The Dragon Cub| Game Of Thron...

By Ikonic_Fantast

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Jaime realises Jon's true idenity when visiting Winterfell, remembering a promised made to Rhaegar, Jaime and... More



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By Ikonic_Fantast

Myr 296 AC.


The Lion's Mane pulled into the dock smoothly, Kevan standing on the deck and looking at the Myrish buildings in the distance. They had made more than good time, less than a moon and he was eager to meet these northern sellswords. His men had been butchered, Westerlands men, Northmen, and men hired in Essos, butchered and left to die.

Barely a few had lived and those who had would never work again, Kevan ensuring they and their families were well looked after. The gold he's spent out to help the families of those whos fell was a lot and he cared nothing about it, the gold he'd spend on these sellswords he cared just as little for. It was justice he sought, vengeance he would buy, and he would see every last man who'd played a part in that attack dead.

He and Ser Addam along with a dozen of his best knights walked from the ship and readied themselves to meet with a local magister that they had dealings with. While not having an office in Myr, they did have a man they could call on and so they made their way to the manse of Magister Orlas, the younger magister having been the one who'd been most eager to do business with them. They soon arrived and while it was lavish, it was not as large as some of those around it.

"My friend it's good to see you in person finally." Orlas said and Kevan smiled and nodded.

"You too Magister, is there somewhere we can speak?." he asked and the magister nodded, servants, leading the way to where food and drink were already laid out.

"What brings you to Myr, Lord Kevan?.".

"You heard of what happened in Lorath, Norvos?" he asked taking a swallow of the offered wine.

"Bandits my lord, the bane of our existence, surely not enough to bring you here?." Orlas asked inquisitively.

"More than bandits my friend, a collected effort to interrupt our trading. Should they not be dealt with then even here we may have difficulties." Kevan said and saw Orlas nod in agreement.

"You seek to end these difficulties before they stretch further?.".

"I do, the Company of the Rose is nearby is it not, I seek an audience with their commanders, can it be arranged.".

"Of course, I'll see it done at once." Orlas said.

"I'll see you rewarded of course." Kevan said and Orlas shook his head.

"There is no need my lord, our business together is most profitable, though perhaps some extra shipments could be sent?." Orlas asked.

"I'll see to it and your own percentages Magister, a five percent rise on this and our increased business." Kevan said and the Magister smiled broadly.

"You are too kind my lord, far too kind.".

Truthfully he was being overly generous, the increased business alone should make the Magister even more gold, but Kevan had learned one thing about the men of Essos, they were a greedy bunch. Far better to keep them well rewarded before they sought it than after they looked for it he figured, loyalty could be bought but once lost it was hard to regain.

It took them a couple of days to be given the go-ahead to travel to the Companies headquarters. They were housed in a rather small barracks outside of Myr, but very well defended and manned and as he, Addam, and the others rode up he could see the Northmen look warily in his direction. They were stopped at the gate by a large man and Kevan judged him to be of a size with the Hound, the Mountain even, the large halberd on the man's back, and his size were enough to dissuade most he thought.

"Who are you?" the gruff voice asked, half northern and half Essosi.

"I am Lord Kevan Lannister, I've come to meet with Torrhen Snow.".

"Very well, you're expected, you and one man, the others wait here.".

Kevan nodded to Addam and they both rode in, they were directed to a small building at the back and he saw two more large men standing in front of it. Once they dismounted they were led inside to a large room and found four men sitting at the table. Just like those they'd seen so far they were all large men, one with an eye patch, one with scars and two who just stared angrily at them.

"Take a seat, bread and salt?" the largest of the men said moving the plate towards them.

"Aye, we'll accept guest rights." he said and saw some nods.

Once they had taken a piece of each, a young lad brought in some ale which they accepted, and some food which they took only to be polite. After they'd eaten a little and drank some more, the same large man looked at them and began to speak.

"Lord Kevan Lannister, and who be you?" he said looking to Addam, his voice had no trace of Essosi and was full Northman.

"Ser Addam Marbrand." Addam said.

"What brings a Lion and a Burning Tree to my house?" the man asked.

"You're Torrhen Snow?" Kevan asked.

"Aye I am, this is Artos and Brandon Snow and the quiet lad is Hugo." Torrhen said.

"You know of our business in Essos?" Kevan asked.

"We know." Artos said.

"Some of our shipments were recently attacked, made to look like bandits though it wasn't bandits who did it, what know you of the Brave Companions?".

"That they're not very fucking brave." Brandon Snow said to laughs.

"We know of Hoat and I'm sorry for your men, but what's this got to do with us?." Torrhen said.

"I'd like to hire the Company to track down the Brave Companions and bring them the justice they deserve." Kevan said.

"No." Torrhen said as he and the others got up and turned to walk from the room.

"Have you heard of Jon Snow?." Kevan said and they stopped, Torrhen looking at him.

"Eddard Stark's bastard son, aye even over here we've heard of events in the north.". Torrhen said.

"Our trade, our ships, while my nephews and I have played our part a lot of it is down to Jon Snow. He was my nephew's squire, he's a knight in his own right now, but ever since he came to us he's been the driving force behind our trade, the ships were his idea." he said and while the other three men looked ready to leave Torrhen looked at him for a moment and then they all sat down.

"Then I'm most pleased for the lad, but again of what import is this to us?." Torrhen asked.

"It's not just our trade that Jon has seen improve, it's the North's too, our largest trading partner is House Manderly, House Mormont too. It's not just Westerlands lives or livelihoods the Brave Companions killed or threaten, its Northern ones too.". Kevan said.

There was quietness in the room for some time, the three men looking to Torrhen Snow who in turn looked to him. After what felt like an age he saw the large man nod and smile, and then look to the others who did likewise.

"Very well, the Brave Companions are no friends of ours, no friends of the North. Given what you say it's clear you are, so we'll accept your contract." Torrhen said.

"All of them?" Kevan asked.

"All of them." Torrhen said and spat in his hand.

Kevan did likewise and they shook hands, the gold he brought with him was just a deposit, a retainer of sorts, they'd get the full amount when the job was done. When he spoke to Orlas later that night the man was almost giddy that he'd managed to bring them on board. The threat to their caravans no longer something to be concerned about Orlas said. For Kevan it was just knowing that the men who had carried out the attack would pay, he'd leave it to Jaime and Tyrion to see the man who'd ordered it did likewise.

Riverlands 296 AC.


The new Maester while not as clever as Vyman had been was at least honest, someone she could be sure wouldn't steal from them. Not that she'd allow a Maester the opportunity to do so ever again, she and Utherydes having taking over the finances and running of the keep. They'd needed to make changes, some which Edmure had fought her on, but the precariousness of their position had become clear even to her brother.

Not that he'd completely reined in his spending, and that he was spending mainly on whores was both shameful and in a way comforting to her. The lack of prospective brides for her brother showed her how much her house had fallen and how safe her own position within it was. So she allowed him to indulge, far better he frequented whores than brought home a bastard she thought.

As for their bannermen, it was an uneasy truce, relationships were still strained with some, broken completely with others and it had led to her contemplating certain things. The one consistent offer of marriage Edmure did get came unsurprisingly from House Frey, the amount offered as a Dowry kept rising and she was almost tempted to accept it, should she be able to convince her brother then she probably would.

She could limit the power of a woman from House Frey, see that her own position wasn't taken by the new lady, something she couldn't be certain she could manage with any other house, even those houses smaller than the Freys. She knew how Walder treated his brood, how browbeaten the women were, but it was really pointless to think on. Edmure would never accept a Frey for his bride, his own sense of self-importance was far too big for that.

"Pearl, take this to Utherydes." she said handing the girl the notes she'd made.

"At once milady." the young girl said rushing from the room.

Once she'd gone, she reached down to the drawer and took out the letter from her uncle, one of the few bright spots she'd had these last few moons. She smiled as she read it once again, Petyr having come through for her and she so wished he'd return soon so she could thank him.


I write to inform you that Brandon is settling in well at the Bloody Gate, he's doing well in his duties and his studies and I am most pleased to have him as my squire. I'll see that he writes you himself next time.


She would have preferred a more friendly letter but her uncle it seemed had not come around to her way of thinking, that he and Edmure had a falling out too had left him even more estranged than he had already been. A letter from Brandon would be nice also she thought, it still bothered her that none of her children barring Arya and Robb had actually written to her in some time.

The last two letters she had gotten from them had ended up disturbing her for different reasons. Arya's to tell her she'd be fostering in Bear Island, which though was not news, was something she had hoped would never come to pass. As for Robb, his letter should have filled her heart with joy, her firstborn was to be wed. Yet she still felt he was being sold short and still couldn't put it out of her mind that this was the bastard's plan.


It is with great happiness I write to tell you that Lord Wylis and father have agreed to a betrothal between myself and Lady Wynafred. The marriage is set to take place in two years and it would mean the world to me if you could attend. I am happy mother, blissfully so, I hope the news finds you likewise.

Your loving son,


While she wasn't best pleased by the match, feeling the princess or Lady Margaery to be a far better one for the heir to Winterfell, the last part of the letter always made her smile. It was as she was rereading this part that Maester Farman came into the room carrying a much different letter.

"My lady, a letter from Winterfell." the Maester said and Cat smiled wondering who of her children had sent it, thinking it must have been sent before they'd left.

The smile was quickly removed from her face both by the seal, Ned's Lord of Winterfell seal, and the contents which she couldn't believe as she read them.


I write to you to formalize what we both know is the truth of things, the dissolution of our marriage. I've also written to the King and the High Septon. In my letters to them as I do now to you, I make it clear that our children are unremoved in the line of succession to Winterfell and are true and good. No children I have from this point forward may interfere with that line no matter what. It's time to move forward with our lives, to end this marriage once and for all.

Eddard Stark.

Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.

She found it hard to breathe, the Maester looking worriedly at her and grabbing her a mug of water which she quickly drank down. It didn't have any effect and she needed another and finally a small dose of dreamwine to help her calm down. When she woke later on, for the briefest moment she thought she'd had a terrible dream, some nightmare and she didn't even realize that she was in Riverrun, turning to the shadow by her bed she smiled.

"Ned?" she said only for Edmure to move from the darkness.

"Cat, Cat, are you well, do you feel well, the Maester, shall I send for the Maester?." Edmure asked worriedly.

"No, no, I'm well, you heard?.".

"I did, give me the word Cat, give me the word and I'll call the banners. I'll fucking march to Winterfell and kill him where he sits for this insult.".

"Edmure." she said shaking her head.

"No Cat, it's that woman, that Cerwyn woman he wishes to wed her, to dishonor you and wed another. I'll not stand for it.".

"We cannot do anything Edmure, not yet." she said and Edmure looked at her.

"Not yet?".

"No we must build ourselves back up, we must be ready for when the chance comes, brother." she said and he nodded.

"What of the letter?" Edmure asked.

"He's made his bed, let him lie in it, besides if he wishes to wed then he won't be the only one.".


"What, oh don't mind me Edmure, I'm just thinking aloud." she said and Edmure thankfully didn't pay too much heed to her words.

She began to consider though, it was clear to her now that she and Ned were done, that small hope she had held at the back of her mind was now gone. It was for certain now that he would not be coming to his senses and realize just how foolish he had been. Which left her where exactly? Lady of Riverrun was only temporary and even as such she'd never be able to make them pay, not Ned and not the bastard.

She needed to rise, to be more, a set-aside woman could only rise so far, an annulled marriage though, should it be granted it gave her more options. To some it would be shameful but then again she was being set aside by a savage, by a heathen, she could use this, with the right amount of thought she could use this to her advantage.

"Edmure could you have Pearl bring me some parchment and a quill, I have letters I must write.".

"Cat are you sure you're well?" her brother asked as he stood up.

"I am Edmure, you're right this is Ned's fault, we'll see him pay for it." she said and her brother nodded.

Casterly Rock 296 AC.


With Tyrion busy with his work, she, Tyene, and Sarella spent the day on the beach, Sarella wishing to be close to the dragon, and Arianne and Tyene eager to spend some time with their cousin before they left. Something which was coming up far sooner than she wished, she could only put it off for so long though and she knew her father would be getting anxious for her to return.

Tyene too wished to go home, to be with her other sisters once again, to see her father and be back in Dorne. Her cousin had not enjoyed her time in the West as much as Arianne had. She found herself smirking at that, her cousin needed to get herself a lion, preferable one as hungry and insatiable as her own was. She wondered how she'd managed without him once she returned to Dorne, how quickly could he get away to come and visit her.

That he would he had promised, though given how busy he was and that he said that soon he'd need to fly on the dragon, she wondered just how soon it could be.

"I'll fly to you then." the voice said in the air and she smiled once again.

His family she had gotten along with far better than she could have hoped, Jaime and his wife had treated her as one of the family. Spending time with them and their babe had been fun for her, something that reminded her that people were the same, be it in Dorne or here in the West. His little cousins were interesting, especially the little girl who was so close to her own cousin.

Lady Genna too had been a surprise to her, the woman basically pulling her to one side to warn her what would happen should she hurt her nephew and doing so in a way which Arianne had found endearing. She was not one usually for tea, but being invited to one by Tyrion's aunt was an offer she couldn't refuse.

"It must be a change of pace Princess, running Dorne and then coming here?." Genna asked pouring the cup of the tea.

"My father runs Dorne, my lady.".

"Call me Genna." Genna said handing her the cup.

"Arianne, Genna." she said and the woman nodded.

"I know your father runs the country Arianne but even here in the west we know that you play a far larger part than most ladies do." Genna said offering her one of the sweet cakes.

"I am heir to my father, Genna, it's only right that I gain some experience in his duties is it not?." she asked.

"Indeed it is, which is why I was saying being here, doing nothing, of the same import as you do back in Dorne that is, it must be what's the word." Genna paused.

"Freeing Genna." she said and the woman laughed.

"Freeing yes, the thing with freedom Arianne is it makes us believe we can do what we wish and face no consequences, we believe we can do what only pleases us and that no one else matters." Genna said sipping her tea.

"For some yes, for others it's the freedom to be who we wish to be, to be with who we wish to be." she said realizing what Genna was hinting at.

"Of course, but what happens when we're no longer free? When we must make more measured choices?.".

"Depending on the circumstances Genna, some choices work as well free or measured do they not? For example, a son of a great house is a son of great house, free or measured choices that remains a fact does it not?." she said looking at the older woman.

"It does?.".

"Then what you wish from your freedom need not be given up in such a case." she said and Genna smiled.

"Indeed not, and would your father feel the same?." Genna asked taking another sip of the tea.

"My father wishes me happy and well-matched Genna, he may get his wish." she said and Genna smiled even more.

"Well-matched indeed." Genna said and this time Arianne was the one with the smile on her face.

She had understood Lady Genna's game and while she'd not come out and actually threatened her, the threat was implicit, had Arianne's answers not impressed the woman than she felt it would have been far more explicitly expressed. That this was before the revelation of who Tyrion really was, only ended up in it being reinforced, he was a good match as a Lannister.

As a Targaryen he was an even better one, as a Dragonrider, then apart from Jon Snow, he was the very best anyone could wish for. He had confided in her that both he and his brother were essentially serving as Jon's Hand's, that his nephew, and he considered Jon such, was involving him more and more in things and she could see his pride at that. Her own too rose, both at her cousin for seeing beyond what others saw with Tyrion, and that Tyrion was rising to where he should be.

"Again?" Tyene huffed.

"What?" she said turning.

"You're daydreaming about him again, god's Ari, just how good in bed is he?" Tyene asked shaking her head.

"You'll never know cousin, he's all mine." she said laughing.

Later that night she rolled over on her side, the sweat running down her back and her hand barely able to reach over to grab the glass on the table. Beside her Tyrion too looked almost ready to collapse, their passions had increased the closer it came to saying goodbye. Both of them eager to get in as much as they could before she had to leave, wearing each other out becoming a nightly, and a couple of times, daily occurrence.

"Wine?" she asked and smirked when he nodded, unable to speak for a moment.

"I think we should fly away together." Tyrion said as he drained the glass of wine and handed the empty one back, eager for another.

"You've not flown yet." she said as she filled it for him.

"I'm a quick study, we just jump on Lygaron's back and off we go, anywhere, you name the place and that's where we'll stop.".

"Or we could just speak to my father." she said and watched the smile fall from his face "Tyrion you are a Lannister, that alone makes you a worthy match and Oberyn would speak for you.".


"Were it not that, then there is who you really are, a prince of Targaryen blood, a future Dragonrider, uncle to the King, Tyrion my father is not a foolish man.".


"Do you want me?" she asked rolling over onto her stomach.

"Only you." he said and she was kissing him almost before he finished.

"Then come to Dorne, come and fight for me my lion." she said once she was finished.

"I'll come when I can, soon, I promise." he said and she smiled before kissing him again.

Three days later she stood by the dockside in Lannisport, Jaime and Tyrion had come to wave them off. Sarella had too and both she and Tyene had said their goodbyes to their cousin, both in private and here in public. That Jon Snow hadn't arrived back she understood, Tyrion having made it clear where he had gone and why, but still she would have liked to have spent more time with her cousin.

"Lord Jaime, I wish to thank you for the welcome and hospitality you and your family have shown to me while I was here, you've made a friend in me my lord. I hope to be able to repay you in the future.". she said genuinely.

"There is no need Princess, any member of your family is more than welcome in Casterly Rock or the West, please give my regards to your father and uncle." Jaime said.

"I will my lord.".

"Princes Arianne.".

"Lord Tyrion.".

The two of them looked at each other and then she knelt down and embraced him, that people were looking on she cared not, the kiss she gave him leaving any who watched in no doubt of how she truly felt.

"I await you in Dorne my lord, do not leave me waiting long." she said smiling.

"I won't my princess." Tyrion said.

As the ship sailed from the docks she stood and watched until they were no longer in view, once she could see them no more she walked down to her cabin and lay down on her bed. The tears coming quick and fast and she felt silly for them, and yet in her heart, she felt the loss as if it was real, as if she was leaving part of herself in the West. She hoped it would not be there for too long, that soon he'd come to Dorne and she would be whole again.

The Great Grass Sea 296 AC.


Being with Missy was different, with Sandor he was like the older brother, they had fun and he allowed her to be a young girl but there was always that small bit of distance, age, the fact he was a man, other things. With Shiera it was who she was, her aunt, and almost a mother figure to her, Shiera taught her how to be a woman and Dany was able to go to her about the things she'd never speak to Sandor about.

Missy though much younger than her was a friend, they could have fun together and she could be the one that Missy sought advice from. It had only taken them days riding together on the horse to grow closer, they weren't Daenerys and Missandei, it was Dany and Missy. The younger girl too enjoyed the notion of a friend, of someone who didn't order her to do things and who asked her what it was she wanted.

While the girl was still reluctant at times, she had already come on greatly Dany felt and they would laugh and giggle together, annoying Sandor immensely as they rode. At night Missy would tell them more about the lands they traveled and the Dothraki who roamed it freely, the girl knowing even more of the lands than Shiera seemed to.

"When a Khal's wife dies she's taken to Vaes Dothrak and becomes a member of the Dosh Khaleen." Missy said as they rode through the grass.

"The Dosh Khaleen?." she asked.

"The wives of the fallen Khals.".

"What if they don't want to go?" she asked and Missy shook her head.

"I do not know, Dany." she said and Dany chuckled, sometimes when she said her name Missy would quickly glance at her to see it was alright that she did so. While she knew it was because of her slave status, it had become a game with them, Dany trying to catch her as she did so.

They had been riding for almost a moon since they'd met up with Missy and the unsullied had joined them. Some had changed their names, others had gone back to their original ones like Missy's brothers, only Grey Worm keeping the name he'd been given.

"This one keeps the name as it was the name he was given when the princess freed him." Grey Worm told them one night.

She had tried to tell them that it wasn't just her, it was Sandor and Shiera, Missy, too, but the unsullied looked to her and Shiera had told her it was because she had burned the whip. Dany wasn't sure she truly understood it but she accepted it. Sandor saying these men offered them protection, that the more they had with them the safer they were and she did understand that.

They were riding one morning when they saw the dust trail in the distance, the horses riding fast and there were many of them. They were out in the open and couldn't run, not only did they not have the horses to do so, but even had they, outrunning Dothraki was beyond them. Dany looked to Shiera and they called for the dragons, Ellagon and Rhaegal were off flying some miles ahead of them but they came back quickly.

"Stay behind me Missy." she said to the worried girl and watched as Sandor and the unsullied formed a protective ring around them.

It was soon clear though that it wouldn't be enough, the sheer number of the Khalasar was far beyond anything they could match. When the horses surrounded them Dany looked at the ones in the lead, the Khal and his blood riders Missy had said. She watched as Sandor gripped his sword, then she leaned back and grabbed her bow, stopping when a huge man jumped from the horse.

The man said nothing just walked to the unsullied and nodded, looking over their shoulders at her and Missy on the horse. Before he could say anything the dragons came, their screeches in the air forcing the man to look up. The horses becoming panicked, the man was not, and he looked up at the dragons and smiled before he began speaking in some guttural language she didn't understand.

"I am not here to attack or take from you." Missy said interpreting his words "We offer you food and drink, to share in our bounty, you have the word of Khal Drogo that none of you will be harmed.".

"Ask him why he would offer us this?" Dany said and Missy spoke to the man in the same language he did before he spoke back.

"He says he has an offer for the silver hair, for you princess." she said and she looked to see Khal Drogo staring at her.

Turning she saw both Sandor and Shiera nod, the offer was not one she could not accept she knew, so she had Missy tell him she agreed and the Dothraki began to set up tents. Ellagon and Rhaegal landed and looked warily at the men, and Dany was surprised when some women came over leading some men who were carrying meat for the dragons.

After Shiera had looked at it and Sandor had too, the unsullied took it and brought it to the dragons, both of them burning it quickly and eating it almost as fast. They had grown even more and she wondered if they'd soon be ready to ride, Shiera said no but she felt they would. The women directed her, Missy, and Shiera to a tent and there was water and clean clothing laid out for them.

"Tell the Khal we are grateful." she said and Missy spoke the words to the women.

It felt strange wearing the clothing and seeing both Missy and Shiera in it was just as odd, but they were welcome and the food they were given was much appreciated, even if it was mainly horse as Sandor groused. At one point she found the Khal staring at her, his looks making her uncomfortable and yet not. During the night he spoke very little and it was only the next day that he told her what he wished.

They were brought into at large tent, Sandor going in first and finding the Khal sitting alone, he asked for her to come in alone and while Sandor and Shiera said she shouldn't she decided she should. Though Missy accompanied her so she could understand what the Khal may say.

"I am Khal Drogo, son of Khal Bharbo, the Great Rider, the Great Khal." Missy said interpreting him once again.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of Rhaella Targaryen." she said refusing to say her father's name and waiting until Missy had finished speaking before continuing "What does the Khal wish of me?" she asked and Missy relayed it to the Khal.

"I am to be the Khal of Khals, the father of the Stallion That Mounts The World, to be that I need a Khalessi worthy of the honor. Long have I searched and yet I sit here alone and without my Khalessi by my side." Missy said and as Dany looked to the Khal she could have sworn he looked both sad and eager "I had given up hope until I saw the silver hair.".

"You wish me to be your Khalessi?" she said surprised and he nodded when Missy spoke her words.

She waited a few moments and tried to get her words straight, to turn him down and do so without causing anger or resentment.

"You saw the dragons?" she asked and he nodded "One was stolen from me, I seek the man who did so, I cannot, I will not wed until I find my lost child, should you find him for me then I will be your Khalessi, but until then I must seek him out myself." she said and waited until Missy had spoken.

She saw no reaction on the Khal's face, he just looked at her, and then he smiled before he nodded.

"When next we meet either I or you will have found your lost child, I will ask again then." he said and got up walking over to her, he held his hand out to her and she took it and he helped her up as if she weighed nothing.

Though she barely came to his chest she looked up into his eyes and saw him looking down at her, no one had ever looked at her that way, that he wanted her was clear, that look she knew all too well. But there was something more in his eyes, something she couldn't quite place and she found herself missing that look when he left the tent.

They woke the next morning to find the Khalasar gone, the tents they'd left for them and the others still remained and there were some food and pouches of water left also. But it was the two women who walked towards her leading a silver horse that Dany concentrated on. That they were Dothraki was clear and they also didn't seem to be much older than Dany either.

"A gift from the Khal." Missy said as one of the women spoke and handed Dany the reins of the silver filly.

"Who are they?." she asked as she stroked the horse's neck,.

"Irri, Jhiqui, the Khal asked them to travel with you." Missy said and Dany looked to Sandor and Shiera both of them looking as confused as she was.

As she stroked the horse though she smiled and found herself wondering what she may say should she meet the Khal again.

The Reach 296 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

The flight from the Tower of Joy was calm and peaceful, he felt different somehow, more in tune with what was around him and with Rhaenix. With Arthur too, it was as if they'd come to an understanding, the knight's doubts would perhaps always remain and he felt grateful for that, but something had changed with them also. It was as if the man's faith had been restored somewhat, be it in him or in his father Jae wasn't sure.

That too was different and Rhaenys was most happy about it, he was Jaehaerys Targaryen, Jon Snow was a name he'd been forced to bear, a name he'd been forced to pretend to be, but it was no longer who he was. He had been born a king, it was what he'd told himself he would be because others had wished it for him, their desires becoming his own, but now it was also what he truly wished to be.

As they flew over Horn Hill he knew where he was going and found himself excited to get there. They landed in a small field when Jae felt the deer nearby, it was still dark and they could have gone further but Rhaenix needed to eat and so Jae directed her down. Once she was on the ground he warged into the deer, quickly bringing it close enough so that the stag couldn't run, and then he opened his eyes.

"Gods she's quick when she wishes to be." Arthur said and Jae laughed as Rhaenix had taken to the air and caught the deer before it made it even halfway back to the woods.

"She's hungry and tired, though she'd have flown through the night to get there.".

"Highgarden?" Arthur asked.

"To see my wife." Jae said and the knight turned his head.


"We married by the Heart Tree, under the old gods, Walder officiated.". he said as they started the fire.

"You didn't tell me?.".

"Apart from Jors, Walder, and Ghost I didn't tell anyone." he said as he looked to the knight who was staring back at him.

"Why?" Arthur asked.

"I knew you'd talk me out of it, you or Jaime, one of you anyway." he said and Arthur smirked.

"Today you're like you're mother, Jae." Arthur said and Jae nodded.

They left early that night, almost as soon as darkness fell, so eager was he to make it to Highgarden. Rhaenix left them a few miles from the keep itself, landing in a covered forest and he arranged to meet her there in a few days time, she deciding to go fly out over the waters to the west. Leaning against her he closed his eyes, feeling her in his mind and he in hers, their bond even stronger than it had been.

"Be safe little brother." Rhaenys said.

"You too big sister." he said and then she was in the air and he watched as she flew west.

They walked a few miles in the opposite direction of Highgarden itself, purchasing two horses in a small village, the smith was glad of the coin and though the horses weren't anywhere near as good as Winter or Apples they'd do for now. It was far better to arrive by horse than to simply turn up on foot, far fewer questions would be asked. The ride to Highgarden took less than an hour, and when they reached the keep they were soon greeted by Garlan as the others were at lunch.

"Jon? "Garlan said surprised to see him and Arthur.

"Aye it's me, can you have someone see to the horses." Jon said taking the sack of the horse's back.

"Of course, come inside we were just sitting down to eat I'm sure you're both hungry.".

"Aye we could, eat." he said with a smile.

They followed Garlan down through the corridors and when they reached the dining hall he felt himself reach for the tie in his hair, pulling it tighter and seeing both Garlan and Arthur's smirks.

"Jon?" he heard Sansa shout excitedly when she saw him and before he knew it his sister was grabbing him in her arms, Margaery and her cousins jumping up to join her.

"Hello little sister." he whispered as he looked from Margaery to her grandmother and mother and father, before looking back to his wife.

"Jon, we had no idea you were coming to visit?" Margaery said and he was amazed at her composure.

"It was a sudden thing, a surprise so to speak.".

"Are you hungry, have you eaten, you look tired?" Sansa said and he smiled as Fang walked over to him.

He followed them over to the table, Lord Mace looking at him confusedly, though friendly with it.

"Forgive me, Lord Tyrell, for this interruption, we were passing and thought we'd drop in." he said and felt a fool saying it, something it seemed everyone else agreed on, other than Lord Mace that was.

"That's quite alright Jon, Loras isn't with you is he?.".

"No my lord, he's still in Casterly Rock, Ser Daemon and I were seeing about some items that belonged to my family." he said and saw Olenna look at him more curiously now.

After eating he was glad to see Lady Alerie whisper to her husband about something to do with the wedding, Garlan heading off with them while the others stayed. Though soon Olenna sent Margaery's cousins and Mira to their lessons and he asked Sansa if they could speak later. His sister reluctantly agreed and so he, Margaery and Olenna, along with Arthur and the two giant guards made their way to her solar.

"Now if you'd like to explain what you're really doing here young man?" Olenna said as soon as the door was closed.

"I've been flying around on Rhaenix, Lady Olenna." he said and saw both she and Margaery look at him like he'd grown an extra head.

"You have?" Margaery said.

"I have, we've been to Summerhall and to the Tower of Joy." he said.

"Oh, Jon." Margaery said and he reached out to touch her only for Olenna to cough.

"Just because you married in front of a tree, rules are still rules Jon and propriety must be maintained." Olenna said.

"I'm sorry Jon, I was.." Margaery said and he leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"That's quite alright wife." before he turned to Olenna "I still intend a more elaborate wedding my lady, but this one was on me, if you're irked at someone than it should be me.".

"Don't worry I am, but now is not the time, tell me more of this dragon ride?".

"Perhaps it's best if I show you.".

He reached into the bag and took out the eggs, Olenna shaking her head when she saw them and Margaery reaching down to touch them and pulling her hand away.

"It moved." Margaery said "How did it move without you touching it Jon?.".

"These are different, I'll explain later." he said as he reached in and pulled out the cloth-covered crown, uncovering it and seeing the look on Olenna's face.

"Is that?."

"Aegon's crown, my crown." he said and saw Margaery's smile.

He told them then of the flying, of how he knew it was time when he'd gotten back and how they'd practiced. How they'd flown across the realm from the West to the Riverlands, the Stormland's, Dorne and the Reach. When Olenna asked if he was not worried that someone may have seen, he told them they'd flown at night, and while there was a chance they'd be seen, who'd believe it.

Olenna agreed to allow him to speak to Margaery but only after he gave his word that he'd be the gentlemen he'd been up until now. Something he had no problem doing and so he was snuck into Margaery's room. Arthur and Left or was it Right sent with him to allow him to sneak in and out again. Once inside he turned to her and as she went to speak he silenced her with a kiss.

"Jon, grandmother?." she said when he broke from it.

"Do you really wish to speak on your grandmother just now?." he said and she smirked before kissing him again.

"I've missed you terribly you know." she said as they sat on the bed, Margaery leaning into him as he wrapped his arm around her.

"As have I you, it won't be long Marge, I know it's hard, but it is for both of us, you're not alone in it.".

"I know." she said smiling at him.

"How did they find out?" he asked and she told him what had happened and then embarrassingly spoke about the pin.

"You saw me?.".

"I did, we spoke Jon, you were leaving and I didn't wish you to, but it was as if we were there together." she said shaking her head.

"Where is it?".

She got up from the bed and walked to the dresser before grabbing the pin and bringing it back, as he looked at it he saw the blood that was still pooled inside, Margaery saying she'd cleaned it but that it wouldn't go away. He found himself pricking his own finger, watching as his blood pooled and then nothing. Not until Margaery did the same, almost the instant she did so they were together in a small glade.

"Jon?." Margaery called.

"Margaery?" he replied looking at her.

"You came?." she said happily.

"Always, whenever you need me, whenever you seek me, I'll be here." he said and Margaery nodded.

They woke a few minutes later and she looked at him and asked if he had truly been there with her and he nodded.

"How?." she asked.

"Magic, I don't understand it but I think it'll work now." he said as she allowed her blood to drip on the pin again though nothing happened and he nodded as he began seeing it more clearly.


"It's like with the glass candles, it cools down Margaery and so you can't use it all the time, it needs to recharge, magically.".

"I don't understand." she said and he didn't fully either and yet he knew that what he was saying was the truth.

"Give it some time, wait, and then use it again and it'll work, but once you have it'll then take time to be able to be used again. So don't use it until you really wish to." he said and she nodded.

"Will you stay for a bit?." she asked.

"I'm to meet Rhaenix in two days.".

"Two days." she said and the look on her face made him determined to make them memorable.

Standing in the field two days later he felt he had, he hoped he had, and as Rhaenix landed he and Arthur climbed on her back and took off. Flying from Highgarden to the West he tried not to look back at the keep and tried not to think when he would see Margaery again. She'd been so disappointed when he said he'd not be able to come to the wedding that it had almost crushed him to see her that way.

The idea that she was both just a dragon ride away and yet also moons away, was something that preyed on his mind all the way back to the Rock. Landing by the cove he nodded to Arthur to go get some rest, he had agreed to spend the night with the dragons in the cave. As he slept beside them he dreamed of the glade, wondering if it was a real place or some figment of his imagination and wondering if when she called, would he be able to go back there again.

Kings Landing 296 AC.


One thing that Barristan could say about being in his king's service is that the things he had ignored before, little things he'd paid no attention to, suddenly became things he'd see and care about. That the queen was now sleeping with one of his supposed brothers was one such thing and it only reinforced just how much the order had fallen in his opinion.

Another was just how devious the Master of Coin truly was, be it the fact that Barristan knew he too was sleeping with someone he shouldn't or the way the man's eyes and whole demeanor had lit up when the letter to the king came. That Eddard Stark wished to put aside his wife officially should make Baelish so happy, only confirmed to him his part in the attempts on his king.

Jon Arryn was even more on an enigma, he had almost lost it with the king and then the High Septon when he too arrived with a letter from Stark. To hear the man rant and rave over the mere idea that a man could do what so many others had, Barristan began to wonder what exactly it was that upset him so. Only finding out accidentally when he overheard the conversation between the Hand and the Master of Whisperers.

"Who does that savage think he is?." Jon Arryn shouted.

"His grace my lord?". Lomas asked.

"No Stark, he thinks just because he worships a tree he can set aside a woman of faith." Jon Arryn said angrily.

"My whispers tell me he and Lady Cerwyn have become close my lord, perhaps he wishes to marry again?." Lomas said.

"Well he's bloody well not allowed to is he, he married under the true faith and I'll see that he stays bloody married.".

"Of course my lord.".

"Find out more about these Cerwyn's for me Lomas.".

"I will my lord.".

He'd been surprised that it was a faith thing and not a political one but then sometimes the crown and the Hand made moves that were too petty and foolish to be political. Be it Robert's own reluctance to rule or the Hand allowing his own feelings to force them in a certain direction, Barristan almost smirked at times at their incompetence. That and he hoped it would long continue, it would only be an asset to them when it came time to make their move.

To that end he had been doing some thinking too, Ser Arys was a good sort and he'd like to see him given a chance, Ser Richard even more so, the others he cared not about. They were brothers in name only, his true brothers were out there still, doing the job he longed to be able to do. He readied himself for his shift and made his way from White Sword Tower.

"Ser Richard a calm night?." he asked when he reached the prince's room.

"Indeed Lord Commander, the prince stayed in his room for most of it, Ser knight wasn't feeling well." Ser Richard whispered in his ear making both of them chuckle.

"Then hopefully he's better this morning." he said and Ser Richard nodded before walking away.

Tommen was up a little more than an hour later, the prince as always happy to see him on duty and once he had given him the wink, Barristan led him to the dining room so he could break his fast. Guarding Tommen was an absolute joy, that he and Myrcella were related to Joffrey was something at times he couldn't get his head around. Though thankfully with the prince in Dragonstone, he was one less problem to deal with and it was a far better one he guarded here today.

As usual, Tommen helped Myrcella in her garden and then asked him to take him to the sparring yard, they had only begun sparring and the boy had gone from almost scared to excited very quickly. To Barristan's mind, he was already a far better prospect with a sword then his brother, though he needed to train more and thankfully had found the right incentive to do so.

"Will you tell me the story today?." Tommen asked after he deflected a blow from Barristan's sword.

"You wish to hear it again my prince?." he said smiling, the excited nod of the prince's head making it clear he did so.

"Ser Duncan the Tall arrived at an inn on the way to the tourney of Ashford Meadow." Barristan began, the prince's eyes lighting up as he began the tale.

As he led the prince back to his rooms that night he could see the boy was tired and worn out, they'd sparred, chased after the prince's kittens and Barristan had told him tale after tale. Just before he was going into his room Tommen stopped and looked at him and ran his fingers through his blond hair.

"Do you think it'd be better if I cut my hair Ser Barristan, like Egg?" Tommen asked looking to him eagerly.

"I doubt there's any need for that, your father likes Ser Jon and I'm sure if he asks him then he'd take you to squire." he said seeing the boy's smile light up his face "So you can keep your hair, for now, my prince." he said mussing the boy's hair and making him laugh.

"Will you...will you?" Tommen stuttered.

"I'll write to Ser Jon on your behalf my prince, I give you my word on it." he said.

"And a knight should never break his word." Tommen said determinedly.

"A true knight should not, now go sleep, I'll write today." he said and Tommen nodded running into the room.

He heard him telling Ser Wolf, Ser Knight, and Ser Dunk, his three latest kittens all showing his heart's desire. A part of Barristan felt guilty that he was manipulating him so, that he was using the prince for his own desires, his wish to be with his king. But it was Jon's words which he came back to and which strengthened his resolve.

"I can protect him Ser, give him a better life than he has and see he doesn't become a casualty in the war to come." Jon said.

"Then I'll play my part, my king.".

"I know you will Ser.".

The Shy Maid 296 AC.

Jon Connington.

He had met with Illyrio and told him of the dragon and that Daenerys had two more, Illyrio saying he would take care of it. The magister had given him the books and he'd ridden back to Ghoyan Drohe and arrived just in time. Haldon and Aegon both struggling to keep the dragon under control. Being forced to both drug it more and to use a thin stick to force it back into its cage.

They had ended up needing to buy a number of them given how quickly the dragon grew and he knew that soon they'd not be able to get one large enough. He truly hoped that the answers would be in these books, just the thoughts of Aegon leading the Golden Company into battle on dragonback was more than he could dare to dream. No army could stand before them, they'd need no alliances, people would come and bow to gain their favor, not the other way around.

All of that would be lost to them though if they couldn't control Balerion and he was proving far more difficult than ever to do so. Every day on his trip to and back from Pentos was one of worry for Jon, that without him there they'd not be able to keep the dragon caged. So when he saw the Shy Maid in the distance and saw Aegon and Duck sparring on the deck, he breathed in and smiled, riding hard to cover the last few yards.

"Griff you've returned." Haldon said excitedly looking at the mules and the sacks of books he carried with him.

"I have, Balerion?.".

"More and more I'm forced to put the dragon to sleep Griff, I need answers.".

"Well, hopefully, you'll find them in there.".

"Hopefully my friend." Haldon said as Duck and Aegon walked from the boat.

"Griff, did you find what we need?" Aegon said his voice, his poise, becoming more and more kingly every day to Jon's eyes.

"I did Aegon, come let's help the Maester with them, the sooner we do so the sooner we can have your dragon be truly yours." he said and Aegon's smile was true and good.

"You've done excellent work once again Griff, I'll not forget this." Aegon said.

Overt the next few days while Haldon and Aegon poured over the books, Jon checked in on the dragon. Balerion hadn't much room to move in the cage and Haldon said the draughts he'd give the dragon had stopped the fire, something the Half Maester and Aegon had argued about apparently.

They had built a temporary shelter on deck for the dragon, the cage was able to be slid in and out of it, they'd had no other choice as it had soon grown far too big for the Haldon's rooms. Looking in on the sleeping dragon even Jon felt a little sad for it, this was no way for such a magnificent beast to be kept, if only it would just accept it's rider he thought, then it could be treated far better.

"Well?" he asked Haldon as they ate that night.

"The language Jon, the language and the blood are key I believe." Haldon said and he, Lemore, Duck, and Aegon listened on eagerly as they were told what he'd found.

It seemed far too simple to Jon, surely there was more to it than that, but no it seemed commands needed to be spoken in Valyrian, something which Aegon was overjoyed about, and that Aegon's blood would bind him to the dragon. Over the next few days, Haldon and Aegon slowly allowed the dragon to come around.

They stopped giving it the sleeping draughts in its food and its fire came back, though far less dangerous than it had been. When Aegon worried that this would be all the fire that Balerion was capable of, Haldon explained that once the sleeping draughts were out of its blood it would be far stronger. That this in fact was a blessing as it allowed them to form the bond with less danger, something that Jon felt incredibly relieved about.

"Dracarys Balerion." Aegon said holding a piece of meat on a thin stick.

The dragon looked from Aegon to the meat and to Aegon again, almost seeming to turn it's head slightly, but no flame came.

"Dracarys Balerion." Aegon said again with the same outcome.

Once again it was Haldon who realized the problem, they'd not formed the bond yet and the dragon also wasn't hungry. Jon watched on as the Half Maester cut Aegon's palm, the pained yelp from his king making him immediately move to his sword, only for Aegon to brave his way through the agony. He looked on as his king held his hand over the dragon's mouth, the blood dripping from it and then he, Haldon, and the others marveled when Balerion drank it down.

"Jon, Jon did you see that, he took it Jon? "Aegon said happily.

Later that night he watched as Aegon fed the dragon meat, Balerion eating it eagerly, his flames were still small but more than enough to cook the meat, and Aegon was almost overfeeding it so impressed was he with his control. Each night he'd sit and look on as Aegon would speak to the dragon, hold conversations with it, the dragon listening as intently as Jon did.

"Kesi sōvegon hēnkirī Balerion." (We will fly together Balerion.) Aegon said.

Jon and Duck sitting there drinking as Aegon continued.

"Mazemili arlī ñuha dēmalion hēnkirī." (We will take back my throne together.) Aegon said.

Jon looking on as his king reached out to stroke the dragon's neck, the growls and grunts the dragons made were signs of his joy at being with his rider according to Haldon, Looking on Jon could see it wasn't just the dragon who was joyful, his king too seeming far happier than he ever had been.

"Lī qilōni iōragon against īlva kessa sagon rhēdan lēda Perzys Ānogār Balerion, Perzys Ānogār ." (Those who stand against us will be met with Fire and Blood, Balerion, Fire and Blood.) Aegon said and Jon nodded, they would indeed my king he thought as he watched them.

Waking early the next morning he was surprised by the excited shouts from beside the ship. Barely taking time to dress and grabbing his sword, he ran to the deck to see the dragon flying a few feet in the sky. Not too far away given the rope tied to its neck but just stretching its wings. Seeing it in the air he could see just how large it was and he wondered would it reach the size of its namesake, as he watched Aegon struggle with the rope though he grew concerned.

"Aegon be careful." he shouted.

"All is well Jon, watch. Tegun Balerion, Tegun." (Land Balerion, Land.).

As Jon looked on the dragon didn't land, he didn't seem like he was ever going to, moving nervously he heard Aegon tell the dragon to land again.

"Tegun, Balerion, Tegun." Aegon said and Jon then looked on in amazement as the dragon landed.

"How long?" he asked Haldon as Aegon leaned in to rub the dragon.

"He brought it out this morning, sometimes it takes longer for the dragon to listen than others, but he listens Jon, the blood, Aegon's blood, and the language they were the keys." Haldon said happily.

They celebrated that night, a small celebration anyway, Lemore cooked her specialty and Jon even allowed Aegon a few glasses of wine, not too many, the king he would replace was a drunk, his king wouldn't be. Aegon slept on the deck as he did most nights now, laying beside the dragon and reinforcing the bond they'd built up. A few days later he came back from sending the letter to Illyrio, telling him of their success, to find Aegon and Haldon arguing.

"What's going on?" he said stepping between the two of them.

"Tell him, Jon, tell him. I am the king, he doesn't get to tell me what to do, no one does." Aegon said glaring at the Half Maester.

"Haldon?" he asked confused.

"Aegon wishes to take the dragon's ropes and collar off it Jon, it's not ready yet, the bond is growing but it's not fully formed." Haldon said.

"Nor will it if Balerion can't trust me, he needs to know that I'm his rider and that I'll look after him, as he will me.I've read the books too Jon." Aegon said angrily.

"Is this true?" he said turning to Haldon.

"It does say something like that but it's unclear." Haldon said.

"Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor." (A Dragon is not a Slave.) Aegon said and Jon looked to him.


"A Dragon is not a slave Jon, we're hurting him by treating him as one and we're making him less than he could be, just like the ones my family kept in the Dragonpit." Aegon said contemptuously.


"It's too dangerous Jon." Haldon said shaking his head "In time yes, but not now." he quickly added when Aegon moved towards him.

"Aegon, perhaps..."

"No Jon, I'm your king am I not?."

"Always." he said nodding.

"Then I order you to do this. Will you respect my order Jon?" Aegon said looking at him, the look a hard one for Jon to figure out, was it pleading? Was his king pleading with him to take his part?.

"Always, your grace." he said a moment later, Haldon walking off in a huff muttering and shaking his as he left the deck and went down to his room.

He looked on as Aegon opened the cage and Balerion walked out, the dragon looking directly at Aegon and not at anyone else. The way it tilted it's neck almost offering the collar to be removed made Jon gasp, did it know? Could it feel what Aegon was about to do? Was the bond between them that strong. Within a moment the collar and rope were gone and he looked on as Aegon rubbed the dragon where he collar had been.

"Sōvegon Balerion." Aegon said and with a few flaps of his wings the dragon was in the air, Aegon turning back to look at Jon with a smile on his face.

The flames came quick, the screams came next, and while the others threw water on the burning deck, Jon dragged Aegon away from them. Using his cloak he covered his king, the screams had stopped and he didn't know if it was because Aegon had died or if he'd simply passed out from the pain. With the fire out and Haldon and Duck lifting Aegon up and carrying him below deck, all Jon could do was watch as the dragon flew east.

'Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor.' (A Dragon is not a slave.) he thought bitterly as he heard Aegon's screams from beneath him.

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