tell me something i don't kno...

Από writingnorth

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The reality of life hurts. The struggles we have and the problems we make wind up inside of us; more specific... Περισσότερα

Some Info Before We Start :)
In Which Nozomi is Absolutely Done With Life
In Which Nozomi Regrets Her Life Choices
In Which Nozomi Starts To Enjoy Life
In Which Nozomi Takes A Stumble
In Which Nozomi Gets Too Excited
In Which Hanako Notices Change
In Which Nozomi Passes Familar Faces
In Which Nozomi Gets An Unexpected Surprise
In Which Nozomi Meets A Secretary
In Which Nozomi Goes For A Swim
Bonus Chapter: A Call Between Friends
In Which Strange Feelings Arise
In Which Secrets Become Uncovered And Names Become Revealed
In Which We Define Kindness
Bonus Chapter: Their Happiness
In Which Life Becomes More Complicated Than It Already Is
The Moment Where A Bird Loses Its Wings
The Moment Where Our Hearts Are Shared
The Moment When Our Flat Setter Realizes Something
The Moment When Our Faces Meet...The Grass
The Moment When An Outburst Occurs
The Moment Where Nozomi Has Her First Realization
The Tales Of A Sea Urchin And An Apology-Part One
The Tales Of A Sea Urchin And An Apology-Part two
The Moment Where Life Goes On
The Moment Of A Young One
The Moment Where Our Youth Is Connected
The Moment Of Remembering
The Moment Of Healing
The Moment Of A Modern Romeo And A Quiet Juliet
Moments Of Triumph
The Moment Of Thought
The Moment Of Connection
The Moment Of Fury
The Moment Of Thanks
Moment Of A Mad Dog
The Moment Of A Second Realization
The Moment Of An Iron Wall
The Moment Of Weakness
The Moment Of Recovery
The Moment Of Shattered Denial
Its Isolation
Its Fragmented Memories | Part I
Its Fragmented Memories | Part II
Its Admitted
It's Romance
The Moments Of Tranquility
Epilogue | In Which Nozomi Looks Forward To Life
Side Story I | The Blank Spaces
Side Story II | Rio
Side Story III| Kakeru
Side Story IV | Normality

In Which Two Sisters Bond

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Από writingnorth

A.N: the juices weren't flowing in my head so this chapter became hard to write :/

• I literally deleted the rough draft for this chapter like 5 times because I wasn't satisfied with how it went -_- however I do hope it turned out well.

• hey u guys know the game sky: children of the light? if u don't then I highly recommend it's a really fun game. so I almost died in the eye of eden like 5 times so I left bc I was scared •o•

Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu. Haikyuu is owned by the one and only Haruichi Furudate.

Chapter 11-

      "Rise and shine, Nozomi!" Hanako beamed in a song-like tune. Nozomi groaned, pulling her duvet over her face.

      "What you need is some sunlight in here!" Hanako marched over to the curtain-covered windows and yanked them open, sunlight shining through Nozomi's room.

      "Today is the day we unite as sisters and fly to the land of fun!" Hanako bellowed, sparkles practically twinkling around her figure. She had a bright and colorful aura, unlike Nozomi's dark and gloomy morning aura.

      "Five more minutes." Nozomi lazily grumbled. After Nozomi came home last night, soaked and drenched with water, she realized that she had spent a lot of time with Oikawa. She had clung to Oikawa's jacket even until she got home.

      Nozomi didn't want to return his jacket in bad condition, so she tossed it in the washing machine and waited for it to finish washing and drying. Yes, she waited all that time.

      After it had finally finished drying, Nozomi had taken it to her room and shoved it inside her dresser, in hopes that Hanako wouldn't stumble upon it. God knows what Hanako would do if she found out Nozomi somehow had a men's athletic sweater. She would definitely get the wrong idea.

      Hanako frowned. It was unusual for Nozomi to wake up after her. Well, Hanako did have jet lag, but she still expected Nozomi to wake up around the time she did. The grey-haired sister was always a morning riser, so for her to suddenly not want to wake up was a bit strange to Hanako.

      "Ah, I see! My darling sister wants me to carry her downstairs!" Hanako flamboyantly beamed at her. In reality, Hanako knew this would do the trick.

      And at that, Nozomi shot up. Her hair was in disarray, and she had dark bags under her eyes.

      "And she awakens! How was your slumber, dear sister?" Nozomi grumbled in response, her hand rubbing her eyes.

      "What time did you sleep?" The older sister frowned, staring at her still half-asleep sister.

       "Around two A.M."

      Hanako widened her eyes. "Two A.M in the morning?!" She shrieked, her hands raised in wide surprise.

      "Yeah, I was—um—reading." Nozomi said, pushing her covers off of her and swinging her legs off the bed. She stood up, slightly stumbling out her bedroom and into the bathroom, closing the door as she entered.

      Hanako straightened, walking out of her sister's room and strolling to the set of stairs.

      "I'll be making breakfast! Make sure to wear something nice!" The older-sister's sing-song voice frowned out as she walked down the steps. Nozomi sighed.

      After doing all of her bathroom necessities, Nozomi walked over to her dresser, opening a drawer and taking out Oikawa's sweater. She stared at the fabric in her arms for a bit, unsure on what to do with it.

      'When should I return it?' She thought, blankly staring at the jacket in front of her. More importantly, How should she return it?

      Should she ask where he lives? No, that would be awkward and creepy, wouldn't it? Nozomi never once had to return an item to a friend, especially a boy. All of this was super new to her.

      'I'll think about it later.' She thought, pushing the problem away for now. Besides, she had to get ready for the amusement park trip.


      She had totally forgotten.

      'I'm going to an amusement park today!' She thought panicky. Suddenly, she felt wide awake. All the missing ours of sleep now drifting away.

      'Should I bring anti-bacterial wipes? Snacks? Wait no, they must have tons of food at the amusement park.' Nozomi was currently in a constipated state, unsure on what to prepare before going to an amusement park. That's when it suddenly clicked on her head;

                         Today at 10:12 A.M

Miura Nozomi: What should you bring to an amusement park?

      Nozomi bit her bottom lip. She heard a faint sound of a frying pan sizzling from downstairs. If she didn't hurry, she might drag her and her sister late.

      'Or maybe I'm just extremely overreacting.' Nozomi thought, internally slapping herself. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a 'ding!'  From her phone. Her eyes shot her her screen, a smile appearing on her face.

                         Today at 10:13 A.M

Miura Nozomi: What should you bring to an amusement park?

Oikawa Tooru: good morning to u too ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Miura Nozomi: Good morning.

Oikawa Tooru: whats this about an amusement park?

      Nozomi gulped. She now recalled never telling Oikawa anything about her sister dragging her to the new amusement park.

Miura Nozomi: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. My sister asked me to go to that new amusement park that is opening today. (ᵔᴥᵔ)

Oikawa Tooru: and you never asked for me to come with you (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Miura Nozomi:...

Oikawa Tooru: well i cant anyway bc im gonna practice today. but takeru and a friend of mine are going there ()*:・゚

Miura Nozomi: Oh really?

Oikawa Tooru: yup. takeru asked to go with me but i wanted to practice my serves today. so i asked my friend to go with him.

Miura Nozomi: Oh.

Oikawa Tooru: oh.

Miura Nozomi: Don't overwork yourself now.

Oikawa Tooru: i wont (↼‶)

Oikawa Tooru: well if u do end up running into them there, make sure to say hi. takeru misses you
\ (••) / and u better watch out for my friend he's kind of scary

Miura Nozomi: I'll be sure to be on the lookout :)

Miura Nozomi: Now answer my question please.

Oikawa Tooru: oh ok

Oikawa Tooru: wait did u just ask what to bring to an amusement park?

Miura Nozomi: Yes, I don't think I've ever been to one before.

Oikawa Tooru: °□°

Oikawa Tooru: EEHHHHHHH

Miura Nozomi: Yup. Now please answer my question.

Oikawa Tooru: ok well

Miura Nozomi: ...

Oikawa Tooru: basically just bring things you would usually bring to like a mall or something

Miura Nozomi: Ooh.

Miura Nozomi: But I don't really go shopping.

Oikawa Tooru: then to a bookstore

Miura Nozomi: O

Miura Nozomi: So pepper spray?

Oikawa Tooru: definitely.

Miura Nozomi: Ok. Thanks so much! :)

Oikawa Tooru: :)

Nozomi sighed, placing her phone down. Oikawa may be a complete drag, but he's also very helpful. She smiled, quietly thanking him again.


When Nozomi got downstairs, she was immediately welcomed by the smell of grilled fish and miso soup. Nozomi had decided to wear a beige turtle-neck knitted sweater, paired with simple denim jeans. A tote bag was slung around her right shoulder, carrying her belongings.

"It'll be ready in a second!" She said, making the final adjustments to their plates. Nozomi walked over to the dining table, taking a seat. She watched as Hanako started to bring bowls and plates of food to the table, an excited expression on her face.

      Hanako was wearing an elegant grey trench coat, the front unbuttoned. Underneath she was wearing a white blouse with a draped bow around the neck. It was paired with black A-line pants.

"Do you need help with that?" The younger sister questioned. She was about to stand up and help bring the food over, but Hanako quickly interrupted her.

"It's alright, dear sister. I shall take the responsibility and bring you an amazing morning breakfast!" She beamed. Nozomi sweat-dropped at her sister's words.

      After setting the final bowl of rice down on the table, Hanako took a seat in front of Nozomi with a huge smile on her face.

      "Itadakimasu." They said at the same time, except Hanako cheered this loudly and Nozomi said it quietly.

       It was surprisingly good. Well, considering the feast Hanako had unbelievingly created before, Nozomi shouldn't really be surprised at a simple breakfast. However, Nozomi never really figured that Hanako could cook so well. She always spent time working and being on business trips with their parents, so in general Nozomi didn't really know that much about her older sister just yet.

      "This is really good." Nozomi quietly muttered, taking a soft bite out of the grilled fish. "Where'd you learn to cook like this?"

      Nozomi glanced at her sister, who seemed to freeze for a moment before breaking out of her daze.

      "Just a few cookbooks here and there. That's all." Hanako simply said, sipping her tea. Nozomi raised an eyebrow.

      "Ah, I see." The younger sister replied, munching down a portion of rice. She noticed her sister's quite slight hesitancy, but decided to not question it.

      "Actually." Hanako started after a moment of silence between them. Nozomi's eyes shot up to her older sister, who shyly smiled well looking down on a spot somewhere on the dining table.

      "It wasn't just a few cookbooks. Back in high school, I would always enjoy home ec, especially the culinary studies. It was so fun cooking and baking things, it was probably my most favorite memory from high school." Her sister's voice wasn't loud, nor flamboyant—it was calm, and content, but with a hint of sadness.

      Nozomi's eyes widened at her sister's sudden revelation. She wanted to learn more about her sister—unlike before when Nozomi wouldn't care what her sister did. It may sound mean, but frankly before Hanako never cared about what Nozomi did either.

      "So if you enjoyed cooking so much, why did you end up becoming a business women instead of pursuing a career within the culinary arts?" The grey haired girl blankly asked. A few seconds passed, and Nozomi once again glanced at her sister. Her eyes burned through her almost empty bowl of rice, her eyes looked as if she was troubled.

      "Anyway, at the amusement park—

      "Because if I pursued a career in cooking, they wouldn't be satisfied." Hanako's voice was quiet, barely a whisper. Nozomi blinked, unknown to what her sister just said.

      "What did you sa—

      "Oh would you look at the time! Come on, if we get there early we'll have a lot of time to have fun!" Hanako beamed, taking her last bite of rice before setting her chopsticks down abruptly and swinging her purse over her shoulder, startling Nozomi.


      "I said hustle!"




      The ride there was quite loud. Hanako was cheerfully ranting about her college days and Nozomi stayed silent, with the exception of nodding and saying "Oh", and "Yup".

      "There was a time when our physics professor gave us a long lecture about us to stop talking about our relationships in class. We all figured it was because he got dumped by his wife!"

      "Is that so?" Nozomi blankly spoke.

       "Indeed so! I'm pretty sure he just took out all his problems on us. In the end, it all got resolved because another teacher came in and ushered him out. It was the talk of the class for a few weeks." Hanako flamboyantly said, her eyes on the road ahead of her.

      Nozomi sighed, leaning the side of her forehead on the window beside her. It wasn't like stuff like that didn't happen in Aoba Johsai, it was just that Nozomi didn't care enough to talk about such things.

      "Say, do you have any tea to spill, dear Nozomi?" Hanako inquired, shooting a glance at her sister. Nozomi was brought out of her thoughts from her sister's words.

      "Well, uh—

      Nozomi decided to take a walk through memory lane, scanning her memory for anything wild or unpleasant that happened at school. Widening her eyes, she remembered something quite memorable for everyone at school;

      "I wasn't really there to witness it, so I can't really have a personal opinion about the event, but apparently in my second year of high school there was a time when a class decided to rebel against their teacher." Nozomi finished. She doesn't know the exact details, but that's been the talk of the school for God knows how long. It was only natural Nozomi would get word of it.

      "Wait, seriously?"

      "Yeah. They even built some sort of barricade with their desks." Nozomi remembered walking across the halls, and noticing a large crowd forming around a classroom. She isn't one to really pay attention to rumors or what-not, but she stole a peek inside one of the sliding windows of the classroom.

      And low and behold students have built a barricade on one side of the classroom.

      "So.....why exactly did students rebel against their teacher?" Hanako questioned, her tone interested but calm.

       "From what I heard, it's because they wanted less homework or something." Nozomi thought back to how stupid that reasoning was. Plus, homework was a necessity. You can't just remove it.

       "Let me get this straight—you're telling me that students decided to throw a revolution against their teacher, build a barricade in their classroom—all because they didn't want homework?" Hanako spoke slowly.

       "From what I heard, yes. They all eventually got suspended for I think was a month or something." The grey-haired girl said, fidgeting with her sleeves.

      It was quiet between them for a moment. Nozomi guesses Hanako tried to process all the information. Or maybe she was paying attention to the road—Nozomi really didn't know to be honest.

       Then suddenly, Hanako let's out a laugh, one hand partly covering her mouth well the other controlled the wheel. Nozomi widened her eyes at her, partly confused.

"Why are you laughing?" The younger sister questioned, puzzlingly eying her sister.

"How could I not laugh? Kids these days are very interesting!" She giggled. Nozomi raised a brow. She technically wasn't wrong though, it was just Nozomi's brain was so thick that she couldn't really process on why it was funny. The whole entire barricade-revolution situation to her seemed entirely strange, not funny.

"I'm sorry. I don't really understand your reasoning." Nozomi blankly said. She was trying really hard to figure out why it was so funny.

"Ah, well maybe it's because I'm older than you. School seems to be getting wilder and wilder by the minute to me—especially kids." Hanako put simply, a smile on her face.

"One of these days, I'm going to make you laugh for once." Hanako murmured quietly. Nozomi didn't catch what Hanako was saying, and she eyed her sister confusingly.


"THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG!" Hanako cheered loudly, turning the radio louder. Nozomi deadpanned, and decided to push her confusion aside.


"W-Wow." Nozomi nervously breathed, sweat-dropping at the many tall rides and events that stood before them. The amusement park was already bustling with lively crowds of people.

"Look over there! Doesn't that look like so much fun!" Nozomi stiffly turned her head towards Hanako, who was pointing to something in front of them. The grey-haired sister slowly turned in the direction of where her sister was pointing—and low and behold it was a giant roller coaster.

Nozomi stiffened. She stared at the tall, big, giant roller coaster that emitted the sound of people screaming.

"Come on, let's go!" Hanako beamed, grabbing Nozomi's wrist and began to run towards the roller coaster.

Nozomi didn't know how this all happened. One moment she was safely on the ground, and the next she was suddenly sitting on a roller coaster seat next to Hanako, who looked so overjoyed and excited.

"Oh my God we're moving! Hang on tight, Nozomi!" Nozomi heard her sister shout beside her, but her eyes lingered one the path ahead of her.

Gripping onto the railings that were secured around her safely, Nozomi decided to take this time to think about her life. She thought about her choices in life—why she drank so much peach juice, why she liked to write so much, why she never watched anime, and how she ended up in this exact situation.

This was all too fast.

"HERE WE GOOOOO!" Hanako loudly cheered. Nozomi gulped.

They went up, then down, then up again, then in a circle, then up again. It was racking up Nozomi's brain.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my GOD!" Nozomi screamed. Normally, she enjoyed wind breezing across her face, that feeling was calming to her.

But this—this was not the same. Definitely not the same. The wind pressure practically tore her face open, her hair intensely blowing behind her.

"This is amazing!" Hanako shouted, feeling most joyful and pleasant at the moment.

"ARE YOU HAVING FUN, NOZOMI?!" Hanako uttered as the wind blew across her face.

"You're seriously asking me that now?!" Nozomi shrieked, her hands gripping onto the safety railing for dear life.

"That's the answer I like to hear!" Hanako cheered. The sisters were complete opposites at this point—Hanako was excited and overjoyed, and Nozomi was scared for her life.

'I should have stayed home.' Nozomi thought, shutting her eyes.

"Ah, wasn't that just lovely, Nozomi?" Hanako beamed, stretching her limbs. Nozomi staggered behind her, stopping before placing her hands on her knees.

      Nozomi let out a sound of disapproval. She felt sick, but she didn't feel like she was going to puke. Well, a part of her felt like she was going to puke. She shakily stood up straight, her knees still shaking.

       "I'm—never—doing—that—again." She finally put out, clutching her bag strap.

      "Look over there! I wanna try those dart thingy's, you know—the ones you see in like American TV shows!" Hanako squealed, dragging her sister along with her.

      Arriving in front of the balloon-dart stand, Hanako let go of Nozomi's wrist. She heard her sister talking to the host of the counter, and the sales-men handed Hanako ten darts—five for Hanako and five for Nozomi.

      "Hiiiyaaaah!" Hanako shouted, throwing the dart towards a balloon. The dart landed on a red balloon with a loud 'pop!'. Hanako cheered with glee. The red balloon was worth a brown plush bear.

      Nozomi was about to attempt to throw her darts as well, but suddenly she was distracted by a voice behind her.

      "I'm gonna go get you an ice cream cone, so wait here alright?" A familiar voice spoke. Nozomi heard his footsteps trail away from behind her. She also knew she heard that voice somewhere before—

      However, she heard tiny footsteps advance towards her. She considered turning around to see who it was, but decided to not. Staring was considered rude these days.

      Nozomi shook her head, leveling her hand back as she was about to throw the dart. Her eyes locked in a green balloon that was worth a plush whale.

      "Auntie Nozomi?"

      Nozomi shrieked, startled as she threw the dart, landing right on the green balloon with a 'pop!'.

'Oh, I scored.' She thought blankly. Strange, for some reason she heard a familiar young voice call her—

"Auntie Nozomi!"

Nozomi froze. Then, slowly, she stiffly turned her head, her eyes landing on a small child below her.

"Ta-Takeru?!" Nozomi yelped in surprise. There in front of her, stood Takeru. He had on a short-sleeved green T-Shirt with simple denim cargo shorts paired with white sneakers.

"It really is you!" The eight-year-old beamed. Nozomi blinked. Then blinked again.

Then again, she shouldn't be surprised. Oikawa had told her that Takeru was going to be here too. Nozomi just didn't really think that she was going to actuallu run into little Takeru here.

"Ma'am, here's your first prize." The stand host said, handing Nozomi a grey-stuffed whale. Nozomi bowed, quietly thanking him before stuffing the whale in her tote bag.

"You won a whale?" Takeru said, pointing to her bag.

"Oh, uh—yes. I just thought whales were cute." She stuttered. She really needs to get used to children.

"Nozomi, I'm back!" Nozomi's ears caught attention of her sister's voice. The grey-haired girl whipped around, to see her sister running back towards her.

"Nee-san? Wait, where—when did you even leave?" Nozomi asked puzzlingly. She didn't even know her sister left to do whatever she just did.

"I told you I was going to put all the stuffed animals I won in the car—who's this?" Hanako's eyes widened at the child beside her sister. Nozomi didn't realize it before, but she felt a faint tug on the end of her sweater. Takeru had been tugging on her sweater.

'A-Adorable!' Nozomi thought, blushing as she looked at the small child.

"Is he lost?" Hanako questioned.

"No, I'm not lost. I'm just waiting for someone because he had to go get something." Takeru explained. Hanako blinked.

      "Ah, I see." Hanako playfully put her hands on her chin, as if she was a detective. Nozomi gulped.

      "Ma'am, you still have four tries left."

      "Oh, sorry!" Nozomi yelped, turning back towards the counter and slightly bowed in apology to the stand host. She took another dart from the counter and leveled it in front of her, aiming for a red balloon.

      "You got this, Nozomi!" Hanako beamed. Takeru, who had let go of Nozomi's sweater still stood beside her, observing her shot.

       After a few seconds, Nozomi aimed—the dart flying towards the red balloon;

      And with a 'pop!', the dart broke through the yellow balloon.

      "YAY!" The older sister cheered, and Takeru widened his eyes in admiration.

      "Here's your second prize, ma'am." The host said, handing Nozomi a plush bear. She shoved it into her bag.

      "We both have bears now!" Hanako said happily.

      For the next two tries, Nozomi scored and earned both a plush cat and a plush raccoon. On her last dart, Nozomi aimed for a pink balloon. Hanako, Nozomi, and Takeru watched as the dart flew to the pink balloon, once again popping it.

      "Congratulations, ma'am. Five in a row. Thank you for participating." The host said, giving Nozomi a plush Vabo-Chan.

      Nozomi was about to put the plush Vabo-Chan into her purse when she suddenly felt Takeru's eyes burning into the stuffed plush. The grey-haired girl turned towards the small boy, noticing that Takeru was staring at the Vabo-Chan plush in her hands.

      'He wants it, doesn't he?' Nozomi thought, internally giggling at Takeru's adorable expression.

      "Here you go. You can have it." Nozomi smiled as she handed the plush Vabo-Chan to Takeru.

      The eight-year-old blinked. Then, he widened his eyes and blushed—Nozomi thought that expression was just so damn adorable.

      "R-Really!" Takeru has a surprised look on his face. Nozomi nodded, and Takeru beamed.

      "Thank you, Auntie Nozomi!" Takeru said as he politely bowed. Nozomi's eye twitched.

      "Auntie Nozomi?" She heard her sister's voice behind her. Nozomi gulped.

      "So you do actually know this boy, Auntie Nozomi." Hanako joked as she walked towards Takeru. She kneeled down, so she was close to eye level with Takeru.

      Squishing Takeru's cheeks, Hanako beamed with delight. Takeru deadpanned at her.

      "You're so cute! What's your name?" Hanako asked. There was a part of her that actually adored children.

      "N-Nee-san, you're hurting Takeru's cheeks." Nozomi put, sweat-dropping at the uncomfortable look on Takeru's face as her sister squeezed his cheeks.

      "Ah, so you're Takeru-Chan. You're so cute!" Hanako squealed.

      "Nee-san." Nozomi tried again. This time, Hanako obeyed and took her hands off of Takeru's cheeks. Takeru rubbed his cheeks with one hand well the other cuddled with the plush Vabo-Chan.

      "Oh by the way, Takeru—

      Takeru looked up at Nozomi, waiting for Nozomi's next words.

      "Who did you come here with? And where did he or she go?" Nozomi was quite concerned about Takeru's safety.

      "I'm eight, I can take care of myself!" The elementary student retorted, clutching the Vabo-Chan plush in his arms. Nozomi scoffed.

"Okayyy, but besides that, who's accompanying you here? Isn't it one of Oikawa-San's friends?" Nozomi further questioned. Her hands were on her knees, so she was almost eye level with Takeru.

"You mean Iwaizumi-San?" Takeru said, blinking at Nozomi.

'Iwaizumi-San? Is that the friend Oikawa was talking about?' Nozomi thought.

"Is that the person who came here with you?" The grey-haired girl asked. Takeru nodded, further squishing the Vabo-Chan plush in his arms.

Nozomi sighed, tugging her tote bag strap over her shoulder. She felt her bag sort of deflate—and turned to glance at her tote. Her whale plush was suddenly on the ground.

'It must have fallen out. I should have brought a bigger bag.' Nozomi internally hit herself as she bent down to pick it up, dusting it before shoving it back in her tote bag. However, all the stuffed animals she had won were a bit too big for her bag.

"Nozomi, you might wanna put the stuffed animals in the car for now." Hanako said observantly as she stared at Nozomi's almost overflowing bag.

"Yeah, you're right. I probably should. Can you watch over Takeru until I get back or when Takeru's guardian returns?" Nozomi hesitantly asked her sister. Hanako blinked.

"Oh, sure. Do you remember where the car is?"

Nozomi nodded. Hanako have a sign of reassurance, her hand forming a thumbs up.

"Takeru, I'll be right back. I need to go put these in my car." Nozomi said, glancing at the small boy in front of her. Takeru paused, then nodded in return.

Nozomi turned and walked away, leaving Hanako and Takeru. Hanako eyed the boy beside her, an idea forming in her head.

"So, Takeru-Chan." Hanako started, placing her hands on her knees and she bent down in front of Takeru. Takeru blinked, confused and puzzled.

"How did you meet my dear sister Nozomi?" Hanako knew she shouldn't be butting in into her sister's life, even though they were sisters. But they sure haven't acted like sisters until recently. Especially Hanako.

But then again, Hanako thought maybe this would connect all the dots. She knew Nozomi wasn't one to really socialize with people, so when this boy ended up knowing her and calling her Auntie Nozomi, Hanako knew something was up.

Takeru blinked again. "Oh, she helped me get a bag of shrimp crackers from the grocery store because it was too high." Takeru muttered the last part quietly, embarrassed that he was still young.

'That's all?' Hanako thought, disappointment stirring up inside of her. However, if that was all—how come they were sort of already familiar with each other? There had to be more!

"Was there anything else—


The two turned their heads in the direction of the voice. A teenage boy walked over, he had dark brown spiked-up hair and tanned skin. He was wearing a navy blue short-sleeved T-Shirt with white sweat pants. It was paired with black sneakers. In his hand held a vanilla ice cream cone.

"Iwaizumi-San!" Takeru called turning his body fully towards the teen. Hanako straightened her body, dusting her clothes.

"Sorry it took so long, there was this long line and this crazy girl—

Iwaizumi widened his eyes at the tall women standing next to Takeru. "Oh, hello ma'am." He spoke respectfully, knowing that she was definitely older than him. He added a slight bow, even though he had no idea who she was.

"Hello." She spoke sweetly. There was a familiar ring in the tone this women used. In exactly zero point five seconds, Iwaizumi processed the information and scanned through his memory to see who she reminded him of.

      It didn't click until exactly one second later, and Iwaizumi deadpanned.

      "Can I have my ice cream, Iwaizumi-San?" Takeru asked, raising his hands towards the ice cream cone in Iwaizumi's hand. The wing spiker carefully handed the vanilla ice cream over to his friend's nephew. He watched as Takeru started to dig in, then noticed the stuffed Vabo-Chan tucked under his arm.

       "My sister gave him that plush." Hanako said gleefully. Iwaizumi blinked.

"Oh, your sister didn't have to. I'll pay your sister back—

"It's alright~" Hanako said flamboyantly. Iwaizumi's eye twitched. Yup, this women was definitely like Trashykawa.

"Little Takeru-Chan over here seemed to want it so bad, and my sister is a big softie." Hanako added.

"Ah, I see. Thank you so much. And thank you to your sister. Oh, and thank you for watching him well I was gone." Iwaizumi politely bowed in thanks. Hanako smiles cheerfully in return.

"Well, it was no problem. You two probably have some things to do right now, right?" Hanako didn't want Takeru to miss out on all the fun events.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks again! And thanks to your sister! Takeru, say thank you." Iwaizumi nudged Takeru, who tightly clutched onto the Vabo-Chan plush.

"Thank you." Takeru politely bowed, then the two turned and walked away into the crowd of people.

Hanako sighed. 'Ah, youth.' She thought, smiling to herself. Youth these days were so delightful.


Hanako shuddered and stiffly turned around. Standing right behind her was Nozomi, who glanced behind Hanako.

'When did she get here?' Hanako thought puzzlingly.

"Where did Takeru go?"

"Oh, his friend came to get him. Anyway, let's go to that crepe stand over there!" Hanako placed her hands on Nozomi's shoulders, yanking her around and ushering her towards the crepe stand. This was going to be a long day.


A few hours later, the sun was beginning to set and the two sisters were walking with prizes filled in their arms.

      "Ahh, that was fun! The shooting game was my favorite!" Hanako beamed.

       "I liked the archery game, even though I sucked at it." Nozomi commented, remembering the many misses she got in the archery event.

      "You weren't that bad. Archery is hard." Hanako whined. She didn't get that much luck either.

      They were silent for a while. Nozomi stared at the dusk sky, admiring the pink, yellow, and red-ish sky above them.

      Taking a deep breath, Nozomi opened her mouth to speak. "Today was fun."

       Hanako blinked at her. "Really?" She bellowed, her eyes wide at her sister. Nozomi gave a blank expression.

      "Yeah. I never really experience stuff like this. So I enjoyed today." Nozomi smiled, looking at the many prizes she got. She had absolutely no idea what she was going to do with all of them, but all the fun games and events she participated in to gain these things made her feel happy inside.

      "Thank you for asking me to come, Nee-san." Nozomi gave a bright, happy smile at her sister. Hanako's eyes widened. It was rare to see Nozomi show off such a face, she was usually emotionless and blank. Hanako enjoyed that smile of her sister's.

      "Well aren't I just the world's best sister! The next time we come here, we'll take the ride that swings you high up into the air!" Hanako beamed, sparkles twinkling around her. Nozomi felt sick thinking about it, especially since she experienced the roller coaster ride of hell.

      When they got in the car, Hanako started talking about all the things she enjoyed there. She also talked about how cute Takeru was. Nozomi decided to stay silent, listening to her sister's long talk.

      'I should probably text Oikawa later about my day.' Nozomi thought, quietly placing a reminder in her head. She clutched the strap handle of a small plastic bag—inside, she had gotten something for Oikawa. Today may have been wild, but she definitely did not regret it. She didn't regret it the slightest.

A.N: this chapter was probably the hardest to write because I didn't actually plan this chapter. I planned all of my previous chapters before hand so I wouldn't get confused but this chapter was an improvisation. my mind has now officially melted.

I love how I'm making everyone just coincidentally miss each other lol 🌚

And I should really start adding cliff hangers.

Author-chan out✌️

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