Black Clover: A Knight & His...

By RayTheRipper

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This is the only Mimosa Vermillion x Male Reader on Wattpad & that honestly surprises me since Mimosa is best... More

Page 1: Magic Knights Entrance Exam
Page 2: Introductions
Page 3: Meeting The Other Recruit
Page 4: The Recruits First Mission
Page 5: Beasts
Page 6: Guardians
Page 7: Castle Town Adventure
Page 8: The Wizard King Saw
Page 9: Dungeon
Page 10: The Diamond Mage
Page 11: Friends
Page 12: Destroyer
Page 13: Memories of You
Page 14: Destruction & Salvation
Page 15: Assembly at the Royal Capital
Page 16: Capital Riot
Page 17: Wild Magic Dance
Page 18: The King of the Crimson Lions
Page 19: Blackout
Page 20: Adversity
Page 21: Wounded Beasts
Page 22: Light
Page 23: The One I've Set My Heart On
Page 24: Protector Meets The Protectee
Page 25: The Mirror Mage
Page 26: Pursuit Over the Snow
Page 27: Three-Leaf Sprouts
Page 29: Light Magic vs. Dark Magic
Page 30: The Light Of Judgement
Page 31: Three Eyes
Page 32: The One With No Magic And The Fool With A Hammer
Page 33: The Next Day
Page 34: A Black Beach Story
Page 35: The Underwater Temple
Page 36: Temple Battle Royale

Page 28: To Help Somebody Someday

560 16 9
By RayTheRipper


Baros: [roars]

Asta: Man! It's huge!

(Y/N): I've fought bigger.

Asta: Really?!

Sister Theresa: We can't hope to defeat something that big.

Children: [screaming]

Sister Theresa: For now, we need to get the children out of here.

(Sister Theresa creates a fire leopard with her magic.)

Sister Theresa: Get on it's back, and he'll take you to safety!

(The children crawl onto the fire leopard.)

Sister Theresa's thoughts: It could take half an hour or more for us to get them all out. We'll have to hold our ground until then.

(Imagine Y/N is next to Asta.)

Asta: I'm not letting you get any closer!

(Y/N's thoughts): I guess we're the frontline!

Baros: Die! Die! All of you.

(Baros walks over to Neige.)

Baros: [growls]

Neige: You aren't yourself anymore. What did she do to you?

(Baros is to hit Neige.)

Baros: [roars]

Neige: You know me. I'm your brother.

(Baros is to hit Neige but Asta shows up just in time to cut Baros' arm.)

Neige: Why? Why would you save me?

Asta: You can't die. Take responsibility for what you did. That's the punishment you deserve!

Neige: [gasps]

Asta: Plus, your own brother just tried to kill you, and that's not cool. He's even sicker than I thought he was!

(Asta runs towards Baros.)

Asta: My sword seems to work just fine on you, so I'll just cut ya down to size--[gasps]

(Baros strikes the ground right in front of Asta.)

Sally: Your Anti-Magic is the cutest, but even it won't take him down that easy. You saw that dark magic tool. It drains the life force from a subject and makes 'em swell with magic power!

Asta: She's a special kind of crazy!

(Y/N): Let's see if my hammer can do any better!

(Y/N throws his hammer at Baros but it just goes into Baros' muddy body.)

(Y/N): That's embarrassing...

Asta: Just call it back, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Already doing that!

(Y/N has his hand out; trying to call his hammer back but nothing's happening.)

(Y/N): Okay, this is strange. I can feel my hammer wanting to come back but-

Sally: It seems your precious hammer belongs to me now, (Y/N)! Looks like the mud is too thick for it to come back to you! [giggles]

(Y/N): No!

(Y/N begins to walk upto Baros.)

(Y/N): Give me back my hammer!

Asta: (Y/N), what are you doing?!

(Y/N): What's it look like? I'm going to get my hammer back!

Asta's thoughts: I think he has an unhealthy relationship with that hammer...

Asta: It's just a hammer, (Y/N)! You can just buy a new one!

(Y/N): I can't! It's the only thing I have from home! It was a gift from my father!

Asta: Oh...

Sister Theresa: I don't think your father would want you-

(Y/N is now right in front Baros.)

(Y/N): Hey! You mud bastard!

Baros: [growls]

(Y/N): My hammer is somewhere inside you.

Baros: [growls]

(Y/N): So hit me!

Baros: [growls]

(Y/N): Hit me, bitch!

Baros: Die!

(Baros hits Y/N.)

Asta: (Y/N)!

(Baros lifts his fist up revealing that Y/N isn't there.)

Sally: [giggles] I've got (Y/N) and his hammer! Yay! You're next Asta!

(Cut to Y/N inside of Baros.)

(Y/N's thoughts): Ew! Perhaps this wasn't the best idea. I can hardly breath. But my hammer...I'm...I'm nothing without it!

(Cut to Gauche on his way back to Asta, Sister Theresa, & Y/N.)

Gauche's thoughts: Asta this, Asta that...What's so great about him, anyway? The captain, the other squad members, they're all crazy about this kid. But he was basically useless back there. He, the old hag, and the lapdog have probably given up and made a run for it by now. When you get down to it, people will always put themselves ahead of others. That's just the way the world works. [gasps]

Asta: [yelling] [panting, coughing] No. Not yet. I'm not done!

Gauche: [gasps]

Sally: You don't know when to quit, huh? Just forget about protecting them let me capture you already. I don't want (Y/N) to feel lonely. The three of us could have so much fun!

Asta: Forget about protecting them? No way. Never. Not a chance! You would have to kill me first!

Gauche's thoughts: Is he insane? Or just an idiot?

Baros: [roars]

(Jumps in the air to cut Baros' arm.)

Asta: Which isn't gonna happen. Because there's no way that I'm going to die before I become the Wizard King!

Sister Theresa: Quick, Asta! On your right!

Asta: Crap!

(Asta is about to be hit by Baros until Gauche kicks him out of the way.)

Asta: [yelps]

Gauche: You know, for someone who was going on and on about not dying today, it sure did look like you were about to.

Asta: Gauche, you care back! Why'd you run away in the first place, you jerk?!

(Cut to our heroes finally defeating Baros.)

Astas: Mirror Slash!

(All of the Astas continue to slash away at Baros & Sally.)

Astas: Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!

(Baros falls apart & Sally hits the ground hard.)

Asta & Gauche: We did it!

(Y/N suddenly appears, falling out of a piece of Baros' muddy body.)

Asta: (Y/N)!

(Asta catches Y/N.)

(Y/N): [coughs]

Asta: (Y/N), are you okay?!

(Y/N): [coughs] I'm okay. Just muddy. [coughs] I got my hammer back!

Asta: I see that!

(Y/N): Thanks for catching me.

Asta: No problem. It was about time I repaid you for always catching me.

(Y/N): Aww! Gauche, did you come for me?

Gauche: No, you lapdog! I came back because-

(Y/N): I can't hear you over your character development!

Gauche: My what?

Sister Theresa's thoughts: Incredible. They combined their magics? Whatever they did, it looks like they were finally able to drain the power of that creature.

(Neige crawls up to Baros' jacket.)

Neige: Goodbye, brother.

(Neige looks at a defeated Sally.)

Neige: I swear. I'll hate her forever for turning you into that monster. And me? How I can forgive myself for blindly following you and doing whatever you ordered me to do, no matter how awful it was?

(Asta is now in front of Neige.)

Neige: What you said before was right. I have to take responsibility for the things I've done. I'll do it. I will atone for my sins, and for my brother's, too.

Asta: Good, and once you get that outta the way, you and I should be friends. With all the cool magic you can do, I bet you're gonna be a pretty popular guy.

Neige: Huh? That would be...

(Neige is stabbed in the back by some kind of magic.)

Asta: [gasps]

(Imagine Y/N is next to Asta.)

(A bright light appears.)

Asta: It's that bright light again!

(Y/N): We just can't catch a break!

Gauche's thoughts: So much...magic power...I've never felt anything this huge bef—

(Gauche is stabbed by the same magic.)

Gauche's thoughts: I didn't see anything.

Sister Theresa: What happened?

Sister Theresa's thoughts: Another one? Haven't they done enough damage already?

(The same magic comes for Asta & Y/N but Sister Theresa jumps in front of them.)

(Imagine Y/N is next to Asta.)

Gauche: No! Old hag!

Asta & (Y/N): Sister!

E.O.T.M.S Leader: You have injured my compatriot.

E.O.T.M.S Leader: It's only fair that I return the favor.

Asta: It's him! The guy we saw at the group's hideout!

E.O.T.M.S Leader: I haven't introduced myself yet, have I? I am the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

E.O.T.M.S Leader: Call me Licht.

Asta: No. No way.

(Asta sees that Licht has a grimoire like Yuno.)

(Y/N): I don't care what your name is!

(Takes his hammer off his back & points it at Licht.)

(Y/N): You're going down right now!

Licht: Is that so?

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