northern ones right away, the cold not really bothering them while it affected those from the South still. But it was the way they looked, how much healthier they were, and how more nourished and happy they seemed.

"Are these children, are they from Flea Bottom?" Margaery whispered in his ear.

"Aye." he said and was rewarded by a bright smile.

"They look so, so..".

"Happy." he added when Margaery struggled for the right word.

"Aye, happy." she said.

"We did this Marge, you and I, we helped to do this." he said and was happy to see the proud and determined look in her face.

"When we take the throne, Jon, I don't wish them to have to move to be like this, promise me we'll make the rest of the realm this way for them." she said softly as the others walked on ahead of them.

"I promise my queen." he said and was rewarded with a soft kiss to the cheek.

The Sept it turned out was larger than the one in Winterfell and fuller. The Septon even actually looked happier than Jon had ever remembered him being. Though the service soon came to an abrupt end when some people saw Ghost and recognized not only the wolf but he and Margaery also.

"The White Wolf." a voice called out.

"Ser Jon." another said.

"Look it's Ser Jon and Lady Margaery." said another.

By the time they managed to get free from people asking them questions, thanking them and Jon watching as Margaery blushed adorably when a little girl asked if Ser Jon was her husband, it was time to head back to the keep. The ride back to Winterfell was one that he and Margaery spent speaking to each other on, Margaery asking him about the crypts and Jon telling her that he'd take her down there once they'd returned.

After stabling the horses and rushing off to the Glass Gardens. he did just that. Ghost standing guard while he Margaery and Arthur walked into the crypts, Margaery's guards only giving way when Ghost snarled at them. He could tell his wife felt the coldness as soon as they entered and so he took off his cloak and wrapped it around her.

"My uncle Brandon and Grandfather Rickard." he said when they reached the first two statues "My mother Lyanna Targaryen." he said softly when they got to the third.

Standing in front of the statue he moved forward and placed the flower in her hands, the blue winter rose the only color against the grey stone.

"Mother, this is Margaery my wife." he said softly.

"It's so good to finally meet you, Jaehaerys has told me so much about you." Margaery said and Jae felt a lump in his throat hearing his wife say his true name.

"I wish you could have been there mother, there to see us wed, but I know you were watching and I felt you looking down on me." Jae said his voice close to breaking.

"I love your son so very much Princess Lyanna. I swear by the old gods and the new to make him as happy as he makes me. Thank you for bringing him into this world, for giving me and the realm the chance to know him, for giving me the chance to love a good man." Margaery said and Jae lost his fight against the tears, holding his wife in his arms as he let them flow.

They stood there for some time and when he ended up walking her from the crypt it was to find that the Mormont's had arrived and Jae felt a fool that he'd not been there to welcome them. More so when he saw his sister walking towards him with an angry look on her face. Though given what Arya was wearing he tried not to chuckle as she glowered at him.

"You didn't meet us, am I not important enough for you?" Arya asked angrily with her hands on her hips and Jae looked her over.

His sister was wearing leather breeches and tunic, she had on a small bearskin cloak and had a knife and sword strapped on either side. Margaery hid her head on his shoulder as she giggled and Jae turned to look to her and rolled his eyes, which only made her laugh a little more.

"Who are you?" he said and the laughs from Margaery were far louder now.

"Not funny Jon." Arya said angrily.

"You're right, maybe this is funnier." he said and he moved quickly grabbing her and lifting her up, Arya pushing and kicking against him as he began to tickle her and kiss her cheek.

"Gerrooff, Gerrofff you fool." Arya said though her laughter and feeble efforts to move him away showed how much she was enjoying it.

"Gods, what have you done with my little wolf, look at you, not so little anymore are you, no, a fierce she-wolf you are now." he said and he could feel the puffing out of her chest as he put her standing down on the ground.

"Aye, and I could take you in a spar, I don't care what tourney's you've won." Arya said still smiling.

"We shall have to test that out then won't we, come let's get you settled and ready for the night's meal, we'll spar on the morrow before the wedding." he said and Arya looked to see if he was jesting before nodding and walking off with them.

The meal was full of tales, Arya and Lyanna Mormont telling them of their adventures on Bear Island before asking if he really beat the Bold and Jaime Lannister. Bran joining in to say he'd seen him do it. After they had gone to their bed and he walked with Margaery to leave her to her own, he felt the memory of being in the crypt once again. He had intended to go and see the images behind the door once more, to show them to Margaery but had been swept up in the emotion of being in front of his mother once more.

"Jon, are you upset?" Margaery asked.

"No, I was just thinking how happy I was that you got to see her Marge, to see her for yourself." he said as he hugged her.

"Aye, me too, I'll see you on the morrow Jon." she said and it took them some time to break apart, each night getting harder and harder for him to do so.

Jae headed back to the crypts before heading to his bed, opening the door and looking at the images once more and cursing the fact he'd missed the opportunity to take his granduncle down here. Aemon having left before he'd arrived and Jae feeling the need to go visit him at the wall before he headed back west.

He sparred with Arya the next morning and found the improvement she'd made to be incredible. Maege and her daughters had taught her some new tricks and while he'd not fully tried, he didn't make it easy for her, happy when she kept up for how long she did. Once they were finished she asked him about the letter and he promised he'd tell her what he meant before she left, worried though he was by how she'd react.

Not that it would be the only reaction he'd need to worry about as he saw Robb and Sansa standing with Bran and motioning for them to join them. All five of them walking to the Godswood to find his uncle sitting there waiting for them.

Winterfell 297 AC.


It was beautiful watching the simplicity of it as Elle stood in the front of the Weirwood and the words were called out. Sansa feeling the tears in her eyes at how happy both Elle and her father looked when he placed the cloak around her. She looked to see Margaery and Jon try and keep their attention on the wedding in front of them and fail completely as they kept looking at each other.

Besides them, Robb and Wynafred were both doing almost the same thing and as she looked around at the happy faces she found her sister's and brother's. Both seemed far happier than they had been just earlier that day and that was what she had hoped for. That the wedding happening after they were told would allow them to concentrate on that and take that memory with them when they left, not the memory of the truth they'd learned here.

"Father." she said when they arrived, her father looking to her and Robb while Jon moved to the Weirwood and knelt to pray.

"Robb knows some of this and Sansa the truth of it, though what I'm about to tell you all, only Jon and I truly know." her father said.

"This is about mother?" Robb asked looking from her to her father.

"It is Robb, maybe we should all sit." she said as they did and Jon stood back up and leaned against the tree.

"You all know how your mother felt about Jon, about what she thought of him, though you may not know how deep her feelings ran. It wasn't just that she disliked him or didn't wish him here, even after he had left to go West she still couldn't let her hate of him go." her father said.

"Hate? "Arya asked.

"Aye, I thought it just dislike, that what Jon represented meant she'd never love him but soon it became clear that she felt it more strongly. Each time we heard of Jon you remember how she acted and when he came back here it became even worse." he said and Sansa saw Robb look shamefully to the ground.

"You all know I was attacked in the Riverlands, don't you?" Jon said.

"Aye." Arya said angrily, her sister only finding out the full extent of that much later on.

"I found out who the people responsible for that attack were, with Lord Jaime's and Lady Olenna's help." Jon said before pausing "They were sellswords hired from Essos, hired by Edmure Tully." Jon said.

"Our uncle, why?" Bran asked.

"You know why stupid because Jon beat him in King's Landing, wasn't it Jon?" Arya asked.

"I had hoped so." Jon said and looked away.

"It turns out that it wasn't just Edmure who wished Jon dead, he was acting on the wishes of your mother." her father said and Robb stood up and Arya glared at her father.

"Why, she wouldn't? "Bran said shaking his head.

"I told you she hated Jon, Bran. It was more than that she feared him too, feared he wished to take Winterfell from your brother." her father said.

"But he'd never." Bran said and Sansa caught the small smile on Jon's face that quickly went away.

"No he wouldn't but your mother believed that he would, she believed that and the news of the fostering didn't make it feel any less true. She didn't wish Robb to go to White Harbor or Sansa to Highgarden and was against you going to Bear Island Arya." her father said looking to her sister.

"What about me?" Bran asked.

"I wished you to be my squire Bran, but your mother wouldn't allow it and wished you to squire for Ser Brynden, a true and noble knight and one worthy of you." Jon said with a sad smile and she saw Bran look at him.

"You would have taken me to squire, even over Prince Tommen?" Bran asked and her father turned to look at Jon surprised at this news.

"You are my brother, I'd pick you over any prince." Jon said and she smiled when she saw the look on Bran's face.

"When mother came to visit me in Highgarden we received the news of Jon's death in the West, at first she was comforting but as I slept that night I saw her through Fang's eyes. She was happy he was dead, joyful even, and then she wished the wolves away just as she did Jon." Sansa said to gasps.

"The man that was hired we turned to our side but the plan to kill me was well known to us, as were those behind it." Jon said.

"Our mother?" Robb said softly.

"Aye, son. While there were other reasons your mother and I parted, I'll not lie and say this didn't play its part, but we felt it time you knew the truth." her father said softly.

"What do you plan to do with my mother, Jon?" Robb asked almost nervously.

"She is your mother Robb, you think I'd see her harmed? You think I'd wish that on my brothers and sisters?" Jon asked his voice firm.

"No." Robb said.

"I don't know what's to be done, but I'd not see her hurt, despite it all." Jon said and Sansa stepped up and walked over to him grabbing him in an embrace before turning to her family.

"What is the saying father thought us all?" she asked and Arya stood up to speak.

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." Arya said.

"Mother has made a move against the pack and shown she's not one of us. Summer is the time for squabbles. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths and Winter is Coming." Sansa said as each of them nodded.

Standing there as Elle rose with her father's cloak covering her, Sansa felt the urge to howl, the pack had lost a matriarch and gained another and Elle was more of a wolf then her mother had ever been. She walked arm in arm with Jon and Margaery and felt lighter than she had since she'd arrived here. Entering the Great Hall she found herself eager for the feast to come and she enjoyed the night immensely.

The next morning Arya came to speak to her and she was surprised by how quiet her sister was, and then she realized why. Jon had told her his own truth and Arya, as she had before her, was confused by what it meant for them. Inviting her into her room she sat her down beside her on the bed and let Arya vent her feelings out. Her little sister feeling betrayed, confused, and worried most of all. Did this mean that Jon wasn't their brother? That he wasn't part of their pack?.

"Do you think of Jon as our brother?" she asked.

"Aye." Arya said without hesitation.

"I felt the same Arya, when he told me, you know the only reason he told me before you was because we were closer together, Highgarden easier to come to than Bear Island." she said and though she knew that was partly true she thought he told her first for other reasons also.

"Really?" Arya asked.

"Really, had you been in Highgarden and me in Bear Island then it would be me going to your room today." she said and Arya began to giggle.

"You'd hate Bear Island." Arya said still laughing.

"And you Highgarden." she said both of them laughing more now.

"Jon knew that didn't he, what we both wished for?" Arya said when they stopped.

"Our brother loves us, Arya, he knows what would make us happy, do you think he'd like you being sad because you think he thinks less of you?" she asked and her sister shook her head.


"No, so why don't you go to him before he leaves and let him know you don't think less of him too." she said and Arya nodded before hugging her and then quickly letting go.

"Thank you sister." Arya said when she walked from the room.

Jon came by and thanked her before he too left, Arya having gone and told him that his name didn't matter, he was a wolf too. Though she was sad to see her brother go she was glad of it in a way also, as much as she enjoyed being back in Winterfell she wished to be elsewhere. She wanted to walk among the flowers and to listen as Willas spoke, to smell the sweet smells and to dream of a life that could be.

King's Landing 297 AC

Jon Arryn.

Illyrio had arrived back quietly and Jon had been surprised by that, the man not even coming to the Red Keep and instead going to his manse. Even sending Petyr to speak to him didn't seem to change the man's mind and Jon began to worry that whatever had happened to his nephew, had been much worse than he had hoped. Thankfully it was only a few days later that he was told the Magister had arrived to speak to him.

"Illyrio, it's good to see you, my friend, I hope this means your nephew's injuries weren't as severe as you'd feared?" Jon said as Illyrio sat down.

"We were most fortunate and though the injuries were serious, he survives. My nephew is a strong lad Jon, the last reminder of my dear wife." Illyrio said with a smile as he took his seat.

"I had hoped you'd come to see me when you arrived my friend?" Jon asked eager to ensure there was no other reason for the Magister's hesitancy.

"You must forgive me, Jon, I wished to settle a few more of my things in my Manse, I intend to spend far longer here this time than usual.".

"I am pleased to hear it, I'm sure there is much work we can do together, to that end…."

"Actually Jon, I need to speak to the king, a grave matter has come to my attention and one his grace must be made aware of." Illyrio said and Jon looked to him trying to figure out what it was he spoke of.

"Perhaps I can be of help, Illyrio?" he asked when the Magister made no attempt to tell him more.

"I'm sure you wish to be present my friend, but I think this is something we must discuss with his grace rather than between ourselves.".

Despite his annoyance, he arranged for them to have lunch with the king and he and Illyrio spoke more about the events of the realm since he had left. Illyrio asking more about the lions and the tourney and Jon making his feelings about them and Jon Snow more and more clear.

"To make matters worse, not only did he win his wagers, but the king allowed him to take his son to squire too." Jon said annoyed.

"Prince Joffrey?" Illyrio asked.

"If only, no we're stuck with Joffrey here since Stannis refused to take him back to Dragonstone, Prince Tommen has left to go West." he said.

"He's already left?" Illyrio asked and Jon nodded.

"Hmm, but the prince and princess are here?" he asked and Jon looked to him before answering.

"They are.".

"Good, I'm sure the king will be most happy with that." Illyrio said and Jon found it a strange thing for anyone to think Robert would be happy about.

When it came time for the lunch he made his way to the King's rooms to find Robert in a terrible mood, what the reason for it was he wasn't sure and he found he cared not. Though later on, he wondered if perhaps he should have paid more attention. They sat down and ate and Robert seemed to come more and more into himself as Illyrio spoke of things and then it happened, and Jon was caught completely by surprise.

"As you may be aware my king, given how much investment I've brought to the realm, I ensured I knew as much about the royal family as I possibly could, to be sure I could count on their support." Illyrio said when Robert seemed put out.

"Of course, Magister."

"Mostly what I found out was basic things, things which only made me more and more sure that in you the Realm had the right king and that you were a man that not only I could trust but count on, your grace." Illyrio said and Jon almost rolled his eyes at the flattery.

"I thank you for saying that Illyrio, I've come to think the same of you." Robert said.

"Then perhaps you'll forgive me for what I did next my king, but I felt it needed just to be certain that your reign could never be threatened or harmed. I had my men look into your family your grace." Illyrio said.

"You did what?" Robert shouted.

"To ensure your reign my king, I needed to be certain that the rest of the royal family were completely loyal to their king, that they could be relied on as much as you were." Illyrio said apologetically.

"Hah, I'm sure you found that they could." Robert said as he poured himself another drink.

"I wish that was so your grace but I'm sorry to say that I bring disturbing news." Illyrio said and Jon moved closer to the table as Robert did.

"Fucking Stannis, I fucking knew that fucking brother of mine wished for more." Robert said.

"Stannis is ever loyal Robert, you know the truth of this." Jon said looking to Illyrio.

"Lord Jon has the right of it, both your brothers are ever loyal my king, the same however cannot be said for your wife." Illyrio said and Robert stood up and gripped the table hard as he glared at Illyrio.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Robert shouted.

"Forgive me, my king, I would dare not tell you this if didn't fear for your life and legacy." Illyrio said and Robert looked from the magister to him, Jon's expression one of absolute cluelessness.

"Explain yourself Magister?" Robert said sitting down.

"I've found information that your wife has been and still is being unfaithful my king, information that your children are not from your line." Illyrio said and Robert shouted loudly.

"I'll fucking kill you for saying such a thing." Jon moved faster than Illyrio's man or Ser Preston and put himself in the way of the king, Robert almost brushing him aside until he saw it was him "Out of my way Jon.".

"No Robert, sit, listen, Illyrio has been nothing but a friend to us, let him speak, if he tells a lie than I'll take his fucking head myself." he said glaring at the Magister who seemed unconcerned.

"You speak." Robert said pointing to Illyrio when he sat down.

"Many years ago you had a different Master of Whisperers, A lord Varys I believe." Illyrio said.

"Aye." he said when Robert didn't reply.

"Unbeknownst to me I too had dealing with the man, it was I who supplied his little birds, though I knew not where, to who and why at the time."

"You cut their tongues out?" Robert asked disgustedly.

"I did not and were it not for the man I sent to find out about your family, I'd not have known the truth of them either. But in his investigations, my man came across some of the handlers of these birds and during our talks." Illyrio said before picking up his wine "Certain truths were told and found, one being this." he said handing them a letter.

Jon opened it and saw Varys's writing as clear as day, the eunuch's words perfectly matching other notes he remembered.

"Another child born to the queen and another child not from the king's line, three in all and none of them stags, I've checked his other bastards and blue-eyed and dark-haired are each of them, yet his trueborn are all lions, no the truth is clear, the seed is strong." Jon said reading out the words.

"Bastards, what does he mean?" Robert asked.

"Mya, Edric, the girl in the Stone Sept, the others Robert, all of them clearly yours." Jon said and Robert looked at him as if he was speaking in tongues.

"How many?" Robert asked.

"Five and ten and one on the way, what was the girl's name, the one in Chataya's?" Jon said.

"The silly girl, she should have gotten rid of it." Robert said shaking his head "All of them, they all look the same?".

"Aye, black hair and blue eyes." Jon said worriedly.

"There is one more thing your grace." Illyrio said and Jon felt his heart race wondering what other revelation could come this day.

"What?" Robert asked.

"I believe your wife is fucking her Kingsguard and together they plot your death." Illyrio said and Robert's rage was a thing to behold.

King's Landing 297 AC.


There were few times when he truly gave into the rage inside him, during a melee it came close, and on the battlefield, it would go right to the edge. When he stood facing the Dragonspawn on the Trident he had reveled in it, allowed it to fuel him when the took the life of the man who stole his love from him. In the room when Illyrio told him that Cersei wished him dead, when he realized that the prince who'd sit the throne after him was not his son, then he had given in almost completely.

Only to feel himself holding back and just allowing the rage to simmer, sure he'd ranted and raved and felt close to storming down and killing her with his bare hands. But despite what the Magister said it was a letter from a dead man and some words, his heart may have told him it was the truth. Robert though needed more and so later that night he sat quietly looking at them at the table as they ate, his family and he felt the rage threaten to erupt once more.

Joffrey not being his son was a relief in a way, gods he'd tortured himself thinking that had come from his loins. Only earlier that morning had he yet another example of the wrongness of the little fuck. Tommen though not here was foremost in his thoughts, the boy was the one bright spot these last few moons as he sought to emulate the lad who should be his son. Myrcella was sweet and caring and normally he found himself enjoying her company and yet tonight he saw only betrayal in her eyes, her mother's eyes.

"I'm going on a hunt tomorrow, Joffrey you'll be joining me." he said and the boy looked to his mother who dared to gainsay him.

"Surely my love, Joffrey, is too young for a hunt." Cersei said smiling at him and he felt the urge to wipe that smile from her face.

"Far better he learn to hunt than some of the other shite he gets up to." he said with a chuckle.

"Robert, please there are ladies present." Cersei said.

"Who in their life will hear a lot fucking worse than shite, Joffrey will come with me and we'll return next week." he said and saw her glare at him and he felt the rage begin to bubble again.

He made a big show of moving out the next day, the hunt as large as it could be so they knew he had left. Joffrey riding disinterestedly beside him as they rode from the city. Ser Preston and Ser Mandon were called in to see him and he told them their orders, both knights looking to him and hesitating.

"Did I fucking not make myself clear, grab the little shit and put a fucking hood over his ugly head, we ride for King's Landing and those cloaks come off, no one is to know it's us." Robert said and the two knights did as they were told.

The whining and moaning of Joffrey as they rode proved too much and he cursed being surrounded by stupid people, how fucking difficult was it to gag someone?. As the got closer to the gate he had enough and the backhanded slap he gave him soon shut him up. That it may have taken a tooth or two was only a bonus, luckily it was his men at the gates and the ride to the Red Keep went without incident.

"Take that fuck to the black cells, you two come with me." he said to Ser Mandon and Ser Preston as he made his way to his wife's rooms "Stop her." he said to one of the guards when he saw the girl run towards the room.

He'd have no one alert his bitch of a wife to his return and seeing the door unguarded, he was well prepared for what he'd find once he walked into his wife's room. He couldn't have timed it better, half expecting them to just be asleep they instead walked in on them during the act, Cersei moaning as she rode Massey's cock.

"I'm home my love." he said laughing when she screamed, his hands in her hair dragging her from the bed.

"Arrest that fuck, and make sure you don't damage his cock, I'll be taking that from him before the night is done." he said as he pulled Cersei by the hair across the floor.

"Let me go, let me go." Cersei screamed and Robert did as she asked, pulling her up by the hair before pushing her hard against the table.

"You are a cunt and I'll find out who you've been letting between your cunt legs before this night is done." Robert said as the sounds of fighting came from outside "What the fuck is going on?" he shouted.

"Lannister guards, trying to fight there way in." Ser Mandon said.

"Kill every fucking last one of them, you see a man in red he dies this night, now my sweet wife where were we?" Robert said as he grabbed Cersei by the hair and threw her against another piece of furniture.

It was starting to get light before he felt himself calm down, Cersei barely recognizable and yet she'd told him nothing, Robert knowing now what he had to do to get her to speak.

"Cover that up with a sheet and take her to the Black Cells, it's time she saw her children." he said and heard the moan come from the bundle in the corner.

"Come my love, I'm sure they'll wish to see their mother one last time." he said as he laughed, picking up the bottle of wine and finishing it off.

King's Landing 297 AC.

Ser Richard Horpe.

Hearing the commotion going on around him, he began to worry, and were it not it being so late at night he'd have woken the princess by now. Something he was doing not more than a moment later, hurriedly, and checking the door behind him as he did so. What had happened he knew not only the Lannister man had come and told him he needed to get the princess from the Red Keep, and he needed no further instructions after that.

"Come princess, please we must make haste." he said with his sword out as he looked back at the door.

Myrcella dressed as quickly as she could and by the time they reached the corridor the guards were moving towards them. Ser Preston leading half a dozen beside him and the two Lannister guards not even bothering to hear what they said, instead just attacking his brother and his men. Ser Richard hesitated for a moment before he saw Captain Vylarr and Ser Arys come from the opposite direction.

"Richard we must leave, now." Ser Arys said and Richard looked back one time at Ser Preston before he did as Arys suggested.

They moved quickly through the hall and then Vylarr turned and nodded before heading back in the other direction. Arys motioning for him to follow him and Richard despite his confusion doing exactly as he was asked. As soon as he felt he could go no further before he knew what was going on and that it was safe enough to ask Ser Arys, he stopped and did so.


"I don't know what's going on Richard, the king has placed Joffrey in the Black Cells and attacked his wife, men were sent to take the princess and there are running battles all over the keep. Lannister guards fighting Baratheon's and Arryn's." Arys said.

"A coup?" he asked.

"No, the Lannisters are not at fault here Richard." Arys said before he moved to whisper in his ear "I think for some reason the king wants the princess dead, we must go." Arys said and he nodded as he began to move again.

"Ser Richard, please what's going on?" Myrcella asked when they turned another corridor and she saw one of her servants dead on the floor.

"I don't know for certain princess, only we must go and go now." he said and she nodded wiping the tears from her eyes.

They almost made it without incident, the horses were already saddled and the three Lannister men ready and waiting for them, though his brother's both arrived and Richard looked on as the Lannister's were cut down in front of them.

"Hand over the lion bitch, Horpe, by order of your king." Ser Mandon said and Richard looked to Arys who shook his head and to Myrcella who grabbed his hand and moved behind him.

"Move aside Ser Mandon, move aside and let calmer heads prevail this night." he said but the knight didn't listen and his men came forward.

"Go, Richard, take her and go." Ser Arys said as he moved away from him.

"No Arys, we go together." he said.

"Move Richard, take her now and see her safe, I'll buy you what I can." Arys said raising his sword and he nodded to his brother before they moved away from each "For the princess" Arys shouted as he began to swing against the men in front of him.

Richard didn't wait any longer, the horses were out of reach and so he moved back towards the Red Keep, only for Myrcella to grab his hand and drag him the other way. Soon he found himself in tunnels and then saw daylight up ahead, the beach a welcome sight. Though as he looked around there were no boats or ships in sight and he knew then they would have to head back into the city itself.

"Princess, I need you to wear your hood up." he said and she nodded and did what he said as he tore off his cloak and dirtied his armor with the sand.

They moved through the streets and he found each way they went to be covered with Gold Cloaks. The city gates were barred and he was at a loss for what to do. Finally spotting the tavern, he hoped a room and some food would at least give him time to plan an escape.

"A room and two bowls of stew." he said throwing the coin on the table.

"We're full." the man said moving the coin back to him.

"They can have mine." a girl said and Richard looked at her and only that Myrcella seemed out on her feet he'd have walked away, but the princess needed to rest and so he knew he could not.

They were sitting in the room and had just finished the meal when the knock came to the door, Richard telling the princess to hide and taking out his dagger and sword. He opened the door and found a man standing there, one he'd seen around once or twice and he tried to remember where he'd seen him.

"I'm a friend of the Bold's and I'm here to help." Ser Richard Lonmouth said and Richard looked at him with doubt "I can help you get to Casterly Rock Ser Richard, I swear it on the old gods and the new.".

It was hours later when they sailed from the city, the ship going in the wrong direction, and yet he was just glad they had managed to leave. Myrcella lay in the bed asleep, her short hair and boy's clothes making her look anything but the princess she was and Richard sat facing the door, sword on his lap ready just in case they were being played false.

King's Landing 297 AC.


She could barely see out of her eyes, such was the bruising, and yet she felt no pain, not physical at least. Her heart though was broken and even the knowledge they'd not found Myrcella, and that Tommen was far away, couldn't lessen the pain she felt there. Today perhaps was to be the day and she found she cared not, she'd died in this cell days ago when she'd watched what he had done.

All her life she knew she'd married a brute, a monster but even the beating he'd given her hadn't brought it home as much as what he'd made her watch, what he'd made her see. Each time she closed her eyes she could still see the look on his face and the screams were never-ending.

"Here your son, not mine, look at him, look at your golden lion." Robert said and she squinted as she made out the shape tied to the wall.

"Jof…."she said the words coming out mangled as her swollen lips could barely manage to make them at all.

"Mother, please, tell them to stop, tell them to stop." she heard Joffrey cry and she tried to focus, tried to see.

"Robtttt." she cried when she saw the flaming poker and heard the flesh burn.

"What, tell me Cersei, tell me the truth, who is the father, whose children are these?" Robert said as he placed the poker against Joffrey's chest once more.

The screams were loud and then there was nothing but laughter, followed by more screams, how long it went on for she couldn't tell. When it stopped it could have been hours or just minutes and then the laughs and the voice started again.

"Tell me, tell me or I'll fucking see her suffers every single minute for the remainder of his pitiful life?"

"Robtttt. Pssseee." she shouted though the sound barely was heard "Jme...Aime, hep us…." she shouted, and yet not a sound came out.

She felt the water as it was thrown over her and then felt herself focus a little more clearly and then the beating began. Though this time the blows were not aimed at her and yet she felt each and everyone all the same.

"Tell me." Robert said as he hit her son.

"Mother please.".

"Tell me.".

"Motherrr make it stop, please make it stoppppp." Her boy cried and she tried to move to him and found she could not.

"Tell me.".

When the silence came she welcomed it until she heard the laughter and the voice once more.

"My son, my fucking son, no son of mine would die from a fucking beating, weak, pitiful, lion cub." she heard Robert say and Cersei heard the sound of him as he spit, though whether it was her or Joffrey he spat at she couldn't tell.

The woman dressed her in something and whether it was her finest dress or rags she couldn't tell. The light hurt her eyes and yet she welcomed it after the darkness of her cell and her nightmares. She was bundled into the cart and she knew that at any other time she'd have felt the pain as she hit the hard wood, and yet here too she felt nothing just as she had not since leaving her and Joffrey's cell.

Physically they couldn't hurt her anymore and mentally she wondered if she was already broken, her spirit was gone and she only wished to live to see Robert fall. Something she was sure would happen though she had no expectation she'd come to see it pass. Given where they were going today's she knew that the likelihood was that she'd not see the morrow. Though Robert did enjoy these games and she'd been brought to see Ser Arys, Captain Vylarr, and many others lose their heads, each day expecting it to be her last.

Yesterday had been Ser Justin's turn and she thought he welcomed death, given what Robert had done to him before he took his head, he probably had. That he'd unmanned him was one thing, that he'd set dogs upon him another and the man was near death when they finally ended his suffering. When she looked out at the crowd she knew today was the day and so she walked proudly to the block when she was called, she was a lioness after all.

"Cersei Lannister by the order of his grace King Robert Baratheon The First of his Name, King of the Andals, Rhoynar and First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. For the charges of adultery and treason you are hereby sentenced to death, do you have any last words?" Jon Arryn shouted.

"This man, this king, beat a defenseless boy to death, he killed servants and guards who did nothing but their duty and ordered the death of my children. The realm rose to remove a monster once before, it will do so again. Robert Baratheon, a Dragonspawn just like his kinsman." she said and knelt down.

She saw her out in the crowd, Myrcella's green eyes sparkling as she held her own babe, looking to the other side she saw him standing in his golden armor, her son a golden knight. Her children, her babes, her lions, she thought as she smiled.

"Jaime." she said softly as the sword fell.

Kings Landing 297 AC.


This was madness, sheer foolhardy madness, what the king had done would inevitably lead to war and Petyr wasn't sure he was on the right side of this. Not that he cared which side he actually supported, more he was starting to be sure that in this war he'd actually be on the losing side. Which was why the invitation to come sup with Illyrio had been something he had welcomed.

Perhaps the magister would be a voice of reason in a world where reason seemed to have lost its head. Though given what had happened here lately maybe it was for the best not to have that image in his own. Robert's Rage as he'd heard it called more than once had cost almost one hundred people their lives, the Lannister guards assigned to Cersei had all been killed, the servants had all been killed. Anyone Robert could blame for the secret being kept from him and that he felt he could do without, all had lost their lives.

Traitor's Walk was adorned with so many heads it looked like a crowd was watching your every move when you walked by the pikes. That he'd then demanded the realm scoured for Princess Myrcella and had sent a raven demanding the Lannister's hand over Prince Tommen, sheer madness. As he entered the Manse he was doing what he had been for the last few days, working out the odds and not liking them at all.

"The magister is expecting me." he said to the two guards who nodded and let him in.

The Lannisters would, if they had not already, call their banners, had Robert gone about this smarter and less bloodthirsty then that would have been their entire worry. But Ned Stark had almost fallen out with Robert once over the bodies of babes, he'd not fight for him this time, though at least he'd just stay out of the war. As for Olenna well they had truly nothing to offer her now, unless, no, she'd not go for that, though Robert may enjoy the idea of plucking a golden rose's untouched flower.

So the Reach could join with the Lannisters, especially if they sought to crown Tommen. Gods of all the fool ideas that Robert had, sending him with Jon Snow had to be the worst of them. The Vale, Riverlands, Stormlands, would the rest rally, he couldn't be sure and given the Pinnacle ships and the coin, the Lannisters had, even without the Reach they had the odds against them.

"Ah Petyr, it's good to see you, please take a seat, my friend, have you eaten? " Illyrio said and Petyr shook his head "Parlsa, some food for my guest.".

Taking his seat he found himself for once enjoying the wine and food, his appetite at the Red Keep not helped by the knowledge that just outside the windows, raven's ate the flesh from the heads of people he'd once known. As he ate he looked to the Magister and wondered why he'd asked him to come, though he found it best to let people tell you their motives themselves, rather than prying.

"Do you believe we'll be at war soon Petyr?" Illyrio asked.

"I would say it'll be for certain Magister." he said finishing the food in his mouth before speaking.

"A war we may very well lose." Illyrio said and he turned to look at the man.

"His grace is well accustomed to battle, Magister, I feel confident that he'll be successful." he said and Illyrio shook his head.

"I, just like you am a man who knows numbers Petyr and should things go how I fear then here the king is outmatched, even if things turned out better than they may I still fear we lack the numbers as we stand." Illyrio said.

"As we stand?" Petyr asked picking up on the last part of Illyrio's point.

"Indeed, as I have told Lord Jon before I have an agreement with the Golden Company Petyr, one which I think is beneficial here." Illyrio said and Petyr looked at him with a smirk.

"You believe we could get them to fight on our side?" he asked.

"I believe so. This war ends with the end of House Lannister, meaning their lands and gold is up for the taking. The Golden Company may fight for gold but they are exiles, they will come back with the offer of land." Illyrio said.

"The Golden Company's reputation is second to none, a fully formed company of men who fight for a living, how many?" he asked.

"All in all 20,000 men and over two dozen Elephants, they can be here within two moons if his grace wills it, all they need is a place to land." Illyrio said.

As he strolled back to the Red Keep he felt far more sure of his position, heading straight to the Tower of the Hand to speak to Jon. He had given his own go-ahead to Illyrio to set things in motion, arranging for the landing in Duskendale. Once he was sitting facing Jon he could see just how haggard the man looked, the idea of a war they could possibly lose bearing down on him.

"The Lannister's have called the banners, when Robert heard he called our own. I've sent word to the Vale and to Storm's End and Dragonstone." Jon said.

"The Reach, North, Riverlerlands?" he asked and Jon nodded.

"Aye, though Ned won't come, not if he hears what Robert did and I fear the best we can hope for with Olenna is that the withered old cunt bides her time to see who's winning.".

"So we're outmatched?" he asked.

"Without the Reach ships Aye, men we may have just as much but they have the coin Petyr, if we don't win and win soon they can outlast us." Jon said.

"To that end, I've just come from Illyrio's Manse, he's offered us the Golden Company." Petyr said with a smile.

"You jest?" Jon said and Petyr thought it the first time he'd looked vibrant since he entered the room.

"No, he's invested heavily with us my lord. He says and I think him right in this we only end this by ending the Lannisters, which gives us access to their gold and their lands." Petyr said and Jon nodded.

"They want both?" he asked.

"According to Illyrio, they prefer lands." he said and Jon smiled this time.

"Tell him to send for them, get them here as soon as he can, we're going to need them." Jon said as he reached for the wine.

"I've already done so." Petyr replied and Jon laughed.

"We may just come out of this well after all." Jon said and poured the wine.

The mood around the Red Keep improved after that, even more so when he spoke to the king and suggested that with him now in need of a new wife and heirs, that it would be good to look at the available ladies for the future. Smiling when he left as the king salivated at the thoughts of Margaery Tyrell and Petyr wondering if he should move to see that happen sooner rather than later.

Though soon he found his mind taken over by other things, as firstly Jon Arryn asked him to look into Robert's bastards just in case they were needed, only for Petyr not to be able to find a single one. When news didn't come back from the North or the Reach of them joining them, things began to look certain to be heading the way he feared.

Though Ilyrio told him that word was sent and the Golden Company was on its way, something that cheered him up a little. Still as he walked back to his brothel after a long day something forced him to look up and he saw the raven as it flew in the direction of the Red Keep. Turning to walk away he felt a shiver down his spine, the old adage coming to mind for some reason, Dark Wings, Dark Words.

Casterly Rock 297 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

He could sense there was something wrong when he landed and when Sarella and Loras both met him he knew that he was right. So he said his goodbyes to Rhaenix and told her to speak to Lygaron for him and he, Arthur, and Ghost moved quickly up the beach. Looking to his friend's face he could see that something terrible had happened and yet he didn't know what, and it seemed Loras wished him to learn it somewhere else.


"I can't Jon, come Lord Jaime's been hoping you came back soon." Loras said and Jon looked to Arthur who just motioned to the door to the vaults.

He found it strange walking through the vaults that there was no one else down here, Brienne and Cregan somewhere up top and again he looked to Loras who shook his head. When they got to the family wing he found the guards seemed to be more on alert and he was led to Jaime's solar. Inside Jaime, Kevan and Genna sat while Gerion and Tyrion looked at a map on the table.

"Jaime?" he asked and all faces turned to him.

"Jon, thank the gods." Genna said.

"What's going on?" he asked and it was Tyrion who handed him the raven scroll, Jon reading and the words not making sense.

"What is this?" he asked and Genna looked to him.

"I don't know, at first I thought they knew of you but there's no mention of you here, the only thing anyone can agree on is that they learned about Cersei." Genna said.

"How?" he asked.

"I don't know Jon." Genna said her voice full of fear and frustration.

He walked over and wrapped his arms around her, trying his best to reassure her, though not sure if he could.

"I can't use the glass candles until tomorrow, maybe I can warg into something though, see what in seven hells is going on there." he said.

"Do it, Jon, find my niece and my grandniece and nephew, make sure they're unharmed." Kevan said and Jae nodded as he moved and took a seat.

It took him some time to find the bird and flying over he could see nothing truly and so he looked deeper until he found the mouse. It felt like it took an age to find his way to the Royal Apartments and when he was there he felt his worry rise. The blood was still fresh on the floors and there was no sign of Lannister guards to be seen. He moved into the Queen's rooms and found them empty with more blood on the floor, though Joffrey's rooms were bare as were Myrcella's.

Soon he was rushing to the King's and he found them empty too, and so he began to listen to the voices and heard part of things, but nothing that made sense. It was in the Tower of the Hand that he finally found what he was looking for and that meant him jumping from the mouse to a rat so he could search the black cells. What he saw there forcing him out of the rat and emptying his stomach on the floor.

"Jon?" Jaime asked worriedly and he tried not to look at him, tried his best to compose himself before he did.

"Jon?" Tyrion asked and he was much closer.

"I don't know what happened, I can't find Myrcella anywhere." he said as he reached out to wipe his mouth and take the mug of water from Loras.

"Cersei, Joffrey?" Jaime asked.

"Joffrey is, Joffrey is dead, they have Cersei in the cell with him, they've not moved his body." he said and heard Genna scream.

"Cersei, she's alive?" Jaime asked.

"She is." he said not telling him yet how beaten and bloody she was.

"Get Jardene, tell him to bring lots of scrolls." Jaime said.

"You're calling the banners?" Arthur asked.

"We have no choice Arthur, the war is here." Jae said and Arthur nodded.

Jaime spent the night writing out the ravens and when Jae asked him about the Lords of the West he told him that he'd not had the chance to tell them yet, it seems they'd be doing both when they arrived. He, Jaime, Tyrion, Kevan, and Gerion checked the glass candle the next day and the full extent of things became much clearer. Seeing for himself the sheer carnage that Robert had wreaked.

"All of them, why?" Kevan asked the disbelief clear in his voice.

"He's a monster, uncle, and this is why he needs to be put down." Tyrion said, Jaime, staying quiet.

"I'll let Genna know about Myrcella, we can collect her from the Velaryons." Gerion said and Jon nodded.

Tyrion walked over to try and comfort Jaime with little success while Kevan left to make the arrangements to see Lannisport secure. After asking his uncle to go and speak to the dragons, Jon walked over and sat beside Jaime, neither of them saying a word for some time.

"She was my other half, you know we came into this world together, I was holding her foot according to our old Maester. I loved her once Jon, not as a brother loves a sister but as a man loves a woman, I loved her, or at least I thought I did." Jaime said and Jon could see him trying to hold back the tears.

"We'll save her Jaime, together we'll save her." he said and Jaime looked at him and shook her head.

"The time for saving her is long since past, promise me something, Jon." Jaime said and Jae looked to him and nodded.


"That fire and blood you're bringing Robert, you save some of it for my sister Jon, you avenge her as much as you avenge your family." Jaime looked at him as he spoke, his eyes full of fire.

"You are my family and she is yours, I promise you that he'll remember her name before he breathes his last." Jae said and Jaime touched him on the shoulder and walked from the room.

He rode to Lannisport the next day and entered Gendry's Smithy, the lad working away on the armor and telling him it would be ready by the end of the week. Jae looking it over and finding it exactly as he had drawn it. Then riding back to the Rock he prepared for the hardest thing he had to do, speaking to Tommen and telling him the truth, not just about himself but about what had happened with his family too.

"Ser Jon, I didn't know you'd returned." Tommen said when he saw him as he and Barristan finished their spar.

"I got in late last night, how has your training been going?" he asked and Tommen took a stance and began to move.

"Very good Tommen, perhaps you and Ser Barristan would join me, there's something I need to tell you both." he said and Tommen nodded as Jon walked towards the vaults, Barristan looking at him nervously.

"Tommen, something has happened in King's Landing, something terrible?" he said when they reached his rooms.

"Ser Jon?" Barristan asked.

"The king has done something, I don't know how to explain other than to tell you something that may hurt, I'm sorry Tommen truly I am."

"Cella, has something happened to Cella?".

"No, Myrcella is well and you'll see her soon enough." he said and noticed Barristan's relieved breath.

"It's your brother Tommen, I'm afraid he's been killed." he said and was surprised that though upset, the prince didn't seem overly so.

"Mother, is my mother hurt Ser Jon?".

"No, but I fear she will be." he said, and when Tommen began to cry he held him and let him do so against him so that others couldn't see.

"He felt he couldn't tell him anymore that night and so Genna took him to his bed, Jon explaining to her how much he'd told him and Genna telling him that she'd explain the rest to Tommen on the morrow.".

It left him alone with Ser Barristan and he told the knight that Myrcella and Ser Richard had left and were by now in Driftmark, that one of the Pinnacle ships would collect them and bring them here.

"Ser Arys?" Barristan asked.

"A prisoner, Ser." he said.

"The war is upon us then?.

"It is, are you ready for it Ser Barristan, for I have need of a bold man by my side." he asked as he looked to the knight.

"It will be my honor to fight beside you, my king." Ser Barristan said and Jae nodded.

"Then come, there's someone else I need by my side." he said and Barristan followed him as he called for Walder, Jors, and Arthur to join them on the beach.

He stood there looking out on the moonlight sky and watching as the dragons flew, both of them eager and ready for what was to come and Jae finding despite it all he was too. When Loras arrived he smiled at his friend and then turned to Barristan and nodded.

"Ser Loras Tyrell, I would ask you to don the white cloak and join my seven, to be a member of a group of men who stand for honor and dignity. To shield my back and be my sword, to protect those I care for and to do so from this day to your last. What say you Ser Loras will you swear the oaths with these fine men? Will you be Kingsguard to a king?" he asked.

"I will, your grace, from this day to my last, my sword is yours, my fealty is yours and my life in service of yours." Loras said taking a knee.

"I vow that you shall always have a place by my hearth and meat and mead at my table, and pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you into dishonor. I swear it by the old gods and the new. Arise. Ser Loras Tyrell, Arise as one of the seven." Jae said smiling when Loras stood up.

He embraced him when he did and then let him spend time with his new brothers. Jae walking to the cave to spend time with his sister and son. Speaking to Richard a few days later he found out about Cersei and what she had said when she died, and then they began to make their preparations in full.

The armor was collected and Dark Sister shone and ready to be wielded finally. He spoke to Tommen and was stunned that Genna had told him the full truth, the boy asking if this meant he couldn't be his squire and Jae asking him if he was not upset he was no longer a prince.

"I never liked being a prince, I like being a squire though." Tommen said and Jae ruffled his hair.

"Then you are my squire still, Ser Tommen." he said and Tommen looked at him confused.

"I'm not a Ser, though." Tommen said.

"Not yet, but then neither was I and you still thought of me as such, so if I think the same then is it not true that you will be a knight too?" he asked and Tommen looked to Barristan who nodded.

"You think I can be a knight?" Tommen asked.

"I think you'll make the finest knight out of all of us Tommen." he said happy with the smile he got.

When the lords arrived he readied for what he had to do making his way to Jardene's and handing him the raven's scrolls.

"You want these all sent your grace?" Jardene asked.

"All of them, these two first." he said pointing to the one for Robert and Jon Arryn.

"I'll do so immediately your grace." Jardene said and Jae nodded as he turned to walk to the Great Hall.

He stood in the Great Hall and told the Lord of the West his truth and then walked to the godswood. Looking at Tyrion dressed as a dragon should dress, his Kingsguard in their gleaming white cloaks and shiny armor, and to his Hand and the father he choose. He smiled at Jaime as he looked down to the crown before he turned to enter to pray, and to see those heads on the spikes once more as he had each night since it had happened.

A monster sat the throne and it was up to him to see him brought to heel, to justice, to see him pay for crimes of today and years before Jon Snow couldn't do it, nor Ser Jon, not the prince that was promised or the white wolf, nor the song of ice and fire. No to kill a monster it took a king and as he stepped into the godswood, he knew what he'd truly done this day.

He heard the words in his head and thought them at first a whisper, then he began to make them out and thought them his granduncle's. Though listening closely he knew it was more than one voice speaking. It was his father and his mother, it was Elia and Aegon, it was all of them and they all spoke the same thing.

"Kill the boy Jaehaerys, Kill the boy and let the King be born".

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