I Was Once A Normal Girl

By nogoodinthis

12.6K 278 22

Cheyenne Price was living her normal teenage girl life. That is until she goes to a One Direction concert and... More

I Was Once A Normal Girl
Modeling with the boys, with a kiss?
Trouble in paradise.
A Day full of flashbacks
The start to a long journey
First full day.
Bailey and shocking news.
Bad news and a slip up?
Coming home!
A breakup, Crying Zayn, kissing harry and Butt slapping Louis?
A walk in the park <3
Girls day<3
Liam and Danielle's date (:
Beth and Harry's date.
Zayn meets Perrie.
The morning after is always interesting
A holiday, A surprise, Jealousy and don't forget a new couple!
A Heart broken Zayn and a cold Cheyenne
A romantic night, and a teasing Niall.
Nice bruises and how to tease a wanting Niall.
Clubbing !
The morning after
Niall and Cheyenne's date night in Hawaii
Zayn and Perries date night in Hawaii.
Danielle and Liam in Hawaii
Beth and Harry is Hawaii
Eleanor says yes!
Last Chapter

Louis and Eleanor's date<3

353 11 4
By nogoodinthis

                Louis POV

                *Earlier that day.*

                “So love would you like to go out?” I wrap my arms around Eleanor and she nods her head in my chest.

                “Awesome let’s go!” I say pulling her along with me. She laughs and it melts my heart every time, she turns back to wave to everyone still in Cheyenne’s room.

                “Where are you taking me?” She asks as I put her in the car giving her a quick kiss.

                “Wonderland.” I say with a wink and she throws her perfect head back in a fit of giggles.

                “Not this again Lou!” She turns the radio up and sings to one of the bands songs while I drive her to the park.

                “You know I love doing this with you though.” I intertwine my free hand with her hand that rests on the center console.

                “Okay I guess, but if I get to tired, you are going to have to carry me home.” She gives me the puppy dog face and I laugh into a nod.

                When I say I am taking her to wonderland I mean we are staying out all night. The third date I ever took her on was to the park, to a movie, to Wal-Mart, to the fair, and then out to eat at three in the morning.  Tonight I plan on taking her to the park, out to eat, and then to spend the night on the beach. At the beach I have a plan to sing to her with the guitar Niall taught me how to play. 

                I truly love Eleanor with my whole heart, and I would do anything for her. I remember when I first asked her out on a date and Harry had to actually hit me because I zoned out. Her eyes captivate me every time, so it’s not my fault.

                “I love you Lou.” She kisses my fingers sweetly and shivers go over my body.

                “I love you too El, you truly are amazing.” I kiss her hand back and she turns a bright shade of pink. The radio now plays ‘as long as you love me’ by Justin Bieber and I laugh, I made this mix CD in America. I sing to her looking sometimes at her but mostly keeping my eyes on the road.

                “We are here.” I say unbuckling her as she laughs. She reaches for the door handle but I slap her hand away.

                “Allow me.” I wink opening her door for her and helping her out. We walk to the swings with our hands intertwined and I feel the camera flashing. We talk about nothing really, but that nothing with her is worth everything.

                “You know Lou, Liam and Danielle are so getting back together.” Eleanor says and I think about it and after a while I nod my head agreeing with her.

                “Want to see something cool?” I whisper in her ear and she scrunches her body.

                “Sure.” She whispers back, her breath hot and perfect on my neck.

                “Alright,” I stand up from the swing clapping my hands together rubbing them and fake stretching my neck. Eleanor laughs at me and I get butterflies like a little girl.

                “So Guess what?” I say stopping what I am doing.

                “What’s that love?”

                “I forgot what my cool thing is.” I frown and hang my head low. She hopes off her swing and brings herself to me. Her lips are brought to mine in the most perfect way and I smile into the kiss. I know that the cameras are around but I don’t mind. I wrap my arms around her waist and hers snake around my neck.

                “I love you.” I repeat for the hundredth time today causing her to giggle.

                “I love you too Lou.”

                “That rhymed!” I shout pointing to her and I laugh this time.

                “It did!” She shouts back at me between our laughs.

                “It’s getting dark.”

                “Way to point out the obvious El.” I roll my eyes playfully at my beautiful girlfriend.

                “Catch me!” She scream running into me. Her legs wrap around my waist and my hands cup her face and bring her down to kiss me. 

                “I want to catch you as you slide!” I say carrying her to the slide.

                “Okay go!” I shout and she lets go of the side, soon her body is on top of mine and I catch her picking her up off the slide and we spin.

                “I am the luckiest guy in the whole wide world!” I point out something she doesn’t seem to realize.

                “No love.” She is so bashful yet so adorable.

                “Yes babe.” I kiss her again so she cannot reply.

                “Alright let’s go.” I say walking her to the car. I open her door and help her in buckling her in.

                “Where are we going now?” She asks as I get into the car. I go to buckle my seat belt but she stops me pulling it over my chest and bucking it.

                “Thanks I almost forgot how.” I wink at her and she rolls her eyes.

                “We are here.” I say almost twenty minutes later.

                “The beach!” Eleanor yells not caring what I say she unbuckles and runs to the shore. I catch up to her after getting the guitar out of the back.

                “What’s that for?” She points to the wooden thing in my hand.

                Instead of answering her I just start to strum on the guitar and she falls silent shrugging her whole body in a comfortable way. She gives me a smile before I start to sing to her. It’s a version of Kiss me by New found glory.

                When the song finished Eleanor is smiling and dancing. The whole time I was singing to her I wanted to stop just too actually kiss her and hold her. I never want to let her go. She is probably the most important thing in my world, without her I have no idea where I would be. I am about to be twenty one and I feel like it’s almost time to do what I have wanted to do since the day I met her.

                “I am a superhero guess my name.” She is set between my legs on the sand. She shifted up so that she could see my face her hands rested on my knees keeping her balance.

                “Obviously it’s superman.” She says with a smile and I shake my head. I nuzzle my face into her neck and let out a long huff and she laughs from the tickles.

                “Then what is it?” She relaxes a bit rubbing my shins through my jeans.

                “Your man,” I say still buried into her neck. 

                “Look at me.” She orders and I do what I am told. Lifting my head from her shoulder I am greeted by her perfectly pink lips. Her moves herself so we are chest to chest and she pushed are weight down on my back.

                We kissed for what seemed hours until fireworks startled her. She jumped up from my face looking up to the sky. er face ligtte

Her face lite up and the beautiful smile that I fell in love with appeared on her face. I know exactly what I have to do, I will do it on our date night next week. She stared in amazement at the sky until they finally stopped.

                “Did you do that?” She gave me the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on her. I nodded my head and she nodded hers back with excitement.

                “I love you.” She snuggled into my chest and I rubbed her back slightly until she brought her head back up to see me. It felt like a movie scene where the characters move in really slowly and then once our lips were together we were unstoppable. Let’s just say that night, I checked one of the ‘To do on the beach’ list, number one, Eleanor. 

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